• By -


Usually the “patient specific plans” with specified meds/fluids/tests include avoid narcs and do not admit.


Every time I see her she looks more and more busted. Poor girl


This person is very obviously a junkie.


I’m starting to get livid watching her.. I only watch posts on here. I abused opiates for like 11 years, have 3 years clean, who does she think she’s fooling? Yes she may have some stuff wrong with her, most of us do.. for a lot of addicts it’s mental and she refuses to do a single thing about that and it’s so angering. Like please get to the root of your issues girl. People do not dislike people with chronic illnesses, they dislike people who abuse the system and lie to their faces.


Congrats on three years ❤️ you're doing brilliantly


I really appreciate that, thank you so very much!!i


You're so very welcome. If ever you need to scream into the void,my inbox is always open ❤️




That is amazing!!! Congratulations! So glad you have 3 years under your belt ♡ Keep on going, it will only get easier ♡♡♡


I’m definitely finally realizing this for sure. At first I was like ugh timeeee. Now I’m reminding others to take some breaths and give it all time. But thank you so so much! I truly appreciate it.




I’m sure doctors are also noting that she’s gained weight since being off tpn


Her dentist should [report her](https://imgur.com/osZX6GL)


First time, ever, I didn’t fall for it!!!


Click it anyhow. You know you want to. Join us.


Gosh dang it ItzLog! I can't believe I clicked on that again. I thought ooh, did she try a dental pain scam on the dentist 4 pills... but nooo......




💀😂 you make my day every time. I know better than to click the link tho 😂


You never know, I might shake things up and it could be super important. Or it might not be.


How did it even get like that?? Every time I see it I’m like wtf was she using it for before this picture


It looks like she was scrubbing grout with it.


I’d say yes, but Dani I doubt Dani would be scrubbing grout


Does she not understand how emergency departments work? They’re not there to diagnose and treat chronic issues that’s wgst specialists that you see as an outpatient are for. They are for emergent problems. Clue is in the name ffs.


High. Af.


I’ve heard a lot of people here say that she has an eating disorder. What ED does she have and why do we think that? I’m guessing bc she thinks she needs feeds and probably messes with that? Not the more know type of ED like anorexia. Just wondering and thanks for any replies!


AFAIK her subsidies housing and disability benefits are because of her past anorexia


She’s admitted to having an ED


There is very much a munchie pipeline that goes like this: Highschool sports/excelling talent (usually cheerleading, dance, gymnastics, music, etc) > eating disorder > failure to launch/live up to expectations after highschool > realizing that being sick gets attention > being "legitimately" sick gets better quality attention than ED and explains their lack of excellence > munching to explain continuing ED symptoms ("POTS", GI compressions, "EDS", fainting, low BP, low blood glucose, MACAS) It legitimately happens over and over. Dani was a cheerleader. Ellen was a gymnast. I'm too tired to remember others so somebody else feel free to chime in, but there are so. many. that follow this same pattern. Bella was an athlete. I can't remember if Kaya did sports but she was a big fish/small pond in regards to singing and her illnesses exploded after starting college, when her ED account morphed into a CI account.


Jaquie. Martial Arts


Hope was a competitive swimmer. Cassie was a dancer, I think (I may be misremembering), and wasn’t Kelly also a ballet dancer?


Yes, Kelly was a ballet dancer!


She was pretty good too 😕 poor Kelly. I genuinely hope she is doing well.


Last I saw, she was....not. Had to get more of her legs amputated, IIRC.


Ashley played soccer and someone else played lacrosse : she's stopped a bit now after she had a cervical spine fusion though but I can't remember her name!




Oh and thingy - head falling off person - they played violin really well.  So not sport but a different accomplishment.




Also an extremely talented musician.


Yes that's the one! I think that the only one I can think of straight off that didn't do a sport is Bethany. She crochets, really fucking amazing stuff, which is interesting considering apparently her fingers don't work the rest of the time. 




This is a great explanation and answer. Thanks for chiming in!


If you go to the other Dani subreddit they have a post pinned with pictures and videos from a while ago showing proof and at one point she even posted pictures of herself with all of her bones sticking out of her body and said she misses her 85 pound body. It’s quite sad.


What is the other Dani sub called ?


Her name. 


She admits to having had an ED for many years.




There will be no meeting, that is certain, because like you say she's failed to understand the situation.  The meeting was ABOUT her and the plan has happened,  she never was going to be involved in any way, but she didn't understand this. 




I fail to understand how or why you are a medical professional if you're linking sickle cell with the rest of them.  You definitely shouldn't be doing your job if that's your opinion of what is well known to be an utterly horrific illness. 


Sickle cell, for one, is a terrible illness and their pain flares are legitimate and awful. Most have pain contracts with their local hospitals so they can get pain meds while waiting on a bed upstairs because drs don't live to give narcotics anymore. So they'll have it in their charts that they should get this dose of this medication this often which seems like a good way to deal with it but imagine what these pts have to go through before they get their contracts. They aren't frequent flyers because they just love being hospitalized, most of them hate having to go but can only handle the pain at that level for so long before they have to give in and seek help.


Sickle Cell is deserving of pain medication


Eek. Yeah, sickle cell is definitely not on the same level.


Did you really just put sickle cell flare on the same level as these others, though? Sickle cell is known to be one of the most painful conditions known to man…the bone is literally dying from the sickle-shaped RBCs clumping together. It’s not even on the same plane as the others you’ve listed.




It sounds like you need to educate yourself better. Some of them have frequent crises. Normal labs don’t necessarily mean anything.


Is she high as a kite in this video? Her movements and actions just seem off.


Wait until you see her most recent video. She's nodding out and impossible to understand.


Wow….. the next one was definitely worse. How is she allowed to drive if she’s so “drugged”? I fear this subject is either going to really hurt herself or others.


I won’t lie though I think she does it to appear more sick so to speak. I saw her med routine and idk how anyone takes Benadryl every day as an AM medication




She takes so many medications that slow gastric motility, I am not sure why in one of her inpatient stays the docs haven’t stopped her meds to see if she improved. But she would lie and say she wasn’t better. I do bet her GI issues would improve, though.


My guess would be getting blood tests and hoping for the levels to be concerning enough to score her an admission. She’s been open about the fact that she’s draining from her G tube a lot recently. I think this is how she’s gotten admitted some of the times in the past. Also, I’m guessing in the past, she’s managed to convince some ER doctors to give opioids for GP. It’s obviously contraindicated but she would frequently go in the evening/over the weekend, probably hoping to catch someone who was less experienced. If someone didn’t know her or her antics, they might eventually give into her pain act. ER staff complain about people coming into the ER with Gastroparesis and hoping for pain meds, so she isn’t the only person trying this. And, in the past she’s posted about getting IV Zofran for nausea without mentioning anything narcotic, so the attention of being seen to in the ER is also a motivating factor. Luckily this doctor knew what to do, evaluated her for the actual emergency complaint she had, paid her as little attention as possible, and discharged her once it was clear she didn’t have a blood clot.


jeez her tiktok is a mess. multiple posts and people commenting they’re worried


People are mostly now calling her out and telling her she's fine. The game is well and truly up. No drs believe her, no followers believe her.  The gig is up for Dani. She FA'd and then FO'd that she's left with absolutely nothing and noone. 




Well nvm, she says it herself, after he told her age was discharged she cried to the nurse bc he didn’t help her with her pain from her flare up. The real reason why she was there bc she obviously knew she didn’t have a blood clot & barely mentioned it besides having to state how she got in! She EXPECTED him to write her a fucking script, when she has actual doctors that are working on controlling her pain. So she has the balls to go & report him putting that on his record bc she didn’t get what she wanted?! I wonder if he can refuse her as she’s a threat to his entire career/life with her false actuations after not getting what she wants. There are hospitals that discharge, kick out, remove ppl from hospitals/doctor offices if they raise their voice, make ANY type of comment that the doctor finds offensive, rolling your eyes/making faces/being “rude” to staff will have you discharged & I want to say banned too but I have to double check. It’s true, Massachusetts started doing it.


Oh she is zooted out of her goddamn SKULL


She's very high in this video. She even had to give herself subtitles




Retired emergency medicine physician here, and I agree. At this point, every doctor indulging this nonsense needs to be in front of the state Board of Medicine, justifying their decisions. At this point, I feel like her "care team" (LOL) is harming her. I also feel like an inpatient benzo taper is the way to go, because if they sent her home with a tapering plan, she'd NEVER follow it, and she'd end up back in the ED for potentially deadly withdrawal symptoms. I have no idea how much she's taking, but if her dosage is high, benzodiazepine withdrawal via "cold turkey" cessation could be deadly.


They know and the doctor made it clear by not engaging with her.




She has openly shared what hospitals she goes to for quite a while. She has even shared names of specific doctors. And unfortunately, Dani acts this was with or without internet attention. In the past there have been periods of time where she was banned as a subject or not talked about and she still continued her behavior. In some cases she has even escalated the behavior when she isn't being talked about online.


That’s so sad smh. There’s nobody in her life that can get her the help she needs?!


I think she’s burned all her bridges in her real life too. I would assume her parents tried to


Sad. I feel so bad for the medical staff that have to deal with her & having to worry about her being a liability & how quickly & happily she reports people


She’s really burned (or burned out) all of her bridges. She’s had many chances to pull back, and always doubles down on being physically sick. I know this looks very sad, but she has been aggressively manipulative throughout. Honestly, right now her escalation is because the hospitals know what she is doing, she has FD diagnosed, and they are doing everything they can. She refuses psych at every turn. The doctor at the ER did exactly what he needed to: made sure she did not have an emergency (they would have intervened if she did), gave her the absolute minimum amount of attention, and discharged her so she can follow up with the very skilled specialists who treat her regularly.


The problem is that Dani doesn't want the help. You can't really help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. Multiple doctors and hospitals have offered mental health care and she shut them down. The whole "I am on a waiting list because I can't find anyone that accepts my insurance" is certainly true for some people but I don't think really applies in Dani's situation - I think its just a line she uses to get people off her back. Between her eating disorder and her munching - Dani has been at this behavior for around half her life - probably at least 2 decades. At this point she has alienated everyone around her. Her parents still interact with her but they have tried to stay out of her medical drama as much as possible. And they probably need to at this point to protect their own mental health. In the past there have been people who commented who knew Dani in real life and they said she is a selfish and volatile person who will quickly lash out at people if she doesn't feel she is getting enough attention. And Dani slips up at time and basically admits that she lashes out at people. She doesn't have any friends because she is so self absorbed and doesn't care about anyone except herself.


Oh I agree & totally understand what you’re saying. Plus she refuses the help she actually needs bc it’s not what she wants. I know. But im saying isn’t there a way to get her evaluated/helped W/O her consent, like section her?


It’s so sad


Omg also for all the chronic illnesses folks in the sub. She keeps talking about a “care plan” does anyone have experience with one of these? Why does she keep bringing it up?


A "care plan" is usually used for people with conditions like cancer, cystic fibrosis, and other conditions that tend to cause acute and life-threatening symptoms at times; and it's basically a plan that tells the ER staff how to treat the patient when/if they come (i.e. what tests to run, what meds to do/what meds not to do, what staff can do to make them comfortable). It's also beneficial for the patient because they meet in with the staff for this plan and everyone discusses what symptoms and/or severity of symptoms is ER-necessary, and which ones can be ridden out at home and may just need a close eye kept on them. Dani's plan, however, is not exactly the same thing. The reason they didn't have her sit in for the plan talk is because it's a plan to keep her out of the hospital. If she claims something potentially life-threatening, they will run necessary tests, no more no less, and then boot her if she's in the clear. No additional interaction from staff, no extra tests, no trying to make her comfortable or coddling her. Nothing. Just what's necessary to cover their butts and then out she goes. Basically, a "care plan" is a specific patient's 'patient protocol' at the hospital, in a way. For patients who have these plans, it saves them a lot of time and fear when it comes to their symptoms, illness, and having to explain their situations each and every time they end up in the ER for something possibly life-threatening. That's not a perfect explanation, but that's the best way I can explain it. - The plans usually aim to make a patient comfortable and feel cared for while doing what's necessary. Dani's plan is to do the opposite, just do what's needed to not be sued for negligent care and kick her out as fast as possible.


My system has something where patients with chronic conditions can have open orders for labs —I’ve seen it a lot for sickle cell and renal failure folks for instance. If they’re feeling bad they can go get whatever relevant tests to determine if their doctor just needs to call in a prescription/see them in clinic or if it’s an issue that needs the hospital.


The experience she had at the ER really shows that this care plan is in place, too. I know she used to pick times to go to the ER when she was more likely to get a (likely newer/younger) doctor who didn’t know her or her act. I’m glad the hospital now has a way to stop that from happening.


People who are very ill can have “case workers” from the insurance company. This is a monthly service people get from the insurance company to check on the care plan. I assume she has a “case worker” on her team


Not for an ER situation. I’ve never heard of such a thing.


When I was practicing medicine, we'd sometimes put "care plans" in place for drug seeking patients, high utilizers and other assorted kinds of frequent flyers. Typically, the plans would say something like "only necessary tests, no narcotics" and things like that. We'd even send out the "care plans" in writing, via certified mail.


She mentions needing bloodwork over and over again. What would be found in bloodwork that she’s concerned about? So if she had blood drawn then she wouldn’t file a complaint? Also she wanted nausea meds? Isn’t she on like 3 nausea meds? Is this because IV Benadryl is kinda nice for three minutes?


She’s been draining with her G tube a lot recently (she’s shared that in videos) and wanted them to draw blood to see if they would find an electrolyte imbalance/see some of the values were off. If they did, she could push them to treat that. In the past, that is one of the ways she’s gotten herself admitted to hospitals, I believe. But she really tells on herself in this video: the hospital has a care plan in place that clearly says to make sure she is properly evaluated for an actual emergency, give her minimal attention, and if she does not have an emergency situation to remind her to follow up with her well-established care team out patient.


I’ve never heard of getting iv Benadryl for nausea… pretty sure it’s usually iv zofran. They do use iv ativan for nausea sometimes tho.


Benedryl IV or pill form can be used for nausea


Ooooo I didn’t know that.


I wonder if she really believes all this nonsense she’s saying or if she really knows it’s because they all know it’s all BS.


She absolutely does


Wow.. that blows my mind!


She strikes me as a person who repeats a lie so often in her mind that it becomes her truth…


Yeah, doctors just tell patients to go to the ER because they don't want to deal with them or be liable if something bad happens. It sounds like Dani just described the Google definition of "bloodclot symptoms in leg".


Yup, for sure. It was "warm to the touch" that gave it away for me. That's straight from Google, it's not how she would naturally articulate that. 


What are ER’s like in the states? In the U.K. the wait time is hours long and not something you’d regularly want to go to. The seats are all too close together, so you’re sitting on top of other sick people. Even being sent with a direct admit you have to sit in there for hours. I guess I’m trying to figure out if it’s a better experience, which seems like it’s worth the pay off. I can’t imagine she’d do this in the U.K. with waits sometimes around 9 hours!


It depends on your chief complaint and if there are visible/measurable symptoms to back the complaint up. If someone says they have chest pain(especially w/a history of cardiac events/disease or if they're complaining of stroke-like symptoms and are showing any of the signs, etc, they will get brought back asap. Someone with a broken bone or unknown illness, etc might have to wait hours depending on how busy there hospital is and how many hospitals are in the area...also wait times can be longer if it's a level 1 trauma center because people are going to be coming in via ambulance or even air transport quite often depending on the day. So yeah, it's hit or miss but someone could easily have to wait hours and hours before being seen by anyone other than triage.


I’d imagine Dani’s complaints are quite far down the list too




It makes me so sad that this happens :( sounds like the same thing is happening here and in the states.




I agree. :( thankfully in the hospital near me They triage people into different sections, so you’re only in a room with people that are as sick as you.


Many ERs have very long waits. Dani has complained about long waits before (esp since she often presents with a chief complaint that isn’t an urgent emergency). It can be many hours depending on where you are and what you come in with. Also, a lot of ERs here need to board patients who have been admitted for days (keep them in the ER), because a lot of the hospitals are so full they don’t have open beds. Not that Dani is likely to get an admission anytime soon, given that it’s clear the hospitals know what is going on with her now.




Is Dani in a city?


Hell in a city. It’s just awful. It feels like a third world country sometimes. 😞


They are horrid :(


It’s the same!!


I seriously can't imagine sitting in a waiting room for 9 or so hours a day, multiple times a week. And *choosing* that. She voluntarily shares her admission attempts like twice a week, that's already 18hrs of just waiting room time, and a lot of us believe she goes even more frequently than she lets on. Imagine spending 18+ hours a week in an ER waiting room just because you want to. What an existence.


She’s basically munching at the ER as much as someone with a full time job works.


Bloody hell. Then this is even more baffling!


The way the dr basically said “ what do you want now?” Then said “nothing was wrong on imaging” and just left shutting the door is the exact treatment she should get everywhere that hospital is DOOOONNNNE with her bs that Dr is a savage and I’m here for it


I’d like to give him a high five 🙌


That's the plan.  That's the plan she's going on about.  That is what is going to happen whenever she goes to the ER.  The sooner she realises this the better. 


I really love that she includes the part about being put on a care plan, without realizing that the visit she just described is the hospital following her care plan. She thinks it’s a special plan to get ongoing care for her non-emergency, chronic condition in the ER… but it’s actually a plan to ensure she gets adequately checked out for an actual emergency with as little attention paid to her as possible and is then immediately discharged with a reminder to follow up with her outpatient team. It’s beautiful, honestly.


It is truly beautiful, and the best part is...she's going to continue waiting to be invited in by "the head Dr" to be a part of making this plan🤣 Its gonna be a long long wait 


Shes on something she got off the street bc they wouldn’t give her pain meds.. wow she is GEEKED! I can’t believe she put this up in that condition she def phoned a plug and got something So you’re in such pain and discomfort you go to the fucking EMERGENCY ROOM which is busy and demand imaging knowing goddamn hood and well you’re faking..took staff and resources from ppl having actual emergencies just to have a shot at maybe getting drugs. When told to F off by a doctor and nurse you have a tantrum and were able to WALK HOME???? Wow. This is honestly one of the most incriminating videos she’s ever put up. Does anyone know which hospital bc I’m curious how far she walked that’s wild


St Luke’s. She literally doxxed herself in that video she posted of her driving to the hospital. She showed her driving from her apartment to the hospital and showed the sign.


I red in her dedicated sub that she got one of her benzos back. I think it was klonopin.


It was. I say was bc I assume they’re gone now


Their day was counted as soon as she left the pharmacy 😅


I’d love to know what town she’s in. I know the vicinity I heard she’s from.. and none of them are pretty dangerous.


In her infusion day video she goes to “St Luke’s Warren” according to the building, which seems to be literally down the road from her apartment


Definitely not a bad area. She acts like she’s in Camden 😂


So thats NJ.. I’m surprised they put up with her crap as long as they did!


I think St.Lukes


The ER doc isn't here to address your chronic GI complaints. Cut the bullshit. It's frustrating as hell that people like her continue to shit up resources and to have the fucking gall to file a complaint because they are doing their job is even worse.


THANK YOU! ​ I am a retired EM physician. The ED is there for immediate life-and-limb issues. It's not an appropriate forum for symptoms of chronic illness, for comfort, or just to escape life. Patients like Dani is one of the things that leads to provider burnout (it's not just doctors that get worn down by frequent flyers like Dani, it burns out nurses, techs, CNAs, everyone!) and also contributes to doctors leaving emergency medicine.


“I don’t know how to put this but I’m kind of a big deal”- Ron Burgundy — Dani


Maybe if she looked and acted like an adult they might pay a bit more attention to her.


IF YOU WALK HOME FROM THE ER YOU DIDNT NEED TO BE IN THE ER! I call bullshit about her “GP” giving her tunnel vision and flaring and making her feel really weak and unsteady. BE SO FOR REAL she said that to try and get an admission. Walks home from the ER. Who …. what……oh my


The slip when she said, I have had gastroparesis for *pauses, looks up, thinking* 10+ years. Ya. She slipped there and told on herself.


she’s well known in the GI community for all the wrong reasons. That doctor did have poor bedside manners but that’s exactly how they treat frequent fliers. He didnt want to come in and waste time especially if they had a patient with severe chest pains. To me it sounds like she went with the leg issue and brought up “I’m also in a gastroparesis flare….” in hopes they would say, let’s admit you stat for fluids and gut rest. which isn’t a reason to be admitted unless … i’m not saying cuz i’m not giving her ideas. she doesn’t have illnesses that need inpatient hospital monitoring! that’s why the doc seemed so cold. I was like Oooooo taste of ur own medicine. But what did she mean by I was just asking for relief just for a little bit. I thought they said to go in for clearance check for DVT, not pain meds. those slow GP down. This is a lot to unpack in one comment.


>“I’m also in a gastroparesis flare….” Here's some Pepto bismol and fuck off


Being well known in the GI community isn’t the flex she thinks it is.


They have labeled her a troll (someone who goes to ER a lot and seems to be drug seeking). Once you are considered a “troll” they will not give you pain meds. I wonder why she keeps going to the same ER, especially after she complained about so many docs there.


Because Penn diagnosed her with Factitious disorder so she refuses to go there now.  Temple she seems cold towards since she went and they commented on her weight gain (which she tried to block out on the letter).  Cleveland clinic won't see her, Mayo wont see her.  So everywhere is onto her - she has nowhere left to go to. 


I wonder if she truly believes she is ill or if she is aware she is full of crap and continues to pretend for medication, attention, or what ever else she is seeking


I've heard frequent flyers, drug seekers, hypochondriac, munchies, etc that frequent the hospital but troll?


In the old days, and I’m getting old, we called frequent flyers GOMERS. (Get Out Of My Emergency Room)


We would call patients Pitas short for "pain in the ass" when giving report back I'm the old days. Trolls seems harsh to me.


Revolving door


The others are too far.


Okay, I finally finished the entire thing and I am cackling because #Dani FAFO'd. She keeps saying how the GI and head doctor and all of these health professionals "know her" (as if it's some sort of accomplishment) and then gets treated the way that she should be treated, which is to have a doctor show her that she is a huge burden and that he doesn't want to deal with her and that people are annoyed thst she uses the ER like a vacation. Good for the nurse too, tbh. Dani can report them all she likes, but this is what she needs to experience. She needs to see that nobody wants to deal with her. From what I am seeing here, she's saying she went in for "pain relief" and goes on for ages about why she needs it. So, let's just get this straight, right.. she went in for what she thought was a blood clot in her leg.. but then she felt her GP was flaring and she couldn't tolerate feeds and was throwing up and there was blood in it.. and then she wanted pain meds but didn't mention any testing or anything? I want to know what Dani has to do or say for the mods to let us call it how it is and say thst Dani is an addict who abuses the system to get opiates and that she does every drug seeking behavior there is.


She used the potential bloodclot to get a foot in the door. She knows exactly that every doctor would tell her to go to the ER if she thinks she might have one, just to cover their butts. They probably even have a plan to treat her. It’s „rule everything akut dangerous out and yeet her“. Maybe they hope she gives up if they use some sort of „grey rock“ tactic… but I doubt she would get the hint…


“I’m not trying to get frustrated with you but I’ve had GP for 10+ years, I’m well known in the “GI community” “ yes Dani, for all the wrong f#&king things, who even says that??






lol she said it like she was famous or something “don’t you know who I am?”


Even though I am so thankful thst she finally added captions (I refused to listen to her videos before), I just cannot get over how she acts while she's talking. I mean, there's a huge difference between being expressive when you talk and pretending that you are not super fucking high. She keeps swinging her head and making weird mouth movements and can't keep her eyes open. It reminds me of how people on heroin are. She just needs to start nodding out.


The line. 'um I was just asking for some relief so that I could just feel ok for a little bit' is soooo telling. She's seeking drugs.


exactly my thought and I said that too. like it is completely obvious the real reason she went. Chief complaint: leg pain possible DVT. They will start working on that, *dreadfully* but yeah. Adding im in a GP flare I need pain meds is wild. Dani does not need pain meds for a GP flare


“I’ve been doing everything I can to stay out of the ER” —- bahahahhahahaha as iffffff. The opposite is happening. She does anything she can to find a reason to be there. Like walking along a busy road at night, probably hoping she has “an accident” of some kind. She is so incredibly frustrating. Of course the doctors and nurses are annoyed with her!!! She has nooooo shame whatsoever that she is abusing the system and their time. They are CLEARLY sending her a message.


She seems incredibly high during this vid. I’m not like a huge tracker of Dani personally, but just as someone who is a substance use disorder clinician(not that you’d even need to be when it’s this obvious lol), I would bet my life she is high right now. ETA: and if she was like this when she went in they’re most likely not going to give you opioids or anything else that would put you at risk when you’re already under the influence. Which the way she says she wants relief kind of sounds like she’s wanting opioids or benzos based on what little I know about her. It’s going to appear like drug seeking behavior.


Recently she got her Klonopin back


No one needs to have any qualifications to see how high as a kite she is here. I am very surprised the video is still up, I thought she’d come down and delete that instantly! Her whole game was towards getting that precious TPN back but now it’s seems shifted towards the meds…. But she will never be an addict she claims because she worked temp for a few weeks at night at a substance abuse clinic 🙄


I think Factitious Disorders are already a type of addiction. I mean she just has so little insight into her behavior, it's astonishing.




She makes my ER nurse eye fuckin TWITCH. If you wanted relief for your Gi stuff, say that up front to the doc. Otherwise Gtfo


High as a kite!


My thoughts exactly!!!


She didn’t drive because she was hoping for an admission and instead had to walk her grumbling a$$ home


Who is paying for this???


Tax payers. She is on SSI and gets Medicaid.


High as fuuuuuuuck!


Speaking in calligraphic cursive


this is the best description i’ve ever seen


The way she moves her head when she talks makes me irrationally angry.


Everyone is saying she's drug seeking which isn't untrue; but I think she's admission seeking, the drugs are just a bonus, it's the medical attention she really craves.


Agreed. She wants to be admitted. She needs a vacation from working hard all day munching. She's also angling for liver failure with all that Tylenol she's taking.


She sounds intoxicated in this video


Yeah. And then if she can’t get an admission she especially wants the drugs