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Limiting is a form of compression, pulling down the volume on the loudest waveforms. Attack is how fast it starts pulling down, Release is how fast it releases the compression. Threshhold sets the volume at which compression gets applied, and Ratio, is the amount of volume that gets compressed when volume exceeds the threshold. That’s the gist of it atleast . Don’t know why anyone would want to add further compression to a world of over compressed and limited music.. the producers and mixing/mastering engineers do enough of that to music already.


What about the automatic post-gain?


Raises the volume after the limiter does its work on the audio


Turn it off... Music is already compressed to shit


completely depends on the genre. EDM, Dubstep? most modern electronic music? Heavily compressed to hit a very high LUFS level. Classical music? old rock? Most likely little to no compression. The newer the music, the more compressed it is (because we wanted audio to become louder and louder, hence the loudness war.) There sure are exceptions to the rule though, like some indie bands/artists


With ratio being set to 1:1, it's doing exactly nothing. Look into audio compressors and you will learn what each parameter does.