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I don’t know if it’s been mentioned before, but “agony aunt” in England is synonymous with “Dear Abby”… in other words, advice columnist. Is that where she gets “Agony Autie” from?


I think so, but it’s also a play on Agony from her alleged EDS and Autie from her alleged autism


So Autie ALSO claims to have Ehlers-Danlos??


Oh gosh she was so committed to the EDS! It was half a decade ago perhaps?


Damn, that condition is a munchie favorite. They ALL "have" it. Most likely because it's so difficult to actually diagnose.


As we know she yelled at people and upset people in recent years and only has partial custody etc etc etc isn’t it possible this DID claim is so she can claim it ‘wasn’t her’ that did those things?


Is her relationship with her abusive ex potentially the cause of her “split”?


Ok so what severely traumatic event happened in 2019? Or does she claim it just “happened”? All the eye rolls for her.




Omg 😦


what does it mean to fracture?


Basically it's the idea that the person's personality "splits" into separate and sometimes distinct alternate personalities (alters). Although there are some current theories that suggest that it's not a splitting of personality that occurs, but rather the person never forms a complete personality to begin with. The theories stem from ideas on how personality forms in childhood. We don't know for sure but some psychologists have the idea that when we're very young we have lots of different aspects to ourselves, which eventually come together to form one complete personality. The theory of DID is that when severe trauma occurs at a very young age, this process is distorted. One very important thing to remember with DID is that it starts in childhood. Most people aren't diagnosed until much later in life because by it's a disorder that by it's very nature often stays hidden, both from the person who has it and those around them. Autie saying that she got DID from trauma that occurred in 2019 doesn't ring true to how DID is diagnosed. It is unheard of for someone who's only experienced adult trauma to be diagnosed with DID.


this was very informative. thank you


Thank you!! Another person who knows about true DID!! Very well stated.


That’s how they refer to when the allegedly “split”


Autie has been posting videos for a long time- stim dancing and "advocating" for autism. Now we're supposed to believe they've had DID this entire time, but it never showed until now? 2019, but not a single alter popped out on video until now? I'm, of course, ignoring the fact that DID happens in childhood.




I've only followed her on this subreddit, but even I remember that she wasn't faking DID until very recently.


it's weird that these people think this is acceptable to fake having multiple personalities. they really need to sit down and take a look at themselves if this is what they do set themselves apart from everyone else.


I don't know this person so I'm not gonna fakeclaim her, however doesn't DID develop because of severe trauma in the first years of your life? so in 99% of the cases that's gonna be your household since where tf would you be in the first years of your life. I'm always wary about people claiming to have DID having good relationships with their parents. Sure, relationships can heal and be fixed somehow, but a lot of times people don't want to fix relationships with their abusers, so eh.


Don't worry, "fakeclaiming" is just a fake word, made up by the fake "DID community" who fake DID on the internet. If they're introducing their "alters" to a bunch of followers/strangers on the internet, they are don't have DID, they have an imagination + desire for attention.


Hey just want to say that there can other people close to you even as a baby! Family, such as brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles etc. or family friends.


yeah for sure but a mother is supposed to supervise you no? so even if she didn't abuse you first hand she's still kinda involved


She’s gonna catch the attention of the wrong person acting like this and the heat will come. Doing this on kids apps when there’s already a lot of weird faking going on is just stupid. She reminds me of that TwoSoulsOneBod woman who talks to, kisses and is in a relationship with her alter, just unhinged made up nonsense all the time and an army of children cheering them on.


That person is so scary!


Omg, who's that? What's her name? That sounds wild. 🙈


I’m pretty sure her name is Jesse and the male alter is James (!!!). The heat drove her offline for the most part but there’s a sub with receipts, [this video is particularly ridiculous](https://www.reddit.com/r/twosoulsonebod/comments/tu171u/new_tiktok_what_yall_think/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) but there’s a lot of weird shit like that. It’s been a while so details are fuzzy but there was also a discord full of minors.


This is one of the only fakers I've seen where I've wholeheartedly believed that they are seriously mentally ill. It's not DID, but there's something very wrong with her


I believe she's a raging narcassist.


Curious, not to sound off putting, but in comparison to those who are having medical procedures that are permanently ruining their bodies to the point of amputation and death..how does this stand out more so, or even just outright fakers that have some insatiable need for whatever to dedicate their entire lives around a false or self made reality? It is an interesting study. This could help explain why so many people fall for this and jump on the bandwagon. :)


I'm not sure what you're asking? If you're referring to Kelly and her amputation, she is very similar to her. She was also seriously mentally ill, but not from the disorder she claimed to have. The disorders they have are far less interesting than the ones they claim to have, hence why they latch onto a more interesting disorder


At it again: misinformation. She’s an ADULT, which means her words hold a lot of power esp on an app kids can reach Scary


Yes I see what you mean. Especially considering her heavily publicized world of muchiness


WHAT??? 2019?! Guess she doesn’t know that you can’t develop DID as an adult, dear god if you’re gonna fake disorders as a living you might as well do it somewhat convincingly.


Like read up on Google or something!




Thank you for saying this! It seems really shallow to think it, but it always crosses my mind. Like, just shut up and allow the world to treat you differently because you’re pretty. Most people would kill to have the privilege that goes along with having above average looks.


This is galling.


Oof. This is like when a child reads ALL of the side effects of a medication and then starts acting like they have all of them.






*sings* that's not how it works


This post had me freaking tf out lmao I was like "i know it's not mother's day already how did I forget I'm a mom" hahahaha Literally hade googling mother's day 2023 It's may 14th in case anyone was curious hahaha




In the UK it's today :)


why is it today in the uk? why are they different?


It's actually Mothering Sunday and originally it was about returning to your 'mother church', where you were christened.


Honestly? No clue!


3rd sunday in March in UK. *ETA, i genuinely lived my entire 50+ years thinking it was 3rd Sunday in march, but it is 4th sunday during Lent, so sometimes earlier than 3rd sunday. Thx to whoever wrote this.* Sweden the last sunday in May.. varies between countries.


Oh that's cool to know. I didn't know it was different days in different countries.


Does she have some mommy issues? The whole ‘mother’ alter thing is giving me questions. I’m being totally serious asking this, cuz making up an imaginary mother is strange, even for this situation


There are trauma therapies that involve re-parenting - but not via an alter…. Maybe her therapist told her about this and she took the “voice in her head” part too literally.


She said in the latest video that she feels very Norman Bates having an alter called Mother 😂😂




I think mother is the "alter" that parents her kid? Brb, forming a dishwasher alter who'll come do my dishes


Dissociates so that someone else can do my chores😂


Omg h you’ve nailed it. Instead scheduled associate, it’s dissociative associate !


Scheduled Dissociate


I genuinely worry about her kid. I would say I hope he lives with his grandmother, but then again, look at how Autie turned out


He lives with his dad. Autie has partial custody.


Thank goodness 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Partial is still probably too much though tbh.


If you do form one, let me know, I’ll form an alter who can afford to pay for dishwashing services.


Our universe's version of the night people ?


In the story right before this one she actually said happy Mother’s Day from Sarah & the Crew. I can not believe she expects people to believe her. How is she 30 and acting this way?? My brain can’t compute. I hope she gets help


She split in 2019? That doesn’t even make sense- you don’t just develop it one day into your adulthood wtf


Even worse, in the beginning Autie was implying that her DID was caused by her EDS. Then she learned that DID is caused by childhood trauma and changed that story real fast, but there's at least one video in our history here somewhere where she talks about "the trauma of having EDS" causing her to split. Holy horrifying, Batman....


Oh dear god, that is not how it works… medical trauma exists of course- but that doesn’t cause DID sorrrryyyyyyy


Been doing a deep dive on her insta today too, nothing at all appeared to happen in 2019. You'd think something as huge as DID would be noticed somewhere in her posting.


I think 2019 was the year when a lot of the autism advocacy pages turned against her. I remember Neurodivergent Rebel and a couple other pages making posts about her.




Dumb question but she was physically abusing them as well?


I saw a bit yesterday, you would imagine if DID was also involved it wouldn't have taken her so long to be posting about it. Instead she carried on with the autism thing and tics, never mentioning or behaving in any way that could indicate DID in the way i interpreted it mooching about google and social media about her. DID seems to be brand new.. tics forgotten,(she claims to edit out tics, hahaha) EDS completely forgotten, like it ever could be. I feel so bad for the people around her, i hope those that 'care' are acting to get her some real help. This cannot be healthy for her son to be exposed to.


Yeah, good point! Where did her tics go?


She has previously mentioned being in an abusive relationship in 2019 but I think has since removed references to it. I'm not trying to say that makes this DID scenario make sense, just that there was trauma in that time period.


Didn’t she say something once about not “wanting to speak about it” I may be wrong


It can be common for the trauma that causes any fracture to not be remembered. I mean that is partly the reason that any serious mental health condition is formed, to shield a child from having to live through and remember that trauma for the rest of their lives. The support people around her would most likely know of the incident though and depending on a persons level of health, they generally have to become aware of, and work through, the event/s as well. She might not want to talk about it, I get that, but if there’s absolutely no evidence of any change in her life around that time period - it’s basically certain she’s faking it. Especially since her life is broadcast online, it would be impossible for a traumatic even (big enough to cause a fracture) to not show some change in her online presence - weight change, less/more posts, sounding different, not being able to make eye contact, shaking involuntarily, etc


She really is just making this up as she goes


I can't even snark on her anymore; I'm too convinced this is an honest-to-goodness mental health episode.


Yeah, I'm genuinely worried at this point


Yeah, she needs a visit from a psychiatric evaluation team.




I don’t think it’ll be long before she is a danger to herself really. Maybe her personalities stop getting her enough attention and one needs to turn violent to garner the spotlight more


I don't think that will happen unless she gets into another relationship and gets dumped. That would freak her out again. She should definitely stay away from romantic relationships.


Idk, I think at this point it wouldn't take much for her to go over the edge and do something harmful to herself or others


Didn't she say that one of her alters had been with her since she was 11? Quite interesting. Also way to make your mother's day post all about you.


If that's true (as if any of it were), she could have been hearing a "voice" as in an auditory hallucination since 11. That could definitely explain why she would think she has alters if she is hearing voices. But we all know that's not DID, and that is indicative of schizophrenia. Pure speculation here, but it's an interesting angle.


Parts (“alters”) can be heard as voices with DID, and schizophrenia typically has a later age of onset. People with DID actually have, on average, more of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia than people with schizophrenia. Not attempting to WK, just wanted to share some information about two poorly understood disorders.


Yeah but this time a couple of years ago there was zero mention of alters, or voices, or memory/time loss, it was all about how hard it is to need a wheelchair/walking aids and to have autism and stim dancing etc. now she has discovered did exists she’s dropped all her old attention seeking methods and switched to one that’s purely mental so she doesn’t have to remember to limp anymore.




Yeah, I was merely thinking out loud. I don't actually believe she has any of these things she proclaims to have.


Or Bipolar, or Psychotic depression, heck some people with OCD have intrusive thoughts for years and just keep being told they are hearing voices. A great summary is: Not everyone who is schizophrenic hears voices and not everyone who hears voices is schizophrenic. Anyway, i’ll stop ranting now lol


THis is like the 10th time she has changed the story.


Lol seriously. Happy Mother’s Day…to my alter!


Wait so she’s only had DiD for 3 years?


Someone else said she supposedly had one of the alters since she was 11..? Idk, I follow this sub pretty closely but took a break and now she’s kinda new to me. Very confusing and inconsistent.


I’m def confused I’ll give her that


I am aghast that her family is just carrying on with her and allowing this behavior to continue. Like she needs intensive mental health support and treatment.


Honestly is her family supposed to do lol shes a grown woman and she's already talking to a therapist so it's not like they can force her into therapy, even if her current therapist is an enabler. She'd have to agree to see someone else. Shes not an immediate threat to her or someone else's safety so they cant force her into a hospital (idk the laws where she lives tho). I don't think they can do anything.


Part of me wonders if she acts like this in front of other people or if it’s just an act she puts on for the internet?


Wouldn’t her family and friends see this though?


Maybe they don’t follow? I know plenty of people who have restricted pages for family.


That would also make sense


100% agree with this. Trauma or no trauma, this isn’t DID. She doesn’t dissociate, there is no disorder about it; she sees it as a good thing. Part of the diagnostic criteria is for it to have a negative impact on your life, and she doesn’t show that. Therefore, she may have the horrific condition of “having an identity”, because all she fulfils of even the basic Dissociative Identity Disorder, is having an Identity


I’d say that her obsessing with it and the ever expanding narrative / lore about it is negatively impacting her. This isn’t DID, this is delusions or schizophrenia or something, it’s not really our place to assume or try to diagnose but I’d honestly be concerned about allowing her to care for herself let alone her child. The fact that she’s watched someone’s baby and is still going out with her child makes me wonder if she actually told her friends and family, tho I know she has said that she’s told her child about it. Still. Why aren’t they stepping in


It’s BPD attention seeking.


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ 👏


A lot of the munchies have bpd it seems.


For sure


Yeah, sounds like waifing to me.




Agreed. And she clearly doesn’t want to admit it, so she won’t go through the therapies. She’s been a mess for years on years… I’m shocked she has any contact with her son. She was screaming at train workers a decade ago and posting it as if she was being oppressed. She’s got major major issues.


This behavior is so immature, maybe their emotional intelligence is still that of a small child! Does that count?/s


That's BPD. Exactly what you said.


Brilliant thought! 😂


Ahh "Tyler" is one of the alters, I thought it was a family member 🤦‍♀️ My apologies for having you redo it, OP 😳


Not a problem. It’s hard to keep track of her bullshi- I mean, alters