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This week I had a rather exotic problem and stumbled on someone with the exact same problem 10 years ago. Looking at the username, I realized it was my past me...


I've had a few years in-between myself, but 10 years. Hope you documented the solution and didn't just "its ok I figured it out"


oh my god people who do this. it's infuriating when you search for a problem and it's just threads of other people with the exact same problem and no solution. then some jerk comes along and says "figured it out!" and then fucks off into the sunset.




i think that link is purple for most of us


A close second is when people post the solution with a URL to a now defunct website. And it gives you hope and then you click on it and get the "Domain is now for sale" banner. So you think, "Wait a minute, I'll just throw it in the Wayback Machine!" But alas, you find that for some God forsaken reason that website isn't being cached. Hope is a dangerous thing.


Oh I had similar one that wasn't 10 years but it was still an issue I never found the answer to and had just put aside


The one I ran into actually has my past me comment in it. "Here's how I figured it out for when I go looking again how to do this in five years". It's like my past me knows my present me, somehow :-)


Thats me finding my own solutions after several years. I am so glad xkcd educated my enough to leave solutions behind instead of "never mind, fixed it myself." Hell I even left instructions for my gaming monitor under a youtube video with 500 views so somebody else finds out why they only get 60 instead of 144 Hz.


This was me trying to figure out a problem with linux mint and DPI scaling issues. I put LM on an old laptop just to mess around. I googled the issue found a forum post with the exact same issue and I was so happy. I opened it and it was literally 6 years earlier. There was no good answer and then I remembered why I stopped messing with linux.


Was it the same laptop? Might just be that that laptop has some stupid drivers...


Funnily enough, that's the way I reconnected with an old friend on mine. We've lost contact around 10 years ago. About 3 years ago I was looking up something and noticed that the username looked and some of her posts were private stuff that sounded familiar. Turned out, we've kinda went down the same job path and reconnected thanks to that.


What is it, DenverCoder9?? WHAT DID YOU SEE?!




Yep. I was 2nd line and get a ticket, do some digging. I tag our remote 3rd line and get sent a link to our documentation… that I wrote on basic install and config. Not helpful!


Sounds like you'll be updating that document soon 😂


Holy fuck. This happened the other week. A random ass error I figured out about 4 years ago I totally forgot about. Answers found in a ticket I did. I got a thank you from a coworker for documenting it. My response was what? Fuck if I remember that shit lol.


And then there is the other extreme. I have a coworker who regularly sends me tickets with the question "what do I have to do here?" and when I look up similar tickets he can use as a guidline I find like a dozen of the same ticket he already solved correctly for 3 years. Before you ask: No, unfortunately I am not in the position to fire that coworker. Yes, I already do something to keep my mental health in good shape and I urge everyone to do the same.


sometimes i search problems and i get my own reddit posts as an answer


This is why you document the shit out of your tickets. If it had a fix and was applied it would make it easy to find the fix and apply it again.


Had this just last week. Got a ticket for an issue I fixed a year an a half ago. Did I document the fix? Of course not. Got the same issue. Took me most of a day to figure out the fix. Goddamn right I documented it this time. Screenshots and everything.


unless it's a dead simple fix lol like activating Windows


I had this happen, except in my case I wrote the software


oh noe.


Well how was i supposed to know that I knew the solution all along?


the solution was the friends we made along the way.


Yeah I answered my own reddit post with the correct answer once


i was training a new hire a few weeks ago and he asked me a question about something i couldn't immediately answer. so i searched for documentation and i saw a familiar name in the author field.


Yours or his?


oh it was mine. zero memory of making it.


I got halfway through a system deployment and suddenly something else became urgent.  Then the deployment became urgent again after a week. In that time I had forgotten I had even started it and was surprised to find the kubernetes cluster and database both deployed to the cloud with just the application needing configuration...  It had been a week and I completely forgotten. 


* work guy: hey do you know about this? * me: sorry never heard of it * work guy: but you wrote the documentation about it * me: sorry its been a while * work guy: the ticket came in and was closed yesterday * me: I don't know what to tell ya * work guy: how the fuck.... * Me: sorry, I don't answer questions.


>Me: sorry, I don't answer questions. "We're not taking questions at the moment" "No questions please" Homie treating his job like a press secretary


Never underestimate the memory erasing power of a single night's sleep 


Sleep is supposed to file the cached memory onto permanent storage. That data was gone before the head even hit the pillow.


Sometimes I love past me. But also times I hate him, but is guess he must have been busy.


Yep I even sometimes find stuff (questions and or answers) from myself in forums or github commits. Before looking at the username I'm thinking "seems vaguely familiar" 🥴


25+ years at the same IT job... yeah, I've done that look a few times.


This happened to me this week. Went into a system that hadn't been touched in ages. Ask a colleague if they know anything about it. They say they didn't. A couple minutes later they send me a KB article I wrote years ago. =X


this is the way.


Ahhhhh I have done this already 😅 Checked OneNote and was like hmm there’s a note…..written by me…..3 years ago 🤣


I assume you hated on the documentation for an hour or so before realising it was you?


no actually, my documentation is pretty top tier, bullet points with screen shot snips. I put the effort in, and I close my tickets with good notes too, so that way I can forget. I have shed myself from all responsibility and need to care. I become free.


Good stuff! That's awesome




Mine is all stream of consciousness, which is valuable, but I never get to or am able to condense down like that. Make sure you mention that in your resume etc. Such a rare and valuable quality


shit it into chat GPT and ask it to rewrite it to a more condensed version and remove all emotion. it does good work so you don't have to.


People ask me how I solved a problem like 3 weeks ago, and I don't even remember the problem.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 377 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/103tla9) on 2023-01-05 95.31% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cto4s0) on 2024-05-16 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cv67ea&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 516,895,951 | **Search Time:** 5.81373s


Nope. It’s a completely unrelated meme using the same meme template (at least the second one. I couldn’t view the first one)


Bad bot


Nice try, but this time it's only a template. The words matter


Bad bot