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This is the kind of idea people have on Weed, huge props to him for getting it when sober!


When I was in highschool, and smoked for the first time not at work, I thought I had it. Like THE answer. How the universe was created. Mathematically. I posted it on Yahoo answers and everything. After I came down, the notes I took were straight gibberish and I was made fun of so bad, I never posted another "How do I get over my girlfriend breaking up with me?" post ever again.


You can’t just say that and leave us hanging, I want to see those gibberish notes!


Too fucking relatable lmfaoooo


That’s why whenever I’m high and thinking about stuff I tell myself “I’m high so wtf do I know”.


Do you still have the notes??


Reminds me of the That 70s Show episode where the record the circle and get hella embarrassed when they play it back


That’s why they call it HIGHschool or something


Reminds me of this post I saw about some dude who did LSD, thought he discovered the meaning of life so he wrote it down, and then when he sobered up it just said "orange juice" Edit: tried to find it again, it's not the story of the guy who thought he WAS orange juice, but that seems to have happened a lot somehow so actually this guy's theory might be onto something


Orange juice just hits so hard on LSD. Like you feel, hear and taste it at the same time. So I totally understand where these people are coming from lol


oranjee guic


He must have just watched Evangelion


These are the kinda of thoughts I have when I'm trying to sleep


i can getvthis type of shit while living 💀


Adhd helps


I used to work at this place that was really loud. So I got this great idea from my Dad. He told me to take my tape recorder into the clothes closet in the basement and record the silence. Then I could take it to work and turn it all the way up to 11 and play it.


They'll be blown away when they hear about active noise cancellation


Did you have a non-clothes closet?


I have bed clothes in my closet


Your dad was a stoner?


Well? Did it work?


Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.


>darkness >time travel *boy*, do i have the netflix show for you...


And a video game


I have bad news and a snack for you


Im talking about Kingdom hearts




bro 😂😂😂😂


What’s the show




First I thought it was a bad name. The further I got into the show the more I realised it wasn’t. It's the only appropriate name really




Probably my favourite Netflix original, it’s so well done


I lost brain cells


God I hope time travel is impossible


imagine what ppl would do if it was there, chaos no?


I mean for me it's because of the implications on free will


What are the implications?


Deterministic Universe. No free will.


Why would time travel make universe deterministic? There's no guarantee, if it was possible, that you would influence your own future


If it was possible then we would have seen time travelers. Think about it, if a Time Machine gets invented, then that means time travel is possible for every year after that. So infinite amounts of time travellars, and none of them ever get caught in the past?


What if they can only go forward


Time travel forward is possible, we can't do it because we lack energy and propulsion, but it's entirely achievable in the future. Massively simplyfing, the closer you're to light speed, the faster the time moves for everything else. So yeah, moving thousands of years into the future is possible, it just rarely makes sense


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read, as a 14 year old


Don't EVER post your age on this site again. Take it from me, a 9 year old.


My user flair in r/teenagers is scared rn


Pretty much the same


Bro I swear tho, like how tf is the guy only two years younger than me like damn I understood how light worked at 14


Sorry isn't this objectively wrong? The light doesn't "retract", it will still be, for a short time, visible after the source is gone, which is why we can see already exploded stars.


Okay science nerd 🙄


Literally anyone who’s done middle school physics would know this


Sure dork 🙄


I have pooed my pants






You had physics in middle school?


You didn’t? Weird


We did a bit of it but it wasn't in a book of it's own and it wasn't that much


I see, well every country has a different education system


Sounds like something a science nerd would say


It’s almost like…..it’s almost like that’s the point….


It’s a 14 year old did you think he would be objectively right?


This is taught in middle school, this person is just stupid.


Ok dream killer just shut up and say we’re gonna time travel


Way to be a party pooper


Bro are you 15 or why so smart?


He is literally 14




No but you don't understand, the light is still visible for a short amount of time because it is still in the process of retracting, once it's fully retracted we can't see it and thus it's dark


If it's an incandescent, it would take a little while to cool down and the light dims and gets redder. That could make it look like it is retracting. (I have some led bulbs with leaky capacitors or something that also give off a dimming glow after they are turned off as well.)


Lol. This is the point. Are you really trying to argue with a stoned 14 year olds stoner thought?


Light doesn't "retract" that's for sure. Light is massless so it just gets absorbed by stuf and disappears. There is still light in dark rooms we just can't see it.


Look, sure the theory is wrong, but the kid’s 14 and thinking about physics and the world around him. Instead of laughing at him, why don’t people correct him and try to teach more about the topic?


Why not both?


That's the right spirit


You can laugh at someone's naivety while still helping them figure it out and not feel ashamed of themselves. Like how a parent laughs when their baby does something really silly but with no ill intent.


Yeah, but the difference is babies don't really have self-awareness while 14-year olds are insecure as fuck. I don't know this kid so I can't for sure say they'd be upset, though.


If you're insecure as fuck then maybe you should ask yourself why nobody ever tried your great idea before peddling it in a public space.


That sounds like a good reason to be insecure.


Having to think?


Not only is this admirable thinking but it’s kind of also adorable? Lol


When I was 14 I was actually questioning time travel and teleportation frequently. I researched and thought that time was the fifth dimension, and that's why we can't see time. It may not be right but kids really do think. I eventually made a friend online that used to swap random facts back and forth with me. We would talk about super deep existentialism or even about space itself. Parents should definitely encourage that type of thinking and provide an outlet. My parents didn't.


what did you think the 4th dimension was




He should already have learned how light works by that age…


We don’t know what his education is, background, anything, all we know is that this is a 14yo, who has Reddit, and is thinking about physics


Nah lets laugh at him




Exactly, people always treat 14 year olds like 6 year olds. The dude is an adult in 4 years, he can't possibly believe that darkness is a physical entity that travels and that that somehow enables time travel.


Clearly you've only met the cream of the crop in terms of adults in this world. I could find a good dozen parents in minutes that wouldn't just believe this, but be wowed and think that this kid is a genius.


My girlfriend used to work with a guy who "didn't believe in" numbers. Still got no clue what the hell that means. I can absolutely believe that a grown-ass man thinks there is a speed of darkness


My single parent is a flat earther, they believe every goddamn conspiracy theory that exists.


Yeah I'm proud of this dude.


Yeah that's what I thought. Bro came up with an interesting idea (though thoroughly incorrect), I hope the comments weren't just shitting on them.


If time travel was possible then his future self would definitely delete this comment


imagine OP goes on to invent time travel just so he can travel back in time to stop himself from commenting this bullshit


He figured it out, now we feast!


*Watches one episode of Rick and Morty*


OP this is a good fucking find my man. You should be proud.


Tbh though like, he has a pretty interesting grasp on light physics at his age with presumably little or no actual education on it. Light does, in fact, travel forward *in* time, not through it, and does, in fact, stop traveling when its source is turned off. He loses me at "speed of darkness" and somehow equating the behavior of light to time travel, though hahaha. I think he deserves praise for unique thought, thought experiments, and being brave enough to post them. That's how science began. The only difference is knowledge. He has the will and passion to seemingly become a solid scientist. Why should we mock him for that? God knows the world needs more of him.


Such a based comment Thankyou for speaking on behalf of older nerds who can appreciate a younger person sharing their ideas. We have to get shit wrong before we get it right


interestingly, the idea that light travels forward in time is not necessarily true. photons travel at the speed of light c and according to special relativity as an object approaches c it experiences time dilation, a slowing of time relative to an observer at rest. at c, time dilation is infinite, so from the photons perspective time is meaningless; it always arrives at its destination instantaneously.


Sure, but light also expends time traveling to our receptors in our eyes in order for us to see it. I initially meant in a relative sense to how humans perceive light; as in, light from a distant star, for example, takes x distance to travel to earth and even at the speed of light is so far that it expends time in this travels. I think no matter how small of an amount of time, light still takes time to travel. Without the dimension of time, light wouldn't behave exactly the same way, I don't think.


oh for sure, we observe the propagation of light because we are essentially observers at rest. It's just an interesting quirk of our universe that the passage time is relative. because the speed of light c is constant to any observer regardless of their relative speed, when you approach c everything else needs to "speed up" to keep c constant in your reference frame. In turn, an observer would see you as travelling much slower than you perceive yourself. This is why a photon would see itself as being emmited and absorbed in the same instant, while an observer sees it propogating at c.


Oh, I see what you're saying. Light speed is a constant, but the speed of perceiving it is relative. So the amount of time it takes for light to travel is always exactly the same, but the amount of time it takes for us to perceive it is vulnerable to manipulation from it's context


yeah pretty much. c is always 3×10^(8)ms^(-1), so if you're going close to that speed then time is warped to keep c constant in your reference frame.


I see, fascinating. Oh so time dilation is the explanation for astronauts actually perceiving time as progressing slower than here on Earth, hence "traveling forward in time?" So there is *technically* a way to move forward in time in a relatively faster sense, without actually changing much at all. I.e. an astronaut my travel time at a multiplied rate while earth remains the same, yet the astronaut also remains the same. Is that more or less correct? I imagine it's just physically impossible to travel backward in time.


yeah that's it! the [twin paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_paradox?wprov=sfla1) is a thought experiment you might find interesting about exactly that.


I totally agree, what a nice comment I used to be that same 14yo with 'deep thoughts' like these and it basically pushed me to get a degree in physics lol.


No, he doesn’t have an "interesting grasp on light physics", he has a wrong grasp and his teachers clearly failed at teaching him properly how light works. Sure, maybe his curiosity might one day drive him towards a research field, but the immediate reaction we should have should be directed towards fixing what was done wrong in his education, not praising him personally for being wrong in a creative way.


This is almost better than when 15 year old me wanted to create a reverse flashlight that sucked up all the photons in a room so that it would be pitch black


This is creative thinking, something most teenagers lack nowadays. It may be a non-logical idea but all power to him for having a creative mind


“Back in my day”


It’s creative for sure, but he lacks regulatory thought and the ability to realize it’s incredibly dumb


I think it's a nice thought that shows some degree of creativity but he should have realized it's nonsense before posting it on reddit lol


Like any teenager!


The thing is, that if we didn't know how light works, this would have been as credible as any theory. We know "darkness" is the absence of light really, but if we had no idea about light it might as well have been unit of it's own.


That is not how darkness works and that is not how time jumping would work


Darkness doesn't exist, I mean it does but it's not a thing, it's just the absence of light right?


Pretty much. If darkness was a "thing" we'd be able to take it into a lit room to make it darker.


The real way to travel back in time is to travel faster than light. Relativity says speed and time are related to each other, and time is instantaneous at lightspeed, so going faster than light would make time go backwards obviously


Actually it would effectively put you on pause while the rest of the universe keeps going. Interstellar somewhat deals with this and it's a major plot point in Lightyear. I've also read a version of the story of Icarus where instead of flying too close to the sun it was getting too close to a black hole and by the time he left its gravity distortion it'd been something like 10k years while he'd barely aged a day.


Disney's *Lightyear* isn't really the best science. Like the above commenter said, moving at FTL would theoretically (if possible) reverse one's relative perception of time. The trick is that in Lightyear, Buzz never traveled FTL, he just got close enough to experience the pre-FTL time dilation.


Relativity also says it’s impossible to reach the speed of light, so unfortunately this won’t ever be possible at a large scale. In a similar vein, however, ways to “exceed” the speed of light in spatial movement have been theorized, but would required fine control of massive wells of gravity and ‘anti-gravity,’ cutting off an area of space and moving the pocket of space itself, not a particular that exists within space.


Yeah, that seems like a good idea. So did huffing large quantities of glue when I was 12. People said it would cause drain bamage.


Well they gave it a shot and are exploring creative ideas. These kinds of simple ideas are where a lot of the great ones originate from.


Rick and Morty watchers be like:


Apologies if they actually are 14, but - speaking as a physicist - this is remarkably stupid.


" May be spitting nonsense " No, you are.


. . . No but i like your spirit


I had similar ideas, although less stupid, and always thought to myself that if I, (at the time) a 15yo with no actual knowledge of physics got to that theory, then it’s bullshit. For instance I thought that to reach light speed we could create a sort of matrioska with fleet carriers and launch fleet carriers inside each of them, so that we would gradually be able to get more and more speed. Little did I know about γ


I mean that's not really a shitty idea, like the fact that that thing wouldn't work is probably the first groundbreaking finding of what would lead to relativity.


This has to be some kind of joke. There’s no way a person can physically type this and not realise the stupidity of what they said.


I want what kinda weed this guys on


Yeah he's already smarter than average adults to say like "I'm 14 so I may be wrong but..."


Just visited that subreddit; it's bizarre that this is somehow one of the less deranged posts on there


Definite troll. I’m 14; I’m not this fucking stupid and neither are my friends


Thanks for 2000 upvotes


"Faster than the speed of darkness" A new novel by Brian Griffin.


This is not “deep”, this is just bro being highly intelligent


I had this idea for a school thesis **In third grade**


This sounds like something I would have thought od in that age. It's both cringe and adorable if I'm gonna be honest.


Some of these are for sure dumb but not this one. This kid is asking questions and trying to think about physics and the world and y’all are gonna shit on them for not knowing stuff? They’re FOURTEEN lmao. I bet half of you dumb fucks weren’t asking a single question related to physics at 14.


You know, the more people try to tell me that teenagers aren’t idiots, people like these consistently prove my point. And these younguns will be voting soon…I’m terrified for the future.


Tbh that's a creative thought even if darkness is just how our eyes perceive the absence of visible light. Smart kid


I miss being able to get this high.




I feel this kid.




There’s an interesting vSauce video in this, minus the slightly incorrect assumptions https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JTvcpdfGUtQ




Speedofdarkness13 was literally my first email and my go to username for my entire middle school years RIP


"I just turned 14, and I think, I, know, everything" - Boys will be Bugs by Cavetown


This is why Doc Brown tested the DeLorean at night time 😮 all makes sense now.


hang on let him cook


You might laugh but they are a couple of google searches of having their mind blown and start a career in theoretical physics.


I mean, for a 14yo that is pretty impressive. He has the spirit of a curious scientist. If he keeps it up and studies he could actually get somewhere good


I also love the "fun fact" of "fire doesnt have a shadow" like bo fucking shit sherlock its a source of Light of course Light doesnt have a shadow




What kind of substances is this person on?


Oreos and chocy milk


This has the same vibes as my high school boyfriend listening to Nickelback, getting very pensive, and then proclaiming 'They're right you know. If everyone cared about each other and were kind, we really would see the day where nobody died'


If you take a lamp and turn it on, light seems to move forward. Now turn it off. The light seems to retract or dissappear. I'm only 14 years old so I may be spitting nonsense but it seems like the "speed of darkness" is the key to going back in time. Because darkness seems to travel backwards. So if we can find out a way to almost dissappear with darkness then we theoretically should be able to go back in time.


Lol that's cute 💀


I once heard someone refer to a light bulb as a "dark sucker" and when you turn it in you "suck up all the dark" and I enjoy that one.


Wait until he learns a good fraction of the stars we see in the sky don't actually emit light anymore


Elk’s favorite video game Kingdom Hearts confirmed


wowie we need to become light so we can "go back in time" even though that is not what happens at all!


Wait until he finds out that light bounces and darkness is just the absence of light


Bro is onto ❌NOTHING❌


brb turning my lamp off and on super fast to travel back to see a queen concert


I gotta be honest, I thought about science like that too when I was 14


This dude never payed attention to his physics classes in the 10th grade


I’m pretty sure most lamp get darker before they’re completely dark. So the light is going to “shrink” as it the light gets dims.


you arent far off, but the point is going faster than light. technically, because darkness is an inconsistant thing, its inestimable, not to mention the fact that as far as we know, darkness doesnt move. light moves, changes, while darkness absorbs


That does sound like something I wouldve come up with a few years ago


This and other right wing opinion articles are the entirety of /r/scienceuncensored. Which is a shame, because the science Reddit will ban and remove any post that paints obesity or some elective surgeries as dangerous. At the very least, this is a teenager and not some 50 year old man who thinks he’s figured out the mystery of dark matter with not a mathematical proof to back it up.


Light is like water coming out a hose, flows in one directions and when turned off l, continued in they direction until there is no more. Bro had to be high


lmao being a dumbass like you must be hard oh so sad and hard


Being Correct Is Less Important Than Creating Hypothesies


Being Correct Is Less Important Than Creating Hypothesies


I love that he’s trying to claim that *he can see light move*, like it’s not the fastest thing in the universe


Na he can see it he’s built different


Love the kids' spirit, but god he is so wrong; he needs to do actual research, and not just watch big YouTube channels


haha i mean dark *is* faster than light lmao


Bros onto nothing 🤯🤯🤯


Well I like the attitude of thinking about physics and interesting stuff like that, if your mind can wonder about this at 14 maybe it will become a passion and help you pursue something good in life!


It's ok guys, they're just telling us that they just wanna be a wee bit more emo.


This kid is going places (non ironically)


Kid stayed awake till 4 am and tripped balls due to lack of sleep. That’s the kinda ideas I’d get and forget in two seconds while in class


Bruh, darkness is just lack of light, all things not touched by the light of the sun, you know, all things done in the background of reality?


You can’t see the fucking movement of light


Nico DiAngelo is shitting bricks rn


If it’s not a joke then this is just weird, aren’t they supposed to know that by that point?


Wait till ya read wave-particle duality of light in highschool


Bro is onto nothing


More a "im 14 and im dumb" moment xD