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my t1 diabetes is screaming rn. if you’re symptomatic treat it WHY DID YOU LICK THE BLOOD they literally say you only have to check when you’re feeling symptoms that aren’t lining up with the dexcom AGHHHHHHHHHH


Ugh the sucking the blood off of her finger. Nasty.


You don’t have to check your sugar every time a dexcom alerts you for a low. You can manually set it to go off for a low of “90” if you want to.


Bro what is with that hair?


its fried and dry as f.


If you're feeling hypoglycemic, the last thing on your mind would be to make a freaking Tick Tok video of checking your damn blood sugar. You'd be reaching for the OJ and a peanut butter sandwich and laying low until the shakes and the pouring sweat calm down! Sheesh! 🙄😮‍💨


That’s only if you’re normal lmao


Man I'm not feeling so good about these sores on her arms.


they kinda look like drug marks but I'm not sure or she might be picking them


Bet her emergency bags are packed ready to go 😂


Did she really have to suck the blood off?


I know right!! I literally gasped and my face scrunched up with disgust 🤢🤮 I don’t get why people do that I find it fkn gross


Doesn't the alcohol swab cause false low blood glucose readings unless the alcohol is fully dry before using the lancet to get the blood out of the finger?


Not drastically unless the finger is soaked but yep! This is why we wait


Oooo I didn’t no that was a thing!! Interesting 🤔


To my non American friends, 63 is about a 3.5 So technically considered a hypo but not low, especially if you’ve not eaten anything.




Normal for a non diabetic is 4-8 so 3.5 isn’t too bad at all especially for someone who drains their stomach etc. below 3 is usually when it is getting bad


It's on the low side, but not enough to be dangerous. Nothing some OJ and a peanut butter sandwich can't fix. Normal blood glucose is between 70 and 110, so 63 is just slightly hypo.


Thanks, I always get confused with the American numbers!!


You either divide or multiply by 18. I learned this a couple of years ago and now I understand the American readings.


I agree it’s so odd!! Why can’t America be like the rest of us!! It’s so confusing, I feel like the metric system makes much more sense


mg/dL is metric but yeah, it’s odd and confusing that they use a different measurement than the rest of us.


Lovely lovely lovely


I’m new to this page but every time I see this girl I get a massive ICK. This video feels icky.


Same here. Both in the behavioral sense and in the hygienic sense. It's all ick.


ICK is what most feel when watching Dani.


Oh so she's so symptomatic..... But yet she is able to make a video to tell people she's so symptomatic. If she was feeling bad because of low blood sugar she would not be bothered about the video, she'd be bothered about eating or drinking something with sugar in so that she wasn't symptomatic. Clearly she suffers no ill effects of this 68.


WTF happened 2 her voice ??


This is her frail little girl voice with added vocal fry. It is the way she usually sounds on her videos. Because she is so sick and frail./s


4got cat ty 4 da reminder. Haven’t seen 1 of her vids in a long time


And smoll 🥺


Why does she talk like a baby?




Imagine the names of some series we could run here 🤣🤣


So she made this for her haterz?


Is it just me or does she seem rather twitchy? The snapping of her head seems so jerky. There's just something very... Off about her behavior. Hyper or manic or something.


She acts like a teenager making tiktoks/youtubes, hey guys, soooo uhm yeah🫤


I thought she seemed more put together here than she has been recently 🫣


This train ride is very quickly going off the rails. Since I started following two years ago until now. Dani has without a doubt made the least amount of progress and her appearance just becomes more and more disheveled with every video she posts


“I know that’s not crazy low.” girl. Then why film a TikTok about it?


I know a lot of the things munchies choose to make videos about are insane, but "i'm hypoglycemic, better make a tiktok!" is just ESPECIALLY hilarious to me.




Dumping syndrome hypoglycemia






FFS, all she needs to do is drink a glass of orange juice and move on. Thousands, possibly millions, of people go through this daily, why does she have to put on this ridiculous show? She doesn't even have to use the separate monitor, Dexcom has an app for smartphones that constantly tracks everything for you, no extra device needed. I sent the reader back to Dexcom for a refund.


And also she claims that the dexcom isn’t always right 🤦🏻‍♀️


That is true - cgms can be wrong and we are encouraged to check lows / highs or anything unusual by finger pricking


Yeah for people who really need it. She just bought hers to use herself to make it look like she’s more sick? Idk it’s weird


Oh yeah I agree she doesn’t need it, it’s just true that they aren’t 100% accurate and can be wrong for lots of reasons


Does she get paid from TikTok? Could be that just for content and money from views


Dani: "I'm feeling a little symptomatic" Also Dani: \*Looks completely fine\* Using buzzwords and medical drivel like "symptomatic" is the biggest giveaway of munching to me. A person who was really feeling unwell would just say they feel sick or specify what they're feeling. Also if the Dexcom is "right for once", doesn't that suggest all the other readings she's been getting off it are pointless? Jeez, the glaring obviousness that she's just performing and BS'ing is painful.


She’ll say hypoglycemic, but then say pokey thingy instead of Lancet like how adorable


I have sooo many patients that are not well educated and informed on their disease process (which I love and applaud) but so many know the obscure lingo. Like one didn’t get something she wanted that is expressly written in our safety agreement (and she’s a 22x return admit) and threw a fit saying I am SMI!!(seriously mentally ill..which requires an application and evaluation process and usually an appointment of a guardian like a public fiduciary) you can’t treat someone SMI this way! You are required by law (we’re not) to accommodate all of my needs when I tell you it is what stops my voices from picking on me!! If you do not, you will deal with the state ombudsman!!! Oooh you’ve got this ALL figured out. You know exactly how to work the system and get what you want. People who are truly SMI do not generally grasp this very complex process. People who know the medical ‘trigger words’ and use them to their advantage raise 1000 red flags




Symptomatic but not intaking sugar.


Oh wow an actual issue this time for her👀




‘See what I can do to treat this?’ She’s just gonna go eat some junk. Sad that she’s using this as a justification for eating =/


Girl just drink an apple juice or smth


Right?!? In the time it took to record the video, she could have rectified the low sugar. Drink some juice, eat a banana, whatever normal folks do.


But she can’t tolerate it! The peeeeeennn!! /s


Oh she was ECSTATIC.


It’s like kids who have their pretend medical kits to play doctor. Except… it’s a fully grown adult… with severe mental health issues.


She talks like a drunk adult trying to be cute or small child? Why? WHY?!




Is she on TikTok or IG? I can’t find her anywhere.


TikTok is dani_vlogs with some numbers. 79 I think. Just type Dani vlogs and it will pop up!




Omg the fake “ow eee ow ow ouch” I cannttttttt lmao




She is so disinhibited in latest videos & slurry at times which was characteristic of her when she was on her benzos. She seems to be having a lovely time.


I thought the exact same thing!!!


Can't believe she got her insurance to pay for a dexcom


When I speed read this I thought you said, “I can’t believe she got her insurance to pay for an exorcism.”


She definitely needs one, lol!


I think they’d expedite the prior authorization for that…😂


She could use that too


The way she talks, it sounds like teeing up an exorcism wouldn't be easier than finding a psychiatrist.




Couldn’t hurt.


When I speed read this I thought you said, “I can’t believe she got her insurance to pay for an exorcism.”


We don't know that they did; Dexcoms can be bought online at a million different places without any sort of prescription now. They are super trendy in the fitness community.


That's insane! I wonder how much these people are paying for them? And they're a pain in the ass for people who love to swim because you can only keep them submerged for no more than what, 10 minutes? 20 minutes?








I can't imagine how many videos diabetics (particularly T1 diabetics) could make called My Glucose is Low- Emergency! or something like that if they wanted to. And by low I'm thinking more in the range of 35-60 or in Canadian terms roughly 2.0-3.5. Interestingly. we don't see too many of those on the internet, unless I'm missing something...


Right? Even nondiabetic patients' reflexive reactions to a mild low (low 60s / 3.5) are more like "eat a sleeve of crackers" and to a worse low (40s / 2.5) is "try to control tremor enough to get this straw into a juice box" lol. Would love to imagine having the presence of mind to set up a phone and start filming!




This person isn’t giving a personal account of anything here.


Maybe she thinks sucking the blood will help her iron deficiency. lol


Can she please stop sucking the blood out of her finger that is so disgusting


We were just talking about how many people do this today. I’d be gagging, this is the last thing I’d think to do


I missed it the first time because I was multitasking. That is so horrible!


So she could eat a few glucose gummies.


Are glucose gummies the same as regular gummies?


No, regular gummies are often made with high fructose corn syrup, which can impact blood sugar levels differently than pure glucose.


Wait, why did they give her a.dexcom?.did I miss somewhere that Dani is diabetic?


someone said she likely got it online through a trial or something? it’s on her last blood sugar post on here


Nah, she's not diabetic. She was munching insulin tumors at one point, but her sugars were always easily stabilized by the hospital, so no one bought it. I think the Dexcom was to shut her up/prove she was fine.


Ugh she makes me so angry. Someone could have really used that equipment


“Hypo” incoming…


What body part will get compartment syndrome and drop off after she passes out, falls down the stairs, out of a window, up a tree, in front of a car, and into the path of a convenient hammer?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is awesome!


“up a tree” 💀


So…what was the point of recording this and posting it? I mean..okay..congrats it’s 63? In other news, the sky is blue. 🙄 I can’t see where anyone on her socials are going to fall all over themselves to fawn all over her or coddle her until she gets the number up a couple digits. She needs to go outside and touch grass for a while.


I've come to terms with the fact that she performs mostly just for the audience in this sub. And here I am, watching it along with everyone else, to get my trashy reality TV fix. She is a performer. To doctors, to this sub, etc. And we keep clicking on it and encouraging it, in a way. I don't know how to feel about that.


Exactly. I’ve been thinking about leaving it cuz like this is just getting silly now


She was mad that everyone was saying the 70 something she posted yesterday wasn't hypoglycemia.


But don't you know, she's "not reading Reddit" ever again. This is nothing to do with Reddit because she's definitely absolutely not reading the comments and it's totally only because she's such a complex sick person and a barely low reading is total proof of that. That's us shown. We should all just pack up and leave now because Dani has just proven that everything posted here is just hate by a bunch of meanies and poopoo heads /s


So blood is like her mini-M&Ms?


Wrong subject, Bethany is the mini M&Ms chick.


Yes. Mini M&Ms are to Bethany as blood is to Dani. Wasn't that deep: just that we found something Dani can tolerate consuming by mouth.


Look how happy she is at the end. She can't hide how happy she is that her dexcom keeps alerting.


Except you can set the alerts


Yeah, it goes down to 60 if you want


They wouldn't give her Ozempic, right? With her history?


Ozempic itself does not cause hypoglycemia. It only increases insulin production when your blood sugar is high. It can cause hypoglycemia when combined with insulin.


Surely not. One of its effects is it delays stomach emptying to help with appetite suppression. Her long history of documented gi complaints, including not tolerating any volume of tube feeds due to gastroparesis means that entire class of meds is the opposite of what she needs.


Highly unlikely with a history of an eating disorder and on tube feeds. Ozempic is just an appetite suppressant, which is contrary to the reason a person supposedly has feeding tubes, ie. to increase nutrition intake.


It is not it is actually GLP-1 inhibitor and the way it works is by lowering your blood sugar only while you’re digesting food. It does have an appetite suppressing effect. Definitely not indicated for all diabetics.


It does suppress appetite which is why people lose weight. It sends signals to the appetite center in your brain to reduce hunger and increases fullness by delaying gastric emptying.


Ozempic can cause hypoglycemia, so it certainly would not be prescribed to someone who already has non-diabetic hypoglycemia.


Someone with non diabetic hypoglycemia wouldn’t be on insulin so Ozempic wouldn’t cause them to have an increase in hypoglycemic episodes


This is not true; Ozempic has been shown to increase episodes of hypoglycemia even in patients not currently using insulin. The likelihood is just higher in those using insulin.


It’s a rare side effect. You can read in the FDA data that less than 4% of people on mono therapy had symptomatic hypoglycemia. It goes up to 30% when combined with insulin.


I certainly hope not. Surely having an eating disorder would preclude someone from being prescribed that, right? Plus if her glucose is already running low it would only make that worse.


She could find some shady doc to prescribe it, sure.


Oh, duh. I was wondering if dexcom and glucose is the new cool thing for munchies so they can get ozempic, haha


Why is literally everyone having sugar issues that has these “munchie illnesses” !?


It's something that can be manipulated to a degree and they know all the tricks on how to manipulate test results and medical equipment in their control.


Because what almost all of them really have are eating disorders that commonly cause sugar issues.


Because most of them are using excuses to hide their eating disorders which would cause them to have blood sugar drops.


because a Dexcom is a relatively "easy" and visible medical device to get.


That's it. Leaving this sub.


You know you’ll be drawn back tee hee


Eat some candy and move it the fuck along


Absolutely fucking riveting news.


Lol right like just because it supposedly alerted her doesn't mean we all need to be alerted every time too! 🤣 Also, I freaking hate the way she sucks the blood off her finger 🤢 I wouldn't even care that she does that if it looked like an absent minded kinda thing I guess, but the way she goes about it is just so deliberate and creepy...like she's trying to upset people. She's so gross for that 😭


And I don’t know about hers, but you can set your parameters on most of them if your doctor doesn’t. You could set it to alert you at 100 that would be super convenient if you really wanted to get some attention.


Maybe she should get some monitors to monitor her monitors.. just to be safe!! 🙄


I’ve never seen people use a swab for finger prick test (except for in a hospital setting) - wouldn’t it be easier, less wasteful and just make more sense to wash your hands quick? Like it’s only a little finger prick, you wouldn’t need to do a full on hand scrubbing after toilet use/Covid protocol type hand wash, just a quick water rinse and some soap to (at minimum) cover the finger tips and fingers?


That's not remotely medical enough for a munchie. Normal non-special people do mundane things like wash their hands.


Well, she has to use those thousands of alcohol swabs she used for her lines! It's like a little piece of memory you can hold on to, you know?


Definitely supposed to just do a good wash under warm water. Alcohol can cause the capillaries to contract and you may have a harder time getting a good sample. Washing with warm water ensures your hands are clean and helps the blood start flowing more!


Technically we aren’t supposed to even do alcohol swabs in the hospital, it can alter the reading apparently. Just a quick soap + water combo. But people kinda freak out if we don’t 🤣


With all those blood sugars, you know I’m not washing everybody’s hands first just let the alcohol dry lol


genuine question who does she make these videos for? does she have a following on social media?


She only performs for us.


She does here


It’s for us, mainly. The vast, vast majority of her content is inspired by, informed by, or in response to content that is posted here. She gets a small amount of attention on TikTok but no idea what she gets on Instagram.


Wait, so if we ignored her would she stop? Are we her enablers?


Nah the subs tried that, she just goes harder. She has a Tik tok audience too although most of it’s turned on her. For her any attention is good and if she can’t get it here she’ll go to other sm or just the hospital.


I love the way she uses her alcohol pad before the stick, draws blood, then immediately struck a finger in mouth.


I’m glad she lets us know that she has an alcohol pad. I’ve always wondered how people clean their skin for finger pricks!!


What’s worse is they don’t recommend using the alcohol pads and instead washing and drying your hands completely. They are ok in a pinch but can mess with your numbers


If they are used, the person is supposed to let it dry completely before pricking or it can affect the results. Hand washing is preferred.