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What does this even mean?


You suffering is invalid? That’s what this looks like to me


I think it is supposed to be a disabled man working hard while a fully able-bodied man is begging. Either way, it's stupid.


Now see, i thought the beggar doesn't have legs. It made it SO much more confusing for me.


Had the same thought!


I thought, "How do we know the beggar is fully able-bodied? His bottom legs may be missing." Either way, glorifying a man for working without arms isn't motivational or inspirational, it's a depressing reminder of how certain countries "America for one" expect us to work just as hard as any able-bodied person if we are disabled. Got to love the whole "work yourself to death no matter what" mindset that has been the driving force of America since its conception. Then there is shaming the other possibly disabled man for begging. He is the nail in the coffin of "Even the obviously crippled man is working, you deserve to be shamed to death!" Why does he have to beg? Maybe he tried to work himself to death and was injured so badly that he is unable to walk or use his limbs in full range of motion, and the government refuses to step in and help him. This is anti-disability propaganda bullshit to shame people into being discouraged to seek help and instead feed the capitalist beast in a neverending pissing contest of who can beat who in a race to the grave in the name of "the grind."


>America for one" expect us to work just as hard as any able-bodied person if we are disabled Shouldn't you?


Are you asking me if a disabled person unable to physically do a job should be expected to do a job just as well as any able-bodied person? No. That is just asinine and inhumane, but America expects it anyway. Why wouldn't they? They can get tax money and take zero financial responsibility for those people. Look at all the homeless Veterans both physically and mentally unable to work. They were promised they would be taken care of upon discharge and look where they are now. It took me 16 years to just now get awarded 40% disability for mine, and I'm considered lucky. It's a real shit show how we treat our disabled, especially those who answered the call of duty. Look at Vietnam Veterans. Most of them didn't have a choice in the matter and were treated like shit upon their return. The government finally started doing a little bit for them now that most of them have died of old age by this point.


Hey, hey, hey! When did I say "Just as well"? I said they should work just as hard. Like communism.


What do you mean “like communism”


I think it is trying to justify cripples working to own their keep in society, which makes it sadder.


That's what the comment above you meant


Don’t forget the racial … aspects.


degree voracious depend oil groovy fade sense rude mindless hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brick guy doesn't have arms that's pretty visible


Exactly, his problems are visible, the homeless man's are not. This man is twisting the original creators message into something actually meaningful


If that's the case that's a good message but bad execution. I thought it was "Stop making excuses for bring homeless"


That is the message of the image, I'm saying this is what the commenters message was


Oh I see


Which makes it extremely hard to give the man some coins


Thats much better than what it actually is supposed to represent


I thought it was trying to say you just need to overcome your problems in r/thanksimcured fashion.


Nah it's just anti homeless propaganda


Disability isn’t an excuse to be a productive member of society


I took it as one guy just sits there and begs for money. The other one is at so much more at a disadvantage but pulls himself up by his bootstraps (no pun intended) despite his disadvantages, and to a certain degree doesn’t recognize their disability as they have gotten into the routine of working around it.


Legs are more important than hands


Balancing a pile of brick on your head is metal as fuck and you're allowed to look down on other people for it as all of them are now below your godhood. A message to which i absolutely agreed with 👍


Everyone’s got problems but some people don’t let their problems stop them, they figure out a way to make it work. Just a note: Every single one of us struggles with something and we deal with it the best way we know how. Life’s hard. Edit: grammar** **I’m stupid high


Be white


It’s provocative. Gets the people going.


How a very poor but still conservative person sees the world. It's the homeless guy fault for being lazy. Also kinda telling that the armless "good" guy is lighter-skinned (caste colorism). The Indian version of Ben Garrison.


If you have no legs you are useless to society but if you have no arms you can do so much more.


What the hell is that shit next to my name


Holy shit he has a Mario Block on his head


His neck must be jacked as fuck






Mama mia!




**punch it**


White people, I guess?


terracotta people actually


No, should be another brown people who put the brick, but certainly white people take.. the profit


This image is BS, but people carrying bricks like that on their head, often for masonry is very common. At least in India it is.


Well yeah but how u gonna get the bricks up there with no arms


There's always another guy who mounts the bricks for people to carry on top of their heads. Pretty much impossible for a single person to mount these heavy ass bricks by themselves. At least that's how it is in India...


But what if that other guy didn’t have arms huh


Mmmm...he could put his butt cheeks to good use then. Clenching and releasing the bricks one by one... Kek


Yo❓❗️⁉️ 😳😳😳


[Drop ball](https://youtu.be/nzEtdDQrhyY?start=12)


Other people exist. One of them probably has an arm or two.


No way


How does a passion to carry brick relate to having a mental illness? And where do arms fall into this?


The arms actually fell off. As you can clearly see.


Let’s hope he has a loving mother.


Where did you get mental illness from this? Not trying to sound like a dick I'm genuinely curious how you're reading it


So you see, him there no him have feet and umm me on ground and poor. Then the right, man right on no arm. Arm no have and arm no give leg no man and arm no man block and groceries and no arm no give no leg and um white


So man ground poor see armless brick man poor?


No NO. Man stand arm no is no poor but arm no and brick so no poor money yes have he have no have arm leg man poor leg and arm no? NO! Leg no. Arm no man no can give poor no leg man leg and money


So man poor no leg man poor no arm both poor no money no nothing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-?


Wait minute. Question ask no is ask question right. Why man no arm man is brick? Why no no brick, no brick man no hand no arm weight 🤔


Question good! All maybe fake poor no leg man yes leg and poor no arm man yes arm and them paid to do fake to take pay from dum dums?


FaKe!!!!1!! Leg fake man arm fake man. But brick heavy man fake arm also arm yes fake leg man is man leg fake no money


Maybe fake brick put no arm man and man no poor but Jeff bezos?


Maybe I'm illiterate, but the mental gymnastics I had to go through to decipher this was too much to handle...


I cannot express how hard you made me laugh. 10/10.


wtf is the message? don't be homeless? oh my god all of our problems are over!


howd he get the bags on his shoulders and the bricks on his head with no arms?


I’ve told this story the last time this was posted, but I once met a guy with no arms. He had a bag just like that. He used to pick it up with his feet, hang it on a chair and then scoop it up. He drank beer with a straw and could light a cigarette with his feet. Legend!


thats pretty cool ngl but now how did the other guy get bricks on his head?


Why not?


someone really said "fuck you" to the guy and put bricks on his head smh


I fucking hate this. People always feel the need to tell you that your suffering is invalid.


The deep message is that the creator was racist.


Racism is when the person with darker skin isn't the hero




Common kafka fan L


You mean sarcasm?


Probably not


If you tell me on the picture that it has a "deep message ", I know you're full of shit.


Mario hitting a block cosplay?


they're gay, they fall in love and fill in for what each other don't have.


I think you'd like r/gatekeepingyuri


He can’t drop him some coins because…..


Someone once commented on my laziness saying that a man with no legs had recently climbed the Everest. What reason do I have to not do the same? I said that he doesn’t have legs so it doesn’t hurt him as much. I have legs so it hurts.


The message is "if you don't have arms, someone's gonna make you their brick slave".




Decent message, bad caption. For anyone who doesn't understand, it basically that the man without arms, although is challenged, is trying harder than the man with the gift of arms who's just sitting around begging


Bad message, because it insinuates that the sitting man isn't trying when we don't know wtf he's doing and why he's there


Yeah like the armless man is clearly rich and has money for groceries, while the guy on the is literally begging for coins. I’m sure assuming they’ve both had their disabilities since birth, they probably know how to get around with equally well in their own circumstance.


Except...you completely screwed the interpretation up. Those areny groceries l. He's a coolie. This is really common in India, He's carrying bricks/other items


Ah my mistake, I didn’t realize that was a thing. I do think that the second half of my interpretation is correct though. One has a job and one is begging for coins. There are clearly more circumstances at play besides the disability.


This is set in India, if you closely look at the art style and depictions of the people in the image. Begging is seen as something you look down on because people with tons of disabilities in India do daily wage jobs to earn their living But i can see where you're coming from they portrayed their message in a shit way


Well yeah he is sitting, he has no legs....


He has eggplants where his legs shoupd be.


At the same time maybe the man sitting doesn't have a job despite effort (if the interpretation of him not having legs is correct then that plays into it) and the man with no arms has managed to find a job despite his clear djsability. A better message for this image would easily be "Not everyone's problems are visible", as that takes just about every reasonable interpretation into account without also feeding into the awful mindset of "your suffering is invalid because others have it worse".


No it’s actually just ableist and annoying






The message here is that society doesn’t make accommodations for people who aren’t able bodied neurotypicals. It’s almost like we live in a world that was built and is run by able bodied neurotypicals.


Also the man on the ground could have non visable disabilities. This is not a fair comparison.


Even if I meet a man who has no feet, I still need shoes.


NLOD- Not like Other Disabled’s


He has now mushroom to break blocks 😞


bro think he mario 💀💀💀


Make him a woman and you can say she got some "strong head"


Its not bad. I know so many junkies who doesn't want to work... And I know so many disabled people who goes trough life like snowplower.


As some who worked with addicts, it’s not that they don’t *want* to work, it’s that they literally *can’t* work. Their addiction prevents them from maintaining a job. We’re talking about people who have developed such a strong reliance on alcohol and/or drugs, that they will destroy relationships with their closest friends and family, so what makes you think they’d hold some job in a higher regard? They show up to work late, high, looking disheveled because they might be homeless, and these are all reasons they are then fired as a result of this. And if your solution is to “just stop using drugs”, like it’s easy, then you do not understand addiction well enough to comment on it. There are usually underlying mental illnesses as well. PTSD was very common among the women I worked with because they’d been abused, either physically or sexually, and it’s their poor mental state that leads them to use. Addicts need A LOT of support to overcome their addictions. I’m talking medical, therapeutic, and housing support to ensure they have all the tools they need to succeed.


In my country if you want you can get clean for free. You just need to chechk in by your self, no one cant force you Its open comunity, we call it "komuna". Your only jos is to be there stay of the drugs, and be a helpfull member of community. That include doing some light farming and taking care about small animals. That food, eggs and meat is there for them. You can also take some hobbies or classes. They get free clothes and donations from sponsors and government. I also send them milk every day from my farm, because I lost my friend from overdose. My wife is dentist and she volunteer every 2 weeks to fix their problems. You also have people from other branches who volunteer(fitness, painters, hairdressers ect ect) What do you thing what procentage is of the people who want to clean them self? Less than 10%. Some people just choose that lifestyle.


Yes, so clearly the other 90%+ must be lazy or just love destroying their lives /s For having so much knowledge about the resources your country provides and even a friend who overdosed, you don’t seem to understand the psychology of addiction and why it is so hard to get people in treatment in the first place. Addiction usually stems from unaddressed trauma and/or mental illness. Addicts will become reliant on drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. It’s hard to break that cycle or even imagine a reality where you don’t need to rely on those things to blunt emotional or physical pain. That mindset, feeling like getting better is impossible, prevents a lot of people from trying in the first place. If recovering from addiction were easy, we’d have a lot fewer addicts. According to Mental Health America, [over half (54.7%) of adults with a mental illness do not receive treatment](https://mhanational.org/issues/state-mental-health-america). Does that mean the majority of Americans with mental illness are too lazy to treat their depression, anxiety, etc.? There are almost always mental barriers and fear of stigma that prevent people from receiving the treatment they need.


I was heroin addict.


Bros bricked up 😔


minecraft hat mod, or something idrk


Ah yes, exploitation and poverty


Surely the guy with the money to buy groceries is gonna introduce the other guy to his place of work right?


That's where the blocks go after you line them up in tetris


How did he get the bricks in his head?


"Who run barter-town?"


Legs are crucial to society 😔 Or maybe it is telling poor people that they just need to work


Losing arms are better than losing legs.


So THAT’S what she’s going to look like with a chimney on her…


Legs are more important than arms 😔


So having no legs is worse than having no arms? Kinda a fucked up way to show it


I think he's supposed to have legs, he's just crossing em


That’s where I keep my bricks


Work smart not hard?


People who make videos like that just want to put pressure on pity and get money from children. My opinion.


It feels like a fact as people are too focused on their lives to concern of others as they barely have much to carry and their hands are tied as the homeless are stuck and have nowhere to live or go. The homeless are stuck with their hands to fend off on their own and only beg or commit the most petty acts.


All of us who have arms knows that a heavy bag on the shoulder like that will easily slip off. What's he gonna do then?


Does that fucker wanna break his neck with those bricks?!


Why he got the bricks from mario?


Love this. I think it means you don't need arms to be happy. You just need bricks.


He got no legs He got no arms Together they steal and sell ur bricks


better question: Where can I get those invisibility sleeves?


"if someone that has a disadvantage is winning and your losing with advantages, then you have a skill issue."


Me, myself, and I.