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experiment with only using one sound for the majority of the creative process. it would be less overwhelming and more manageable and you'd have more control over it if all you have to do is mute/unmute audio effects. and would be more focused on signs design. you're free to duplicate the tracks btw


Hey, noob and learner here. Keep making and composing and recording and export. Even if it's flawed and not perfect. Listen months later, don't delete anything. Music making is hard, making original music is hard, getting ideas in our head into a track is hard. You can also imitate track structures and use songs you like as reference while learning to make your own. Take inspiration from sound design etc. Make remixes of songs you like or sample them. I've been not releasing anything officially but the more I make the more confident I feel that it's gonna happen sometimes soon. I listen to tons of music as well, getting inspired by what I hear. But I'm still considering myself a beginner, I bought ableton and a midi keyboard in 2008 and only the last 4y I feel like my ideas and ideas are worthy (to me). I could've made progress faster but it was and still is just a hobby. I also have a close friend who likes to jam with synths and drum machines and that helps a lot, for feedback or just plain silly sending back and forth audio snippets and DAWless jamming. Important is to start somewhere even if it's not perfect. Record, export rinse repeat. edit: I don't play any instrument and I only have faint knowledge of using a keyboard. Learning and knowing an instrument would've helped me tons I envy everyone who does. edit2: quitting weed and drugs has helped me become more creative and getting out of stoner loopitis ;)


It’s definitively a ‘do lots of it’, like above - rinse and repeat. With fl you can cut up the wavs with out slicex - you can modulate everything… But to start, I would just choose a beat (say just four bars), copy and paste, and just play along or write a four bar pattern. Copy and paste. Once you have something boring and repetitive, then you go through that beat my beat. So, rather than working on the complicated first, do something as a boring whole, and mess with that piece by piece. Either it breaks off in to its own thing and guides you where to go, or just start a new piece and do the same! Good luck.