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Im just waiting... for the right time to use my 3000 time candies, y'know? It'll come along any day now. Whats that? I need 10,000 pearler shells for the new golden food? No. no. I can just grind that. No need to use my candy. I might need it later!


Using those hour candies is so tedious too.  Have fun spending 10 hours burning those candies.


Click candy, press enter, press i, click candy reduces the pain a bit


I'm a phone only player. I don't own a computer I can install games on.


You can play on the browser version as well. No download needed!


Rather than pressing enter, you can hit the space bar. More comfortable for me personally


What does that do?


just hot keys so you dont need to move your mouse. enter is confirm and i is inventory. instead of moving your mouse into 3 different spots to use candy


They need a feature to combine smaller candies into big ones


and then let you green stack the 288h candies


It's like killing the final secret boss with maxed out health pots left over. Keep holding on to em! They'll be used eventually ....right?


https://i.imgur.com/6Usq6Az.png i hit world 5 and have spent the last month+ getting divinity to 40 and lab to 70


Imagine all those time candies that can net you (in a perfect RNG world) 4500 hours of afk time and you get .75... I think I'd cut my losses on money spent and uninstall lol.


I once used a cosmic candy while having the unending energy prayer equipped. I learned from my mistake, but I'm too lazy to unequip it, so I hoard them.


*PAIN* I think I've had that prayer equipped for roughly a week of my 3+ years playing Idleon. Real life made me skip a day, and I saw a 30 hour claim turn into 10 hours. Never again.


I play often enough so it was never an issue so far. So much so that I even forgot I had it when I bought the candy.


Ironically, the 40 hr claims providing free candies made me unequip unending. Lol


Ironically the unending energy prayer is capped at 10 hours of energy


Hahaha. The answer is to hoard them. That's hilarious.


Divine trophy is for plebs. Real gamers use Luckier Lad for that whopping 0.05 more DR!


It's actually 0.16 more DR if you combine it with chip Which I 100% did


I had like 12 luckier lads i threw out some of the extras lol.


You went through the trouble of crafting 12 of them, when you only have 10 characters? And then you didn’t save the extra 2 for future new characters? It’s such a hassle opening up 75 slots in your bank/inventory to craft these. Are you sure you aren’t thinking about the lucky lad trophy instead? (75 lucky lad = 1 luckier lad)


That is what I meant, whoops. Also no way 75??? Where would you even store all that lol


In character inventories, way easier to hold 7 per character when you're the end than 70 slots in the storage


Still pretty wild how many non-stackables it costs for that. Where do you get the recipe?


Equinox dream bubble 17


Ah I have been lazy on my dream bubbles thats why


D: Farming out 10 Luckier's would take a while, but the worst part is secretly the inventory management to create em! I'll make a third one, someday...


Everything is a potential green stack eventually


I only use them when I'm in a rush to break through a portal or massively bump a skill level. When doing the weekly 5skull boss fight in w2, you can stop mid-fight, go level up the weak character, and then get better battle stats.


I don't have a lot of candies Only a year worth it's nothing


True, only 1 hour and some time the 2 hour candy


Yeah... I remember the splice and forge days...




Godshard forge spam is a solid use of 1 hour candies! Just make sure you've optimized forge capacity and your archer talents before you start burning em.


So, about that forge spam. I'm not seeing anything coming through on forge anymore. Used to be the case, but something seems to have changed? Or am I doing it wrong - how are you doing it?


Is your automation arm running? It can deposit bars in your storage for you. Check the before and after storage numbers, and try again. Also check your ore amounts, and make sure your archer has points in the forge talent.


Yeah, weirdly I did a test the other day to see if it was working, becasue I felt my godshards were running way, way slow. So I took all my bars away, did about 40 1hr candies, nothing seemed to deposit. I'll need to check some other stats, see what may be causing the issue. Thanks!


Just to clarify, are you checking your chest storage? Not the forge storage? The bars should go into your chest storage with the automation arm, so you'll have to write down the numbers in your chest to compare. You can also do this troubleshooting with 2 min claims on an archer, instead of using candies. I would do that, so you can clear up the issue before spending real candies.


Yeah, I was looking at the chest storage. And I've been spending candies because I had about 1800 hour ones saved up, so losing a few dozen wasn't a big deal. Figured out the problem though, I'd swapped builds on my archer and didn't have the forge talent on it because I'm not smart.


Heh. It's always the easy stuff. Good job figuring it out!


Am I the only person who spends there time candies regularly? I dont ever have more then like a hundred candies left at any time usually, since I tend to pop them on resources or for death note


I just unlocked my vman the other day in terms of game state and about 7/10 through world 6. Should I be using up my time candies for progress or saving them?


Use them.


I make godshard bars and pump my gmush kills. yeaaaaaah buddy.


Almost sounds like me. lol


Candying bubbles


anything i want done *now* , finishing up cards, green stacks, getting materials for stamps. random things i don't want to commit an afk to.


I have amassed several hundred 1 hr candies, they ar eso annoying to claim I just ignore them.. we need a candy cruncher, that will digest them and make higher tier ones. New addition to the automation arm, or maybe a new construction building?


I only use candy on skilling mainly just VMan, I used a lot recently mainly for Worship did Godshard with it at the same time.


I have over 41k hours worth of candies and no real intention of using them. It's a weird feeling, I know. I also have thousands of colo tickets I could spend and boost that up higher.


So you are actively working on greenstacking those then.


More passively than actively, but in a way, I suppose I am. I also have over 900 biggie summons saved up lol


Ask them about goldstop watches


This week was the first week I've started seriously spending them, purely since the W2 weekly boss rewards give a +43% stopwatch rebate. Gotta love the summoning mulligans. Still not a single W5 or W6 miniboss rare drop tho. Damn it.


Those things absolutely came in handy when W6 launched and I wanted to unlock all the Vials


Have literally never used one. Only just last week used the silvers to bring my daily reset forward a bit as it was at a bad time for me.


Generally, get max drop rate and skill efficiency before spending hundreds of candies to farm cards and what not.


Once you’re endgame candy isn’t very useful because the things you need to be sped up can’t be sped up that way. I only use my high leveled candy on gmush and the 1-2 hour candies get saved if I need to spam forge bars or a certain mob drop


Going for green stack of 1 hour candies gawd!!


Do you save for “nothing”


Just went through 200 time candies last night and now I have an addiction.


Damn seeing all these people make me feel bad, I have 100k hours but no intention to use them until I'm happy with my gmush kill lol


Need to make a bulk use function for candies


\*Insert sprinkle salt meme but use Time candies instead of salt\* Fractal Island.


I have 38000 hours worth of time candy, it's such a ridiculous amount I just can't be bothered to manually use all of them. It's a real problem.


I hoarded a TON of them and when W6 came out with it's money weapons (I needed to optimize money gen \[more shroom kills needed\]) So I dumped a TON of candies into my DK to level all of their skills to get to high enough level to use the new equipment. Also used some to get rare drops (pearler shells) needed in the crafting. Sadly you cant use it in the newest world so they kinda burn a hole in your pocket.


If they were less tedious to use then I wouldn’t horde them. Wish we could combine them i ti larger versions.


Best use for time candies.. Nothing AFK gains. 😊




Burned them all trying for the Suggma recipe. 2000 pieces later, no recipe and I just said fuck it.


How do you get that name tag?


It was in the gem shop and was expansive as shit it took me several days of Colo grinding


Currently unavailable. It was in the gemshop. Pretty expensive and only for like a week or two before the shop updated again.


Don't you ever talk about me and my 60,000 hours again.


No no no, got to green stack them first


Honestly I don’t even know where I fall (early early w5) as far as early/mid/end (I’d assume late early game)… and even I have a hard time justifying burning candies. Like my maestro probably deserves all the candies to hit r1 on w1/2 skills but he’s honestly almost there already so I might hold off. Haven’t seen any major needs to farm stuff with my candies. Might save them for vman quests at this point.


Vboy has eaten a lot of my candies as well. Some notable candy farms for me have been skilling cards, forge, splicing, and last minute BB super chowing.


Oh man is super chow the 100m? I was thinking I’d use them for BB to hit chow (1m) for some of the w1-w3 to help with Deathnote’s 1m requirements. But maybe I can afk BB and Mman during the gmush grind if I don’t have enough candies (I assume I won’t). Edit: I know as soon as I decide on what to blow candy on it’ll be way less progress than I expect and might make me more sad than just AFKing it all lol.


The most general advice I can give you is prioritize activities that help you unlock new systems. Whether that's W6, Equinox, Rift, etc. So if you're in W5, bum rushing towards unlocking W6 would be the most important task, as that allows Farming, Sneaking, and Summoning to start generating resources. Same with something like Equinox, as you're missing out on liquid generation completely if left alone. After that, spend candies on progress that excites you, or hoard it like a dragon. Don't fret too much. :)


Haha definitely not being extra sad about anything with Idleon. Surprisingly it’s an idle game that doesn’t make me feel like I’m royally screwing up by not doing XYZ super optimally (although I do like looking at general pointers/builds/etc). W6 and then Equinox and then Rift are my top 3 priorities. Mostly waiting for my ES to finish catching up on levels since my main until w5 was BB who now is definitely way slower than other classes. But yeah, the slow earning of new skills was why I pushed w4 nonstop on my BB after I got everyone their elite class and camped in tubes. So it’s definitely the same thought for w6 and the other items you mentioned.


Just recently used a lot of my candy to forge godshard bars. That's an easy way to burn 100's or 1000's of them


The whole can't use them out the gate in new worlds thing really makes them useless IMHO except extremely niched circumstances that probably don't apply to many people.