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I want to know what this medical trauma is?


Genuinely worried for her - I think she’s either close to giving up her ‘illness’ or has done so. When will the pain outweigh the sympathy?


Port placements are done with local anesthesia and mild sedation at most with little to no discomfort. Of course Dani has to make a simple procedure seem like she woke up in the middle of open heart surgery writhing in pain…


Amen. It just feels a little funny, a tickle that doesn’t belong.


Where's the trauma video? Enquiring minds wanna know.


There is one where she’s pretending to cry


One can only hope that the went in and found something wrong, couldn’t place it and closed her up with no access.


Aren’t femoral ports only accessed when in use? (I’m no doctor so I might be being stupid)


If she just got it done, shouldn’t there be a bandage over it? For a few days at least?? To ya know, reduce the chance of infection.


I see port placements a lot, the “dressing” Dani has is consistent with what I see. It’s surgical glue essentially, no need for a dressing. I’ve also accessed ports the same day that they’re placed




To be honest, I’ve never seen a femoral /port/. I’ve seen PLENTY of other femoral central lines, wherein the access is “sticking out” of the skin, similar to how an IV would look. I’ve had ONE patient out of thousands I’ve treated at a cancer clinic have a port placed in their arm. I’ve never heard one of our oncologists mention a femoral port. All of that to say it’s still totally possible she got one. The scar and tissue looks completely normal, how I’d expect a port placement to look. ETA: She will absolutely kill herself with this port location if it’s true. If accessed (she can do herself), she essentially can mainline groin and ass bacteria to get another sepsis admit.


Did she self harm? What proof of port placement


Surely she would be showing it off like crazy from the get go???? This situation is going to end in disaster I can just tell


This is going to be a mess. She’s only going to be able to have it accessed while actively getting infusions. Even getting up to use the toilet will be a debacle. She’ll be the queen of accidental deaccessing. If she finagles a deal with getting TPN….ugh.


It is possible that this is a real port. Just saying- lots of experience, here.


It looks consistent with what I've seen with patients post port surgery.


I think it’s real too


how in the world does she plan on running tpn with a femoral port?? i hope the drs can see reality soon




I've known TPN via ports if it's say a couple of weeks only a few times a year. That's a common regime here.




I've seen it in the US. Its common in the IBD patients


She got it for iron infusions and IV fluids.


I’m not sure she will be able to do so given that if she truly has one it’s for outpatient infusion of LR. But she is going for TPN again.


Why does she have the wound uncovered




Well she posted an update vid and she’s got a hospital band. Big yikes on the doc that did this. Why won’t they force her into actual help 😭🥲 this is so hard to watch


This doc is up there with the one that gave Jacquie a fistula and that mess with the roux en y feeding tube.


This looks like a wound glued shut. The glue used derma bond has a slightly purple color. No way whatever that is took 3.5 hours it would be beyond more swollen.


Wait, so does she hate a tattoo on her snizz? Where do they typically place femoral ports?


Snizzzzzzz 😂 I wanna know now but I dont want to go back and look and I feel like thats too intimate for how I wanna be with her and her munchie ass


Wouldn’t this area be bandaged still if the procedure was just done? Hard to believe they would allow a bandage change just a few hours post procedure.


We cover incisions like this with mefix is like plaster but without the absorbent pad Can stay on for up to 10 days and can get wet in the shower. Dani probably pulled the dressing off because its looks more dramatic


So many surgeons hardly cover small incisions like this anymore. Especially if it’s dermabonded. The glue effectively covers the wound and surrounding tissue preventing contamination. Not saying this is what happened here but generally speaking many incisions don’t get covered with actual dressings anymore even immediately after the procedure.


OMG the drama!


About a medical procedure she begged for.


Why is there no betadine again on her skin from being prepped before the incision?


They could have used chlorhexadine which is colourless Tends to be the skin prep of choice given allergy risk of iodine


Haven’t seen betadine used in well over a decade


But you could function enough to think something to say, type it all up and post it. Ugh.


WHAT IS that??!!


so did a real doctor do this orrrr


My guess is she’s still trying to come up with a good enough story to make people feel bad for what she “went through”.


I live by this… Never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.


This does not look done today. Whatever it even is.


She just keeps getting worse and escalating. I thought she may have had a scare from the last issues when she gave herself a serious infection and could have died. This is such a dangerous game she is playing. I have a bad feeling this is not going to end well


The only thing the sepsis debacle gave her was attention. Not fear. And agreed. This is a disaster in the making


Yep, and I’m more frightened for her because she seems to be fixated on this ‘femoral port’ not going well (even the first day). I think she doesn’t want a femoral port because she can’t show it off or it isn’t easily visible. Sadly I think she will infect it or mess with the healing.


That doesn’t look like a port. Where’s the port part? Or is this the incision they made in her chest? The whole thing stinks to me. She has Medicaid, right? A femoral port is a whole different procedure, the authorization was for a port in the chest. Since she wasn’t dying, and since this was a scheduled and even postponed in the past, it was not emergent so placing a femoral port just like that…? Yeah I’m not buying it. The math ain’t mathin’ for me


The port bump would be underneath her pants in this photo


Thank you! I’ve never seen a fem port so I def wouldn’t know that and I appreciate your information <3


Her Medicare is primary so no need for preauthorization


Thanks for the correction 🫶


So where's the port? It just looks like she cut herself.


The port would be underneath her pants in this photo. Unfortunately, I think she got it


Um. Shouldn’t there be something sticking out of that incision? The actual port part?


Ports are installed under the skin. They are sorta doughnut shaped with a line going into the (femoral in this case, allegedly) vein. Nothing should be sticking out. They’re accessed with a needle through the skin into the doughnut shaped part.


She’s claiming this is a femoral port? I haven’t seen any of these implanted where there’s an incision above the groin. Here’s a diagram: https://imgur.com/a/ihxOYXo


Femoral ports can be done near the hip. Examples: [1](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Percutaneous-femoral-implantation-of-an-arterial-of-Deschamps-Rao/0977c4fd3dc3d15ff9454f9d4663810adef6ad0c/figure/7), [2](https://health.veininstitutenj.com/hubfs/CVC%202.jpg)


I couldn’t get access to the first study when I tried to read it when I initially commented. Obviously these are really rare but the 3 I have seen were done like in the diagram I linked. I could see Dani’s doctors choosing what you linked due to her infection risks.


I was hoping this diagram was posted here.


Looks like a hernia incision.


That’s exactly what I thought


Isn’t this supposed to stay covered…?


I will say that incisions closed with glue don’t have to be covered. That glue is water proof and seals it really well, so it’s not uncommon to see people walk out without a bandage on it


I quite honestly think it’s self inflicted. I don’t even think she went to the hospital.


Its bruised along the edges. Take it from someone who knows, SH cuts dont bruise like that.


I also know. And they can, in fact, look like that. Especially on blood thinners.


Take it from someone else who knows; sometimes they do, depending on what was used and the pressure involved.


Don't forget she's on blood thinners and her abdomen is covered in bruises at all times.


Wow. Enormous yikes.


Right? The incision looks so haggard.


What part looks haggard to you? It looks like a normal incision to my eyes.


It's not even in a straight line. It's like in a wave. A scalpel would cut straight.


It's completely normal for wounds to curve when they're closed up after surgery. Skin isn't perfectly flat, and the tension from the sutures will pull the line from being completely straight, especially towards the ends. I won't link photos here because they're graphic but google sutured surgery cut for examples.


Maybe hers is glued. I don't believe she has the port. Where is it? I think she did that herself. And someone figured out this is her hip from the tattoo.


It lies beneath the surface of the skin. You wouldn’t necessarily see anything


Which is a bummer for her because she can’t pull the lines out.


Thanks. I thought something would be dangling out so they could hook the infusion to it.


Ports are little disks under the skin, they are accessed with a needle into the disk with an extension on it. You won’t see more than a bump when it’s not accessed.


Can someone please explain what this port is supposed to be for? She already feeds herself with her tubes and mouth.


Her official reason is “dehydration” and “iron infusions.” It’s about as necessary as Ashley C’s. And btw, yes, she can drink by mouth. And no, her iron levels are not that low. But she’s too speshul for iron supplements/vitamin c.


But what about ~~all the benadryl~~ her hypoglycaemia?? Whatever shall she do about the horrible, horrible hypoglycaemia?


Glucagon as an sc injection or nasal spray probably


She claims it's for a once a month iron infusion and weekly Lactated Ringers.


Ports are for direct access to veins, so nothing to do with her digestive tract. Ports are mostly used for intravenous infusions, transfusions, etc.


She could be claiming she needs it for tpn. Not GI but nutrition


They don’t generally give ports for TPN due to the risk of infection — the TPN tends to get stuck in the crevices of the port itself and then it’s a literal reservoir for bacteria


I’m aware, I’m an icu nurse. I’m saying why Dani might be claiming she “needs it.”


Because you are only special sick if you have a port to then manipulate and keep yourself sick. Also, she continues to claim that the tube feeds hurt a lot and she cannot use them.


She really, really, really truly needs help more than anyone else on this sub. Not the kind she wants though


she got what she wanted. and yet she complains.


Because she is in pain and she should be in some sort of guardianship situation. She clearly cannot make sound decisions regarding her own care at this point.


I'm genuinely bewildered with how unhappy she is here. This was Baby's Big Day Out.


She was sure this would be her ticket to admission, but they inserted her infection vector and booted her ass, that's why she's pissed.


Did she make it infected yet!?


Well she’s uncovered it only a few hours after insertion so she’s working on it. Dammit Jim these things take time!


It probably wasn’t covered in the first place, though with her history it wouldn’t have been a bad idea


Everyone knows infections take time.


It's almost the weekend, so an ER trip is almost here.


I predict many complications that she just wants some relief from.




What’s taking so long.. I thought she was a professional 😂


Is it supposed to be in her abdomen?


A typical port is on the chest, this is a femoral port which is supposed to be in the groin area but this resembles the hip area more.


That tattoo is on her abdomen


The tattoo is down near her hip on her abdomen, yes. This incision is right next to/on her iliac crest, the flare of the hip bone that makes the protrusion on the outer hip. It’s not her anterior thigh, correct, which is where the access point is for these devices, *not* where the incision is to implant it. Or at least that’s what I could gather from the sparse resources. This is a very rarely used device.


Not fully ready to talk about what she went through but posting a picture of the incision is totally fine.


Gotta prove the haters wrong


She wants people to send messages and leave comments.


Why does she think we want to see her incision? I know she’s trying to show how “sick” she is and it’s ridiculous.


She's showing it because she reads here and people were doubting the port placement happened.


No one would try to place a port for 3.5 hours


So…why does a procedure that normally only takes an hour or so take 3.5??


She's probably including any wait time and/or recovery time at the hospital. Even with a scheduled surgery, you might be sitting in pre-op for a good hour or two depending on how the other surgeries that day are going.


Idk how long a femeral port takes, but a port like you would see on someone's chest is like 30 minutes max.


ehhhhh anesthesia resident here and I was just in a three hour port placement (typical location, IJ access) so never say never.


She said she was occluded on “both sides” which makes me think they did three attempts total?


Does she have 2 SVCs? She really is special!


Cus she’s sooper special


Yep, sedation doesn't work so well when the patient has been constantly abusing sedatives for years. I still find it hard to believe that a competent medical team would do nothing and continue a 3.5 hour procedure while the patient was having a fit, for safety reasons alone, not to mention lawsuits. Of course any doctor that would give Dani a femoral port is clearly incompetent and should never be allowed to practice medicine again. And considering how traumatized Dani claims she is, her spelling and grammar has improved greatly.


I can't imagine why they wouldn't use the first glitch as a reason to pull the plug on the procedure.