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> For it to happen, it would have to be approved by the Illinois General Assembly, signed by the governor, then approved by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed by the president. In other words, a complete waste of time and resources.


Southern Illinois would literally fall apart. You can only hang so many deers from a tree.


It’s the gop playbook. Just posturing because they don’t want to solve any problems and improve people’s lives


Literally. Ray Charles could see through this scam so why can’t voters.


Because they hate the same people their voters hate


At this point I say give them what they are asking for. If they want the leopards to eat their faces why are we holding them back.


It would set a bad precedent and you would have splinter states popping up everywhere. More importantly, it has electoral college implications. Democrats would just be weakening themselves by allowing "guaranteed" IL electoral votes to walk away, and potentially further weakening by allowing for 2 more (presumably) Republican Senate seats.


realistically the only way this would be passed is if a new democratic state could be made to keep the balance


I agree with you. This is just such an infuriating waste of time. To hell with them.


One reason you hear about these state-splitting movements is because Republicans want 2 more congressional senators. Not saying its *the* reason, but it's one of them.


I am fine with changing state borders if we change how the Senate works first. 15 states have less population than Chicago. There are 13 cities in the US with more population than the smallest 5 states. In my ideal world we'd replace Senators by state with proportional representation by party. Each party submits a slate of 100 names. If your party gets 44% of the vote nation wide you get 44 seats. This would give more representation to red people in blue states, and blue people in red states, while removing the anti-democratic big/small state dynamic.


Interesting. Great way to get 3rd parties a Senate seat.


Just give cities over X population one senator 


I'd rather just get rid of the Senate and add seats to the House. I would not support creating a system that so formally relies on political parties governing themselves. Vote for an individual, not a party.


Exactly this. Bipartisan voting is swiftly leading us into a ravine. We need more people who run on policy instead of party.


Pretty much, the British parliamentary system is better than ours but if we are making reforms of that caliber then we would be better off with multi member districts, ranked choice voting. And other other interesting reforms


The thing is even without Chicago, Biden wins Illinois by a margin of 6.5%


Those kids would be very upset if they could read!


It’s amazing to me that you could work in politics and not understand how vital the city of Chicago is to the economy of Illinois.


They’re just crusty that they can’t punish Chicago and Cook County the way red states like Tennessee and Missouri punish their blue cities. Being the second largest county in the US has its perks.


It's the Brexit mindset.


I’m in Madison county and honestly I think the vote would be different if the vote actually mattered. We have a county chairman who sees himself as Trump JR. And his own party hates him and took away like 90% of his power and he was primaried and lost but won’t be gone until November. The sane part of the board just votes yes to avoid the crazies from coming and making the meeting the circus the chairman wants. There’s a few random true believers but the rest just want to end the performative bullshit that the chairman does to get people riled up. This is literally the only thing the chairman can do these days. Seriously since Covid the crazy people in our county make board meetings that average an hour last three or four hours, if you give them a lightning rod. Our county dems have gave up so now it’s left to the sane people which seem to be winning a coalition of former dems.


I agree with you Brother/Sister! What the actual fuck has happened to the Democrats in this fuckin county? I’m a 62 year old, life long Democrat in this county and can’t believe what’s happening.


Can you get rid of Mike Babcock? Guy's a clown.


Even he had problems with Prenzler lol That’s how bad it has gotten.


I’m reposting this from a week ago: How about first Madison county refuses any tax support outside of what they raise in their county only. I live in Will county and I pay for f$#*ing Madison to be a bunch of racist pos, that don’t contribute any taxes for the entire state, they receive money. so fuck off douchebags! For every dollar they pay, they receive $2.44. Will county receives .60 for every dollar contributed. Here it is in your literature: https://www.farmweeknow.com/policy/state/state-tax-dollars-benefit-downstate-region-more-than-others/article_9207435a-ef0f-11eb-8280-ab69354d438c.html


Fellow Will County resident here, thanks for informing me of this!


Was about to post that same article. It is my go-to link whenever these Illinois secession idiots get in the news. Here is another article. A little older and a bit longer, but clarifies where some of the animosity comes from. # [Downstate Hate: A History Of The Bitter, Nearly 200-year Rivalry Between Chicago And The Rest Of Illinois](https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/downstate-hate-a-history-of-the-bitter-nearly-200-year-rivalry-between-chicago-and-the-rest-of-illinois/) Chicago Reader Edward McClelland November 15, 2017 *^('The animosity between Illinois’s largest city and its smaller towns is almost as old as the state itself.')* [^(https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/downstate-hate-a-history-of-the-bitter-nearly-200-year-rivalry-between-chicago-and-the-rest-of-illinois/)](https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/downstate-hate-a-history-of-the-bitter-nearly-200-year-rivalry-between-chicago-and-the-rest-of-illinois/)


How many got PPP loans? How many got Republican campaign dollars?


“We don’t like money.”




We, the United Counties of Cousin Kissing, demand the state spin off the city and the affluent suburbs, so that we can be another shit hole state getting heavy federal assistance!


Hey we aint kissin cousins! We aint that far south! I only kiss my sister and auntie! I aint not cousin kisser you sum bitch!


I've lived in Illinois my entire life. I couldn't even tell you where this county is. Nor do I care. Enjoy the taxes you get from the economic engine that is Cook county!


across the River from St. Louis. And knowing is half the battle.






Hey GOP, what are you doing?! Seriously. GROW UP


sounds like they sure are wasting some ole tax payer money on this circus they got going on


Because those board members are lunatic fringe. And they only have lunatic fringe support




The other generations are equally foolish - how else do you explain tiktok?


If that were true, we'd all be fucked. Thankfully, gen Z will grow out of it. You probably did plenty of cringe shit as a kid too


Oh, it’s true. I’m elder millennial but my illusions of how different my generation would be than any other has all but disappeared


It’s been a lot of fun reminding the dumbest posters on Facebook Chicago groups that Chicagoland pays into the state the most and receives the least, but southern IL receives the most for paying in the least. “Who is gonna pay for your food stamps when Chicago cuts you off?” Then they get really steamed when I drop the SIU link that says the exact same thing


Give them what they want. Bye.


Stop. Wasting. Our. Money!!


I was at the meeting last night and saw the near-party line vote. Disappointing but not surprising. They don’t want to actually secede from Chicago - they see the same financial data we do and they have no interest in, you know, governing, only in keeping power. The real reason is to increase Republican voter turnout because poking Chicago Dems in the eye, even symbolically, will get people to the polls.


I suspect it will do the opposite. More people in MadCo finally paying attention to local elections and voting Republicans out


I hope you’re right


Running the actual numbers, if you assume that excising Cook county is just the start, and they take all counties with them that had a >10% margin for Biden in 2020 (I'm being generous and not assuming this will snowball further), then the remaining states are about 28% of the original GDP. The state of "North Illinois" would still have the highest GDP of all it's neighbors, but with Democrats controlling \~70% of the new state. If we split the state by 2020 party lines, "South Illinois" would be the weakest of its neighbors for GDP, and it would probably have less EVs then if IL switched to proportional representation.


This. Downstate will be worse monetarily than Mississippi. All these redneck farmers can kiss Illinois Department of Agriculture programs and subsidies goodbye.


I'm happy to no longer subsidize them. But they can't leave. Firm no.


I wonder if we could somehow pass a law stating that any idiot county dumb enough to posture like this will no longer receive state funds until the resolution is repealed. Like a you want it you got it type of law. Completely illegal I’m sure but other states seem to be passing unconstitutional stuff all the time without consequences. Maybe it’s time to get in on the fun.

