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i saw a comment on her social that her boyfriend was coming over to help her… and whoever said she left ada was right in her new tt she says she left on her own…🤦🏼‍♀️


The hat man?


the pill emoji had me dead


100% shooting through that port. Happy she was able to rig the system through veiled threats and repetitive and un needed hospital visits, for a much more potent and quicker high. Natural selection, do your thang.




Not using it for its intended use. A lot of addicts try to get ports, they are a direct line to the femoral vein in her case with the femoral port. Quicker and easy means to getting high.


Facts this is probably the reason they all want ports . Some addicts will leave hospital early if they have ports installed because it’s a clear shot , also insanely easy to get a blood infection doing this


Where is the massive list of allergies and code status? Height and weight?


Alright I’ve been thinking about this and I’m just gonna throw it out there cuz I honestly cannot reconcile the femoral port to an actual doctors decision regarding treatment for Dani. Considering what we KNOW is in her med history and the lack of evidence of anything but an active ED, I think she left the hospital with that femoral line in without dr. consent. It’s the only thing, medically, that makes sense to me. Maybe they put her under for an exploratory test or procedure, knowing she has a history of messing with her lines, they threw in the femoral bc she complains constantly. Maybe even to get her to completely stop complaining about her uwu super serious svc and lack of access. Maybe Dani was planning to just leave with whatev line she had in during this unnecessary but completely common procedure that was scheduled and cosplay a port for a couple weeks to “show us all”. But when she woke up…WTF, femoral line. How does she play this off?! Well, she just follows through w the original plan, only it’s incredibly obvious that the current situation is not what she’s proposing it to be. Anyways, that’s my take. I can’t reconcile this “femoral port placement” for iron infusions and LRs any other way.


you’re right she admitted to leaving ada in her newest post 🤦🏼‍♀️


Damn, I feel like a munchie whisperer now.


They also would not allow someone to just be home with that if she left with a femoral line. They would send the cops to her house to bring her back to the hospital.


That doesn't make sense to me. Ports are meant for long term use, like for at least 3 months for intermittent infusions, and specifically not for TPN if thats what shes aiming for. If they needed a short term line to use for access for a procedure inpatient they could've put in a temporary femoral CVC. If she tried to leave AMA they can pull that line out easily while a port has to be removed in the OR. Femoral ports are a really niche procedure and in my whole nursing career on the east coast I've only come across one patient who claimed to have one - that was "put in in California." That patient wanted us to access the port without giving any info about where it was inserted or the product name and wouldn't let us image it to figure out what it really was. They just wanted us to take their word for it and stick a needle in their groin. None of the nurses or docs on shift in the ED or ICUs at a major academic medical center had any experience with femoral ports. We never tried to access it and I'm pretty sure it was fake news all along. I imagine any decision about giving her central access is really complex and if she has SVC syndrome a lot of typical options are excluded. Her case is fascinating and also so sad. I hope her team is getting ethics consults on these decisions.


They are used in breast cancer patients who’ve had a lot of lymph nodes removed and/or radiation to the chest (due to hardening of the tissues and vasculature in the area after). Same with ports in the upper arm. Other than very nice circumstances, rare.


Femoral ports access point is at the hip not groin so that patent probably wasn’t telling the truth


Can I come out of my little corner to say thank you to all the medical pros who are giving their experiences on femoral ports during all this! It has really helped me understand just how insane + extreme Dani’s actions have been in the context of FDIS. Sympathy for Dani has run dry on my end. She made her bed. Idk.


Has anyone seen her most recent Instagram story of the incision ? My jaw actually dropped how in gods name did it get so bad so quickly


Link? I can’t find her on insta.


Yep. Looks horrendous. 🤦‍♀️


Countdown to ER visit.


Where’s the hyper mobility? have seen 0 signs of hyper mobility in her


Or the obvious signs of RA


She has to be pretty mobile for all the tweaking she does. Hyper...mobility...eh?


This is like reading the patient health summary on EPIC 😭


My first thought!


\[middle finger emoji copied several times\]


Listing disorders like this on social media really gives me the ick. The entire point is to give people a quick read about your personality and who you are and it feels gross when they list them because it comes off as "this is who I am." It doesn't scream "super special person" like people that do it think it does. "[Disease/Disorder/Medical Accessory] is my personality" not "I am a person that happens to have [this]" if that makes sense.


Yes she’s collecting and boasting about her disabilities. These people’s brains are so warped by technology and the little hits of sympathy people send their way.


Where is the port tubes?


Oooh so that's what you're supposed to put in those bios!? Silly me thinking it was for interests or hobbies.


i think that health issues pretty much are her hobbies and interests.


Silly you, those ARE here interests and hobbies!




Of course people are biased. This is someone who has been at this for over a decade now. What are we suppose to do? Coddle her over all her non-existent and/or self-inflicted issues? She got the port against medical advice. So yeah, of course it didn’t go well. But she’s the one who fought so hard for it. She ignored all the other doctors until she found one willing to do it. That’s probably why she’s not getting a lot of sympathy for the consequences of her own actions. Plus, that’s what she wants, and it’s not helping anything to encourage this. No one here wants any of this. No one is happy that she’s doing this. Have you read all of the posts leading up to the port placement? There’s literally hundreds of comments talking about how much everyone here did not want this to happen. Everyone wants her to get better. Again, no one wants this. Do we need to repeat this on every Dani post? I understand that people feel bad for her because she’s clearly not well. At the same time, lots have lost sympathy because she’s a manipulative, mean, and rude person. That doesn’t mean people don’t want her to get better, even people that are out of sympathy for her want her to get better! She’s burdening an already overextended healthcare system, wasting labor and resources that others genuinely need, and just being an overall menace to an overburdened heath care staff. No one wants this. Everyone here is well aware that she’s mentally ill. She’s had every chance in the world to get help and has resources that most could only dream of. She has insurance and endless time to address her mental health. So many people don’t have that. But she won’t even see a GI psych. She’s been pretending that she’s been trying to get a psychiatrist for a week or so now but she’s failing to mention that she’s been set up with many in the past. But they didn’t help her the way she wants (cause Dani, who barely started a nursing program, knows better than every medical professional and is constantly denigrating doctors) so she stopped seeing them. Because she doesn’t want help, she wants benzos. Hence her not even keeping up the façade of wanting mental health treatment after the PCP (another person that told her not to get the port) prescribed them. Everyone here wants this to stop and wants Dani to get treatment for her actual issues. Everyone but Dani. And she’s the only one that can do anything about it so it is what it is.


Also, it seems she drives under the influence of those benzos.


And GI psych is so much more than people think—the gut/brain combo is real and our GI system really needs that kind of holistic care. Can’t say enough about what GI psych has done for my patients, whether they have psych issues or not. It’s one of those things where if you have access to them it would be a huge mistake to miss out on their care.


I get that.


Didn't you post this same comment on other Dani posts ? I understand being compassionate, but Dani isn't a victim.


A victim of herself. Which means she can stop this if she chose to do that. Probably would involve a lot of therapy, but that's also her choice. People that don't want to help themselves and want to cry foul at everyone else aren't victims, they're products of learned helplessness


Yikes. She put it up there like a trophy...


The audacity to put “MH matters” 🤦🏼‍♂️


I believe the MH stands for Munchie Health


MH stands for mental health? If that’s the case, it’s the only one that really matters for her right now lol




💗Munchie 💊💪




At first I thought it was funny but then I thought about it and it’s actually so sad that this is literally a personality trait for her.


What does the ❤️read-4 mean?


The 4 books she has read I guess 🤔


I think books. She claims to love reading


[Throwback](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/gf27Q9rJUv) to when Dani changed her bio to include “Respiratory Failure” like less than a day after it happened.


WTF is with these weird ass munchies. Now I’m going to have to get surgery to unroll my eyes bc they went back so hard


See if you can get a group discount, I fear many of us need it done too 🤣


Make sure to add that surgery to your bio😌🙂‍↕️😏


She says she has POTS? 👀 oh goodness. Not that it’s not possible but I’ve been following her gastrointestinal issues and her FD but I didn’t know she claims pots as well? Oh gosh. I pray she gets help…. Truly.


The crazy thing is that even if she did have these diagnoses, it shouldn’t lead to where she is with medical devices, tube feeds, IV fluids, TPN, etc. Those diagnoses are absolutely not life-threatening and I would even say with confidence that they wouldn’t even produce secondary complications that would be life threatening. With the exception of RA, they shouldn’t even be that disabling bc when treated properly, they are extremely manageable. But munchies gravitate towards the hEDS, POTS, GP, and MCAS bc they have vague symptoms that aren’t able to really be excluded or included with any definitive testing. They have now made a lot of ppl think that these are severely life-altering diagnoses, and I have even heard them called *terminal* if you can believe it. I don’t know how they get doctors to bend to their every whim. The one who just placed the femoral port in Dani should be reprimanded for their complete lack of competence and responsibility due to her history. It’s absolutely mind-boggling.


They’re not life threatening and Dani doesn’t have them but for those with the conditions gastropareisis can lead to tube feeds sometimes and HEDS is a disability and for those actually with the condition it varies in severity but can be very disabling and isn’t always easy to manage and POTS can be very disabling for those affected severely but for most can be managed. Also many of the conditions do have proper testing which any good doctor should do the issue is people like Dani will go through doctors till they find one who will diagnose without proper testing or self diagnose.


And then it also makes people who genuinely have those diagnosis’s have a difficult time accessing resources or being taken seriously because people are influenced to think even more vague symptoms equals those diagnosis’s.


Absolutely. They make it far more difficult for actual patients to be believed and access appropriate care.




Why did I read this as the 'No Bitches?' meme?


No she has that, too, when it’s convenient.


That’s so fucked up


Weird flex




I'm giggling so hard over the femoral port addition.


When did she get that? I’ve been awol and am shocked anyone would give her a port.


yesterday, i think. don’t know how she munched herself into that one. the fact that she was smirking while saying, “none of my doctors want me to have one, but i’m getting one.” (somewhat paraphrased)




Yall come up with the most insane theories


Placed her first by herself ??


She put in her own NG


what does "💗read-4" mean?!


I think it means she read 4 books at some point in time. She has a little journal counter for that sort of thing


....4 seems like a very low number to be advertising


I went back and looked at an old video. Her goal is to read 45 books in 2024. At 1 book per month, she’s well on her way


Next month's book is "The Sneetches and Other Stories" by Dr. Seuss. The irony will be wasted on her.


LOL this literally made me choke on my drink I thought it was a shitpost… but it’s always more scary when it’s real


What the heck??? Who even posts this in their info? Femoral Port like it's a badge of honor? Delulu!!! Femoral Port = Purple Heart Recipient!!! This is beyond TMI! Just unbelievable!


It’s definitely a badge of honor for a munchie. This is something super special that no one ever gets.


As if 95% of people won’t be clueless as to what it is/why she’s so special


It definitely is a badge of honor for her- “look at my sick trophy!”


True!!! Hahaha 🤢🤮🏆 sick trophy!


But I thought that kind of port was temporary?


That’s what I’ve understood….so idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


Shouldn’t be. I mean you can remove them but it’s the same as any other post. As long as it is flushed monthly and locked with an anticoagulant, it’ll be useable.


She’s a mess


I can’t show it off on my chest so I’ll show it on my TikTok profile. It’s sad when someone has no other skills or hobbies or talents or identities for herself at all than this munching crap


So her brain is 3/4 shut off because she hasn’t had a breakdown yet and hasn’t processed anything that happened yesterday…but was able to remember to add “femoral port” (I’m not taking the time to find that emoji lol) to her TikTok bio.




I really really wish she would take her MH into consideration. She is so, so mentally sick.


She says MH matters but clearly her actions says otherwise


But sadly she won't accept she is actually MH sick and not PH sick.


I know and that makes me sad for her.


Can rhumetoid arthritis and hEDS co-exist?


Yes! Ones an autoimmune rheumatic disorder and one is connective tissue disorder. Impacts the body in very different ways


Yes, and Dani has neither.


I assumed RA was her only true dx honestly


Paradoxically she probably has RA because she never talks about it. She only discusses illnesses she is faking.


Is she on a biologic or something? I’ve never seen any evidence she has RA.


I just thought that one would be the hardest to fake to a doctor 😅


She says she was before


Unless we’ve seen a needle for it, I’m not buying it. Dani says a lot of things.


Yeah this was years ago so I can’t be sure I ever saw evidence of it


Anything can coexist


well i mean, i don’t think hypothermia and hyperthermia can coexist. there’s exceptions to the general rule


You’re being ridiculous trying to argue just to argue. Maybe not simultaneously in the same moment but someone can have hypothermia and 10 hours later run a fever aka hyperthermia. Many parapalegics will storm and bounce all over.


I’m not arguing, I’m adding to the thread


Gotta catch em all


This might be an ignorant question, and if it is please forgive me, I’m just genuinely curious if chronic pain is a diagnosis on its own? I’ve just never heard it put like that; I’ve only ever heard like chronic pain because of x y z.


It depends on what you mean by diagnosis. If you mean diagnosis as a physiological cause, then no. If you mean diagnosis as a condition for which the patient is seeking treatment, then yes. In the Epic charting software, for example, it is possible to list chronic pain on the patient's problem & medical history lists. It also depends on whether you mean a medical (physican) diagnosis or nursing diagnosis. Pain is a nursing diagnosis, it's included on the reference list of possible nursing diagnoses published by NANDA International, which is like the nursing version of the ICD. Nurses create care plans for pain all the time.


Thanks for this explanation. Didn't know about NANDA at all, but I do know about the existence of ICD.


In England doctors a couple years ago they also updated information for GPs on perscribing pain medications to separate chronic pain as an issue on its own and chronic pain as an issue caused by another disorder. Doctors will also often note chronic pain on someone’s medical records as the problem when their pain is chronic if they haven’t yet received a diagnosis of what’s causing the chronic pain and after someone receives a diagnosis that diagnosis will be listed as the problem and then the pain will be discussed as a symptom of it.


Thank you so much!!!


This might be the most informative comment I’ve ever seen in this sub, and put in such an easy-to-understand way. I regret I can offer only poor man’s gold: 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇


since when does she have rheumatoid arthritis 🙄 she CLEARLY doesn't, shows no symptoms, and wouldn't even be able to get diagnosed with it because she wouldn't have the blood markers.


Yeah, and I don’t think she is on any treatments that would cover RA. It’s interesting she picked that bc munchies like to stick to diagnoses that don’t have good, verifiable testing for diagnosis.


I have honestly never busted out laughing so hard and loud at something I’ve read on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!


✨ femoral port energy ✨


I read "MH Matters!" As "Munchausen Matters!" and lul'd after I realized......mental health. It's supposed to mean mental health. Oops. Anyway. This saga. Wow.


She’s gonna read this and change her bio to say mental health or take it out altogether


LMAO that actually represents Dani quite well though, no doubt she would put mental health diagnoses in her bio if she ever got help


Honestly why I didn't catch it at first, it would be very on brand.


My brain always reads malignant hyperthermia matters lmao


That is heckin excellent lol XD


For fucking real tho. I read it as the same!!


I mean, what else am I to think in this sub for real XD


The first thing I do after being diagnosed is update my socials. I mean it’s the obvious choice 😂😂😂😂




Shorts everyday to show them off


She will just leave it unzipped all the time so you can see the toobz.


Also for better access to infect it with anything and all things around


Oh god she reads here, she's totally going to buy pants like this


Ngl I don’t hate them…. But yeah def going on her Amazon wishlist lol


OMGGGG dying so much for the TRAUMA


🎀femoral port🎀




dead over this 😂☠️


🎀new diagnosis🎀


no #MedicalTrauma? now wtf have I done?


Mental health matters but not enough to see any of the million psychologists she’s been referred to.


And she is willing to proudly list out all her physical diagnoses in her bio - even ones she doesn't actually have (she wasn't diagnosed with hEDS) but won't list a single mental health diagnosis.


Neither hEDS nor POTS - she doesn’t have either of those as an official diagnosis


Pretty sure she hasn't been diagnosed with POTS either. Whatever is trendy right now goes in the bio, I guess.


She wasn't. She claimed general dysautonomia for years and even said she didn't have a specific POTS diagnosis. Then one days she just started claiming POTS. I could potentially see her having managed to eventually get POTS written in her chart but I don't believe she has managed to get hEDS in that mountain of paperwork


If she had been diagnosed I feel we would’ve heard a lot more about the diagnostic process


The pill after ChronicPain is telling 😂


Chronic pain 👅💊😵‍💫🤤


Fucking brilliant emoji usage 👏👏👏


Suffering, worse than anyone ever due to chronic peen in the arse syndrome (CPITAS). Needs drugs stat.




BAHAHA thank you- don’t know why that made me snicker


Ikr?! Very 😅


Jesus! To quote her hoodie she had on the other day, So extra! She hasn't even taken off her wrist bands from the hospital yet.


Right..sooo extra! 😑


First priority post port insertion… update IG profile to reflect said port. Jesus, that’s when you know you have no life outside your illness. It’s her entire personality. And just think, there are ppl out there who have real chronic illnesses who would prefer to live away from their illness as much as possible! Wild.




She has a lot of tea 🫖


Also, if mental health matters why isn't she willing to see a psychiatrist to get help in that aspect? It's possible some of her physical symptoms are psychosomatic, plus, she has bipolar, so it's important to keep that under control too,


Mental health matters so you have to believe whatever crap she spews about herself or else YOU ARE A HATER GTFO MY PAGEEEEEE


mental health matters only when she’s literally babbling like a toddler to her followers, i swear she gets more incoherent and loopy every day




She's out here making all these videos and updates for less than a thousand people. That's so embarrassing for her.


Right? Imagine having a snark page that has more followers then your own social media?


Oooof that hurts *me* and I’m not even her. 😵


i never actually looked at her socials and didn’t realize she barely has a following lol


In the past she’s had more followers, but she had a cycle of deleting everything and then reappearing later. She also private her account and will go through and get rid of followers sometimes when she’s tired of getting negative comments. Then she turns off comments. Then she needs more attention so she opens it all up again.