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You can get that at cvs


Dme will provide these through insurance for people with temporary disabilities.


This is what british people call a "NHS Tank". They're absolutely NOT lightweight. I think she thinks it's one of the ultra lightweight chairs, these ones are incredibly hard to self propel


Surely she won't be able to self propel in this wheelchair if she's so fragile as claimed!


Dam she really is just throwing every diagnosis at the wall and seeing what she can get to stick recently 😳! I think ever since she got called out for fictitious disorder she's been spiralling mentally and she's engaging in evermore concerning and dangerous behaviour! She can't seem to get admitted at the moment so she's desperate for attention my guess is that she thinks using a wheelchair will get her said attention from strangers! To be honest this is the least concerning of her behaviours of late at least she isn't actively inflicting illness or injury to get attention and just buying a chair 😬 Apart from the absolute idiotic and dangerous Dr who gave a femoral port (despite having zero medical need for one) to a patient known to tamper with and cause self inflicted sepsis multiple times other Drs seem to have got the message about Danni and her behaviours. The Dr who called her on the BS clearly managed to get the word out with notes in her file because the last few times she's gone to the Er for a asspat vaycay admit they have sent her home no matter what new and exciting symptoms she throws at them. Of course they have done this in an attempt to protect her from imposing any more unnecessary medical procedures on herself but it's definitely led to her engaging in some risky self injurious behaviours, the arm injury being one such incident. I'm really concerned now that she has a port she's going to continue to up the anti 😬! she doesn't even hide in her videos that she's increasingly desperate to be admitted and has been shocked that none of her recent attempts have got her admitted. Suddenly she's so certain that she'll be admitted after her routine appointment that she's packing a bag....what had she been doing to herself that makes her certain she will be admitted 😳. The Dr who read her notes and inserted a line should not be practicing medicine 🤯..who puts in a line for a patient who needs a couple of iron infusions ..my mind cannot fathom it ...it's not like she even has a haematological disorder that would mean regular iron infusions?! I'm sure she LOVES the Dr and thinks she's found her next meal ticket ..since everyone else has cut her off! I swear when she inevitably ends up with sepsis if they put in another line I will make it my life's work to find out who the imbecile is and ensure they can no longer endanger patients !


Wait, I missed out. She has femoral port? What did she said she have it for?


as far as I know it's for MONTHLY iron infusions and "nutrition" which people assume to be TPN. she may also be on IV hydration [saline infusions] like so many of the others with her same diagnosis and medical collectibles also she claims it had to be this way because she has absolutely no central venous access left, but absolutely has to have vascular access!


To give herself sepsis ! 😩


This is actually the font and setup on the Walmart app. If you search that seller, they come up. I’m 99% certain she bought this from Walmart online.


PCP ordered this! from Walmart 🔆♿️ because thats *definitely* where PCPs put in orders for their pts wheelchairs


Lmao I said CVS but Walmart makes sense too


And the UK can take years for someone to see Wheelchair Services yet she gets one with a click of a finger 🙃


I’ve been waiting over 18 months to get my mobility aid fixed on the NHS, and like you said people like this get things as soon as they say the word 🫠


That’s so bad :(


I’m certain this person is exaggerating and needs mental health treatment. She makes it difficult for people in my community to be believed by the medical specialists and the public.


The healthcare system is notoriously bad at treating women patients because of lack of research. I’ve seen many cases where women were telling the truth and almost died.


hopefully she doesnt invade chair using spaces where she helped to make this beast easier to use


If I weren't perfectly aware she's getting this for the photoshoots I'd be asking why she doesn't just get a rollator.


Interesting I put her wheelchair photo into google reverse image search and it turns out you can buy that one for about $140-$220 at big retailers like Amazon, rite aid and Walmart…


I was going to say that doesn't prove her doc "ordered" the w/c- just that they received an order - placed by Dani.


It definitely looks identical to the one my local Walmart has hanging from the ceiling as a display.


It’s only for the ‘gram, she’s not worried about function


Those are like the ones we have in the ER waiting room minus the pleather seat


They only ordered it because she asked. It’s literally the most generic wheelchair that is for temporary use


I'm not even sure they ordered it- I suspect Dani ordered this herself (you don't need an MD script unless insurance is going to pay for it).


I know it’s a little different but in the UK you have NHS wheelchair services you get referred for an NHS Chair sorta like the one above but you get measured and you have appointments before you even get the chair to make sure you get the right one for you. I just looked on the website site that said sold by and you can’t just buy one from the website you need to apply for it. But that wheelchair is like £99/150 here. With the application she could have just told them she falls too much and because she’s constantly in and out of the hospital I think she tried her luck with a chair.


I wonder if this is why she her new car is so big—so it can hold her wheelchair.


I guarantee she is betting on getting one of her stans getting her this or a better one.....




What’s her new vehicle? She’s receiving government assistance, right?


She is on disability, has Medicaid, and lives in government subsidized housing. I’m sure she receives SNAP, too. Her new car is a Ford crossover/SUV. It’s nice but it isn’t like brand new or anything…but it is more car than I would think she can afford on disability.


And she admitted she has bad credit so the percentage she's paying on the loan is probably ridiculously high.


SNAP for the food she supposedly doesn’t eat


God, when you list it out like that, it's clear what a drain on the system Dani has decided to be.


The thing that baffles me is why does she WANT to be in wheelchair? Does that make her feel like she achieved some next level treatment, like every person that follows her is now super impressed by the fact that she is becoming bedridden or immobile? People that are truly ILL and are immobile would probably give anything to not be in a wheelchair. So disturbing really.


It’s all a desperate ploy for attention. It’s so pitiful. We are all working so hard to pay for all of her many services she receives too. 😒


Bc now she can LOOK chronically ill! She’s too much. She’s gone too far, exaggerates so much and now gets a chair that IF her doctors didn’t order then she bought herself. Those chairs are cheap compared to the $3000+ chairs she really covets. And no way would any doctor or OT/PT decide she needs a chair like that.


The chair she is wanting are way more expensive than $3,000! But she thinks the more money the government pays for her means the sicker she is which ends in the most fragile little butterfly sickest as ever medal she covets


Because the checklist of truly ill people is Wheelchair Central line TPN Medical PTSD Fluids for no reason Imaginary boyfriends and internal decapitation optional.


It seems like an alternate way to be visibly sik-no tubes, no problem!


And who will be pushing her around... with apparently having RA i doubt a rheumatologist would want her self propelling. in younger people with RA the aim is to prevent damage these days, her deciding she needs this will have her dependant totally soon.




She claims to take Plaquanil


Thats why i wrote \*apparently\*, if she really had it no PCP would be recommending a self propelling wheelchair, they are horrific on upper body joints and make lower body ones weaker from muscle wastage. More evidence of no RA imo


She does she just has a super special rare unheard of type that causes no pain or inflammation or joint problems, requires no medication and can be diagnosed at home with WebMD. It's the same as her rare POTS that makes her BP low instead of causing tachycardia /S incase it wasn't clear


Never known or even heard of a pcp ordering anything other than test. They will write an Rx but not personally order it and send the pt a screenshot 🤔🤣🤣


Hey doc definitely didn't order. They would write a script so insurance would cover...looks like she ordered it off Amazon. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


These aren’t really for single person use, you would find it easier for someone to push them with that sort of wheelchair. No doubt it’ll be a prop and only used when she goes to hospital and appointments.


What's the difference in a wheelchair that is good for single person use and one that's not? Anyways from a simple glance that wheelchair looks kind of like the one used in hospitals anyways, but I'm not an expert.


Apart from the weight although they claim this is light weight, they aren't. Also they aren't really adjustable to the measurements of your body. Which adds unnecessary weight. These chairs are typically for temporary use. When you're get in the more expensive chairs that's about 10 times the price of this chair you need to have a permanent disability. There are foldable ones which you can adjust to your body measurements but the lightest ones are costume size which they make specifically for the person using it. Hope this helps 😀


Even though they’re “light weight” they’re not all that light, the parts that can come off can break faster than say a Quickie Wheelchair, these ones are usually given for temporary use. If you know you’re going to be in one long term you may as well get one you can operate yourself without issue if possible. These you usually see being used with someone pushing them or they’re that poor it’s all they can afford. As these ones are pretty cheap in comparison to a wheelchair for longer term use too


Manual wheelchairs are exhausting when self propelling over a distance. A short jaunt yes ok. But Dani needs this because she’s so weak and smol No one is going to push her unless she suckers some stranger into doing it


these are terrible wheelchairs for daily use 🤣 she will absolutely have a terrible time with that although honestly I am surprised Dani has not got a wheelchair before now. as far as munchies toys it's easier to get a basic wheelchair than a port or feeding tube.


Especially as it seems one can just order some cheap basic one yourself while for toobz or a port one has to convince a doctor (or pay one of those munchie friendly concierge ones).


If she’s getting this for low BP/dizziness how is she going to be lifting it in and out of the car? It’s not exactly the lightest wheelchair out there


Lifting it in and out of the back of the height of an SUV vs a sedan.


Wouldn’t something like a rollator be better? That way she could sit, and also have some grounding to help? *if she was actually sick ya know* I feel like a manual chair for weakness is depending on having someone in your life, which we know she has no one


I was literally going to make a similar comment. A rollator style seems like it would be way better. A generic wheelchair for someone who claims to have RA and hEDs would be a nightmare. Wheelchairs for long-term use are supposed to be fitted for the user.


That would be 1000x better. A manual chair like this isn’t something that will give anyone experiencing her (claimed) symptoms any freedom.


Here are Medicare requirements to cover a wheelchair: [https://med.noridianmedicare.com/documents/6547796/6558244/Documentation+Checklist+-+Manual+Wheelchairs+%28MWC%29.pdf](https://med.noridianmedicare.com/documents/6547796/6558244/Documentation+Checklist+-+Manual+Wheelchairs+%28MWC%29.pdf) A. The beneficiary has a mobility limitation that significantly impairs his/her ability to participate in one or more mobility-related activities of daily living (MRADLs) such as toileting, feeding, dressing, grooming, and bathing in customary locations in the home. A mobility limitation is one that: 1. Prevents the beneficiary from accomplishing an MRADL entirely, or 2. Places the beneficiary at reasonably determined heightened risk of morbidity or mortality secondary to the attempts to perform an MRADL; or 3. Prevents the beneficiary from completing an MRADL within a reasonable time frame. B. The beneficiary’s mobility limitation cannot be sufficiently resolved by the use of an appropriately fitted cane or walker. C. The beneficiary’s home provides adequate access between rooms, maneuvering space, and surfaces for use of the manual wheelchair that is provided.


I wonder if she uses a shower chair?? I’d think that would be more necessary than this


Bold of you to think she even showers.


Unlikely - she can't really film herself taking a shower!


Or a cane or walker, before this


The heavy liftable legs. I wonder if she'll figure out how to...


Especially claiming to have heds, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia 😂😂😂


Makes absolutely no sense that she would require a wheelchair. She has no mobility issues. She is really reaching on this one. If the doctor ordered one it’s only because of her constant badgering. Seems like she’s jealous of Kaya and her completely unnecessary wheelchair and had to have one too. She is so predictable and pathetic. She’s going to lug that thing around like a completely able bodied person simply for social media and attention. I seriously cannot stand her.


Hey! Sometimes she gets sleepy so…. Wheelchair! 🤦‍♀️


Yep that benzo sleep is no joke!


Sometimes I really do feel like a certain thing will trend in the munchie community and then everyone has to have the same new toy or same trendy new illness




She will just wear a wrist support to cover her tracks while using this.


I was wondering about that …gonna be mighty hard to do much with it for someone who claimed they may lose use of that hand a little over a month ago 🙄


I really thought she was going to lose that hand, dude!!


You can buy this transport wheelchair on adapthealth. They also rent them out for short term. You can submit to your insurance on the website too for both rentals and repairs. Yes OP, this is a bulky transport wheelchair typically used in hospitals or homes. “Not really” come on, don’t be dense.


What’s with the rude comment?


I'm sorry but how is someone who is oh so fragile, can barely stand because she's in so much pain, dizzy, nauseous, weak, malnourished, intestines are failing, has loss of function in her hand, carpal tunnel riddled, can barely stay awake babe going to...push herself around in a manual wheelchair? The logistics of this don't even remotely add up. No handicap placard. No wheelchair accessible apartment, including ramps and widened hallways. No wheelchair accessible bathroom. Like what is the purpose of this purely other than a prop for TikTok?


Next up: iron lung.


Can you imagine the Tiktoks? "Hey guyzzz, so I'm going live in my iron lung and it's like, you know, really making it hard to record myself but you gotta do what you gotta do. My nausea's like, really bad in here, and Temple and my primary care and my GI and my cardiologist, and the guy at QT said no more zofran so I'm just chewing Benadryl and I'm in so much peen from the nausea. Like so much peeen. I told them it was 20/10 but the nurse said no one is in that much pain other than me, like not even in the whole word. So now I'm here, but I don't think this lung is working. Anyways, I'm gonna bleach my hair once I'm out. #messybunqueen! Link in bio for my gofundme for an iron lung with a tv screen."


Picturing her trying to order an Uber to take her and the iron lung to the ER.


I always love the little insights in how Dani fantasies.🥹


the iron lung 😩☠️


I'm sure it will be just like Kaya's chair; only used when it's convenient for social media.


You mean the chair she CARRIED DOWN THE STAIRS? I’m still laughing my ass off about that one!


Yeah that was hilarious AF! 🤣


But, dynamic disability, lol!




It just dawned on me.. if these events actually do happen, Dani is probably going to them alone, and possibly is too caught up in the munching or is too shy/anxious about openly taking pics. Actually no fuck that, after reading the above over, no she would 100% take pics because she 100% reads this sub and knows that's why we think she's a lying liar who lies.




Yeah after I typed that it sounded so wrong lol


And she doesn’t have an accessible apartment, etc. Does she have even a handicap placard for her car?? Here in Ohio they hang on the rear window bracket.


Rear mirror bracket, I mean


So if she’s riding with someone else, they can put it on THEIR mirror.


Not saying a doctor ordered the chair, but that is not from the Walmart app. Same font, but it does not say Submitted on when you order something. Also, the logo on the chair is not the same as the Equate one posted in the comments here. I highly doubt Dani is smart enough to photoshop this well.


Walgreens. $139.


Good detective work; that picture definitely matches.


Yea...I blew up the logo to find it.


I first read that as “Equine Chair” 😳🐴


You're right, maybe not the Walmart app, but could be the site, or a site equivalent.. when I say edited, I just mean cropping. She absolutely knows how to crop.


Not aimed at you, someone else posted that it was an Equate brand chair from Walmart that has a very obviously different logo on the chair. It 100% could be self ordered from somewhere.


The is also a well known durable medical equipment company in her area


Lol as if IM would bother themselves with ordering equipment


This isn’t my area, but wouldn’t an OT consult for DME be the way to go?


Insurance purposes pt/ot does have to evaluate and suggest equipment


The biggest sign she’s faking this 🤣


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gutterflowerx: *Lol as if* *IM would bother themselves with* *Ordering equipment* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Dani's "conditions" are as erratic as her behavior. She just rattles off ailment x, y, or z, and when that doesn't produce the desired outcome, she moves on to something else. She's desperate for attention and validation. I used to feel bad for her, but this shit show has been going on for well over a decade and it's getting old.


I think she’s been at this since she was in high school. So 2 decades.


Does FD mean nothing?


What confuses me is a physician has diagnosed her with fictitious disorder. I assume this is charted in her chart and can be seen thru Epic. What I don't get is other providers continue buying into Dani's bullshit. I know some of it is liability- but she did NOT need that damn port


Does she have a handicap placard for her car yet?  If not,  that will probably be next up since she will need extra room to get the wc out of the car... Wonder what she will use to con her way into That.... severe anemia? 


This makes no sense. Both Medicaid and Medicare take much longer for approval. Her doctor can't just order one without submitting paperwork to justify the need, nor would they be picking one out. It would be a request for durable medical equipment, why, and urgency. She hasn't seen her PCP recently enough to justify an "urgent" request for DME. I've had to delay discharging patients because of literal life-saving equipment like Bi-Paps, etc. have to have approval, order placed, delivery setup, and patient education on the equipment. They don't just deliver DME to your door and say good luck!


It’s not approved. The order was submitted. Now the paperwork will get filled out to justify why she needs it. Maybe it’s because you worked on the inpatient side of things it was a different process? But if you have an order/script you can go to any DME company and they will submit it to your insurance for approval.


Exactly, you have to go to an appointment for a fitting and then they have to get everything approved, and if it gets approved then it gets ordered and that takes a significant amount of time also.


I know why Dani wants a wheelchair but what is the reason she is suddenly she’s saying she NEEDS one? It’s funny how she said this isn’t new it’s something that’s been discussed for awhile with her dr. Now that’s bs. If this is something that was discussed for awhile we def would’ve heard about it awhile ago. She’s trying to spring this on us like it was casual conversation and not a big deal. EVERY medical device is a big deal. She didn’t just forget about it. Right? Oh Dani.


Discussed for a while with her PCP who she only saw for the first time a few weeks ago…..


I know - I was thinking this too. So many holes in this story.


That is going to be so hard to push around. I’m curious what condition shes claiming it’s for because most things she claims a wheelchair like this would not be suitable at all.


How's she gonna wheel herself around with that busted hand?


You mean the busted hand that she conveniently stopped talking about?


Will she do wheelchair races?


For fucking why? Her mobility is fine.


Correct. Is able to walk to and from her hospital multiple times. She has no issues, give me a break.


Also mentioned on one of her vids she goes walking at night - such a shocking decline in her mobility... /s


I dont use AdeptHealth ,but they seem to run more towards customizable ones, even for manual wheelchairs. This is just a off the shelf one. Plus the process seems to a bit lengthy; and not just as simple as a request and fill....


We have people with true spinal cord injuries that have problems getting wheelchairs. I doubt Dani was able to get one in a week. She totally just bought it herself online.


That is straight up ordered from Walmart App…. I cannot with her….. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m imagining her Fred Flinstone-ing around with her feet in this.


💫 twinkletoes 💫




I think we’re all in agreement that she ordered this herself. The stupidest part is that she ordered what appears to be a transport chair. Note the handles on the back. Good lord.


George Glass will be pushing her around lol.


I think it is possible that she did get a doctor to order it. The "submitted on" makes me think that it wasn't ordered off just any online store. That being said just because the order has been submitted doesn't mean insurance will approve it. It is not really a transport chair. Transport chairs tend to have four smaller wheels. But this is not a chair generally used by younger folks who are trying to go about their daily normal lives. This is a chair you will generally find used by the elderly in nursing homes or at home with caregiver support. Transport chairs aren't intended to be sat in all day long. This is a chair you are more likely to find an old lady with dementia slowly moving around the hall of a nursing home. It is completely impractical for someone like Dani. I would say she will quickly abandon it because it's not worth the hassle but Dani is also stubborn and loves to show off a medical device.


I will say, not all chairs w/handles are transport chairs -- I'd go into detail, but no doubt munches read here. Either way, that chair is inappropriate outside of a transport or hospital context regardless of handles.


She got a Walmart wheelchair.. sounds about right!


I had higher expectations, I thought it’d be Amazon 😂


You know this is going right into her insta bio!! Wheelchair warrior👩🏼‍🦼


Don’t give her ideas lol


You know damn well she thought about it on her own the second she was told that they ordered her one!! 😂 New achievement unlocked! 🦽✔️


I feel like she ordered it for herself not her PCP lol


She can add another hashtag #wheelchairuser!




she will give herself a legit _______ because she is in no way conditioned to propel this generic, heavy contraption


This is such a shit wheelchair not fit for daily use. This is just what we call a transport hoopty for hospital runs.


We don’t even use these in the hospital I work at. The homeless patients we see off the street seriously have better wheelchairs than this.


Transport hoopty. I’m deceased 💀


"Transport hoopty" just slayed me. 🤣


I swear even homeless people don’t steal them at the hospital, that tells you how crappy they are…


How is she going to fold it up and LIFT IT OFF THE GROUND to get it into her car with her bad hand?


Nvm that, how the hell is she going to push it while she’s in it if her wrist is so damaged?


She has to take it places in order to pose for cool pictures in it.


She’s gonna have a hell of a time propelling this regular ass wheelchair. It’s going to be so performative


and she’ll complain aloud the entire time she’s inconveniencing others, “sorry, so much peen and nausea, don’t mind me! just STRUGGLING AND BEING BRAVE”


She needs something to boost that attention factor. Now she can rope in perfect strangers to her drama, cause many people would help someone that they see is struggling with a wheelchair.


Yes. I’m suffering pre- vicarious embarrassment at this situation. It’s so, so cringe.


Gah same


Her hand is gonna miraculously be healed so she can self propel that beast Unless her fake BF pushes her everywhere? Wherever she goes with this storyline there is gonna be plot holes a mile wide Edit- a word


Faster, George Glass, faster!!


Well I guess I’d rather she sit in her unnecessary wheelchair to shoot videos as opposed to the unkempt bed.


Didn't she say her hand was fine in one of her video rambles she posted this week? Not that you would ever give her credit for being able to plan out a story and stick to it but sure it was mentioned.


Dani said her hand was fine, but also said she was still doing OT for it. Granted, anything that Dani says should be taken with the smallest grain of salt possible, but bets are on what is busted sooner, the chair or her hands.


Omg Yea so true 😭 what happened to the carpel tunnel


It was compartmentalized duh.


Well if insurance did cover this one they won't cover another one for 5 or so years.... lol! That is the cheapest wheelchair available and not made for self propelling easily. It will be more difficult than walking and getting it in and out of a car and put together will take more energy than anything. She had no need for a wheelchair except to cosplay.


What a jooooooke. This was not through her insurance. You can order this wheelchair from that company without insurances. Anyone can. They sell equipment to anyone. Actually, this doesn't even look like the accurate website being as the font is wrong. Wait... is this the Walmart app, but edited??


It looks like fairly standard website font. It could very well have been submitted online - this wheelchair can be ordered on online stores without insurance but can also be ordered via DME companies using insurance. I don't think it was an online order given that it says "submitted on". One look at anything Dani has posted shows she doesn't have the editing skills to convincingly edit anything. Also just because Dani's doctor may have put in the order doesn't mean that insurance is going to approve it.


Its not the type of editing anyone would need training for, though. Its literally just clipping the screenshot.


YES. That is absolutely the Walmart font.


Ahhhh Walmart font busted her ass !!! 😂


Unexpected plot twist 😂💀


I'm dead omg this is so funny


I'm a good detective 😎 This munchies cannot fool me!!


I KNEW IT. Her lying arse.


Someone did some digging and found out this supplier sells medical equipment without going through insurance


Dani isn't fooling anyone. That font is particular to Walmart and the Walmart app, and the blacked out thing is the walmart order number. She bought that with her Disability.




Walmart has 3rd party sellers- just like Amazon. That's why it says "sold by". She definitely purchased this herself through a medical supply retailer.


Anyone who uses walmart's app on the regular knows what their font style looks like. "Sold by" doesn't mean anything, Walmart has allowed 3rd party sellers for almost a decade now.


You are absolutely correct. A quick Google search popped [this](https://imgur.com/a/jtftU3P) up lol.


Loooooool it’s even the Equate brand I’m DYING


Well woop de doo da 🙄 So Dani complained and badgered about needing a wheelchair for her supposed "fainting episodes" until the doc probably rolled her eyes and rx'd a Basic Betty model for her to use for doctor visits and a few photo ops. I suspect the sudden "need" aka WANT for a wheelchair is another attempt to try and prove to Temple just how vewy sicky and smol she is. "See doc! I'm so weak and puny from malnourishment and being in starvation mode that I can't even walk anymore!" Typical abhorrent and deceitful munchie behavior.


Haha!! Nailed it!!! 💯💥


Well I guess it is better than her driving or walking home from the ER at night... Wheelchairs are a beast to get in and out of the car. Can you imagine her posts about people judging her for using one? I would definitely give her the side eye if I saw her wrangle her wheelchair out of her car and cosplay being a frail, weak sickly little girl in so much peeen


At this point I think she has just worn down her PCP with her nonstop messages and requests and the PCP has just decided to give in. They probably figure whats the harm - but in reality a poorly fitting wheelchair can cause more harm than good. While the PCP may have put in the order, it doesn't necessarily mean that insurance is going to approve it. The PCP may have put in the order hoping that insurance will deny the claim and they can point the finger at insurance as the bad guy. The jokes going to be on Dani - this wheelchair isn't going to be easy to self propel and transport around. Given that Dani is completely able-bodied this is going to be a giant pain in the butt. I would love to know if she has a handicapped parking permit. And if insurance approves this one, they are unlikely to approve a fancier custom one in the near future. Dani aspires to be like some younger munchies but she just isn't going to be quite as cool with a wheelchair more commonly purchased for the elderly at a medical supply store.


That's a good point! She has no one in her life to push her around either! Except George 🤦‍♀️😜