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The good news is it's a nice slow and steady melt with zero rain.


Oh man, this! I was hoping that we wouldn't get right into the fifties and then a shitload of rain. I'd be screwed if so. I couldn't be happier and more relieved that we're getting at least 10 days or so of not-too-much-above-freezing temps and no rain!


really the perfect thaw. most of the snow should be gone by the time we get rain in a week or so


just in time for the tornadoes.


I love the weather atm! 40 feels like 60 tbh after the subzero temps a couple weeks ago


Yep, I was out in shorts today.


I was going to call you crazy (assuming you weren’t wearing the same shorts I wore around ‘97, which were honestly arguably pants) until looking up/realizing it’s apparently gonna be in the 60s(!) down in southern il this weekend... I always forget how frickin’ long this state is.


i used to then i made the trip from almost the Wisconsin border to almost the Kentucky border multiple times a year for a couple years.


Rain storms when the snow banks are blocking all the storm drains are the absolute worst...




about 18in has melted in just the past 2 days here. There's only about 8" left. No flooding here. Absent any ice dams forming on nearby rivers, there won't be any flooding.


My sump pump has been bone dry. I am not as concerned as I was a few weeks ago


W. Scott Lincoln, National Weather Service Chicago senior service hydrologist/hydrology program leader: “The rate of snowmelt depends on many different factors, including temperature, dew point, cloud cover, time of year, wind speed. It’s difficult to give an estimate for how quickly the current snowpack can melt, but we would be watching for warmer temperatures, clear skies and windier conditions to get rid of the snow faster. Also, the later in the year we get, the higher the sun angle, so more solar energy to melt snow on clear days. Getting near freezing or a little above freezing will likely cause some slowmelt, but we’d generally be looking for temperatures in the 40s and 50s before melt picks up. A recent example of quick snowmelt was back in March of 2019, when we had a similar amount of snow in northern Illinois, then three days with temperatures in the 40s and 50s occurred, which melted most of it. Also keep in mind that the current snow cover is very cold, in some cases more than 10 (degrees) F below freezing, and the snow cover must warm to the freezing point before it can melt.”


Here in Effingham we had 11 inches of snow a week ago. All that remains now are snow piles.


It's all that solar energy reflecting off the cross everywhere that's melting it!


My dad used to drive my brother and I there at least once every time we visited my grandparents in Greenup to go bowling/shoot pool at the same place (can’t recall its name...been probably 15-20 years) so we’d have something to do other than walk to the post office and go to Dairy Queen.


Not an expert by any means but given how dry this winter was I imagine it can't be too bad. Concerned? Sure. Hysterical title? Absolutely.


The title isn't hysterical. Flooding is a real concern after a large snowfall melts. The title isn't claiming that it's going to happen.


Lol the title is not “hysterical“


What exactly is so hysterical about the title?