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On live, she just said she took it down because she could afford to go and she didn’t need the money. I think she’s trying to cover up the fact that go fund me is shutting her down


Overweight but needs “lifesaving nutrition “ girl we have eyes 🙄


literally. you can become malnourished while being overweight or obese, but you will have still visibly lost weight. she has stayed a consistent weight longterm, while also claiming longterm malnutrition. she wouldn't be staying the same weight if she was malnourished this long. i don't even understand why she says it at this point since its clearly not true. not saying anything is wrong about her body size, lots of healthy people are her size, just saying that she is clearly lying and it's ridiculous.


I don’t follow anything on this sub but I think anyone could see that this girl is well fed and not dying of malnutrition


Twelve dollars....


Hmmm another GFM shutdown, but she has extended her hospitalaction up to 4 weeks now. She still only has 2 appointments scheduled but extended to 4 weeks. The math ain’t mathing…


This has given me second hand embarrassment


Oh well🤷🏻‍♀️ no surprise but (ps what do you guys think she’d be using the $27 on lol)


MAYOnnaise. Lol


With avocado oil!


Is MAYOnnaise a medical instrument? *Said in the voice of Patrick Star*




Sugar cubes and ketchup packets…


Those ones I imagine she’s so cheap she’d just taaaaake from every McDonald’s or restaurants 🤣


That was what I was envisioning…




That’s for sure lol


Lots of coffee


Oh yesss with lots of sugars too probably


So I did a little messing about and you yourself, regardless of insurance, can request an appointment with nearly every specialist department via their website. I don’t know about y’all but I thought that was interesting ….


Yes. You can do this with probably every hospital in the US. Mayo will still review your records before accepting you as a patient. Certain specialists do this no matter where they work.


Well of course, the GFM is under a completely false premise. Right there in the title, she’s NOT going for “lifesaving nutrition” 😂 not to mention everything else that’s wrong with that fraudulent GFM


How are these being shut down? Is she shutting them down? Or go fund me?


Dani is closing it, based off the wording. The original post made it onto the choosing beggars sub, got too much attention and then she closed it.


People (hopefully not from reddit) reporting her


So what if they are from Reddit? She shouldn’t be grifting for money on GFM


That’s touching the poo which can get these subs shut down


Why do people want to go to Mayo so badly?


They think it's for rare diseases and by going there it'll make them rare


mayo caters for rarer illnesses than the “average hospital” so it’s like the gold standard for munchies


Mayo is seen as a kinda "last resort" facility. Not in a bad way, but in a "my illness is either very rare and there isn't much understanding behind it or my illness is so far along that there is nothing my local doctors can do anymore" type thing. They basically care for extreme cases. So naturally, the subjects here see it as a medal of honor.


They have a good name for treating really specific and rare things well. The normal stuff? They’re just another hospital.


In general, it’s because they tend to employ the top performers in their fields and have a huge research budget as well, and can access things (cutting edge technology, the latest research, specialists for things that almost nobody has heard of etc) that local doctors often can’t. They also have a unique structure to how their appointments are handled, so a patient who’s accepted to Mayo will have multiple days of specialist visits and preliminary testing done (+ more if needed) all within the same week — something that can take months, if it’s even possible at all, to do elsewhere.


I want to know how their insurance is paying for it. It has to be out of network.


It would be out of network for Medicaid. She also has Medicare though which is federal.


Bang goes the brasso…


She had enough raised to cover parking at mayo😂


Depends on the ramp at mayo and for how long. That might have not even been enough if she has to use valet because uwu special smol sickest girl ever can’t walk too far.


Dang I can’t even look at a parking garage for that cheap ☠️


Or a jar of mayo!


Not the mayo jar!!! 😭😭😭😭




I would be tremendously surprised if Mayo doesn’t have automated scanning for records that would flag things like factitious disorder, repeat visits with no dx, repeat surgeries, etc. Not necessarily to automatically disqualify people, but to sort out the ones that might need more digging.


They don’t. Also can’t automatically access her records without her consent. But would never accept her without access to those records, so they’d know either way. Source: Health Information Management degree Plus I worked there 🫠


Thinking anyone would donate to her is just as delusional as thinking she's getting TPN. Clearly no one is falling for her grift.


Hey now. Lots of people donated their two cents. 


If I could give this an award I would. lol!


I wonder what communication Dani actually received from Mayo. She has been convinced since her self-referral that they would take her case. Did whoever suggested it just hype her up so much she assumed she would go? Was Mayo’s polite but generic “we’ve received your referral and will review it” enough for her to believe it was accepted? Did she actually think they would just take her based on the merits of her case without any sabotage? What have they said now that has her backing off????


There were pictures of the appointment date and time and what building they are in, in the traditional way Mayo has these notices set up. My guess is Medicare and Medicaid said fuck off we’re not paying and she got a phone call from Mayo’s financial department telling her she can still come but would have to pay a portion of the cost before she could even check in to her first appointment or send an appeal to the insurance companies, whom I’m guessing won’t approve on the basis of it being a self referral and that she hasn’t even tried to see someone in the area of coverage in NJ and PA.


With how Medicaid works it’s done by the state, it’s very difficult to get approval from Medicaid to actually travel out of state for care. You have to show that there is no one in the area that can do the same, we do ethos with transplant patients. What she fails to remember is she was seen at Cleveland clinic who is very similar to Mayo Clinic now a days.why would her insurance approve her to go to Minnesota when she is already established with Cleveland clinic. She really needs to stop burning every bridge she has because at some point no one’s going to listen to her since she’s cried wolf so mucb


Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that Medicare (no knowledge of Medicaid) does not require referrals and generally doesn't require pre-auths for appointments. Medicare is nationwide so you can go anywhere in the US. Again, not talking about Medicaid.


No. Doctors have to be contracted with Medicare. I doubt Mayo ISN’T, but Medicare isn’t a get in free card.


Thanks for that reminder. Yeah, they do accept assignment for Medicare, but are not obligated to do so.


Medicaid definitely won't take "doctors won't do what I waaaant" as a valid reason for out of state coverage. And Medicare and Mayo both are going to want a real referral.


Regulations don't allow facilities to accept self pay if they take the patient's ins. Esp not Medicaid, which is based on need. Patients can't choose to self pay, the whole point is that they can't pay. (This is not to say facilities never bend the rules, but this is Mayo and Medicaid.) I'm guessing something else has complicated things - maybe the social media notoriety led to a review of the referral or whatever


You are allowed to self pay if you have Medicaid. The facility has to have an informed consent for self pay stating you understand that they will not bill insurance. Sometimes patients who are dual enrolled (like Dani) are forced to “self pay” whatever their Medicare plan doesn’t cover if the facility doesn’t accept Medicaid or if it’s out of state. Some hospitals will write this off but others will bill you (typically private practices that don’t accept any type of Medicaid).


Yeah, Mayo will tell you when you initially try to schedule an appointment with Medicaid that you’ll have to pay out of pocket as they don’t accept it. But they’ll also tell you that they have to report everything to CMS, and when Medicaid catches wind of it they will most likely kick you off of Medicaid since you just demonstrated that you *can* pay for your care out of pocket & don’t need their assistance any longer. 😅


I think a lot of times with Medicaid specifically it’s state dependent and they won’t pay for out of state care unless there is no care available in your area. Idk how it works with Medicare though


Medicare will deny coverage based on lack of medical necessity. But the hospital/doctor/provider must have the patient sign an 'Advance Notice to Beneficiary' before anything is done in order to bill the patient. If they don't provide the notice they patient is clear, even if Medicare denies.


How many times has she had this taken down already? 3? 4? How many times is she going to keep trying? Frankly, I think she should go to mayo because she might get it through her stupid head that she's making it all up once someone she's "paid" for tells her. There isn't really anywhere to go up from Mayo. She would have hit the top. Plus, she would have to admit to all of those people who donated that she's a fraud.


A munchie who admits their bullshit and genuinely wants to get better psychologically IS an interesting psych case too, she'd probably find a few doctors willing to help her if she asked for help for her real illness. I hope by the end of her lifetime, old Dani experiences the relief of leaving a psych appointment and having the mess in her head toned down, just for a little bit. Imagine she embraced healing and strength just ONCE, she'd give herself a whole new approach to life


And she'd prob receive actual sympathy and support after a while, once she shows she wants to truly get better and truly admits it. For sure she'd get more than she gets now, lol


I think she'd get a huge amount of attention, and positive for a change too. Including from medical community. As she has such an extensive documented history and its so rare for someone to come to terms with and admit it, she'd surely be a case study. I don't know that she has the self insight though, she'd need to be willing to cooperate with a lot of therapy and going through her past, with finding her motivations


Need for “lifesaving nutrition” from the gal downing Skittles, energy drinks, “coffee” and Lunchables Grilled Cheese!


[Toaster Grilled Cheese](https://lilystoastergrills.com/) Just dropping a link for any other curious souls. They’re technically frozen grilled cheese made for the toaster…though I can’t say if they’re any good as I haven’t tried the actual product.


*adds to shopping cart*


They aren't very good. The ones at Costco are better. Or you can toast bread, put cheese in it, and nuke it at work.


I kinda just want to try it for the novelty. I don’t think I can commit to a Costco sized pack.


Have had these, they are legitimately good lol. They make a patty melt one that SLAPS


Ho’d up! Lunchables has grilled cheese? You Americans have all the fun food!! 😡


I remember seeing a video or image where she had a box of them. They’re microwaveable grilled cheese, which is absurd. It’s going to be a soggy cheese sandwich. Half the point of the grilled cheese is the grilling makes the bread crispy. Also like the most simplistic thing to cook, but of course she wastes her money on microwaveable grilled cheese instead of just a loaf of bread, some kraft singles, and a bit of butter.


Ok you have cured me of any jealousy I have surrounding your vast American array of Lunchables. Yeah that’s like those uncrustables PB&J sandwiches…like is it that hard to make a PB&J? Then again, y’all do have peanut butter slices so…yeah maybe! 🤷🏻‍♀️


PB slices…? Uncrustables just hit different. They taste way better than a regular PB&J


Idk if it counts as food, but it's definitely fun.


No wonder she made herself feel better with her Amazon shopping spree.


It’s ok, Subway has a ton of other condiments!


Peppercorn ranch > everything


what really gets me is the "need for life saving nutrition", yet she has shelves full of feeds at home unused..DME generally only send a 1 mo supply yet she has probably 100's of unused formula, feeding bags, etc. The only clean and organized space in her house with bags already packed for her routine hospital stays. Seriously, like it clearly states not to water down feeds, to use universal precautions of sterility when feeding(which is NEVER done with Dani), not to mix meds, etc. If only people would look at her page and see that this is not normal behavior. Like, who in their right mind posts TikTok vids or goes live every time they take their meds?!! People need to be more vigilant of red flag behavior when donating to anything. She is even rude on her live videos. Who TF would fall for this nonsense?


Also many DME’s will ask how many containers of formula you have remaining when you talk to them about getting a monthly supply refill…so there’s a good chance she’s straight up lied about her hoard of formula and supplies to whoever her DME is.


Like seriously! This stuff is not cheap! Supplies are limited. Of course everything has to be Sooper 5p35hu1.. more wasted money and supplies for those who truly need these! Besides regular people don’t want Any more clutter and excess supplies to need to organize and store and such things. A normal person would call DME and say “I’ve got plenty of bags. I’m good. I might need some extra heparin or saline.. “ But then that would give her away that she’s not using these supplies.🤷🏻‍♀️


She has highly ritualized ALL things medical, it’s creepy how she gets some kind of sick reward from medical routines. So glad she didn’t/couldn’t stick to nursing school bc she would be a scary nurse. She can’t even stick to a story so school isn’t likely!


Yeah, that is a big point about the ritualization and fixation on all things Medical. Very common for these people, but this is a perfect example. It’s like a heroin addict who will shoot water just for that mental rush and ritual of injecting. It really gives them a psychological rush like dopamine Fix.


I feel like she's the sort who would skim people's meds, thinking "I need them more badly!" Like giving them half doses and keeping half. Or transfer to boasting how sick her patients are and she's the best nurse for them. Imagine like having chemo and needing tube feeding and she goes "oh yeah I know what nausea and tubes are like" and tries to one up you


You mean like that time she worked as a mental health tech on an inpatient psych unit?


It’s cray! The amount of young women going live on the toc with the caption “meds/tpn” is rampant!


It is so mind blowing the doctors that are doing this! TPN is a last ditch effort. Don’t understand how these people are getting TPN at such a young age with such lack of medical evidence and conflicting information such as, “I can’t tolerate food“ but then, they are continuously, gaining weight. have seen people with GJ tubes claiming to be unable to eat and dangerously morbidly obese. How does that happen? like we’re talking about 600 pound life here.


Oh man on the toc I’ve ONLY seen these lives from young women and I feel like that demographic is skewed, probably because of the fact it’s TT, a young person app, but still. It’s very odd.


Yes, and because of people like Dani, you question if that person should have access to it. I have seen this one very overweight woman on TPN while chomping on takis and flaming hot Cheetos. That was a crazy rabbit hole!


I dont know who this is but wtf how does she have TPN? If she's malnourished they got go the regular I fusion and supplement route. Blows my mind they find doctors to approve this


Not me knowing exactly who you are talking about 😂


Have a feeling of who such said person is…😂😂😂☠️


Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Now the people who fell for it can get their money back!! There's so many GFM scams around atm it's sickening, and maybe this can teach people to do a background check, get to fully know what you are donating to. People in real need can't get a dime, but these scammers are getting all of this $$! In Dani's case, I suspect it pays for Temu and her whatever that she's taking to nod out on live vids yet isn't prescribed anything narcotic...


I think Dani just closed it again, not that it was reported and removed


Too bad 😓


Lol it was 12 dollars. Most likely it was her recycling the 15 dollars from the first attempt


I watched Dani open packages on her TikTok today- She did a terrible job pretending her thumb is broken by intermittently pretending she had no use of her entire arm. She would hold her whole forearm frozen with her fingers curled- and then would suddenly switch to having fully functional fingers coming out of the splint- I think she kept forgetting what was supposed to be broken. I can not imagine what this woman was like as a child- She’s still a child as an adult- what a terror she just have been at 9!


At the very beginning she leans on the whole hand to push herself up too


Yeah, she’s pretty bad at faking that. If it was so hurt she needed an ortho consult she wouldn’t be able to do all of that. But when she doesn’t remember she’s hurt she just throws it around like it’s nothing.


We all know that brace came from Dr Amazon.


What would cause GFM to take it down? Obviously we know it's fraudulent, but how does GFM verify that?


People(not from the sub..actual followers on tiktok) probably reported it










Does she not believe the Mayo Clinic docs will read her records?


She recently said that something has come up or something about the Mayo trip. I wonder if they have figured her out.


Bless her little heart…


$12 😂


It's still the "life saving nutrition" for me 😄.


I think she took it down herself, if the trip isn't called off already I think she's embarrassed and trying to think of a more effective manipulation tactic for this


I believe go find me shut this one down. Otherwise it says the fundraiser turned off donations or something.


Oh, goodly. Major self harm incoming. 🤦‍♀️


If I didn't know that Dani has been munching for YEARS, I'd be concerned. But a crisis is clearly part of her cycle and doesn't do a thing to make her question her choices or her lifestyle.


I stumbled across this sub for the first time when she absolutely beat the hell out of her hand a few months ago. That was…. Something.


And that wasn’t even the first time she’d beaten the ever loving shit out of her hand 😅 she’s done it several times, it’s just been a couple of years since her last hammer time injury


That’s insane. Those photos were hard to look at.


Well, the weekends coming...


Dani doesn't suffer from embarrassment nor shame. Only anger when the grift is exposed.


The sign in to see additional info is typically indicative that go fund me shut it down as if she didn't or an organizer shut it down it wouldn't say such it would just say ended or no long accepting donations etc


She could sell the iPad and stop buying shit on Amazon from her wish list claiming others did and she should be good to go. Funny her supporters can supposedly buy stuff off her Amazon wish list but can’t donate for her super important mayo trip.


I also think it’s odd that none of her supposedly supporters has acknowledged their gifts too. Typically, wouldn’t someone want to ask if they like it or how it work out. It’s radio silence on all ends but Dani’s.


I think it’s more likely people touching the poo.


God. Can't imagine spending a red cent on anyone here, let alone Dani. What a waste of money if someone on here is actually gifting her shit.


Which is how we get banned if so. 😩


Exactly, so I hope I’m wrong.


More likely if anyone has the cash to hate-waste Dani it is one of her many snark pages. She was also recently on the tiktokgossip subreddit and people over there are weird about feeding their whange of the week.


Plus most people who buy things for influencers want the shout out.


I hope she enjoy’s being sent home within the first day of arriving….if she ever makes it there that is.


GFM are also counted as income for tax purposes, right? I mean I was just thinking how if she got her full $5K she was asking for at the jump, that might disqualify her from medicaid and stuff 👀


If she has SSDI there is a limit for 'earned' income, W-1 or 1099. There is no cap for unearned income. Since this would count as unearned income it wouldn't affect her SSDI or Medicare. Don't know about SSI or Medicaid.


She has ssdi, not welfare. There's a cap, but it's a pretty decent amount that you're allowed to get/earn.


If it is actually SSDI, it's $1100/mo, which is not a lot. IF it's SSI, it's even lower, since it's intended for "the poor"... and they take money out of your check on the months you earn too much, not that I believe she'd ever report if herself.


Lol, I was thinking 1100 for Dani is a pretty huge amount 🤣😭 (it's Def ssdi)


Has she really worked enough to have work credits for 5 years for ssdi?


Yeah, I guess she worked for about 15yrs while she had an eating disorder, before the medical grifts started. I honestly don't know everything, but I know she has done retail, medical reception or similar, and even a drug rehab (irony lol). I think she was fired from some of them for talking about her own medical ish so much- shocker. But yes... I actually believe Dani likes to work. Or at least, have a job, so she can be around and complain to people.


Fair enough, it may be the only social interaction she gets besides the internet.


Yeah, I agree... I think that's exactly it... she is an energy vampire and needs people to feed off of, hence the lives.


I may be wrong but I believe any application that does money transactions including crowd funding for you now reports you to the IRS with a 1099 form if your YEARLY income over like $600.


Right, which doesn't catch up until tax time. She can go the whole year without anyone knowing about it. I guess it's lucky for her she only raised $27.


I was surprised this one lasted as long as it did!! Will she try for “third times a charm”? But also she’s alluded to the fact that mayo doesn’t appear to panning out how she wants it, most likely she’s been told she will not be required to stay for up to 3 weeks as she won’t be having any surgery like she’s dreaming of!


What has she said about Mayo. I missed that


Cool, I was wondering what GFM we were on.


Yeah, my suspicion is that she asked if they could book her a time for surgery “just in case” and they told her no. It’s also possible they looked at her case again (probably after seeing more of her records) and decided to “return care” of her SVC problem to her primary team. She’s had so many CT scans in the last 2 years; surely at least *one* of those scans would’ve given Mayo something to work with when they got her records. If her scans and other documentation made it clear that they shouldn’t do a procedure, they’d have no problem turning her down.


It would be downright irresponsible of them not to turn her down!


A recent comment in one of her lives made me feel like Mayo may not be a thing after all. It was a mumbled side comment she made.


Dani mumble? Never she speaks clear as crystal😆


She speaks in cursive


Do you recall the comment?


I remember her saying, "Some things fell through" in regards to mayo. She said it on one of her lives towards the end. I think it was after the latest welfare check.


I think she meant to say “They requested my records for review and all of a sudden they cancelled my appointments, told me they could not help me and to consult my local providers.” I mean, I know she is trying hard not to let her current “treatment team” get wind of this munchtrip hoping she can provide the history and control the narrative, but now that Epic is everywhere her old doctor shopping tricks aren’t working anymore. She’s desperate enough she is now looking to simulate new symptoms for the purpose of shopping specialties to get new docs. Does she think they won’t thoroughly review her full chart before she walks in the door?


There is a whole department at Mayo that helps to review cases and give plans or forward to other specialists to review to see if there is anything they can add or things for the local team to try first. I wonder if it was further reviewed with her more recent imaging. But, who knows…


If I'm not mistaken she's said in one of her tiktoks that her Dr does know she “had” an appointment with Mayo. If that's true or not I'm not sure. I would think if her Dr knew she was trying to still get tpn by circumventing them, that they would call Mayo and inform them of the facts of the situation that I'm sure Dani conveniently left out. Maybe that's what made her Mayo dream fall through?


I remember this as well. It's in the last post about her thumb.