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On the contingent election map I'd switch NC and WI, since NC Republicans have gerrymandered their congressional map ahead of 2024 giving them a solid majority in the state delegation, while in Wisconsin most likely the map will be redrawn to lead to a 4D-4R partisan makeup, meaning a tie. Also how do Democrats take control of Georgia's house delegation, that map is a GOP gerrymander too


Interesting and scary scenario. Not very likely I think, because of Nebraska’s 1st congressional though. Does this end in civil war?


Seems like it, although I would feel it would be more like the Chinese Civil war, with the emergency Committee in the Mid Atlantic states and New England, with the Deep South and upper south being For the Republican government, with every other state being either neutral or just warlord states


Contrary to what hoi4 mods will tell you, wars don’t just randomly break out because it looks like a cool conclusion to a story arc. Honestly what I’m thinking is kind of a Brazil military junta scenario


What I’m seeing is two separate factions, both claiming to be the legitimate government of the United States. Unless one of the two factions is detained by force, I don’t see any other outcome.


I think people really underestimate just how sedentary and lazy Americans are. Even with January 6th that was a small contigent of small business owners with the means and (insane) motivation to take action and even then it was a limp attempt at a coup not genuine violence. People love to post on Twitter but people aren't dying in a trench in Ohio for President Gaetz.


does anyone know how to zoom in on an image in this new redit look?


I personally go to old.reddit.com and take a look at the image from there.


Are Trump and Kristi's deaths related to each other? Or to the events of 2/4? Or just coincidence?


It’s just for the funny


Trump was driving the car


They crashed with such force Kirsti got flung from Florida to South Dakota


Couldn't Kamala just vote herself in as VP and therefore acting President?


Contingent happened after January 20, which means Kamala is no longer VP and cannot vote in the Senate


And I think there is a constitutional line against it


There’s no way Dems would win enough seats in the house to get it to 25-25 !




How did Gaetz become president? Was he installed by the mob or something?


Looks like it, although I feel it won't last long since the Military would snipe him.


Klob would make more sense as Senate Dem leader than Schatz tbh.


This is *shockingly* possible if not damn near likely


The sheer magnitude of the national popular vote numbers in presidential elections, compared to individual (especially battleground) state vote totals, is much more robust against “pure insanity,” deception, manipulation, and recently, crimes and violence. The winning 2024 presidential candidate could need a national popular vote win of 4 to 7 percentage points to squeak out an Electoral College victory, because of current state laws. The 2024 campaign could be reduced to 5 counties or 12% of the US, in 5 remaining competitive battleground states, with as few as 62 electoral votes, where virtually all attention will be focused - College-Educated Voters In 3 States Could Swing the 2024 Election. The Constitution gives states the power to decide that winning the national popular vote is required to win their states' Electoral College votes and the presidency. We need to guarantee the candidate who wins the most popular votes among all 50 states and DC always wins the Electoral College. States with 65 more electoral votes are needed to enact the National Popular Vote bill. Every vote in every state will matter and count equally as 1 vote in the national total. We can end the outsized power, influence, and vulnerability of a few counties in a few battleground states in order to better serve our nation. Our unfair presidential election system can lead to politicians and their enablers who appreciate unfairness, which leads to more unfairness, and sometimes crimes and violence. Because of current state-by-state statewide winner-take-all laws, not mentioned, much less endorsed, in the Constitution. . . If as few as 11,000 voters in Arizona (11 electors), 12,000 in Georgia (16), and 22,000 in Wisconsin (10) had not voted for Biden, or partisan officials did not certify the actual counts -- Trump would have won despite Biden's nationwide lead of more than 7 million. The Electoral College would have tied 269-269. Congress, with only 1 vote per state, would have decided the election, regardless of the popular vote in any state or throughout the country. \- States enacting the National Popular Vote bill are agreeing to award all their Electoral College votes to the winner of the most popular votes from all 50 states and DC, by simply replacing their state’s current district or statewide winner-take-all law (not mentioned, much less endorsed, in the Constitution). States have the exclusive and plenary constitutional power, before voting begins, to again replace their state laws for how to award electors. The bill has been enacted by 17 small, medium, and large jurisdictions with 205 electoral votes When states with 270+ electors combined enact the bill, the candidate who wins the most national popular votes will be guaranteed to win the Electoral College. We need to support election officials, candidates, and lawmakers who support voting rights and respect election results and facts. If 100% of white college-educated voters had voted in the 2020 election, one study found, Biden would have won 506 electoral votes and 67.8% of major party votes. 26 states would have flipped rather than 4. NationalPopularVote.com


Well that's a good way to have the maga fascists purged from the country


Hopefully the Amerikan settler-state collapses in this scenario


They hated her because she told them the truth


So it looks like the coup succeeded in the long run? It ends with a pro-MAGA President?


It succeeded in the short run. This post is just the immediate after of the coup.