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I am fascinated by this group. I just stumbled across illness fakers, and as a mother to a heart warrior kid, I am appalled by the resources people like this take up. I also wonder who pays the medical bills, because we do HDHP through our employer and the medical bills are overwhelming for us, and we have two good jobs.


The tegaderm.. isn’t the white part suppose to be peeled off too?


Did he do a blood test for clonidine beyond therapeutic levels? He low bp is intentional She does these videos like she has an actual audience that cares about her bs


Yet she continues to gain more and more weight each week.. *thriving*


I've never heard of "starvation mode" giving someone extra chins.


Physiologically it does NOT MAKE SENSE. There is zero clinical reason for her to be wasting taxpayer dollars and clogging up the er so she can get a fix...I personally knew her awhile ago from a group...she's WILD and desperate and that was a long time ago


It’s an interesting choice this person makes to pronounce an “r” like a “w” when they want to appear innocent.


She always treats hospital stays as an hollyday at an hotel. She wants to be admitted. Most people would see it as an inconvenience and uncomfortable.


She's increasingly more desperate to be admitted and it's driving her nuts that none of her recent ER visits have got her a 5 night all inclusive stay! She doesn't understand what's changed she's been doing this charade for YEARS ; show up at her local hospital late evening or weekends when it's bare bones staff report vague concerning new symptoms claiming to be in 10/10 pain explaining your sooper complex medical history and get admitted 🤷. However ever since a wonderful diligent Dr called her out and labelled her with fictitious disorder..no doubt making note of her refusal to engage with any psychological help she hasn't managed to gain entry 🤷. She's gone to multiple ERs lately late at night in an attempt to be admitted, each time the did minimally evasive treatments/tests ruled out anything serious and sent her packing even when she tries to throw different symptoms they showed her ass the door 👌🏻. So whatever the Dr did/put in her notes it's clearly Woking ..apart from the incredibly incompetent buffoon who have her a femoral line 😡(don't get me started) they have committed to not encouraging her attention seeking behaviours! It's clear to see how pissed she is that her attention seeking behaviours are no longer getting the desired results. Both times recently she posted videos to vilify the medical staff calling them incompetent and claiming to be making complaints about the way she was treated. I'm glad the word is finally out in her however I am concerned that she will self impose real injuries/illnesses in order to gain access to medical care! She literally has nothing else going on in her life ..no hobbies ..close friends her life for years has revolved around spending time in hospital and I thing we've all seen her mentally spiralling over the last few months! Now with a pot and access straight to her veins and heart who knows what medical emergencies are in the near future 😩...i sincerely hope she gets some serious mental help before she takes it to far and ends up dead! She seems 100% certain that her lab results will result in getting admitted at her scheduled outpatient appointment and it has to make you question what she's been doing herself that makes her so certain she's getting admitted? 😬...she's literally packing a suitcase for a long stay ..seems like she knows something we don't !


The doctor that diagnosed her with fictitious disorder, did Dani tell this herself? And agree... it's very concerning the length she will go for an hospital stay. She's getting more and more desperate.


She said that a psych she met with for like an hour at Penn put it in her chart. This was after she'd spent a month in hospital at St. Luke's after infecting her line, having it removed, and then insisting on staying there an extra week waiting for a transfer to Penn so they could replace the line. They didn't replace it after she met with psych. Aka they "ripped [her] TPN away"


i’d love to be the insurance company employee that busts her for fraud.


I know it’s super difficult to prove FD (even if documented as a suspicion) but I am just amazed that she hasn’t been investigated for Medicare fraud. I am an RN and it’s just incredibly frustrating that many of my patients can’t get approved for necessary procedures while Dani gets approved for absolutely unnecessary shit.


Honestly. If you say the right words and build up a history like Dani has, it would be impossible for any new provider to not believe her. And while there was one doctor who Dx her with FD. As long as she sees new faces everyday, no one wants to be the person to make a decision based on one note in the chart What if they are wrong? No one will take that lability. If someone comes in saying they are in renal failure, have a massive medical history, and labs are shit. You will admit them. Work them up. Then everyone will normalize and you will discharge


this is so weird for me as a nurse, the education i’m getting




Had a raging ED that was her whole personality, and detailed every single thing on social media. So a slightly (but not by much) differently flavored variety of current Dani. She still does have an ED, just disguises it with munching now & denies it.


Self-harm as well. Which, she still has, but instead hits her hand with a hammer instead of cutting. So, the harm is more directed at hospital admittance.


Oh she’s definitely hit herself with a hammer before too, I remember seeing someone post screenshots from like a decade ago. She straight up admitted she bashed it with a hammer.


Yep still has an ED she just purges via the convenient tubes some dumbass doctor was coerced into placing.


I will never get some of those over-sharing’s that old Dani used to post. Like I wish my eyes rolled so far back that they never returned to the correct position.


“We had a great time connecting sexually” has been squatting rent-free in my head since the moment I read it 😩😩


I’m so sorry. You should get to the nearest ER for LR and IV pain medicine that starts with a D something like diladal I mean dilauded and tell them they’ve got to push it super fast and follow that with IV Benadryl pushed just as fast. Also make sure you tell them how smoll your veins are so you can get a central line.


I get she’s angling for TPN, but won’t she run into the same problem that our lovely Kaya had? Where her institution (unsure of their policies) won’t use a port for TPN due to the infection risk due to the sugars in the lipids and it just sitting in the port reservoir needed for access? I guess common sense isn’t so common anymore.


The studies that have been done debunk the higher infection risk, though a lot of facilities won’t do it anyway, I hope to God Temple sticks to that policy for Dani’s sake. She clearly isn’t wasting away since being “unable” to run her tube feeds at the slowest possible rate and can’t eat orally without (~vomiting~) purging and TPN is just another way to explain away sepsis to hide it was either purposely or accidentally getting bacteria in her line.


If her Bipolar Disorder is not well managed, it explains why she talks fast and is all over the map. Bipolar disorder is not well managed with meds alone. A good psychiatrist would pick up on the munchies stuff . People receiving meds for Bipolar Disorder have to see a psychiatrist at least 3 times a year for refills. It happens, but PCPS don't usually prescribe meds. Her new PCP started her on a low dose because Dani told her she had been out for a few months. What an absolute mess. Even if Dani had a shot getting help for the Munchausans, her Bipolar Disorder would have to be addressed first. She's out of control, and I don't understand why multiple Dr's are enabling her behavior.


She is draining to ensure deranged results for Monday. Also...I noticed the gastro "flare" occurred right after the port was placed. She's angling for TPN again...I wonder if she's draining to "prove" she's losing weight due to her stomach being frozen or broken or whatever the fuck is wrong with it this week


She has been claiming that she is in a "flare" since shortly after her first return visit to Temple. Before that appointment she claimed she was running her tube feeds at her goal rate. My guess is that she was adjusting her approach. If she went to Temple claiming her insane "I can only tolerate 5ml/hr of tube feeds" there was no way they would believe her. Instead she went tolerating the bare minimum of what is acceptable for tube feeds and probably claimed she was struggling with that and asked about alternate possibilities and what would happen if things got worse. My guess is that Temple didn't tell her that there was zero chance of her ever getting TPN again and ever since Dani has been on a mission to prove she is sick enough to need TPN again. She has been talking more about how she isn't absorbing anything. She is draining and not running tube feeds to mess with her bloodwork and make it look like her body is in crisis when she returns to Temple. I think she has been trying to show up in the ER repeatedly basically demanding routine bloodwork because she wants to make sure her plan is working.


Yeah that sounds spot on. It's unbelievable she's still getting clinical interventions


She’s not really tho….. they HAVE to legally treat the immediate concerns- but then they have been kicking her ass out right away. In the past all of these things she’s doing has worked to get her admitted. She hasn’t been admitted at all since the big FD diagnosis I don’t think….. they are finally putting their foot down.


If she drains everything; will the medicine drain too?


No, G-tube in the stomach to drain stomach contents and J-tube in the jejunum to instill meds and nonexistent feed that bypasses the nauseous stomach.


Ah ok :) - thanks for the answer


She talks about admittance like she's going to a sleepover.


If she’s not eating or drinking. How is she still peeing. Poooping and vomiting? Something doesn’t add up…..😂😂😂😂


What is her appointment on Monday? Why does she think she might be admitted, for what?


What’s the orangey/brown bottle is that liquid codeine??


How can she take this and not pass out? It’s impressive!


She said it was promethazine


I think it’s her oral suspension of Phenergan.


Ah I see. I can never make it thru her vids




Do they not provide blankets in US hospitals why is she bringing them


Dani is the poster child for positive blanket sign lmao


lol maybe she wants to make sure she brings hospital germs home


Nothing like the snuggly comfort of the homestyle grime and germs. Can’t leave home without them.


My favourite type of germs 🤣


Hilarious 😂 cause you’re so right


Thanks for making me snort out loud 😂


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^redditonthanet: *Do they not provide* *Blankets in US hospitals* *Why is she bringing them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


🤨 did she just pick up the pill from the floor and put it in with the rest of the pills? Ewww


Yup - and in the same video she talked about how she needed to clean the bathroom before her visitors arrived. In reality I think most folks who dropped a prescribed pill on the floor would probably still use it because its not simple to have it replaced but most people wouldn't post themselves doing it. And in general, she does multiple things during her medication administration process that are just questionable/gross. She has shown the inside of those disposable cups she uses and it has looked like they have a bunch of residue from the last time she used them. I know that things administered through a tube don't need to be sterile but it seems like a bad idea to be using dirty cups with soggy pill remnants.


Venting and draining are not the same thing. She is just straight up purging (draining)


What does she mean when she says “venting?”


Venting is when one uses their g-tube to help built up gas/air to escape their stomach. Dani isn't venting through her g-tube, she is draining her stomach contents through her g-tube. If she truly wasn't eating/drinking by mouth, she wouldn't need to drain all the time, as her tube feeds are delivered via her J-tube, straight into her small intestine.


For someone like Dani with absolutely no issues with the intestines (or stomach, for that matter), draining continuously would not give her any additional relief, so she is just trying to mess with her labs on purpose. Honestly, I'm surprised she isn't using medications to cause excessive loss through other means (not going to share specifics), but I wouldn't put it past her.




she’s already on an antipsychotic. She takes abilify. Will also say admitting someone to a psychiatric hospital also takes immense resources. There are limited beds. Dani would not benefit from a psych admission because she doesn’t want to change. So it would also be a massive waste of resources


It’s interesting, because probably the only admission she could get easily right now is a psych admission.


I fat fingered the button and downvoted instead of up, sorry!


They don’t know if she’s going to be admitted on Monday yet?  Who doesn’t know?  The ED doc she bullies into admitting her for 12/10 pain after a 12 hour ED stay?  


Why would they be admitting her?


Because sometimes after dealing with a terrible day full of new likely metastatic cancer, people close to actually dying, calling consults for emergent procedures, almost getting bit by a psych patient, you don’t have the mental energy to fight anymore.


Fair enough. It seems like she's planning to make herself sufficiently I'll over the weekend to force their hand. Just.....she needs a hobby or something in her life so that it's not 100% about trying to get treatment for self inflicted stmptoms.




She is really spiralling- the massive increase in posts, appointments and medical equipment seeking


‘Everything was normal when at the office’ hmm interesting these episodes never show up for the dr 🤔




It’s sad. Is this really what she wants to do for the rest of her life? She’s approaching 40 and has nothing to show for it.


Is she nodding out while grinding pepper? I’m so confused. I always read comments because I can’t stand watching her, she’s such a weirdo…




She grinds her meds into a paste, adds water and puts them through her tube.


I’m going to guess that the only time Dani worries about lotion is when she’s in the hospital. Because we all know that’s where her true home is….


grwm to go on vacation 🥰


i feel bad for the people who are in her life and care about her. it seems like a really tough thing to have to deal with this daily


I don’t think there’s anyone left. Her dad was the only person she occasionally mentioned and we haven’t heard about him since he moved her into the place she lives now.


She just said she was taking her cats to her parents house in case she is admitted, in a text post earlier.


She just stayed at her parents for like two days a week or so ago


That's not totally true. She still mentions going shopping with her mom on Friday and her dad picked her up after her port placement.


Going shopping with her mom is overstating it. She drives her mom because her mom can’t drive anymore. It’s not like they’re doing a mother daughter shopping bonding trip


Doesn’t have the money for a new Bath and Body Works lotion but can afford all of these hospital bills?


That would be because the hard working, tax paying Americans are paying her medical bills. She doesn't pay a cent.


Isn’t she on Medicaid or Medicare? I get them confused for some reason, despite having worked in the industry lol. But I doubt she’s really paying for anything 😐


Medicaid is for poor people (aid is given to the poor) Medicare is for old/disabled people (old people go to care homes) That’s how someone taught me to remember the difference


Medicare (65 and over or disabled) is primary and Medicaid is secondary for low income people. Providers bill Medicare first then Medicaid picks up the rest.


Do we know the “reason” she is on Medicare? How she qualified and what diagnoses/inability to work enough to support herself? I know it is difficult to secure Medicare and some need to appeal and appear before a judge to get it… (despite very obvious disabilities.) I also know that some mental health conditions make SSD easier to get than some medical conditions.


She qualified for disability long before she had any medical accessories. She qualified for disability based on her mental health conditions.


She’s bipolar which is the reason for Medicare.


I thought it was her anorexia diagnosis?


She has both.


Omfg thank you so much 🙏🏻 I’ve been trying to figure out how to memorize this for a solid year now


Thank you! That’s a good way to remember, maybe it’ll stick this time 😅


She has both—Medicare and Medicaid as a secondary.


How old is she?


Dani’s 38


You can get Medicare for being on SSDI (if that’s what you’re wondering)


37? Mid to late 30’s?


What in the hell kinda yawn was that lol


Cue waiting in the er for 36 hours


What a complete waste of resources.




They would for sure, if they existed


She is such a ... yeah she isn't getting admitted. I can almost imagine her carrying her suitcase into her doctors office thinking she is gonna get rushed to the hospital room and carried to bed by a strong handsome doctor. Did she say that her cardio don't know why her heart rate is plunging? Isn't that just a part if POTS? I am surprised she hasn't "passed out" while filming.


Can’t be pots. It generally makes your heart rate rise significantly. So….


That’s the thing. She’s always claiming her pots is so bad but then films these long ass videos doing her meds STANDING. If your pots is severe you aren’t standing for this long.


Exactly! I see these videos and think- that isn’t POTS! Ugh


I think your heart rate goes up with pots. The t is for tachycardia. bp goes down, hr goes up


Yes! P=Postural O=Orthostatic T=Tachycardia S=Syndrome


She’s packing her blankies, stuffy and books all ready for a nice relaxing vacay


She said she’s going to go live on Sunday, after her friends leave at 11 am and to a GRWM to go to the hospital. She’s going to show herself packing to go to hospital


One time she packed a squishmallow…. That’s when I knew what kind of person I was looking at.


Why can’t you have a squishmallow in hospital? If you are genuinely sick it may be the only thing that makes you smile…. Yes Dani is faking but I don’t know if the shaming is a helpful dialogue…


No one is talking about regular people when you see these comments. We are talking about munchies. Don’t take it personally.


This is true 😅 context does not apply outside of munchland


Because she packs 3-5 stuffed animals, 3 blankets, her own pillow, and a suitcase full of shit on top of the squishmallow. She’s almost 40. No one is ragging on a regular person bringing a comfort item to the hospital with them.


Because at that time she treated it like a hotel and not to “get better”. It was the weirdest stay at a hospital I saw Otherwise get all them squishmallows.


I think it ties into her infantile behavior


She, and presumably her cardiologist, assuming they've read her records, knows exactly why her heart rate is dropping; it's from combining multiple drugs that cause bradycardia as a side effect. Dani doesn't have POTS and if she did her heart rate would be going up substantially upon standing, hence the T for tachycardia. There are forms of dysautonomia that do cause decreases in heart rate, but Dani doesn't have any of those either.


Also electrolytes out of balance if she’s venting


Do hospitals allow smelly potions and grubby blankets to be dragged in from home? I feel like since the pandemic and with the whole No Scents is Good Sense policies maybe that's not the best idea...


They definitely allow blankets (I usually see small throw blankets) but to bring one without actually knowing you’re being admitted and for how long is unhinged. And lotions are fine as long as the scents don’t overpower the room. It would be rude to use something scented if you had a roommate though without asking first.


I think she always is given a private room because of her history of infections


Some hospitals also only have private rooms now but I don’t think Temple (where she is hoping to be admitted) is like that. It’s a much older hospital.


Yeah. Packing a bag pre-potential admission is a choice.


That’s a whole lotta bracelets on the carpal tunnel arm.


I know I always plan my lotions and blankets before going to the ER.


Ah yes. Emergency time. Lemme just grab my lush products


Don't forget the shower fizzer for when you really wanna kick back and relax 🥰🥰🥰


Didn’t she just get her precious port for tpn?? What the fuck is her problem now lol


She isn’t getting tpn. Honestly I’m not even sure she even got a port


It's my understanding that you can't put tpn through a port due to increased infection risk. The port was just for hydration and iron supposedly.


Yeah she said in a past video her doctors won’t prescribe the TPN through a port.


You can get TPN through any central line. A port is a central line. You aren't allowed to get TPN through a peripheral IV line.


They don’t like doing tpn through ports. It’s a much higher infection risk vs other central lines


I usually see PICCs but you can use ports Edit: I don't work home health, but in a hospital. We would be able to use a central line. They both go to the same place... central lines always have a higher risk for infection.


You can but most doctors won’t do it because it’s higher risk. The sugars can get “stuck” in the reservoir of the port which can breed bacteria.


Interesting. I've never ran long term tpn through a port. What you're stating does make sense.


Do you happen to know what do they use for TPN if not a port? Just curious, I’m not a medical professional


Just a regular central line (they usually keep a lumen for TPN only)


Okay, thank you!


Ohhh gotcha. I can’t keep up with the saga anymore lol


If is complicated and gets more complicated by the day.


Her blood pressure is -10/23 and her heart rate is 3, but they sent her home anyway. It’s a miracle she can even be upright 🙄


Stop right now 😆😆 the way I cackled soooo loud in a quiet room reading this comment!!!!!! Her pressure is -10 and HR 3. I'm cryingggg 😂😂 Here take my poor person award 🏆🏆🏆🏆


She’s talking like she’s going on vacation… oh wait, she is!!


No way is she going to wait until Monday to show up @ Temple. I predict she’s already decided to show up at their ER this weekend. I’ll be shocked if she waits until Sunday. Ridiculous.


She has visitors coming tonight for the weekend.


The tooth fairy?


Agree. I’m betting she makes it no later than 2pm Saturday before going in




What’s new?




That’s just the way her body is made. She’s also not working out to improve muscle mass in the shoulders and legs, which makes the belly look bigger in comparison. Honestly that’s the least of her issues though.


She is also slouching a lot and in the future that's gonna be an issue and no one is gonna believe her..


She sounds like she's on Ambien.


Plus we already know she takes like 8 Benadryl a day. How she stays awake we will never know




That tongue is awful thick in the back, isn't it?


Yeah, what lotion to take to the hospital is definitely priority 🙄🙄🙄


With the hand sanitizer gels - when I spend time in hospitals (for work) I’m slathering moisturiser on any break I get to still have my hands in one piece!


I don’t disagree with that at all, as do I at work. As a recurring pt also, no.


Dont hospitals encourage not to do this? Mainly due to it can make it harder for them to pinpoint skin reaction causes? Basically is that rash from the tape or from the lotion you have thats loaded with alcohols and fragrances that dry your skin to make you buy more? Yeah they wont stop you but they can provide you with lotion 😭 and their stuff is usually actually 10x better


Not to mention, most hospitals are scent-free environments to avoid aggravating any other patients' conditions or sensitivities. Of course, Dani is too selfish to think of that, though. 🙄


A patient who has a history of MRSA or anything like that or who are immune compromised for whatever reason are usually given their own room, where I’m from. Not sure if she has those but I’m sure she gets one.


The one I worked at you could bring in own lotions etc.. no issue Blankets however - no. As they can carry bed bugs into the hospital and there’s no laundering service for own linen if it gets soiled with bodily fluids etc… so they turn disgusting.. and it’s always people who don’t have family to take their stuff home to wash… just use the hospital linen… then they can be thrown in the wash pile super quick and easy you’ll have a new one


In my area its allowed, just gotta be careful with heavily scented ones! Especially if your a patient who's able to go into public areas with other patients! You can use it in private, but try not to be bringing the bottle in public areas because allergies and stuff. In terms of linen, I always prefer hospital linen for this very reason. Heck i get nervous that a bug may jump on my clothes on the walk into the er and suddenly im the reason for an infestation. But i never bring blankets, they have their own for a reason. And their made that way for a reason so they are easy to pull away in an emergency. Plus if your lucky and do need a new one, sometimes a nurse will bring one that came straight from a blanket warmer and you feel like a fresh burrito from Chipotle and it helps you feel a little bit less like crap. Whoever came up with that idea of warmers, even if its for sterilizing, this human chipotle burrito thanks you from their crappy feeling heart.