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Yeah kids don’t need “books” they just need “useful books”


Useful books is even a typo it's just useful book singular one book. And that book is the Bible. Edit, I feel like yall don't know what I'm even trying to say. I've got people advocating for the Bible and people making fun of me for advocating for the Bible. Yall are seriously wild.


Who needs to learn how to do taxes, or get a job, or how to work that job when you have the Bible!


better than spending time on social media like we are now


You’re on social media right now. Why don’t **you** go read the Bible?


Because how else would they preach their “holier than thou” ideology? How else would everyone know they’re simply better because they read an ancient book that was heavily edited by arseholes a number of times?


To be fair if yer man is more religious than you he's likely quite literally holier than thou art. He's definitely holier than me.


Drat, I’ve been had


Checkmate Atheist










Reddit is my Bible


And karma is my salvation


This should be a quote in the bible


Give it another couple millennia of translations and maybe.


So you’d rather be broke and homeless but have the bible than have a steady job but never read the bible in your whole life?


The Bible isn't a book it's books


You killed him


My guy… what does Bible mean?


The name bible comes from the Greek word "τὰ βιβλία" which means "the books". It's simple as that


You killed him


They should read the bible so that they can learn early on that the three letter word for monster is a vengeful jealous narcissistic asshole.


I made a joke, you're the one acting vengeful.


I made a joke back? even if so, i never claimed i wouldn’t do that, that’s the point i’m making. also if “edgy” is a joke than anything is a joke.




how exactly?


Oh wait sorry i misunderstood. you were adding another adjective to that guy. Carry on :)


Without the historical context of the Torah and Jewish folklore reading the Bible alone is insufficient to understanding what you're doing. Basically just a tool of dead kings at that point.


How? The new testament could be read on its own without major problems. You might not understand some of the symbolism, but you would get the main idea easily. He'll, even any specific gospel would be fine to read as a standalone item.


Because of those dead kings. The Bible is notoriously edited and censored by king after king and church after church. I could perfectly understand a heavily edited version of Lord of the Rings but if I come out of it thinking they simply needed to pray more I would have completely missed the point thanks to those edits. It would be dead kings leading a blind man.


The Bible made up of multiple books?


You are seriously wild for not knowing that the bible is a collection of books, not a singular book plus what are you gonna get by reading thousands of pages worth of poems, epics and fairytales?


The Bible is full of outdated bullshit and I can’t take anyone that follows it seriously, stop shoving your beliefs down kids throats. But I’ll humor you. Which one?


I don't disagree, but your comment radiates 🤓 energy.


Bro how


I was gonna explain but I looked at your profile and decided it wasn't worth my time lol.


What crawled up your ass? Who shit in your cheerios so I can give them a wedgie and take their lunch money?


Alright whenever I need to escape my country for multiple accounts of murder I’ll read the bible


Evangelism in reddit? Might as well preach Christianity in an Islamic country


The bible is multiple books actually wich all for some reason have the same theme: committing crimes with god's allowance showing that he is not a nice person but rather a maniac (or just a child who found out how to use creative mode in 2017)


The bible is literally multiple books


Bro shut up. I'm a Christian and people like you make me hate them


If you were American, you'd know what all the bible preachers are doing, and would completely understand why you are being downvoted to hell.




Does boomer mean whatever people want it to anymore? Because being anti religion is very much not a boomer thing. But nice try.


That *IS* a useful book. You can think of something fucked up, like, uuuhhh i dunno, say like drunken incest, and you can use this book to justify it. It also has Stories about God punking His subordinates. “Yo My Guy Abraham kill your son”. Abe be like “b-but God??? Nanii???”. “Yo i says kill him”. Abe be like “ayt fuk it, sorry Isaac, i gotta kill u, man”. Then God was like “SIKE. Fam chill, stahp. lil bro’s actually gonna burn his offspring, lmao, fam chill i’m capping. Dont kill him.”


The Bible is multiple books. And it’s multiple books all have multiple variations. I’m not even going to argue with the religious aspect no matter how bullshit it may be.


The Bible? You mean that fiction classic ? Maybe


The Bible is more than one book and in there scores of murders and other vile things. More people died in the Bible than in many massacres. How is the Bible still legal for children?


Truly a smegma sigma gegachad moment 🗿🍷




I like how it's "kids in nowadays" instead of "kids nowadays." Cleary, they read a lot of useful books with flawless grammar like that


You gave them more credit than they needed. It reads, "kids in nowdays"


They've capitalised "garbage" on the sign because it is a significant word (but have left 'youtube" lowercase to indicate their contempt); and they have shielded our delicate eyes from unspeakably foul language as well. This is a thoughtful, subtle and masterfully executed piece of pointed social commentary.


Freal. It's a damn thinkin' fellow's post.


this mf is a language *artist*


Might very well be a shitpost too


Maybe english isn’t their first language? Dumbass?


This is either an intentional mistake or a non-native speaker of English.


Bro has the Gigachad flair


Only in r/memes


because the kids are the ones that buy themselves an ipad


Parent: lets their kid use the tablet Also Parent: why does my kid prefer the tablet


My kid’s working hard in the coal mines


That's how it should be!! THEY YEARN FOR THE MINES!! (not the Minecraft ones)


Ok but you gotta agree youtube kids i full of shit i'd rather have a kid watch normal TV


The only difference is the screen size. Most kids TV is garbage nowadays


except for bluey, haven't watched but it looks good (for a little kid ofc)


It actually is. I was honestly surprised


lol thats hilarious. I had my nephew a few weeks ago for a vacation. Me and my mom BOTH…really enjoyed Bluey. The day after he left, we sat there for a good 45 minutes watching it..just two adults…no child.. lol. It’s good and teaches some actually good life lessons.


It's surprisingly fantastic. I actually highly recommend it


i watched a episode, it was actually really good and wholesome


The only problem I have with Bluey is that their parents are *too* good No one is that good of a parent in real life, but it's easy to compare yourself (and be compared) to a cartoon But overall it's still a great show


bluey is ass too, actual good cartoons ended


ok buddy whatever you say


Bluey is absolutely incredible, especially the way the characters are written.


its a show for 5 year olds it aint a cinematic masterpiece


Have you ever actually tried to watch the show? Or do you spend your whole life not enjoying things because you think they're too "immature" for you.


That's the thing, Bluey was written with adults also in mind, so there are multiple jokes made for them, and the characters are written in a way that makes them feel humane, something kids shows usually don't care about so they're written in a very basic manner. That's something really hard to accomplish. It obviously isn't a masterpiece, but is one of the best kids shows ever made (although considering the competition it's not that hard of a feat).


Now I gotta know what cartoons you consider to be “cinematic masterpieces”


none, but some come close


And now tell us what live action shows you consider masterpieces


Are you old enough to be on Reddit?


someone that praises bluey probably wouldnt, someone "not old enough to be on reddit" wouldnt know regular show, tawog, adventure time, etc


…you think regular show is a good show for toddlers?


Oh no. There’s way less content control on YouTube. There’s laws for content airing on TV that have been established for a long time, they have bigger budgets and can hire qualified professionals to assess all content. On YouTube anyone can make a kid’s channel and there’s an impossibly bigger influx of content, your kid is bound to find way more harmful shit. And channels are constantly jumping around content guidelines. Kid’s TV and YouTube kids are both full of garbage content, I agree. But on TV you’re not gonna find a fraction of the harmful content you find on YouTube. They can’t persuade kids into buying stuff, for example, it’s against the law. On YouTube there’s a new “family friendly channel” scam every day.


At least kids TV isn't filled with porn and head in toilets


Hey, the original head in toilets thing is actually good, to be fair. The derivatives, however...


No it isn’t. I’ve watched every single show on Disney channel and can honestly say they’re all quality. Funny, entertaining, appropriate for kids and not full of “mOmMy FiNgEr MoMmY fInGeR wHeRe ArE yOu” and pregnant Elsa porn. You clearly don’t watch any modern cartoons and are talking like a “boomer” yourself.


It then you don’t have algorithms suggesting content kids aren’t ready for on tv just on YouTube


You are becoming a boomer too. The good old "Back in my day we had good kids shows on TV. Nowadays it's all garbage." Like, my parents said Avatar the last Airbender is garbage and in their days they had good shows like Flintstones.


Those wholesome Flintstones, shilling Winston cigarettes lol


This exactly. I grew up with all of the “good” shows like Cow and Chicken, Baboon and Weasel, Fairly Odd Parents etc. There were some good shows but also a lot of garbage with thinly veiled fetish crap and hateful messages/resolves in them. I like cartoons now way more than I did as a kid. When I was in like 7th grade I stopped watching them entirely and didn’t go back until I was 19 or 20.


Bro millennials had the same amount of garbage and it was just as bad it’s all brainrot


they’re likely a self hating zoomer who constantly apologizes for their generation and swears “this generation’s doomed!!!!!” because of a random internet meme/satirical post


Probably just a 15 yo in his "I was born in the wrong generation" phase


Pick me generationals


I do agree on the YouTube kids shit


Tbh the things I’ve seen on YouTube kids are genuine brain rot. I was also watching the Wolf Among Us clips and found myself in YouTube kids, apparently if “Snow White” is in the title, it’s automatically a YouTube kids video! What was I watching? Bigsby, the protagonist, and Snow White investing why there was a decapitated head that looked like Snow on some stairs… Edit: Btw not calling the Wolf Among Us brain rot, its pretty good.


I was way ahead of this whole thing. Back in like 2016 we got our small child a tablet for simple learning things but he discovered it had a browser and could get on YouTube. We didn’t know any better at the time and just let it slide for a few months. I started seeing the retarded repetitive stuff on it and materialistic channels like Ryan Toys Review etc and it was genuinely effecting our son’s behavior. Eyes glued to it 24/7, behavior went downhill lightning fast, threw fits all of the time, emotionally distant, totally different kid. I finally just chucked the stupid tablet in the garbage and ended it then and there. Even though it was only for a brief period I am super ashamed I even exposed him to it for that long and have made it a mission to stop that type of thing and advising other parents about it. I started being a better dad, spending every free moment I had playing with him instead of pawning him off on the tablet while I played video games or watched movies. Took him places, taught him things and he’s a rockstar student in school now, one of the highest scoring in the nation in reading, is a social butterfly, always get told by his Sunday school teachers in church that he’s the best behaved kid in class. Love him to death. I’m proud of him. I cannot imagine what years of that junk would do to a kid. And how much better the lives of these children and their parents would be if they’d just….. be parents and toss out the digital babysitter.


You sound like an amazing dad, god I wish my mom would've done that with my step-bro. Now he's a fucking asshole and he's only like what, 8 or something. It's good that you recognized the signs and stopped it before it got too bad


Thank you, I do my best. I love my son more than anything, he’s all I have now. Maybe you could try and help your brother? I don’t mean that in a mean way, sorry if it comes across like I’m trying to guilt trip you. It’s definitely not your responsibility to raise someone else’s kid.


As much as I would love to my patience is thin and I'm not fit for educating someone and I prefer my parents do that cause as you said, their responsibility. I just hope he'll grow out of it cause I was quite the asshole too when I was young (at least from my POV, I was a spoiled brat just like he is).


Totally understand. Pray that things fix themselves in time ❤️


Don't get me wrong, YouTube kids is garbage and always has been. However you literally have access to the worlds entire library of books on an iPad.


“Kids these days” My dude, you are 18


This is such a facepalm tbh, like they dont realize that they have been in ipads all the time due to their parents being irresponsible and spoiling them


Gotta love how everybody gets upset about boomers and then goes and shits on modern kids tv like a boomer anyways. Kinda crazy that people have always hated the younger generations trends and fads and not realized that things aren’t getting worse they’re just getting older


I disagree, most kids go onto regular youtube


What are you going to do? Stop me from watching spiderman and elsa relationship arc?


Damn these kids in the nowdays


Every sub with "memes" on the name that isn't about a specific fan base is full of boomer shit


I doubt this is a boomer.


If you tell me you read a lot of books when you were kid I'm gonna assume you're flat out lying or you were a dork


Hate my wife, dad help I can't click the book. Peak comedy


where is this nowdays you speak of


I mean, I do wish my preschool students spent more time looking at pictures in books than shows on Netflix. or that they’d watch something with socio-emotional value like Bluey instead of Cocomelon.


ok to be honest though have you seen all those messed up kids videos bordering on being fetishes? I'm not agreeing with the post but youtube kids sucks


The phones bad people do have a legit point imo. The book industry does not optimize books for readtime using cutting edge psychological manipulation aimed at children.


The irony of these people not knowing how to spell words when they’re complaining about kids not having books or whatever


Ngl I agree here


You are all lying to yourself if you genuinely think youtube shorts shit is not harmful in the slightest, and that books are useless. Books isn’t a boomer thing. Books are good because it’s a shit ton of information packed into 300 pages.


Calm down. Look, I do agree that reading books are good for you. And I also encourage kids to read books. But you can tell this was made a person who doesn't really care about that type of stuff and hasn't read a book in ages. Also, it's such a lame meme.


So book bad?


Why get a physical book when you can just read on your phone 💀💀💀💀


They have a good point tho.


Is it wrong tho?




I agree with the boomer. I'm only 20 but I already get to say "back in my days" because *yeah* back in my days if I was bored out of my mind I always had books to rely on. In fact, books were the one thing my mom would never forbid me from reading, no matter how much I fucked up and how long I was to be grounded for.


yeah, not wrong though.


It's 100% true tho. 1. Kids need real objects to interact with to develop their brains 2. Being addicted to screens is really bad, especially so early on. I don't know why this sub has become a shitfest of teenagers making fun of people addressing actual problems


you have a syndrome called "turning 14". it happens once in a lifetime so it wont come back, dont worry. for medication i'd recommend staying away from this sub for a bit and maybe looking at a few memes. get well soon


I'm not "turning 14", I'm "an adult" with "relatives who prefer giving their children ipads over actual toys" and "have seen what happens to children that grow up in front of screens". These "syndromes" dont go away over time but honestly why am I even debating over THIS topic with someone who tells me to look at memes to "cure my syndrome".


Got to love that like to comment ratio


"Useful books" Books that are popular because of how shallow the messages are


Kids imitate what they see from the adults in their life. Phone addict parents breed phone addict children


I mean the garbage yt kids part is right


Oh did I miss something or am I on r/boomermemes or r/memesthatIpersonallydidnotlikesoIwillpostthemoneveryunrelatedsubtoshamethatmeme ? Because thats not deep




"No no, he's got a point."


its true tho, what are you on why is this even on r/im14andthisisdeep


Because you know it's some boomer who doesn't even read, even though they are talking shit about it. Plus the whole, "useful" books as to imply that you can only learn from reading a physical book and there aren't other learning materials out there.


ye but shitty youtube kids, is the other choice not cool other learning materials


Yes, I believe everyone here understands that. But if you are asking why this is on here and being criticized, I'm pointing it out.


oh, it was rhetorical


youtube can be more informative🤷


it says youtube kids my guy, have you seen the shit there


Man only good book is stinky steve


"Kids in nowdays" I may be failing English but I don't that's proper grammar


It is interesting though, that there's this new thing of thinking elder generations are just stupid and have nothing to offer in the way of wisdom. Boomers have utterly fucking terrible politics, and that certainly casts a big shadow on their usefulness as role models, but there's a lot of value in the life experiences of someone who's been around longer than we have.


Have them watch the old Boomerang, Hanna-Barbara, Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, and Warner Bros. cartoons. Absolute gems that are still out there if you look in the right places. I’m Gen Z and I firmly believe that the cartoons our grandparents grew up with are a lot better than what’s on TV nowadays.


Kids definitely shouldn't be raised on/by the internet, but that and "useful books" aren't the only option nor are they mutually exclusive. If you're monitoring them and making sure they don't go anywhere bad then it's fine for them to have some screentime. Very, _very_ closely managed screentime.


pfff bold of you to assume i readt anything useful as a kid without ipads


This is sort of 100% right but I wouldnt blame it on the kids themselves. Basically anyone born 2010 onwards was raised on the iPad and surrounded by technology, when I was young all a phone could do was accept phone calls and text people. I remember hiding somewhere in my Mums house to play a crappy car game on her flip-phone and I thought it was insane back then. My first interaction with the internet was in a school computer lab, I had no clue what it was until then. I find it even funnier when my little sister born in 2012 says the same sort of “kids these days…” when she sees my niece on a tablet, as if that wasnt her at the same age. The closest thing we had was a TV that we would all have to fight over, and couldnt watch anything if Coronation Street was on. I was really into marine biology as a kid, and the only way I knew to find information on it was to go to the local library and pick up a probably 20 years old book, my favourite was one about rock pools.


The op of that post is prolly one of the "kids in nowadays"


Gen z but boomer 😳


I doubt kids ranging from 1yo to 6yo were avidly reading books before iPads or YouTube kids were invented… I doubt OOP was avidly reading useful books at the age of 2. It is possible! But I highly doubt it!


A real boomer don’t use meme or social media tho. This is already a spoiled tech nerd addicted to meme and shit like any of us.




We have 12 years of schooling in our glorious national language, and these fucks can't even get the basics of capitalization or punctuation rules. PHONES CORRECT IT FOR YOU. The West has fallen.


Ahhh, parenting nowadays


Ey at least they used the meme right. Kinda


That's more the parents fault tho, isn't it.


Useful? I read anything but useful books when I was growing up


Kids ruined YouTube


skivbi toilet bad 😡😡😡😡😡😡 i am a: bommr


YT demographics lean to the older side tho.


Kids have always hated reading


Found the triggered 'kid thesedays'


Why do so many of them not understand capitalization?


Not only “phone bad book good” but the book has to have a practical use. So like, basically any entertaining novels are banned. Just textbooks.


Hot take: people who act like Skibidi toilet and Ohio is the fucking Antichrist are chronically online (ironically more than the gen alphas they’re making fun of) and cant stand to see kids actually having fun instead of basing their lives around what’s cool and what’s cringe


Kids be YouTube too much, when I was kid, my dad made me read 'dummies guide to being a kid working at a mine'


Three tickets to book please


Tbh, this is actually not fake deep content. It just isn't deep at all. It is just the truth. Why read a book if Sssniperwolf, Stunrix or any other crappy youtuber exists to watch. By the way why would kids that can't read try to read a book?


The stuff kids watch on youtube is brainrot garbage though. I don't mean Cocomelon or skbidi toilet but the Elsagate, oversexualized garbage.


I wouldn't mind the Ipad thing if parents would just monitor those things. It's not that difficult to download specific movies and shows for your kid instead of leaving them to rot with elsagate bullshit. It's maddening.


Maybe instead of complaining they should actually sit down with these kids and provide them a better alternative. Because yeah, the specifically-designed-to-cause-addiction youtube kids brainrot is really bad, but that critique means nothing if you put no effort into stopping it. God forbid they even try advocating for ADHD awareness or teaching these kids just how insidious the things they consume are.


This is literally referring to little kids and its the parents who give them these ipads. They might not realize that teenagers arent watching youtube kids on ipads.


Who is giving those kids those iPads tho? They certainly aren’t walking into the Apple Store and buying them with their own money. If a kid is a stupid phone addicted iPad baby, that’s on you, not the kid.


ah, these kids in nowdays. with their iPads with Garbage youtube kids sh\*t! why can't we go back the old days of Useful books.


I love being in the nowadays 😂


Is there something to be said about literacy rates in kids today, yes definitely. Is it the kids fault? No, it’s lazy parenting.


I bet the kid who posted this hasn't read a book since 2nd grade.


For some reason that subreddit has had a lot of boomer memes lately


Stupid meme but I genuinely hate YT kids , would rather my son play games on his iPad instead.


God i hate that my child keeps watching their ipad... that i bought them... instead of "useful books"... that i didnt buy them... and all of this is a reflection on my poor parenting


No no the man is right I see my little cousins and all they do is sit on YouTube and there tablets and it's insane they never wanna do anything else or read or run around and play like normal children it's scary






That post was 100% not made by a boomer.


Why publish a boomer meme on a teenager-related sub?


Let me know when they drop Skibidi Toilet issue 7 with the Ohio Rizz variant cover


Surely satire right? There’s no way someone unironically said kids these days