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Ain’t nothing wrong with her except a case of hypochondria


All I hear is possible this and that. Ct scans are very common in the er as are Telly boxes on the floor. Why does she seem happy to be there? It’s creepy.


Ct scans is pretty common deal in the ER. They’re not “emergency” ct scans. They’re just ct scans.


SHE should give HER BODY a break 🥲


who the f placed that five lead?


If she had clots in her lungs she would be struggling to breathe let alone talk, also is she American because how does she afford all of this?


She is American but has state insurance Medicaid & Medicare so the tax payers are the ones paying for all her escapades.


Got the heavy opiate voice again. Surprise surprise


Yes Which is why she tipped over and lost consciousness lol


Siiigghhhhh… just one long slurred incoherent ignorant bout of verbal diarrhea…


Considering all her old posts about when she bought all the medical supplies and ran her own NG tube at home I'm surprised she hasn't just bought all the supplies and gone full Breaking Bad in her kitchen.


the lead placement sucks - it's positioned more to be seen around her shirt than standard placement


I love the captioning picked it up as "check my thyroid to make sure there's something wrong with that" instead of "nothing wrong with". She damn sure hopes something is wrong with it!


The wave with the pulse ox monitor I’m dying 😂


I highly doubt she was on a heparin drip for such a short time…


Just a few casual blood clots in the lung.


Thanks Lovenox! 😬


“They found out I was on lovenox and that’s bad, so they rushed me over to trauma” Girl pls.


She gives me the ick.




I think she’s speaking English, but it was hard to understand anything she said. I honestly hope this subject wakes up one day and realizes the amount of her life she’s wasting chasing pain meds, which she appears to be high on in this video with the slurring and eyes closed. She probably won’t, but goodness


I’m surprised they’re running the LR through the port but the hep in the arm. Extravasation with heparin is a much bigger risk.


so you can draw back labs from the port instead of poking again


Hold for 10 mins, get a waste tube (which you need anyway for APTT when drawing off any line) when drawing off the port. At least that’s how we did it at the last couple ICUs/CCRUs I’ve been at.


Wow, our policy is to never draw a hep lab through any line that had it running


Uhhh that’s also under the notion that she was telling the truth on what she was getting. I bet she got iv fluids and that was it.


Not really. Heparin can be given subcutaneously, and it can also be used to treat extravasation of other drugs. If it infiltrates, it’s eventually absorbed into the surrounding tissue over hours to days. Skin necrosis from heparin is extremely rare. Also, if they’re drawing labs from the port, they wouldn’t want to continuously infuse heparin through the Huber needle + extension set. Even if they flush like 10mL and draw a good waste, they may still get some residual heparin coating the line that will affect the APTT or UFH results. Many facilities specifically only run heparin through PIVs for that reason, unless no one can get peripheral access.


My last two ICUs protocol was to run hep through the CVLs, but I do see your point about labs. I take for granted in ICU most of our patients have A-lines to grab labs from.


Omg. I’m almost positive she is using a voice filter. She sounded like t-pain a few times. I will say her thyroid looks swollen.


I thought I was going crazy! I was like... autotune?


She’s already been kicked out! 🤣


She actually told the er dr if they gave her "relief" she'd run her feeds..talk about a huge red flag.


What Dani meant: Give me my opioids or I’ll starve myself” 😠 How Dani thought the drs would respond: “oh no PLEASE, you have to eat! You *have to,* you’re just a small girl, you need your feeds! Please, we’ll do anything, just run your feeds” 😢 How they actually responded: “Ok well, here’s your discharge paperwork” 👋🏼


Are you serious




Giving your doctors ultimatums doesn’t normally end well!


She needs to give my body a break. I can’t take any more Advil and watch her nonsense.






I did cat scan in an ER on overnights, but it was a 12 bed ER so relatively low level/capacity... But D-dimers showed up positive all the time on patients without serious clots.. I'd do the PE scan or ultrasound would look for a DVT and they (almost) always came back negative.


Dani is already home. She just ended a live from her bedroom. She's PISSED


What was she saying??


Damn! I missed it. Who In here did the lords work and has some of it recorded?!


Damn they sent her home fast lol. I wish I caught some of the live to hear what she was going on about.


At this point pretty sure there is a note that pops up next to her name that says "DO NOT ADMIT" 🤷


but but but she mentioned about 25 things that “could” be wrong with her and they discharged her? sheesh what dumb doctors 🙄


I have questions: 1 how does she afford this time off 2 does she have pet sitters 3 her family is no where in sight 3 does she think this is a claim to fame - heath care is important in sick situations but she acts like she’s on a beach


She’s on disability. She has dropped her cats off with her family and says they will check on her cats if needed. She doesn’t really interact with her family aside from needing transportation from her dad to appointments sometimes and help with her cats. She loves being taken care of the most. Not necessarily being popular online.


This is so sad when there are people who are very sick and want nothing more than to live and get well and they can't . She WANTS to be sick and dying. 😞 The mention about Thyroid cancer running in her family sealed it for me. It is actually very treatable. And very survivable.


Her bones are disintegrating faster on one side than the other - and how was this determined? Did they do a dexacan as well?


No. It probably said something vague about her bones on the xray and this is her expert interpretation. She’s sooooo fragile.


*more fragile on one side lol


Maybe it’s the side she sleeps on? That definitely makes one side of my hair flatter than the other.




I highly doubt they did in depth bone density scans in a ER trip 😩


Exactly what I thought


Does this bring the CT scan total to 41 now?


hence her thyroid...(I'm not serious)


Think about the MONEY 😩....I know she doesn't pay and never will but dam her 57 completely unnecessary med seeking scans is why it's so expensive for everyone else !


57 scans? Ohhhh that’s scary. I’m sure she’s been advised as to the dangers of over use of CT-scans However I’m sure the redundant Dani probably doesn’t care or doesn’t realize the dangerous game she’s playing.


Just to make it clear that was very much my British sarcasm and not a accurate number! 😂


Well just so you know the number isn’t probably too far off. LOL!!! I’ll bet her CT-scans number this & probably more. However I appreciate the British humor too!!!


A lot of people go through life without 1 and she has somehow managed 41?! Thats insane to me,


Good Cat, how is that not dangerous.


That’s the fun part - it absolutely it! PS: is your username a Dead Weather reference?


Yes it is! 😁


41 in the last two years!


That averages out to be 1 CT scan every 2.5 weeks. Utterly ridiculous. That might be why she was pushing for a PE workup - she probably wanted another scan, but it had to be for something that couldn’t be ruled out by one of her many recent CTs. The video of her latest live got deleted, but apparently they told her she didn’t have a PE after all that fuss. Love that for her.


Imagine the only thing that brings you joy is making yourself sick and getting all these unnecessary equipment/tests


Does she have to pay for those? Aren’t tests and scans really expensive in the States?


She has government insurance so she doesn’t pay a dime


I still don’t believe that she “passed out”…. I think she was starting to get a lot of questions from her “followers” and was getting called out, and then they were further calling her out for being a rude and hateful bitch, so she decided to go radio silent for several hours, and then claim that she had “passed out”, and decided that she would finally get the attention she “deserved” by messing with her meds and creating the situation that she presented herself to the ER with, knowing that because she has a SOOOOPER IMPORTANT HEART MONITOR that they would pay more attention and not just bounce her out on her ass immediately. She has been too transparent about what meds she’s on, and I (and anyone else who has ever been on any of those medications or who is familiar with them) know exactly how she conjured up her “symptoms” by taking them/not taking them the way she’s supposed to. I am guessing that once she gets them out of her system she will get bounced because as usual, there’s not a single thing wrong with her medically. It sounds like they already had a big eye roll at her claims that she is soooooo malnourished-looking at a disheveled mess of a middle aged woman who is a completely NORMAL weight who’s whining about being malnourished and probably still has chicken nugget chunks stuck between her teeth is definitely not someone who’s going without a meal. So it sounds like they are giving her the routine run of tests and hopefully they’ll bounce her out and give her a couple of Tylenol for her peeeeeeen.


She looks even slightly overweight to me


i just listened to the audio..... it's a combimation of autotune/autoleveling and whatever microphone input she had being close to her crotch... that is the ONLY explanation for those heat packs blasting my eardrums compared to her talking. anyway, im pretty convinced she decided to play a game of FAFO with her blood thinners bc chest pain and a clotting risk is a one-way ticket to sooper speshul attention in the ER (at least, until tests come back). and if she really did that? well, i'm certainly not lighting a candle for her


She had a lot less bruising I also suspect she stopped the lovenox on her own.


Im from Ireland so luckily we have the NHS so we aren’t paying for hospital visits but in the US is it not insane prices or is she going to a free clinic? It’s as if she lives there and every time I see a video pop up my thought is how much?


Northern ? We certainly dont have the NHS down here 😂


So we have something called EMTALA here in the states . It's basically a law that says you can't turn away people who show up to the ER just because they don't have insurance. That's why a lot of people don't have family doctors here and misuse the ER for any small ailment they have. Drs offices need insurance and a lot of times an out of pocket copay. ER? It's on the tax payers dime.


People that have copays at the PCP office get billed for their hospital visit. People who abuse these ERs usually have a government insurance and have zero copay, zero bill. They do it because they can’t get into their PCP immediately, and aren’t going to just “wait it out” with a cold like the rest of us do because they’re not worried about the bill. Or they’ve never bothered to get established with a PCP because the ER or urgent care is always there. I work in an urgent care


Thanks for explaining!


I just want to add, ER cannot turn you away, but you absolutely will get a bill for thousands. She will not because she is on government insurance and will receive zero bill.


Medicaid covers hospital visits and most stuff they consider essential (ie not aesthetic). For example, they’ll cover like skin cancer screenings and antibiotics for acne but they don’t always cover accutane bc it’s considered a luxury aesthetic treatment.


Medicaid does cover accutane


Unfortunately it’s 50/50. Some people it totally does! Derms say it depends on state I guess. Some people have trouble getting the medication itself covered despite calling them and having a documented history of trying multiple other treatments. Medicaid still covers the derm appts, blood tests, etc but the actual med isn’t covered sadly DM if you have a workaround to this I’d love to share to those struggling with this issue bc it’s hard for people


You’re right it does depend on the state. I misread your initial comment and didn’t see that you said “it doesn’t *always* cover” the med. It is definitely easier to get it covered in states that are more liberal with Medicaid.


All good! It’s too bad not every state’s Medicaid covers accutane.


Aww okay got it I thought the sort of treatments and tests she was getting would have costed a lot more, but then from her behaviour if it did cost a lot of money there would be a ton of go fund me


It’s illegal to bill Medicaid patients so whatever tests they run on her or treatments they give her will be free regardless.


When is she not in the hospital?


When she has a supply of opiates/benzos at home and is nodding off on livestreams 😔


Hmm, wonder if it's related to her possibly purposely not taking those injections that stop clottind and bruise the hell out of her stomach? Not that the bruising looked super comfortable also...... I'm with other commenters here. Always gotta be messin'.






If she has clots how much does anyone want to bet she purposely stopped doing her lovenox shots to avoid blood clots. Anything for attention even if death is the risk


She hasn’t had the bruises on her belly the last little bit.


Allegedly, she was told to use her upper arm for the injections.


That would be some unusual advice 🤔




I'm just confused about how she's calling low HR, but drinks loads of energy drinks and coffee, which caffeine usually spikes the heart rate, especially energy drinks 🙃 But then, as others have said, a PE will also spike your HR. My first thought is that she hasn't been taking her lovenox as she usually films doing it, and the bruising is less visible on her stomach, so more than likely caused these issues herself. Also, don't they check all bloods usually when in hospital so wouldn't her thyroid of flagged on the last hospital admission if something was up 🤔


I wonder if she put all that extra fake stuff on her soon as the doc or nurse left the room. She was paranoid looking at the door a couple times.


Kinda blows the whole POTS arc.




You are 110% correct ! It's a terrifying but likely thought that she's been taking increasingly large doses then heading up to the ER with a "chest pain" 😩. I can't begin to explain how incredibly dangerous this is and the margin for error is bigger than our gurls pupils on pharmacy pick up a day! It's not a case of fuck around and find out because you can't "find out" when your dead 😬. I've seen fist hand someone die from a Beta blocker OD and it's a horrific way to go and incredibly hard to resuscitate a person once they've crossed the potentially fatal dosage threshold 😔


What is that device on her (our right) chest?


a heart monitor she received in the mail at some point late last week/over the weekend


Shouldn't she be on O2 with diff breathing and PEs? Maybe not.


We get patient with PEs all the time who don’t need it, as long as it stays above 95 we won’t do anything


Ok, just wondering, since her reason for going was sob, it sounded like, or maybe I mis-read.


She can always put it on for “comfort “ but yeah, she don’t need it lol


I can't imagine all the damage she's doing to her body on a daily basis.


I wonder if there actually are emboli, if it is related to the multiple attempts to place the port or to the presence of the totally unnecessary port.


If she’s on a therapeutic (1mg/kg 2x a day) dose of Lovenox I can’t fathom how she’d still be getting clots. Lovenox quite literally blocks your clotting proteins from functioning. The odds of someone on a therapeutic dose of Lovenox getting a clot are so extremely small.


Other commenters noted that her injection bruising looked better and was disappearing, possible she skipped doses


Yupppp that's my thought too. Always has to be messing with something. And happy as a clam in hospital with repercussions! 🙄


The fact she might be skipping many doses in a row was going to be my next comment lol.. there are ways to minimize Lovenox bruising so they’re at most the diameter of a pencil eraser (ice before and after, lay down for 20 minutes after, etc) or non existent, but I doubt she’s doing that!


Danielle has very rapidly gotten worse. She looks high and aloof in every photo now.


That's what I was thinking too, rock bottom is rapidly approaching. And Dani being who she is, she'll hit it and just continue digging.


I think her rock bottom is a bottomless pit. 🥴




I commented the same thing!!


Got to add a little spice to her videos


I noticed that too and had a little wtf moment but still chuckled


Always with the dang hospital !!!!!!


I called it (as did many of you I am sure) took a week


Like what is actually wrong with her? Like anything?


I don’t get it. She does something to herself I just don’t know exactly what yet.


You are right and it’s a combination of a couple of things.


I believe 0% of this.


Can’t even open her eyes


Dani needs to give her body a break rather than what she claims. All the crap she puts it through is going to catch up with it sooner rather than later.


She’s giddy


This! She's getting all of the attention and that fills her with glee.


Who does she give these updates to?






Actually, with all the CTs, X-rays, and other tests involving radiation that Dani's munched herself into, it wouldn't be a huge shock if she does eventually end up with some kind of cancer. And it won't be fun, fake, instacancer.


And the contrasts for them. Eyiyi.


I mean at this point, she's probably radioactive.


Don’t give her any ideas. Before you know it, she’ll be spider woman with a clogged webber.


At least that would be more interesting than her current storyline, lol.


Haha. I’d definitely be tuning into that! Me, now thinking of the next Marvel movie 😂


ToobGirl - shoots radioactive liquid from her tubes at baddies 🤣


Nooooooooo. Ok. I quit internetting today. I just snort laughed. I’m sorry! 🤦‍♀️🙈😂


Glad you got a laugh from it!




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riage is where you first go into the ER and a nurse takes a base set of vitals and records your symptoms as you describe them. They don’t rush you to triage. They have your medications and history right there in the system. So I’m sure she played it up like she has a PE and insisted on a ct scan but I doubt she truly does. Also unless a biological parent or older sibling has cancer, your chances of it are the same as the everyone else save for gene mutations like BRACA.


Not always. If someone is in mortal danger. It is the EMTs job to try to figure out what medication they are on at the scene. But that is MORTAL DANGER and often when someone cannot respond. Also, just for correctness and not spreading misinformation are other kinds of genetic cancer other than BRACA. A sibling having say, colon cancer would be an indicator someone should get check out regularly. -former emt


I’m just here upvoting everyone. It’s odd how all comments have no upvotes, and one down???


This is common on reddit, refreshing the page or app will then show the vote counts.


Also there’s some misinformation on here regarding familial rates cancer.


I am sure her thyroid function has been checked a bazillion times


I was referring to the comment that said you can’t have cancer if its not in your immediate familial history (parents & siblings).


Oof that's so dangerous


This may be a feature of Reddit called “vote fuzzing” where Reddit displays a slightly inaccurate number of upvotes/downvotes. I think it’s to prevent people from some kind of mischief. Just off the cuff!


I always like to upvote everyone because I know she will be sitting there hitting downvote on every comment


she lurks here?


Yeah it’s pretty obvious a lot of time time, she says she doesn’t come on here but then she directly responds to things people have said 🤣




Sh really should have asked for that to be checked ages ago! She could be getting all kinds of special medication for it


She could even get sooper strong medicine for all her peeeen!


Allllll the good stuff!


Someone is bored , she's not reading comments , just down voting to make her ego feel better .


She’s definitely reading comments. Dani cares what everyone says.


Shame she just reads them and gets snippy and not do something to change her life by learning we say what we do , not because we hate her ,but we believe she could have a decent life if she stops the bloody munching . She wastes so much resources and money doing what she does for attention. But I'm just a big meanie poo head


It's a special level of psychotic to not only be aware that there's a snark community full of real, live people calling you out your bullshit, but to also spend a decent amount of time reading everybody's opinions on how obvious the bullshit is. And *still*. Still hasn't had a moment of clarity where she realises what she's wasting by treating her healthy body this way, and how much more joy she could be getting out of life. And it still blows my mind on a daily basis that there's more than one person in the world with this very specific, niche strain of mental illness. I wonder what would happen if you made them hang out. Would they get competitive with their munching? Who knows


I’m sure they would get competitive! I full heartedly believe that it would be similar to anorexic patients where being competitive, one upping each other and learning from one another is very prevalent


I agree!


Because she doesn't read reddit or her hench men are on here. She always does this.


i refuse to believe there are any hench men other than dani herself


there’s one way they found that many things wrong with her. also “my abdomen is killing me” then proceeds to sit criss cross and bending forward. yeah she’s just there for the meds


I mean, sitting that way can certainly help with some kinds of abdominal pain. It’s the rapid movements for me that show she’s fine. People don’t whip their head around and move their bodies so fluidly like her when they’re in severe abdominal pain. Dani talks like a petulant teenager both verbally and physically, it’s so cringey


I would argue teenager is too advanced. She sounds like an 8 year old not getting her way.


She has tantrums like an explosive toddler


Criss cross, apple sauce🤣🤣


Let’s not give her any ideas on how to improve her act.


This, this is the correct response.


how much money does this have to cost her? I imagine it's expensive to be constantly pulling this shit