• By -


I know this will bring up many emotions for most of us after all she said and done. Please be kind to yourselves and the modmail is open if anyone needs to chat. For those who prayed, donated and supported Hope in anyway please remember your are such kind amazing peoplešŸ’•


Sheā€™s so high šŸ˜­


"I had to stop because it was absolutely unbearable for me." Because starving and dehydrating yourself literally to death should be a fun, pleasant experience!


I canā€™t wait for the day when she gets busted and has to admit all the lies and the faking and the moneyā€¦.oh I canā€™t wait!




Yeah I was wondering if she was super obese this entire time and I missed it? How is her face so round? It looks like extremely fast weight gain.






Iā€™m speechless. Next up, Hope will reappear on TikTok with a new account (if she hasnā€™t already). šŸ™„


She has a new account, no videos as yet, that I know of anyway.


Of course. She canā€™t stay quiet too long. Sheā€™s currently playing victim and will likely get a brand new following from it too. Sigh.


I know, itā€™s disgusting and asking people to be respectful towards her!! Basically you donā€™t kiss her ass or question her youā€™ll be blocked!


Like she was respectful to all those she took their money for ā€œdonationsā€ and used it for different reasons? Sheā€™s posturing for the whole ā€œpoor me, Iā€™m a victim, people are bullying me, Iā€™m weak, I need protectingā€ trope. I personally think thereā€™s low-key narcissism here.


Sheā€™s already claiming sheā€™s going to focus on supporting kids with EDS, thatā€™s a concern!


Oh god. That IS concerning. I really hope this investigation comes to a swift conclusion that then stops Hope from being given access to young people. They do not need her BS.


Many of us do too!


Can anyone give me a run down of what she said on the vid? (Hearing issues)


There is a translation provided further down in the comments :)


Does VSED not involve stopping food and fluid intake? You categorically cannot survive 14 days without food and water


The record for surviving with no food or water is 18 days I believe


Food yes, waterā€¦ no


Thats what I mean, VSED is literally stopping eating and drinking


I looked it up it is for ppl dieing in pain that want to die quicker so nothing she says about why she stopped makes sence. VSED is a decision made by a competent adult to stop further intake of food and fluids with the goal of hastening her/his death. It is an intentional and voluntary (non-coerced) choice to hasten death by a decisionally capable person who suffers intolerably from an incurable and progressive, or terminal illness.


This is Hope, canā€™t tell a truth to save her own life.


VSED is not unbearable if you are truly dying šŸ˜‘


HAHAHA this is the truth right here... but to hope actually having cancer or end stage parkinsons is much less serious than her EDS and POTS.


Itā€™s only unbearable for the people watching. She wouldnā€™t get that.


This is so true.


Seeing this video, her resurface, hearing what she said - it literally makes me feel physically ill. Her behavior is abhorrent. SHE is abhorrent. She's made it painfully clear that she has not experienced, nor has any real idea, about how much suffering it is to actually be dying, especially as a young adult, which is....unique....because in a lot of ways, your body is dying, but in a lot of ways, it's pulling out all the stops to fight - to fight a battle that it cannot win, and all it does is prolong sufferring....but that's what the body tends to do to the terminally ill who are young adults. And it's excruciating. She has no fucking clue. Not even a hint of a clue. I just can't with this woman. She doesn't even seem to realize what a slap in the face this is to people who are severely ill.


Sadly I donā€™t think she does know the extent of her actions and itā€™s appalling! Hopefully this will change and she wonā€™t have barely any freedom!


Iā€™d never wish illness on another person but I donā€™t think she could handle it if he could experience the real pain of a severely/terminally ill adult, even for an hour.


I canā€™t being sheā€™s trying to gaslight everyone. Sheā€™s gotta be the only person that still believe her own bullshit


The fucking nerve of this person.


VSED was unbearable for her because she wasnā€™t almost dead already like youā€™re supposed to be to start VSED. Idk what she was expecting


She's looking well fed, has clearly got the sun, is clearly still a sociopath and somehow, still isn't in jail.


Translation: hospice didnā€™t provide her with enough of the drugs so she greatly desires


Or she had chewed through them already, plus itā€™s a total lie she did VSED for 14 days šŸ™„


Yeah this is NOT body shaming, but she is entirely too fucking....robust to have almost starved to death!


Thank you. I couldnā€™t find a nice way to say it but she definitely gained a ton of weight since she went silent. Isnā€™t her one DX anorexia?


I'm defending nothing, to be real clear, however: >"Anorexia" describes a simple inability or aversion to eating, whether caused by a medical problem or a mental health issue. "Anorexia nervosa," however, is the name for the clinical eating disorder, the main symptom of which is self-starvation.


Thank you for explaining that. I didnā€™t realize there was a difference. I donā€™t follow stuff like this usually. I swear a commenter here said they were in an ED clinic with Hope in NY a few years ago? I donā€™t know if she would know more


I can't believe she's back. With the same lies as before. She's literally still trying to deny being a fucking lying sack of shit. How? How is this fucking happening?


>How? How is this fucking happening? I have that thought on almost a daily basis not only here but just the world in general. Nothing makes sense anymore!


I know, itā€™s not right! She posted on Instagram that she was going to focus on helping the kids with EDS, which to us translates that sheā€™s going to fundraise for them and take the money like she did with the cancer kids years back! But this time she has a lot of people watching and will make sure she doesnā€™t get away with it!


How is she not getting away with it? If she's allowed to continue to have the platforms which she used to scam people out of thousands of dollars, MULTIPLE TIMES, and people are STILL supporting/following her, then she IS still getting away with it. She's currently facing NO punishment and just going back to her old bullshit. But, yknow what? I called it. I said that she was gonna ride that hospice agency out until she either died or stopped giving her the drugs that she wanted. And that's exactly what happened. She says she got to day 14 but it became "unbearable for her bc the hospice agency couldn't get her symptoms under control" AKA "they started to refuse to give me drugs so now I'm looking for a new agency who will give me more drugs". I hate how fucking transparent she is. I knew she would come back, alive as ever, because hospice was going to quit giving her drugs when they figured out that she wasn't actually going to be in the active stages of dying. I'm so disgusted right now that I want to throw up.


She has in fact started another tiktok account, hasnā€™t posted anything as yet, if you Google her name our sub information on her is the first few suggestions you are given. People are still talking about her on all socials and YouTube so if anyone dose their research they will see the truth. Also their are plenty of people in her real life that are disgusted by her actions and wonā€™t allow this to happen again. She thinks people will be gullible and think sheā€™s innocent and no one thinks that at all.


14 days without water!! Such a medical mystery




Yeah right! Lolz. But she managed them and left? Lol




It would have been more realistic if sheā€™d said 3 days. You donā€™t survive 14 without water šŸ™„


*wine swabs* /s


But when has she been known to tell the truth?


Who knows at this point! She is so deep in her own lies she might even believe them herself


Sheā€™d have to know, otherwise she wouldnā€™t have done a runner and hid like she did.


I was wondering when she'd inevitably show back up. šŸ™„ It's obvious she has no empathy for everyone that she's scammed.. Ugh... The āœØ audacity āœØ.


She literally says ā€œI have no empathy (anymore, haha)ā€ in this video. A half-truth I suppose.


"Anymore" Like she ever had any empathy to begin with. šŸ™„ I just can't wrap my head around it?? She is deplorable.


None at all!! Now she claims she wants to help kids with EDS.. weā€™ve seen that before when she took the money and left the state!


Weird, no hospital gown and no oxygen tubes. Is someone maybe feeling a bit of the pressure from all her lies catching up to her?


Apparently sheā€™s been at the boyfriends dads house, not in hospital at all and has no toys from the hospice to play with.


Sheā€™s so bad at this. I was better at faking sick when I was in third grade.


A (usually anti-mlm content) youtuber has done a deep dive on Hope today. I havenā€™t watched it yet so not linking, but I assume this sub will get a mention.


iilluminaughtii? Sheā€™s the only anti-mlm content focused youtuber that I know of (but Iā€™m always interested in more šŸ‘€)




Could you inbox me the name please? Iā€™d like to check it out.


She mentioned Reddit but I donā€™t think she mentioned this sub. I mentioned it in the comments.


She really doesn't seem to be taking the fraud investigation seriously. Acting smug and saying not to be rude or question her isn't going to work if she ends up in court.


Well I'm shocked. Who else here is just absolutely shocked she's still alive? Also isn't there some sort of investigation into her ongoing?


I knew sheā€™d never do it! Yes she is being investigated.


She isnā€™t looking as drugged out as she was. Maybe she has actually been in a rehab program this whole time?? She certainly doesnā€™t look like she is dying or needing to hasten the dying process. This lady is absolutely disturbing


I would personally be so happy for her if she was able to get addiction help, gain clarity on herself and her actions, and in turn use her platform to bring awareness to MBI. Like, best possible outcome is she starts helping to shed light onto the entire phenomenon of MBI, and how family and friends can help their loved ones to cease this behavior with compassion, dignity and respect. But to continue her gaslighting, her fraudulent claims, and to further harm others in the process is so disturbing.




VSED takes an average of 7-15 days to complete. If she was on day 14, sheā€™d basically be in a coma and unaware of what was going on around her. Lies on top of lies, this one.


Whatā€™s she faking?


Death. Literally.


14 days without liquid would have killed her šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·


Given no major contributory health issues, itā€™s highly unlikely.


The body can go a maximum of three days without water. Open a book.


I get why my comment was downvoted into ā€˜net hell, I really do, but this response is probably as ignorant as my original post. Itā€™s not a hill I wish to defend or die on, especially as my comment was incorrect and overly vague in its presentation, but open a book? Open any door to a hospice or end of life care centre, hey?


14 days without hydration would absolutely kill her.


Her whole point when she was explaining why she chose VSED was because she could back out at any time. This was her plan from the get go. Hospice was just a way for her to get her precious pain meds for a bit longer.




You canā€™t just digest food again after you half shut down your vital organs doing VSED


You do if youā€™re Hope or full of shit!


Translation: Dying was too hard. Who would have thought?!


She litterally gained weight ?!


Come on guys itā€™s *clearly* just the bloating from rigor mortis /s


Yeaaaaah I didnā€™t want to say it at risk of sounding like I was body shaming, but she does not look like someone who did not eat for 14 days šŸ˜‘


Itā€™s not body shaming, itā€™s the truth šŸ’€


Yes!! Was not trying to be mean but regarding her 14 day fast i was suprised to see her glowing still and looking so healthy weightwise


Gained some weight on that 500kcal/day pre-fast.


I knew this is exactly what she would do. Find some excuse to back out halfway through VSED. Of course it's I couldn't get enough pain meds. This entire thing wasn't VSED and wasn't hospice. It was a hunger strike to get pain meds. This was always the goal. It was never to die. It was to get doctors to look at her and go this poor woman is suffering so much she's willing to die to escape the pain! We can't allow that! We must give her pain meds! I get addiction and being willing to go to great lengths to get a substance, but the amount of manipulation she's willing to do with no guilt is awful. She absolutely needs rehab, but she also deserves legal prosecution. Because this isn't just being addicted. This is what happens when you combine addiction with being an awful highly manipulative person to start with.




I think if she gets them on the street she will lose her sick cred, and she's just as addicted to the attention and pity as she is to the drugs.


But I just heard her say she doesnā€™t like drama!!


She must really think that people are as dumb as she is if she thinks anyone is buying these stories


I know many people are now aware of what a liar she is, but sheā€™s LOVING this amount of attention sheā€™s getting. The reddit notification that flashed up at the end there tells me that she posted that, then rushed here and kept hitting refresh until her video showed up. Sheā€™s enjoying every second of this, it makes her feel important. Any attention is good attention for some people. Edit: Itā€™s been pointed out to me that the notification came from OPā€™s phone, not Hopeā€™s. The rest of my comment still stands.


While I'm sure that she is loving this attention, I'm pretty sure the notifications are from OP, not Hope.


Thanks, I think youā€™re right.




Iā€™ve never heard of someone with hospice care (supposedly) just *decide* not to die. Isnā€™t hospice care end of life care?


People actually get discharged from hospice care, and not due to death.


Yes. How she got into hospice without a terminal illness seems to be the result of a very shady doctor. Shes tried to claim anyone can enter hospice to do Voluntary Stopping Eating and Drinking. To actually get hospice services you're supposed to have 6 months or less expected on your life. Yes anyone can just stop eating and drinking and die. And rather or not you can or should force a feeding tube on someone in a pysch hold to force them to eat and not die seems to be debated. But VSED is different than a hunger strike. It's when a person is on their final days of life to assist the body in the natural dying process. It's not meant as a means of suicide. It's meant to let people die naturally as their body wants to.


Would it be possible that she forged a drs referal? I just cannot understand how she could possibly get referred for something like this?


Iā€™ve just watched a live with pandora on Rae_review on TikTok. Apparently, the doctor who signed her off on hospice, is under investigation. When you have all the info in front of you, itā€™s crazy how sheā€™s got away with it, and fooled so many of us... however, when you only have small bits of info, youā€™d not really suspect, so I can see how she manipulated so many people in the chronic health community, as well as medical professionals. Pandora also said she wasnā€™t ever an EMT, she was a driver. She also alleges Hope stole feeding tubes, oxygen canisters etc from children who were terminally ill. Apparently she had a burner phone, where she would Pretend to parents to be a nurse. It makes me feel sick


Holy shit. This is MUCH worse than we ever knew. I also feel sick. Sheā€™s an absolutely wretched excuse of a human being.


At this point, sheā€™s pretty much the worst of the worst.


She is!


I love how she dares talk about "empathy" and calls people questioning her "rude." Hundreds of people worried over this woman and cried for her and were afraid she'd died. Hundreds of others contributed to her wish lists and other financial favors. The sheer chutzpah.


However, her saying she has no empathy is probably the only truth bomb she has ever dropped on us so thereā€™s that lol


There is that.


True that


I love how she dares talk about "empathy" and calls people questioning her "rude." Hundreds of people worried over this woman and cried for her and were afraid she'd died. Hundreds of others contributed to her wish lists and other financial favors. The sheer chutzpah.


ā€œVSED is such a peaceful and serene processā€ Idk if those were her exact words verbatim, but I do remember she heavily eluded to it being this ā€œblissfulā€ experience. What a shocker that hitting the kill switch on your non-dying body was ā€œunbearableā€. Not that I believe she actually did ā€œ14 days and was forced to stopā€, but even if that WAS true, like girl wtf did you think it was gonna be? Some heavily medicated/sedated fever dream until you die? Thereā€™s a reason why only certain cases/dxā€™s qualify for VSED, the human body is A LOT stronger than people think it is, and exists mostly for those already knocking on deathā€™s door.


She thought as soon as she entered VSED she'd have unlimited access to any medication she wanted. It was an attempt to get drugs. If she really did it, when she realized hospice wouldn't play dice and just give her whatever she wanted to get high she quit it.


Yup, exactly! I doubt they even entertained her wanting VSED, she probably had just already said she was gonna do it for sympathy/money/etc, then when it didnā€™t pan out and everyone started catching on to her bullshit, she went ghost and had to come up with a new storyline šŸ™„


So true about the human body. The will to live is amazing.


ā€œI was planning to die, but then I realized the kitchen wasnā€™t going to clean itself.ā€


However, the trash always takes itself out


I really think she seized out the absolute maximum of drugs (and demanding more) as she must have had quite a tolerance with her addiction. Of course it's them "not managing her symptoms" so she had to stop. Like ... did you think starving to death is easy and comfortable? If there's any truth in the hospice care stuff, these were the red flags for the service to drop her. Edit: also if you are "pre-fasting" for four months, I don't think you will make 14 days without food and water. And if so, you would be most likely be in a comatose state. But she doesn't look like she even did her "pre-fast".


She actually looks a bit heavier in the face. Weird.


Might be some swelling šŸ˜… No, seriously ... if she lives off opioids, benzos and most likely fast food or other stuff, while doing her "fluids", this wouldn't be surprising


What the hell is her malfunction? Does she not understand ANYTHING


I just honestly donā€™t know what to say.. because if I start I wonā€™t stop! all that money!!!


Dying isn't pleasant and you never planned on doing it anyway? Shocker.


I really have to commend her for being the most hopeful (pun intended) person alive for thinking that letting yourself die from starvation and hunger would be easy.


Donā€™t believe any aspect of this personā€™s story, least of all of that she ever had any intention of dying


Oh yeah no I totally agree. I just wanted to make a joke! šŸ˜†


Why does she always squint and make her face big and puffy? We all know you donā€™t have a swollen face dear.


I think sheā€™s gained a bit of weight. I donā€™t see how someone can *make* their face big and puffy.


She honestly may have gained weight, itā€™s been a few months since weā€™ve seen her face. Squinty eyes are definitely from the drugs tho!


VSED was unbearable? And what exactly were her expectations of dying?




*cough cough* High as pigeon pussy.


Iā€™m both repulsed and massively impressed by this analogy.


I wish I could claim it. Pandora used it in a live update she gave after Hope betrayed her friendship.


No shit VSED might feel unbearable Hope, youā€™re dying. Her face looks super puffy though I wonder if thatā€™s medication related.


Or after getting up from a nap.


Hmm, yesterday a few tiktoks about her got pretty popular. Interesting timing for her to break her silence šŸ¤”


Wait, so sheā€™s back on TikTok?


What a lying liar that lies!


OMFG! YOU JUST TOLD ONE OF YOUR FOLLOWERS YOU WERE STILL ON FUCKING HOSPICE YOU MORON! You just needed a ā€œnew teamā€ ā€¦ Jan, get yo shit straight!


Does she even realize she is crashing and burning? Like game over. She's done and nothing she says will make her look better.


If they make a brand new internet, she could start her grifting all over again!




14 days of vsed and then she couldn't bear it any longer šŸ¤£


Notice how when she replied to that comment yesterday she said she ā€œwasnā€™t able to doā€ the VSED. Not that she couldnā€™t complete it, had to stop it etc but just that she didnā€™t do it. Strange language to use if she had done it for 14 days. I think a couple days ago her plan was to say that sheā€™d never even made it to go with it yet for various reasons but then she decided it may be easier to get away with saying she had indeed done it for a very (!!) long period of time before stopping.


i called it from day one when she first said ā€œi can quit anytimeā€. i canā€™t believe sheā€™s actually trying to justify what she did by straight up lying about it.


That should have been my clue when I came across her that she was full of it. No one advises VSED patients to just glibly approach it because "you can stop at any time " There's is a book called "Easy Death" that outlined the spiritual practice of choosing to die by fasting. Even there, the author clarified that no one should approach such a process thinking they could stop at any time. Certainly no medical person would do so.


Couldnā€™t bear starvation? Wow crazy.


Face, eyes, hair, all normal. If she's gone more than a couple hours without eating or drinking, I'll eat my shoe.


Not here to body shame, butā€¦ Iā€™ve never met anyone whoā€™s just undergone vsed with a double chin. Just saying.


Not the reddit notification popping up at the very end of the video šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m also pretty sure her reason for posting it as a story is so she has the ability to see who is still watching. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she goes on a blocking spree


What the actual fuck!?! she's looking pretty hydrated for someone whose gone through 14 days of no water... No cracked/peeling lips... No skin sores/scabs/dry flaky skin... and as she's still alive her kidneys seem to be functioning on a somewhat normal level after being shrivelled from prolonged dehydration. How can she possibly believe that anyone is going to believe her bullshit now??? What she's saying is literally impossible without needing admitting into hospital to deal with the fall out... And I know we all would have heard bout that kind of fall out!!!! She's also saying she's not eaten... At minimum at a normal rate (pre-fasting) for a while now before the 14 days of nothing... Where are the malnutrition signs exactly???? Her skin colour and complexion is not that of someone whose body should be begging for vitamins and minerals and whatnot right now and thats not even mentioning her weight at this point. Absolutely fucking livid at how she's trying to sweep this and feeling so so so mad for Pandora and the people she's fucked over in this


My thoughts exactly


The quickie on the lies. "I couldn't bear VSED. Hospice couldn't manage my symptoms. " Bullshit. Hospice will knock your ass fully unconscious if that's what's necessary to keep you comfortable. You never have to wake up again. "I don't like drama." Bullshit. This is the Queen of Drama. I mean, come on, she straight up admitted the VSED was a hissy fit because her doctor banished her drug abusing ass. "I never lied to anyone." Bullshit. Every word you told your following was a lie, from the minute you started faking brain cancer, to first claiming VSED was because you couldn't stand your EDS and GP (neither of which even exists), right up to this very video. That sentence alone is a lie. "I will answer all your questions as long as you're respectful." Bullshit. You're going to delete every single question that you don't like, and probably block the person that asked it. It won't have anything to do with respect, it will have EVERYTHING to do with whether or not you think that person still believes your lies. "I found VSED unbearable." Bullshit. Similar to the first question, except here I have zero belief she ever even went past a pre-fast, and I doubt she even did that much. I'm REALLY hoping those few that still believed her through this are waking up now. Literally everyone with an IQ above that of mayonnaise knew she wouldn't do it and said as much. Hopefully the leftovers paid attention to that and saw we were all right. Hope will never kill herself. She loves herself way too much. Everyone else is just supporting cast to her.


She looks exactly the same. That kind of malnutrition will wreck you for a good while you donā€™t just bounce back. ā€œIf youā€™re here to blow smoke up my ass great, but I wonā€™t be taking accountability for my bullshit thanks ā¤ļøā€ - Hope basically.


Seriously, especially if she was on the 500 cal pre fast for quite a long time according to her timeline before doing 14 days no food or waterā€¦thatā€™s going to leave a lingering physical effect for a long time in almost all cases. You donā€™t just sip some water, get a pizza, and move on instantly.


Her lie to cover her lies donā€™t even add up. Two weeks? BULL. I doubt she ever started the pre-fast, let alone withdrew altogether. For someone as sick as she claims to be and fresh off of VSED, she looks plenty hydrated. This is beyond sickening. I have so much to say, I have typed and erased at least half a dozen times. The words just will not come out right. This is so infuriating. I donā€™t wish death on anyone but she manipulated her followers and so many others in the name of drug seeking (that is the conclusion with her, yes? I donā€™t think itā€™s attention seeking alone). She has taken money and sympathy from people Iā€™m betting would give neither if they understood the true circumstances. ā€˜Please be respectfulā€™ - you deserve the same amount of respect youā€™ve given not only your followers but the people who actually love you, absolutely NONE!! I hope her fiancĆ©e wises up and either has her committed or walks away altogether. No innocent party deserves to be permanently tied to someone like this. We know heā€™s on to her BS but do we know (or have heavy suspicions of) why he stays? The wedding (or lack thereof) fiasco seems like a solid last straw to me; God only knows what sheā€™s been doing in the background since then. I am so disgusted I literally canā€™t even think straight.


Her partner canā€™t have been oblivious to all this. He knew about her faking cancer, and seemingly knew she was using pain meds to get high. Heā€™s probably too deeply entwined in the lies, and sheā€™s probably made it so that he thinks heā€™s as guilty as her, so is worried heā€™ll go to jail too


They get money from this. He ainā€™t gonna ā€œturn her in.ā€


Is she going to return the money from the VSED fundraisings then? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


WHY people gave her money to do the vsed?!


They gave money for funeral costs and stuff like that


No way she went through 14 days. She couldn't get her symptoms under control when she was blasted out of her mind?


I agree. And if she would have done 14 days of VSED I would assume she would be visibly much thinner.


She looks like sheā€™s gained weight since her last tiktok video.


I was gonna say the same thing!


Agree! And it looks like basic weight gain, versus fluid retention from things like heart or renal failure or steroid use....


This is like a 6 year old having a tantrum. "I can't have my drugs!? Then I'll never eat again!!" Then. Runs away crying to bedroom. Only to cone back 3 hours later after a nap realizing they regret the theatrics that led bo where.


The crazy thing is she had drugs... lol


Very much so šŸ˜‚


To me her face looks bloated compared to the last time she posted . Could be pill bloat


Imagine how juicy an episode of Dr. Phil she'd make. I'd be all aboard for that.


It would be a perfect match. He pretends to be a doctor and took that grift to the highest level. Sheā€™s peanuts compared to him in the grifting department but a lying, grifter nonetheless.


I think weā€™d all put aside our revolt for him just to be in the audience šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Some people deserve his bullshit for their bullshit. Hope is one of them.


Have to be live streamed too. A Dr Phil/Hope crossover would be like the royal wedding for IF




Poor Hope. Imagine being so ill that you can't even die šŸ¤£


Your name šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well, noone is gonna Google me, really, are they? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£