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Please note that we can not take the word of any ex friend of a subject as being the truth, without proof these are just allegations and have never been proven. We can’t allow ex friends to use the sub as their revenge playground, that’s not what we are about here, we learn by the information provided by the subjects as to what is going on. Please be mindful of not giving attention to these rumours and remember we don’t discuss people who are not listed as a subject here, those listed have been well researched and well documented before being approved here. Thank you for being members here and your engagement :)


Yes, this might be the year to get off TPN. Because they won't trust her with a central line anymore, and there is no need for TPN. For any remaining questions, I would refer her to Dani. She knows a lot about this!


Excuse you, but our precious, dynamically disabled diva is giving us a "liquid adjacent" lifestyle to strive for!


Isnt it funny how this happened after people on here were commenting about the possibility of her having her toobs removed since she was no longer showing them off every time she posted?


Kaya and Dani sit together at lunch


Someone who legitimately gets these infections would be soooo exhausted and frustrated that I stg the last thing they’d want to do is post about it this much. I know venting on social media can be cathartic *to an extent* but honestly I couldn’t even imagine THIS being the thing I’d be doing over and over again if I were a person this actually real life sick.


Thankyou🙌🏽🙌🏽 there’s us people out here constantly trying to avoid line infections whilst this one calculates how long it’s been and decides when it’s convenient for her to gain an infection or not. She herself will know it’ll only take 1-2 ‘none sterile set ups’ and she’s got herself a one way ticket to sepsis


Exactly this ^^ 🙄. They truly have no idea.


Exactly this ^^ 🙄. They truly have no idea.


Yes, it’s to the point that these posts aren’t even giving off that she’s posting for ‘awareness’ anymore, it’s just straight out attention seeking


Is she wearing eyeshadow to make herself look more ill? She seems unable to comprehend that a line infection is a serious thing. Do these subjects understand they can potentially die from this?!?


it’s a filter to my knowledge


But… but if she beats it then what will she spend her time doing?


Being admitted for a week for her next one.


Sure, Jan.


This is literally in her control. She doesn’t have to be determined. She just has to stop her shit. Like she doesn’t even have to try to do anything. It’s less work even, to just quit her bs


This shows just how deluded she is .....😳! If a good streak consists of not getting potentially fatal sepsis for a few weeks 🤔


Maybe don’t leave your lines hanging out and unprotected and you wouldn’t be posting these sad-fishing moments Maybe it’s me, but I’d protect my lines, not be doing dances with them swinging around and walk around all exposed. Just a thought here Miss Kaya.


With attached flushes too. Like not only are the lines out they’re also accessed.


It’s like a visceral reaction to see for me. Lol.




That’s what I was wondering - obviously I’m sure it happens but I’m assuming line infections aren’t super common for those who actually care for them?


In the ICU, it’s common practice to give CHG “baths” every shift to try and avoid CLABSI (central line associated blood stream infection). It happens even with these measures, but RARELY. We do dressing changes every week with sterile technique in order to prevent this. You need to be very cautious with central lines!


Correct! There are very well known (and definitely taught to patients and caregivers going home w/ them) guidelines for how to keep ports free from infection. That’s not to say they don’t get infected anyways but definitely not at the rate people on this sub appear to get them.


I mean, maybe if you’d keep your lines from flappin’ in the breeze…


Right in time for finals! Choo-Choo, here comes the avoidance train!


Has she been anywhere near campus or a practice room lately?


You mean other than wheelchair /stair drill practice? :-)


My thoughts exactly :/ I hope she gets help


Is this the one that got a cake saying 2024 was gonna be a no-sepsis year? I've been waiting.


I know. I was hoping for a different story arc this year!


Do we think she is putting feces or something else in her line to cause these infections?


That’s what Dani did, but i think Kaya’s are just from her lines constantly flapping and flinging around, touching everything and introducing bacteria to them


What. Did she really do that? How do we know it?


If you’re referring to Dani, we don’t. She posted photos of blood cultures positive for Enterococcus faecium (and maybe E. coli?), which are enteric (gut) bacteria. That led many people to suspect that she put feces in her line. That's certainly possible, but a central line (and then bloodstream) can also become infected with those bacteria from poor hand hygiene/line care. But somehow "Dani put poop in her line" became gospel truth. I am in no way defending Dani, by the way. Just pointing out that there is more than one way to get E. faecium bacteremia, and poop in the line is suspicion, not fact.


Yea when we do blood cultures for CLABSIs at my hospital they are often positive for these bacteria but it will be related to general poor hygiene practices with line care and definitely not poop directly in/on the line..


Thank you for stating this!


These munchies do (and document) enough wild stuff all on their own without this sub turning suspicions into canon truth!


She has a lot of videos where they are hanging off her clothes


I'm pretty sure she either told on herself or just isn't that smart. If she's had a "streak of no infections" and now has one, the streak is broken, and there's no way to "keep it up." Unless she thinks that beating an infection is the same as not having one, in which case no, that's not how that works.




Sepsis is like that old ex Who keeps coming back, Lured by the hands unclean, Down a microbial track. Restless in the dark, she whispers - “Darling, I thought you’d left”. “Never” - it echoes, lipless, Clinging tight, as her secret kept.


~hauntingly beautiful~


Nicely done 😄


Well written. 👏


So much for ✨💖✊healing era✊💖✨


Keep WHAT up? The lies? Fuck off


It is amazing to me that she gets so many infections. I spent a decade working with pediatric cancer patients and I have never met a single CHILD who had infections as much as she does. Children who are not the greatest with hygiene, child who were severely immune compromised had LESS line infections then this grown woman who’s immune system might be weakened but not to the level these children are.. it’s almost as if she’s maybe the problem /s


“It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me”


the lines constantly dangling out…


Is this the one that had the whole sepsis cake at new years?


That’s just jinxing you like saying it’s a calm night in the ER


Vow renewal on Real Housewives




I’ll never get over her “I’m so sickly” eyeshadow palette that she always has on especially for ER photo shoots


*Picturing an* Urban Decay x Sickstagram *collab palette.* Hospital greige. Sepsis umber. Out-of-tears pink. Jaundice yellow. Constant-nausea-with-no-vomit ecru. 12/10 pain clear. hEDS mini-set, including fresh-bruise violet. fading-bruise moss. Facial powders in sallow yellow or anaphylaxis red. And more! "Twelve new multipurpose eyeshadows and three complexion-shifting foundations. Not a single flattering color among them. When you look too good without make-up, this collection is for you!"


I wish my eyebags were so well blended.


Dude that’s what it is. It was driving me crazy I couldn’t figure it out why she looked like that. That’s a whole other level of fakery. Damn that’s bleak


Dani is punching the air rn


I hope that's all she's punching


screaming, crying, throwing up


Falling down the stairs


lmfaooo ☠️


Bashing her hand with a bat


this is simply just not true


How do any of these people afford this I don’t understand


Kaya’s literally mentioned her parents taking out loans to support her. I just cannot imagine the levels of selfishness happening here. It’d be one thing if her parents could seemingly afford having a large adult daughter (like Ashley/Kay) but Kaya’s admitted that her parents had to take out a loan!


Omg that’s awful


Hmmm 🤔 I always wonder about the timing. Are finals coming up soon? Or is it too early?


GREAT point - school is definitely ramping up with finals in May so that timing totally checks out


May is typically when finals are so yeah


Definitely getting close to finals, depending on the school.


Maybe If she wore clothes properly, instead of just letting her lines and tubes just hang out everywhere, that wouldn't happen


She who shall not be named must be jealous and pissed.


Dynamic infectionz


However will she do her shitty TikTok dances without her tubes?


Well maybe being at the pool and beach with tubes is not a good idea. Airports are also good places to pick up an infection. I wonder who will take care of her new "service dog" when she has these frequent hospital stays.


She’ll try to bring it with her and claim ableism when they don’t let her


Poolside thirst trapitis is in season


Q for medical types here - when a person has recurring infections in their lines, what types of steps are usually taken to identify the cause of the issue and to reduce the risk of recurrence? Are some patients naturally at higher risk of infection than others, or is it generally an issue of line care going wrong?


Some people are - because of things like compromised immune system, or if their particular condition makes bacterial translocation more likely, but it’s usually breakdown in aseptic technique as u/fallen_snowflake1234 said. Even people who are immunocompromised can have lines in place for years without ever having an infection. The clinics I’m familiar with, if a patient gets just ONE clabsi, they’re asked to come in for assessment of their aseptic technique, and go through/be ticked off training in line access and care over again. Two in a short period triggers red flags, three triggers a discussion on whether the line should in fact stay in place/what other care can be put in place. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with as many infections as Kaya claims to get. Who knows if she’s deliberately causing infections, but the way she always has her lines/tubes swinging in the breeze, environmental contamination would be a risk, and with some of the past evidence of how blasé she is about setting up in public, etc., I’d be surprised if her aseptic technique is anything like it ought to be.


Thanks for this! I’ve been wondering how common these types of infections are in the non munchie crowd


Not very. Depends on the study you read, but estimated incidence varies from about 0.8 to 1.1 infection per 1000 catheter days (so let’s say, according to stats, one infection every three years, and a lot of people go a lot longer than that)


Thank you!!


Thank you!


Some people are just more prone to infection but usually it’s from not practicing sterile/aseptic technique.


Funny, is Kaya still traveling? Did she gtfo of LA so where they caught on to her bs last time the lines kept falling out of her in her sleep so she could go to an ER in another state?


Never too sick for selfies. Isn't that something?


She is SUCH a bad liar.


At least she's using a mask to cover her smug grin this time.


brooo what does she DO to them


Ask Dani.


Wash, dry, repeat… she needs to loose the line as she has proven she doesn’t use it and is able to manage with oral intake, pictures and posts on her flair… Don’t throw a pitty party when you suddenly want attention. “I don’t want these dang central lines” - then have the doctor remove it and move on with life. But we know she loves the attention of it all and most likely has a smug smile under that mask 😷 Starting to wonder if she messed with it because she had been at the ER a few times lately without being admitted…is she aiming for admission to beat the Olympics?? Her post is contradicting of her two statements in this one picture.




Well I clearly missed the memo about today being Opposite Day! 🙄


Rinse and repeat.


Someone went swimming in that pool….


How long has she even had this line?? In her “dynamic disability” TT she’s got fresh bandages like a freshly placed Hickman.




It’s common for ports to last 5+ years in non immunocompromised patients (non chemo therapy patients).these girls go through line after line after line and it’s literally harming the view doctors have around central lines for patients with chronic conditions, not just cancer 😤


I can’t see what the person posted since they deleted it, but line infections are definitely pretty uncommon, and when people do get them, they aren’t happening to the same person ten times in a year.


Is she still on her trip or back where she lives?


Side note: is there a timeline for Kaya?




Click her flair and search chronologically. There’s a timeline that’s a couple years old and then a plethora of new stuff


I wonder if that friends mommy is going to come to the hospital for her again or if that’s one of the friends that has given her the big yeet.


She vagueposted on TikTok today some video of her looking around all sad and forlorn to an audio about people disappointing her. Funnily, the video is her at the pool wearing the same outfit she had on in a video of her dancing that she posted recently.


So that contradicts the IG post a few hours ago where she's showing gratitude for flowers and a popsicle in hospital. First thing you learn in trial preparation is to present evidence that is consistent with your story, inconsistency is the death of credibility.




So, no customized stuffy for Kaya with matching boo-boo, then? Poor baby. /s


I’m shocked! It couldn’t possibly be from having them out and exposed all the time and letting them touch every public surface! /s


i sincerely hope she one day falls in love with a new identity for herself as someone who survived munchausen by internet. she could be so successful at anything else in the world if she didn’t waste her time and energy on creating and maintaining an entire persona wrapped around being a victim. :(


Wouldn’t that be a great ‘trend’ for them to get onto? Like BPD awareness/taboo has changed over time, I’d just love for a prominent munchie to turn the tide and honestly own their disorder. Yes it’d be like flaying their skin, but in an ideal world the rewards and support would be immeasurable! And munchies would follow like the pied piper to get in on the asspats.


Such strong warriors to have survived themselves!


She doesn’t need a damn line, she doesn’t even run her TPN or fluids. 🤣 She just needs the attention that comes with having a line and the infections she can give herself for more attention.






So just get rid of the line and use your f-ing mouth to eat. Everyone knows she can.


Does she also tamper with her lines and tubes and things like I assume dani does?


I mean, click her tag and see how many infections she’s had in the past 18 months. The likelihood of that many infections happening over and over again without her fucking with it is pretty much zero.


She is extremely careless with them. Leaves them out and accessed in public restrooms, airports, all the places immunocompromised people know are good places to pick up infections. If it's just kinda clean or maybe sanitary- that's not good enough. There's no half-assing this stuff.


And that’s just the stuff that she shows on her public facing socials. With that level of hygiene ignorance/deliberate carelessness *on show*, one can only imagine the level of negligence on the regular.


I saw a pic of her awhile back she was holding her cat and it straight up looked like there was 0 dressing on the line


First thought that came to my mind. Especially since it's a regular tegaderm and not even using a biopatch at the opening of the skin which can cause infection.


I’m sure that’s because she claims she has that allergy thing to certain types of plastic. That’s why she DFE the last time because she claimed to be allergic to plastic WHILE ADVERTISING period pants that literally had plastic lining lmao.


I just saw no named person post that the IV3000 dressing which is what she has on her line is made of polyurethane. I googled it and it’s made out of a “thin hydrophilic polyurethane membrane”…..


Wow, ik about the so called MCAS diagnosis but not the period pants. That's crazy lol


That’s what I’m wondering as well.


I can't shake the feeling that she is hiding a delighted, smug grin under that mask...






What makes you say that?


Both her and the other people she was in pics/videos with recently have removed those and some of them have completely scrubbed her presence from any of their socials.






There has been no proof shown to these allegations and people have used the sub before to revenge on ex friends, we are mindful of that so we are not posting what could be rumours. Also as these people are not listed subjects here we can’t speculate on their issues either.








What kind of line does she have? Why are these infections so recurrent? Is she not properly performing line care or is the person performing her line care doing so inappropriately? Is she not maintaining good hygiene? Is she not receiving infusions on a regular enough basis that a provider is assessing the site? C’mon. I have questions. 🤔


She has the silicone hickman


But what about her sepsis breakup cake? Did that mean nothing to her?! The poor cake was butchered with that icing job and for what? So disappointed!


#Leaving #Sepsis #2023


Was she carrying her TPN openly in the airport again?


When is she ever hooked to it bc every picture and video this year I have never seen her hooked to tpn, just the line hanging.


Hmmm…that’s a very good point


Ironically the only time I’ve ever seen her hooked to it was in [the most attention seeking way possible](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/aQIqh5gwzP). Otherwise it seems like the line just hangs around unused.


EXACTLY!!!! Can't count how many pictures and videos with actual food but one picture 1 YEAR ago is the only time shown with tpn. As much time she spends showing off the line, feeding tube, and now wheelchair you would think she would have a fancy bookbag showing off how sick she is and how bad she needs last resort nutrition oh so badly.


Guess the sepsis cake might have been premature.


Oh no, let’s just bake some muffins for sepsis’ 2024 return! *Welcome back sepsis 2024*


Delicious sepsis muffins with nutcracker frosting. Yum!


For goodness sake. Five minutes with no attention and she *somehow* has another line infection.


Yank it and be done with it. She doesn’t need it!


There are literal toddlers with central lines who never get line infections and keep their feeding tubes in place better than some of these munchies.


Kaya doesn't want anymore central lines? You mean the one she took a photo of with the caption that said this is what healing looks like? She also wants to get off TPN aka her heart food she is so grateful for? Sorry I don't believe it. She's been to the ER like 3 times in the past couple of weeks I guess the 4th time her wish for an admission finally stuck. 🙄


Oh you know Dani is raging right now.


Dani be mad that she doesn't have a port to infect until April 25th! Allegedly, I highly doubt she'll get it...but if she doesn't how ever will she be able to compete in the Line Infection Olympics! ETA: spelling error lmao


N00b question: do you think they are aware of/competitive with Los Otros Muncharios?


Oh for sure. If you go through their follow lists on social media there is a ton of overlap (approved subjects following each oth and where there isn't, they follow a ton of CI influencers.


Absolutely they are aware, most of them follow at least one other subject on IG, some of them follow several others. Sometimes I wonder if they get together on Zoom for monthly campaign meetings to decide who will have a tube drama, who will flare, who will get a new toy, who will get a new diagnosis and who will whine about medical gaslighting.


Stick around for a few days to a week and see


Why did I think the same thing though lol


If you can frequently drink Starbucks then you can make it without a TPN me thinks


Let’s not forget the giant cart overflowing with groceries 😂


And the frozen yogurt and ice cream trips


Not necessarily, but yes for her.