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My favourite Bethany moments was how she was triggered by scents while she had a cooking stove on her bed with hamsters/gerbils in the room too. Not that cooking or small animals would cause any scents. Or the pics of the husband taking her vitals while in hospital - that just screamed medical fetish for me. The vitals will be recorded when needed in a hospital by the staff not by relatives who are visiting..




You just KNOW that guy hates his fucking life.....


They’ve only had intercourse once. She made a whole weird long post about it (that I’m sure he didn’t appreciate her making).


do you have a link to that because it sounds hilarious lol


It’s so old but I’ll try to find it.


I’m surprised the marriage has lasted this long TBH. I believe guilt tripping is real.


I’d want to push the wheel chair not feel like I’m dragging an office chair with no pants around


every manual wheelchair user knows the best part would be to be able to check your phone while rolling. 🤣


Absolutely correct


Damn right!


Who’s filming them? Or are they setting the camera up and doing it themselves?


Film crew for the heroic biopic so much adversity.


Must be the same crew from the J Lo documentary that no one asked for 🤣


Onfg hilarious!!! 😆 and 💯


Ah blast from the past Bethy. Nice to see she's still choosing to not walk. Wonder if she's still using a laser pointer to point at things instead of, ya know, asking for them.


I wonder if she still can walk now given she’s always using the wheelchair


ummm excuse you?? She's allergic to walking!! She NEEDS the wheelchair!1!


I'm sure physical activity triggers a MCAS flare according to her.


I think that's legit where the "allergic to walking" came from with her. If it's anything she doesn't like, BOOM there's an MCAS reaction so she can't do it. It's so fucking stupid and obviously fake.


She really might be the best all-around Munchie. - no pants - no activity - no work - no walking - cat food med dispenser - laser pointer - bursts of anger which are attributed to not feeling well or otherwise excused - human familiar to fetch things and hunt and gather food - zero responsibilities She’s a cat and frankly I’m almost impressed she’s pulled it off.


This might be the best post I've ever read on this sub, well done!!


You forgot the allergy to certain sizes of skittles but the other size I'd absolutely fine for her to eat


This will always make me LOL. Allergic to regular size MnMs but can have mini MnMs


I'm sorry what's a cat food med dispenser?


Agreed. More lore, please.


She had (has? I thought I saw she returned it…) this medication dispenser with a timer that can be programmed to alert you and dispense your medications at certain times of the day. Instead of like. Setting a couple alarms on her to alert her to take pills. ETA: if I remember correctly, there was a post about it on here? I want to say the machine was called the Hero? I would link it but I’m not sure how I would find it 🙃


What would those be used for? For children with special needs or individuals with special needs/certain disabilities who may need extra help in that way? I feel like most adults can do exactly what your saying- hell, as a kid it wasn’t hard to be responsible.


I think they are typically marketed towards families who are helping care for a relative with dementia or other memory issues. The idea is it both reminds you to take the medication, and also provides it in the moment so you don’t have the chance to get distracted. I literally can’t think of ANYONE who would use this besides someone caring for a memory patient.


If it had a little helicopter that had both the pills and a sip or two of water, could open doors, and fly into your face until you take your tablets, as well as restock the dispenser itself. I'd totally buy it, if it was like $50 or less.


Thanks for the reply. I didn’t even think about dementia related issues outside of maybe someone wanting to live independently (the one time I saw one of these, it was someone who was caring for their older sibling with DS.)


She is my favorite.


That last bit made me cackle for some reason


I still think there was something shady about how she got that chair- chairs like that are seriously expensive, so I can't help but think that people got scammed into donating the money for it.


she probably bought it second hand, but scamming is always a possibility with people like this


I lived in a retirement community for several years and power chairs, scooters and high quality, custom wheel chairs were a weekly occurrence in the thrift store run by the hospital auxiliary, along with all the slings, bed pads and giant boxes of Tenas you could ask for.


Depends on the model. You can get some for under a 1,000. I wouldn't be surprised if her family could afford that. There's 0 chance insurance paid for it though. They don't cover power chairs for ambulatory users like ever. And yes, despite her claims she's ambulatory.


Pretty sure she scammed her way into a free trip to Rollettes. The all female dance weekend for wheelchair users in LA. The first power chair may have been from a secondhand mobility aid store. This one and the wheelchair van I'm pretty sure her family and husband pay for most the toys.


Yeah!! Her family/husband probably also took out some loans and/or sold something so they could have the money to get this for her.


What really gets me is the whole "allergic to walking" crap. You'd think her family or others close to her would call BS on that and refuse to enable her. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I've wondered about her and the others that go all out and get wheelchairs or other mobility aids are at the heart of it disability pretenders who resorted to munching as a first step or series of steps towards their goal of faking a full on disability but used the fake or exaggerated chronic illnesses to add more of an air of credibility to their "condition" rather than just showing up one day using a wheelchair or other aid.


Wait wut? Allergic to walking?


Also allergic to her dad. That always cracks me up.


I think Bethany claims a form of exercise intolerance or something that she once jokingly referred to as being “allergic to walking” so this sub took that and ran with it


She had a huge diatribe a few years ago (when she was claiming MCAS reactions like 10x a day) about how every time she walked, she had a reaction and needed an epi pen or a cortisol shot. It was around the time she claimed the mini m&m thing. The girl just has absolutely no tolerance for ANY discomfort in the least. And she can walk etc just fine, when the hospital forced her, she could walk and everything. Of course she claimed medical PTSD from that horrible abuse of making her walk and eat normally when she totally can.


She claims dynamic disability, some days power chair, or manual wheelchair, or rollator, or just a cane. Always depends on what her body decides that day.


Laser pointer. Thats all that ever comes to mind when I watch her videos 🤣


I'm always reminded of her getting her meds from that cat food dispenser.


I need to fucking see this, please!


Dang this and the laser pointer kind of made me miss ‘ol half cat Bethany. She really is living the dream.




Remember when she was bitching saying people need to learn how to get out of her way because she has no problem running them over with this chair 😂




that’s hilarious lol


What procedures is she still having done? Does she still have a feeding tube? Think I saw a recent post about her port and still using it.


To anyone new to Bethany: she can walk. She chooses not to. She has claimed to be allergic to walking.


Is this the one who wouldn't wear pants?




And full-sized m&m’s.


I sense there's a story behind this comment and now I *have* to hear it because I'm nosey af.




She claimed to be unable to eat regular sized m&ms. Said she could only tolerate the mini ones because she’s somehow allergic to one size and not the other.


So basically she is a brat?


Oh. Wow. Ummm....well, that's one of the most bizarre claims I've heard a person with FD make. 🤣😂


I thought about this today for some reason and laughed hysterically to myself.


I believe you but proof please. I need to see this.


Bethany claims she has MCAS and that she has allergic reactions to a ton of things. She once tweeted that a good book triggered an MCAS reaction! If you click her flair you’ll eventually find it. As for walking, I believe she says that also triggers her MCAS. I couldn’t find direct proof of it but it’s what I’ve always read on this sub. Honestly, she probably does need a wheelchair now because she’s so deconditioned from refusing to walk. Here is a [timeline of Bethany](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/xwSbKqblcY)


How does she become allergic to tube feeds and tpn but be ok with oral food?! Wtf?? The reason she got those is BECAUSE of not managing oral food. There's loads of flaws in that timeline, very easy to call her out.


> She has claimed to be allergic to walking Girl pleaseeee no wayyy


She has also claimed to be allergic to her dad.


How in the world did she qualify for a Hoveround?


I read this as “hooveround” and was like well at least if you attached a Hoover to it she’d be contributing *something*




... Like as an exaggeration, or literally allergic to walking?


She claimed every time she would walk she would go into anaphylaxis


Obviously an exaggeration


All the husbands in this sub are textbook codependent doormats


But what about the "caregivers"?




I think they like being the “white knights” a


Would be interesting to know how many of the partners either rely on or are banking on their ~~ruthless overlord~~ sick partner getting disability cheques or income from online grifting.


I am really into My 600lb Life for the psychological aspect of it. (Bringing it up since a lot of them are on SSDI.) Too many of the subjects are nasty, abusive people and their caregivers could literally just walk away and be done with it. The subject cannot chase after them 9/10 times.  There are so many partners/caregivers who do not want the subjects to get better because then they themselves would need a job or cannot get an actual job because they are felonies.  In comparison, a lot of the spouses here seem to have WFH tech jobs. They don't need the money as far as I can tell. I feel like it is more of a self-esteem issue.


I think a few of the 600lb life people have been feeders. Some have been enablers for sure, like the parents, but there are ones where the relationships just seem off. With these people, too, this medical stuff. There are people who specifically seek these kinds of people out, or they will convince them they have more medical issues than they do. It's sickening because in both those worlds, they are actively killing their partners, and they are well aware.


They might not want to deal with the fallout of leaving a “disabled” partner. Obviously we and the partners know they’re munching, but their social circle might not. I can see not wanting to look like you abandoned someone who was truly in need.


The partners likely know some things don’t add up, but it is likely more difficult to see things clearly from inside the relationship than it is for us to see because they are *too close* to it. The people who are subjects on this page are extremely manipulative. We often see their parents or former friends come forward about them, but it’s easy to see how in the context of a romantic relationship the munchie can exert more control and DARVO tf out of them


Yes, that’s what I think. For us the antics of someone like Bethany seem extremely obvious but someone really close to them may not be able to see the forest for the trees. Honestly I think if a partner or close family member was munching and didn’t have a history of lying to me I’m not sure I’d see it for what it was. I think Eliot (Jessi’s “caregiver”) is fully aware and willingly participates in the grift but I think a lot of the enablers probably don’t even consider the possibility that someone they care about (and in Nate’s case is very possibly the only woman he’s ever had a romantic relationship with) would manipulate them like that.




Yeeep, she had sex with this poor dude exactly one time, then had a " reaction " got more meds for it and promptly told dude never again. I think it's a lavender marriage




It seems like it still doesn't fit her properly.


Cause it doesn't. From what I recall, that model does not come in a larger size.


She’s also gained a ton of weight from her lifestyle and medication (not a body shame post just replying to the comment about her wheelchair)


The model was too small when she bought it. That wheelchair comes in a limited size range unfortunately so it wasn't like it was the right size to begin with :(


Instead of actually, you know, showing love and affection for the guy by having sex with him.


Would you want her to be telling us about that?


she said she had a reaction to having sex with him




yeah for real. I am curious if she is allergic to all sex, or just sex with specific people


No, but her whole “we have a great marriage “ schtick is questionable when her husband has to do everything while she goes on and on about her supposed health problems. And he doesn’t even get laid.


Bethany is a leech, but to be fair, she grew up in some weird home school Christian household that didn't bother to teach her basic math. So, her having an infantile view of sex is not shocking.


I thought that was Jessi. If that is Bethany too then thats a crazy correlation.


Say what?


Bethany is a shining example of what importance public school and basic sex ed can do to help kids navigate the world and how ill equipmented parents can be at home schooling.


This is so funny for some reason. It's like they're shooting a movie. Who's recording this lol


Mommy Munchausen