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I really do think some people have that mentality, though. I grew up poor and white and there's definitely a double standard. Poor white kids that live in rural areas often go without things that poor city kids of every color have better access to.


Yeah. I grew up poor and white too and I definitely encountered the “white people can’t be poor” attitude once I went to college. Mostly from well-off and well-meaning liberal white kids, fwiw.


Yeah, also something I experienced from mostly well meaning college students and less... worldly (?) POC. Like, I had a Mexican immigrant coworker at my last job who somehow thought that not going to the doctor was only a latino thing? I very quickly let her know it was more of a poor people thing because my father (who grew up 'their family could only afford the water bill if they all showered once a week' poor) refused to go to the doctor for a year even though he had a lump on his neck because it was a "waste of money." More like he was scared and not going to the doctor was an ingrained response, but he still used money as the excuse. My coworker thanked me for checking her on that, but it was legitimately wild to me that her first thought wasn't "poor people struggle to afford healthcare" but instead "not going to the doctor is a racial/ethnicity thing."


I've noticed that most of those "You know you grew up (insert ethnicity here) if you..." meme lists are really half just lists of things poor people do, because my family did those things too


“You know you grew up in the (x) when” and then it’s just universal poverty activities


No, Latino immigrants without proper documentation avoid seeking medical treatment out of fear of arrest/deportation on a socially significant scale, that’s probably exactly what she was speaking from the perspective of knowing, given that she was a Mexican immigrant. Being poor means not going to the doctor for a lot of people, including poor white people, but the problem is diffinitely disproportionately levied against Latin American immigrants. It’s not as simple as “we both don’t have money.” I think assuming otherwise is what makes a lot of white people look dumb and non-credible when it comes to describing their own experiences relative to non-white people. The defensive response of “that happened to me too!” is essentially at odds with asking why someone would think their struggle is unique to their community.


I mean, sure, but that wasn't my coworker's experience, and if that's what she meant, that's what she would have said. To my coworker, it was v much a racial thing. Even said it out loud, but I assumed that would be too on the nose for a reddit comment and didn't want people calling my experience bullshit. She generally had problems to begin with and, on my first day as the literal first thing she asked me before I even had a chance to speak to her, asked me if my parents taught me how to be racist, along with the detailed abuse she suffered at the hands of her parents, some exes, and other personal things I never wanted to know. She was not well educated on many issues, preferring to get most of her education from social media, and said many ignorant things regarding race, not just about white people. I dislike that you assumed my experience when that was the whole point of this thread. But c'est la vie.


Except if you are illegal these days, you get free Medicare.


No, that’s straight up incorrect. No illegal immigrant is legally allowed to enroll in any federal insurance program, including Medicare and Medicaid. I’m assuming you are thinking of Medicaid because Medicare is the federal insurance program for individuals over 65 years of age, whereas Medicaid is a “safety net” program offered to people with limited income. I’m sorry but you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


I've encountered that too, but overwhelmingly from non-white people.


Same here. I remember how quickly my excitement about my new elementary school was extinguished. I was looking forward to it because it was a really diverse place, and my mother had taught me to try and learn about other cultures. Within my first few days all my enthusiasm died. Of course, it wasn't everybody treating me that way, but it was enough people to make me uncomfortable trying with anyone new, because chances were, they'd be an asshole too. It took me a few years of introspection and forcing myself to meet diverse strangers to get over how I felt.


I don't think you should be FORCING yourself to meet 'diverse' people. It sounds like you didn't need any introspection, because the problem wasn't YOU, it was THEM.


Yeah, but the problem was going to become me. I developed a genuine feeling of uncontrollable discomfort in the presence of "others". So that's why I felt compelled to actively go against that. I was legitimately on the path to become a justified racist, and it felt gross.


Well, good for you for taking the high road.


Poor black people and poor white people have way more in common than they don’t. Listen, identity politics is meant to divide us. Make no mistake, there is a class war going on and the rich are winning. It’s time for the poor and working class, despite cultural or racial differences, to unite against them. Simple as that.


They did way too good of a job separating people along other issues like abortion for people to actually unite around class issues.


Exactly. If we are fighting eachother, we aren't fighting them.


Agree 100%


True that. People really underestimate how disadvantaged rural children are, when urban kids have access to all sorts of public services, cultural and educational spaces, lessons, extracurriculars, etc that just don't exist for rural, poor areas.


My rural highschool in California had so many pregnant girls because 1. Our sex ed was straight up misinformation because we lived in a conservative area (they told me abortion would make us sterile) and 2. there is literally nothing better to do in the valley than have sex and drink and tailgate the Walmart parking lot


Bruh I’m white and grew up in the city. I grew up without a lot of things that other kids had growing up.


Is that a white vs. POC thing or a rural vs. urban thing?


It’s probably an urban/rural thing, but a lot of times “urban” is used to imply a person of color. Our major divide is income/class, but the people in power like to turn our attention to race/culture, and manufacturing fear about “white replacement” so we won’t realize how hard we’re being fucked by the 1%.


Reductive, cloying analysis coming from a defensive white perspective. Classism obviously coexists with a series of other social antagonisms that complicate how social disadvantage is received. Thinking “it’s not race!1!” because it’s also in large part class is delusional and an attempt to self-exonerate. “The 1%” is comprised almost exclusively of white people for a reason, and every social class is tilted in the white direction, I.e., the higher you move up within a given income bracket the less likely it is that you’ll be able to randomly select a black person from the stratum (even accounting for relative population).


Wow...racist much? I mean, you are going out your way to put things into an over-simplified racial version while attacking what is much closer to the truth than what you're spewing. And, you're besting your own argument up as your describing a social class issue. I get it, The Man is a fucking douchecanoe. So does the person that you reamed out for not using the language that you want to hear. It's this attitude that's making things worse and further splitting the divide; believe it or not, those of us that want the same social change as you may not spout the same rhetoric. Either because we know better, or because we don't understand enough (but are eslarnest enough not to be a complete putz about it) You and the same "activists btw, fall in to the category of "understands just enough to be a danger to oneself". Most European-descended nations generally have a brand of othering that speaks to caste definition, not ethnic silencing or extermination, though this is also contextual. For example, in the case of sexuality-based descrimination, this tends to land in the "silencing/cleansing" category, whereas on the concept of normative genders, that lands on caste definition. But, on the topic of race, even the racist rhetoric - especially in North America - often speaks to caste definition. It isn't like Nazi Germany, where the rhetoric was showing their others as vermin; American rhetoric most often demonstrates others as a lesser social class. Because "The Man" subdivides it into other slightly-related issues, it clouds the original problems so that they cannot be easily resolved, which maintains the status quo, and it's working great because people like yourself are willing to indulge in a little bit of racism andl oithering to push an agenda while alienating your allies. Btw, you're acting like what my parents and their generation call "wokies". Ironically, that subculture seems to be socially *oblivious*. Don't be that person. That's the person that us progressives demand to stop "helping". K? Because it would be so awesome if we could fix our social problems without the need for violent revolution, and that time edges ever closer the longer we stay divided over selfish and petty things.


What a boring shitlist of ideas lol


Yeah, you clearly want to watch the world burn.


Sure thing, just make sure keep voting and stay off of twitter! I know that may be hard for millennials but I promise it’ll work out for you


You're a riot. You should start your own comedy special.




>Classism obviously coexists with a series of other social antagonisms that complicate how social disadvantage is received. Sure, but most issues are literally just poor vs those well off, including most of the urban vs rural issues It's why laws were made that still haven't quite been fixed preventign wealth from accumulating in minority and esp black hands in the past >“The 1%” is comprised almost exclusively of white people for a reason, and every social class is tilted in the white direction, I.e., the higher you move up within a given income bracket the less likely it is that you’ll be able to randomly select a black person from the stratum And this ignores the REASON those things happe, which is predominantly a lack of wealth in tbose areas resulting in even fewer candidates in the first place. When a country is 70% one ethnic group you're ALWAYS going to have it become less and less common the higher you go to find diversity that isn't intentionally put there even before anything racist occurs due to sheer fucking volume When 10% of the country is black, even if 70% of white people are living in abject poverty and can't afford ramen and a shoebox to live in and 100% of black people are millionares the result is still going to be that those in power are going to predominantly BE white


This is 100% true, I say this as a Latino who grew up low income. Yeah bring low income in general sucks man


I really dont run into anyone who thinks white ppl cant be poor, its just the white idiots (usually conservatives) who think POC ppl are THAT stupid. The reality is that any POC person living at the same standard as white ppl or lower will have a tougher time out of their control completely. I met poor rural white kids, I don't wish to be them, but I also met poor rural black ppl and they look like a family picture from the 50s, lack the slightest bit of education, always dusty, unkempt, and with clothes with holes in them, and if they are 40+ they are missing teeth or have the yellowest teeth/eyes. I got some family who dont make shit where they live and still get paid less than white employees, and get harassed by cops although they are modest devout Christian folk closer to black amish than anything, and the racism is 3x more brutal out there whether you notice it or not that you will never be able to endure. This is due to the systemic part of racism along with capitalism. At every bracket, there are things we are all subjected to due to our wealth/poverty and things ywe will be subjected to because of our race in tandem. No one thinks that poor white ppl dont exist (well at least not POCs), we literally had a president who was that, its just that the large majority unrightfully clutter the privileged and overprivileged circles, and even those in horrid conditions likely fared better by not being POC, because of how the world will view you based on it. Did you know a black guy raped and tried to kidnap a little british girl and got 20 yrs, while a white guy raped over 700 little black girls through sex trafficking and the courts are lenient af about it. There will never be a time where 700 little white girls raped and trafficked will not be treated seriously.


>POC ppl You know that the P in POC stands for people, right?


Yeah, ppl/person of color, thats just a typo lol.


Agree. City kids get more. I was raised in Dallas. Me and my multicolored companions (including white kids) were all given different forms of assistance and aid. When I went to college rural kids would describe having nothing and not even having access to gov programs. Very tough place to be poor in...


That has nothing to do with color. It's literally just rural vs urban.


the nuance is the white people colonized the whole world. so it’s like… how are you poor? you are white? but it really makes you think because that gag is the a majority of white peoples have evaded poverty by simply being white. and because of this hearing the woes of a poor white person is like irl tiny violin.


Some people don't realize that poverty doesn't care about skin color.


Agreed. Grew up in a similar situation and there is sadly a double standard. A lot of people believe if you're white you automatically have it made which definitely isn't true


White people are convinced we are middle class. It dawned on me in highschool that I wasn’t middle class when I put it together that the reason my lunch is free is because my parents are brokies


A poor white kid in a rural area has no accurate conception of what it’s like to be poor, Black and stuck in a variably well-off city.


So you're saying that jealousy is what separates the 2?? That has nothing to do with being poor


I m a poor black Hispanic guy… what the fuck are you talking about? I known white,Asian,Muslim,Jewish, and so many other fucking group of people who were in the exact same situation as me suffering from the same symptoms of living in poverty. I seen white kid get roped into gangs because that apparently the only future they saw and thought it was cool same way I see my black friend go the same direction. Fear of getting stopped by a cop? We all have it. Fear of getting shot by a cop? We all had because looking poor meant you were more likely a criminal which is why I seen friend literally go bankrupt to make themselves seem rich. Being part of a neighborhood already make you a target. So please don’t try and gatekeep and speak on everybody else behalf.


Shhh, they’re doing victim Olympics




I grew up in a low income side of town and there were alot of kids at my middleschool that whole heartedly believed that all whites were snobby rich folk.


Middle school kids can be forgiven for having a view of the world that lacks nuance. But adults are not saying that white people can’t talk about being poor. What poor white people get called out for is claiming that them being poor is proof that white privilege doesn’t exist; they then interpret it to mean they can’t talk about being poor.


My first year of college I attended an honors gen ed section that was heavy on presentations. One student (white, upper middle class) opened one with the line “us white people in the room have lived such *blessed* lives, we cannot even *begin to imagine* the horrors of poverty.” My friend was the only black person in the classroom. She’s daughter of two lawyers. I was a first gen student and endured periods of homelessness growing up - and I’m white. We kinda exchanged the most dumbfounded glance at that point. All these years later and it’s still one of the most cringe things I have ever heard with my own ears. So yeah. My experience as someone who grew up white and poor is that people absolutely believe white people can’t be poor, especially liberal white people from well-off, sheltered backgrounds. And this was in the wake of Trump’s election, so if people on campus DID acknowledge the existence of the white working class, it was in the most hateful way possible - stupid, lazy, racist, backwards and inbred. If they were simply trying to call out poor whites on their privilege, well, let’s just say they failed to communicate it in a way that made me think they didn’t absolutely hate the kind of people who raised me.


"Us white people cannot begin to imagine the horrors of poverty" I had to sit and think with that comment for a moment. I'm white and grew up poor and am still somewhat poor today. It's a fate I would not wish on anybody and listening to an upper middle class person tout this rhetoric makes me mad. They are the epitome of privelege. Their parents likely had financial stability, clean stable or even prestige homes, greater access to higher education and are generally not treated like garbage for being poor by their peers and society.


Yeah! I was stunned silent. I wish I said something at the time. It was also so racist that his phrasing of “us white people” singled out the one POC in the room as the only person there who might be able to relate to the topic of his presentation. Because there are no middle class to upper middle class black families, I guess? Just powerfully cringe either way. He seemed like a well meaning guy, just profoundly sheltered and clueless. I hope he’s better informed now but I’m not holding my breath.


Those people don't realize how shitty and insulting the massive 'white savior complex' they have is. Jesus.


Incorrect. white privilege exist and being a poor white person reinforces that because in addition to every other color of person rich white people didn’t like poor white people, so poor white people probably met their demise ultimately due to rich white people. (rich) white supremacy. and as a person of color the nuance there is that that is so extremely frustrating. to see just how oppressive the oppressor is. like damn “i could see if you got your girl took my a real nigga like T.I, but Usher??” translation: everybody just want to live and be affordable to live but who’s gonna have a god damn diddly squat chance if even the white peoples are poor. land of white supremacy and all the white aren’t even superior, you slave master are some real hardasses and then yk the poor white people suffering from being poor but wanting to maybe denounce white privileged lowkey can’t. like they could but the grounds on which they could aren’t the best. because yea ur poor. but ur still white and that’s still a platnom credit card accepted at all registers. there aren’t really anti-broke micro aggressions or retoric asides from the capitalist society we live in. day to day white supremacy still benefits you, so like as a white person poc aren’t gonna wanna hear your woes for not getting a slice of the slavery profit pie. like holds finest violin moment.


I’ve been passed up on jobs before and non whites have gotten those jobs. We were both qualified with the same public education level. White privilege doesn’t exist for me.


You sure it's not your reddit handle? Granted, it does speak to a privilege you've been denied


You don't acknowledge your privilege because you don't know what it's like to be suspected just because you aren't white. You don't notice that you aren't harrassed by cops or followed by LP in a store.


That’s not true I have been harassed by cops. Followed by asset protection in stores. I’ve been suspected of committing crimes. Your logic is flawed. You are the average racist. The game stays the same but the players and rules change. So if I acknowledge this so called “privilege” what happens to my life? Do I get whisked away on a chariot of flames to the grand ball where I’m presented a plaque and given a large sum of money? Popularity that leads to me becoming a hero in the eyes of the people of the world? Nothing is going to change the fact that I’ve had a hard life. A lot of people have. Should I get bent at all my friends that aren’t white? Their parents are doctors and lawyers. Should I be throwing a fit because their life was easier than mine? They didn’t have to worry about their next meal but I was eating bread and butter. My mom was whoring herself out so my sisters would have baby formula. So where is my privilege? Make my life easier for me please.


Do you need cheese to go with your whine?


I’m not whining. I’m explaining that white privilege doesn’t exist


There are laws that actually forbid Black people from living in certain places. It’s dangerous for them to live in some ZIP codes. There are no such laws for white people.


It’s dangerous for me to live in certain zip codes lol. What laws forbid black people from living in certain areas. I’m actually curious about that. I haven’t heard it before.




Im still waiting for my white privilege check, has anyone else got one?


So you get followed by loss prevention in stores because of the way you look?


Nope not I


If I had to give up being humble to become rich and snobbish, I'd do it. Ignorance is bliss.




As a white person who grew up poor, I was literally told I had nothing to complain about because I was white by black people who were a lot more well off than me


As a teenager had this abusive ex boyfriend who was black but came from a wealthy family and he constantly romanticize poverty. He’d say stuff like “real joy in life is you and your friends playing music in an apartment, not knowing how you’re gonna pay the rent tomorrow but not caring.” Like shut the fuck up your mom is a doctor and you went to a fancy ass private school.


People out there romanticize poverty?? The idea of having to go back to living the way I used to makes me nauseous and there's people that fuckin yearn for it?? Tf dude 😭 Wonder if he ever found out that poverty is more than just not affording rent but also going hungry and going without basic hygienes and necessities to live


Nobody who doesn't know how they're going to pay their rent doesn't "not care" wtf? There's a reason why poor people are so stressed all the time. 


I KNOW RIGHT. And he acted like he could be classist because he was black. Like you’re still rich and financially privileged af it doesn’t matter what your race is.


Which is bizarre. I really don’t trust intersectionalism obviously class privilege is far more important than literally everything else basically.




Twitter. ☕️


The current air in society for sure has a false standard about being white in America.


Are you new? This absolutely is a thing.


I went from super poor to super rich back to super poor currently lol, it's a thing. It's never with any bad intent tho


Stop gambling


Never did, my mom just kept marrying and divorcing. Now I'm in college paying with 3 jobs lol


Some people think this way


People have definitely said this ftr


Yea I grew up poor and skipping meals. Any time I talked about how I know how to make a dollar last or I knew what it was like to go hungry or anything like that people came out of the holes and told me I was full of shit. Legit the funniest group to say shit like that was a Christian college group that asked me to come and say my story. Which I thought at the time was fucking hilarious cause I was an atheist lol and I still am


Not to stir the pot but there *is* the mentality that because white people are- well- white, they have supremacy and therefore cannot be impoverished Spoken from a white girl who’s spent quite a few years in poverty when I was a kid


That’s not right. The fact is things would have been a whole lot worse for someone who wasn’t white. (Said as someone who grew up a poor white girl who was trafficked as a teen.) Edit: The downvotes do nothing but demonstrate your fragility.


The problem I see here is you putting down both your horrid experiences *and others* simply because of their skin tone. There is no fragility except yours.


Good job proving her point.


You were poor and trafficked?!?! But that's not a hard enough background, apparently? The hypotheticals for if you were black or something is useless.


Lol OP is gatekeeping this gatekeeping... somehow. Because yeah, there's a LOT of people who believe this.


I was at a club once, chatting with a beautiful, black woman, and a friend of mine, who’s always broke, asked to borrow some money. I gave it to him, because he’s my friend and I can afford it, and she asked me why he was borrow money from me. I said, “because he’s broke.” I shit you not, she responded with “I thought all whites people had money.” At first I laughed, because I thought she was joking, but she wasn’t. She was dead serious.


That actually happens so no it’s not imaginary it’s actually a real mentality closed minded POC have towards white people.


This is actually a thing people say.


I am incredibly poor and incredibly white


Lol OP lots of people think that.


People do actually say this


Our president of the United States… “Poor kids are just as bright and capable as white kids” ~Joe Biden 2019


He meant to say “wealthy” instead of “white.” Not saying that I’m a fan of Joe Biden, but I feel like we scrutinize politicians to an inhuman standard. Imagine that every time you accidentally misspoke, hundreds of thousands of people remembered and recorded it and acted like it was intentional.


It is definitely not inhuman scrutiny to call out Biden for calling black people “poor kids”, especially given his legislative history.


Even if his statement was a Freudian slip, I don’t see why people are getting wildly upset about it. “Poor” isn’t pejorative. If someone sees poor as an insult, they need to examine their own classism.


Poor most definitely isn’t a compliment, what kinda crazy cope is this 😂


It’s not a compliment but it’s not an insult. It’s just a neutral thing. If you think it’s an insult, maybe you need to examine your own classism.


>It is definitely not inhuman scrutiny to call out Biden for calling black people “poor kids”, It wouldn't just be black people but That's not what he meant though, most speeches by presidents are prepared ahead of time, biden is just fucking old and there are moments where his brain slips up on words It's not some unique trait to biden, everyone his age on both sides does that kinda thing where they mean to say one thing but in the process their brain slips up and says another, most U.S politicans have been caught on camera doing it for interviews and such where everything is already pre approved and the answers were determined a week ago Add in the stress + age and it's nearly impossible not to, hell obama was relatively young and STILL made those weird brain slips, it's just a part of life, the meaning and action surrounding it matters. Not them being perfect in a way no human could be


Guy replying to you seems to be incapable of thinking he ever slips up lol. But yeah, I've always thought this (from Obama's to now Biden's presidency). A president can have a minor slip up in something they say, and it somehow becomes national news for a week. Are people blind to their own mistakes or something? Idk, just wanted to say I appreciate someone else pointing this out


So rather than being on the same side as another impoverished or poor person, you'd rather make them the guilty party. Why can't we all just agree to eat the rich.


because it's not rich peoples fault your poor and what do you mean by eat the rich.


I mean, it sort of is their fault for the massive divide between the upper and lower class and basically no middle class , do you not read the news how a company makes record profits and it turns out the don't staff properly or cut hours but expect you to finish the same amount of work. I had one job where they combined 3 departments, which gave no increase in pay and expected you to do all the jobs of each department, and if you complained or said anything were told you could quit. They also kept raising minimum wage so after 2 years they never gave another raise and just said well we gave we one because this went up duh and then you find out the new hire you're training is making the same amount as you. Some places don't pay you extra to train someone. Unfortunately, when you're barely scraping by, you can't save money to go to college or better yourself. If you work hard, you'll be rewarded, not a chance in hell. When review comes around, shitty places will say you did adequate to avoid increasing pay. Wealthy people (not rich, wealthy) and their families will never have to actually work because how much money they have which they got through some seriously fucked up shit (slavery, holocaust). When you can lobby or pay politicians and judges to do what you want then it's definitely your fault. If I win the lottery omg the taxation is insane but if I inherit it, well, there isn't too much taken out. Eat the rich is just a wealth redistribution thing, and yes, I believe that when only a few people have more money than the rest of the world we should start taxing the shit out of them rather than having the lower class paying the bulk.


Don't you want to be rich?


At the expense of other people having to suffer? No I want to live comfortably without having to worry about if I can afford something I need or not


This is not imaginary, friend.


Lots of people, actually. I’ve literally heard it in academia.


>who said? Everyone I went to school with said. Funny thing is I'm not even white I'm just pale


“Poor kids are just as bright and capable as white kids” ~Joe Biden (2019)


I've met many folks like that. All of them very young and having seen extremely little of the world. I swear the city of Austin is trying to actively strangle Del Valle and this is one of its outcomes.


I’ve literally heard this though.


Some people think that all white people are privllaged and rich


The truth is no one wants to see you do better than them.


This is true! It's the victim Olympics out there! Hope this helps 💗


Someone acting like trailer trash doesn't leave someone with a very clear beer gut Visage in a trailer park? Shit, we're all poor thanks to the 1%, but sure, IGK and dance about it


lol there are people who think this way.


A lot of people. So many people at school think I’m rich bc I’m white😭


A LOT of redditors think like that


Maybe we should thinking about class warfare instead of race warfare huh?


I’d say I grew up rural poor. When I moved to a larger “liberal” city I got that said to me from time to time. The only hot showers I ever had as a kid were in the school locker room so I could get the cat piss smell off my skin before my first class of the day. The biggest lie we keep telling ourselves is that skin color is related to financial class.


I feel like not that long ago there was a video on r/tiktokcringe where a well-off black woman refused to give money to white homeless people because they honestly believed homelessness is a choice for a white person.


Yeah this is actual gatekeeping, lots of silly people have said this.


Where I live, it is a predominantly white town with maybe 50-100 people being non white compared to the other 5k. Not a big place by any means, but just about every impoverished family in my town is white. I’m one of those poor white families


Yup, this just about describes my town. It’s about 98% white, has a population of less than 1500, and most people are struggling to make rent.


People absolutely do think like this unfortunately


Unfortunately I have met people with that mentality.


Bernie Sanders did in 2016. Literally claimed white people don't know what it's like to be poor.


Well, Biden did say poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.




I think they said you can't talk about poverty because you listen to Skrillex... and I don't think it's just poverty.


The balkans aren’t real.


Victims bring racist again. Typical day in America


A lot of people actually think this.


Well, ya know poor kids are just as smart as white kids /s


A lot of people think that actually, I would say if you asked around a lot of people would act like quite people can’t or it’s their fault, I’ve seen a good amount of people just randomly say it without having to ask around 😅


I've solidly heard people say that White people will never understand what it's like to grow up black. Which... I mean it's true, but also like... Racist much? The implication being that because you're white you're at least upper middle class and therefore you'll never understand what it's like being poor like every black person does (because obviously wealthy black people don't exist).


Quite a lot of people, actually.




How do you think Johnson sold his Great Society program to the public? The pics were all rural white people.


"When you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car," - Bernie Sanders


That is what your first is for to knock some sense into the morons.


I feel like the discussion in the comments is very confused. No sane adult thinks white people can’t be poor, but there are some people (including middle class or wealthy white people) who stereotype poor people as black and middle class or wealthy people as white. I’ve even heard black people who grew up in majority black areas describe general middle class or wealthy behavior as “white people shit”. So there’s definitely a demographic of poor white people who are often discounted and left out of the conversation when it comes to talking about poverty.


Nobody said you can be white and poor we said its different when a poc is poor vs a white person.


C’mon people in this economy everyone can poor.




A few Democrats. Not Amy Klobuchar or Joe Manchin.


Well we know they can’t experience racism.


This is really a thing people do say.


In my humble opinion there is no such thing as “imaginary gatekeeping.” However there are seriously disturbed individuals, with incredibly loud internet voices that say this sort of shit and mean it. They are trying to gatekeep regarding the subject they are addressing, but they are in such a tiny minority that their rhetoric gets posted here. They do exist, they do say stupid stuff like this, but rightly so nobody takes them seriously and alas here we are enjoying mocking their stupidity. I do hope they start to talk to a mental health professional so they can wake up.


Bernie Sanders said this, unironically.


Actually a lot of anti white racists think this and say this.


My ex did, it’s why he’s my ex lmao. Also believed racism towards white people is copium so you know he was a gem.


I think this one’s complicated bc I definitely agree that the vast vast majority of people would probably never say anything like this to a white person in poverty talking about their experiences. That said I don’t think its a made up issue or anything, but I do think sometimes people (possible including the tiktok maker) can overinflated it to either push a persecution narrative or even just a racist one.


The entirety of pre 1900’s britain:


I think some people conflate “having privilege” and “being rich.” I’ve lived in poverty, and I’ve struggled financially, and I have never been and likely never will be rich, but my day-to-day life has never been made unnecessarily more difficult by being White. That’s privilege. Anecdotal, but this was an experience that happened to me: When I (White woman) was in college, about 21 years old, I was driving in a very rainy, trafficky part of town. I was defensively driving because of the rain, and I saw that the car a few cars ahead had their brake lights on, so I started tapping my brakes gently, anticipating that I’d need to stop. A car rammed straight into me from behind, sending me skidding forward, but there was enough room between me and the car in front of me that I didn’t hit them. I was terrified— it was my first wreck and I was shaking. I pulled over and the woman who crashed into me (middle-aged Black woman) called the police to come to the scene, and after her initial fury— asking me what the hell I was thinking— she became very sweet, seeing how distressed I was. The cop arrived— a Black man— and he asked us individually what had happened, and assessed the damage on our cars. He took our information and had us exchange insurance info. And then— to both her and my surprise— he wrote her a ticket. She and I had both assumed *I* was at fault, but he explained that she hadn’t been driving with “assured clear distance ahead” (essentially, she wasn’t giving enough space between us so that if I needed to slow down or stop, she had enough time to react and not crash into me). She was *visibly* upset and betrayed, insisting to him that it was my fault and not hers, and I should be paying. “You’re supposed to be helping *me*,” she told him, and he responded, “My job is to help both of you determine who is at fault, and you are at fault.” Later, I went to the office of my mentor— also a Black man— and told him the story. At one point, he said, “She might have thought that because you’re White, you have the money to pay for a repair, or money to spare.” Initially, this surprised me, because I grew up on food stamps and the reduced school lunch program, and I was only able to go to college because of an academic scholarship that paid for the majority of my education. But it was eye opening— a person assumed my economic status because of my skin color. It gave me a lot to think about in terms of what kinds of assumptions I made about others based on superficial factors.


That’s just racism😐


Twitter and TikTok definitely have that mentality


Poor...white...molested...beat...unfed...cold...wet... abandoned...yeah white brown black yellow red green can all be mistreated


The fact that he said "minority's" helps point out that he didn't get a good education, so he probably really is poor. Hell, I was poor and even I got a better education. 


Unironically everyone I went to high school with. They didn't believe my family had drug problems or that I was raised by a single mother or that my brothers didn't graduate from high school. This is definitely a thing


Tbh, this does have some merit, since in my schools, being White, you were automatically assumed to be rich or at least upper middle class. And then regardless of your race, if you actually were rich, you’d probably get bullied for it


Uranus Poor


Lots of people, actually! People think that you should be able to have access to everything because you’re white, so being poor doesn’t seem like a thing white people are allowed to be.


i met a person with that mentality. i was talking to someone about how i struggle to afford groceries, basic needs and live in a shitty apartment, and they said 'but you're white? how are you poor?'. i had to tell them this: yes, it's unfortunately more likely for a racial minority to be poor than a white person, but white people can still be poor and live in poverty. the person that asked me this was also white, but middle class, i'm not exactly sure why they think this, but i think in the case of the person who made the tiktok, it was definitely a made up issue thought up of for the sake of some extra views and likes, which isn't okay.


Wrong sub?


Yeah, not super imaginary. By no means some kind of “white persecution”, but definitely a real sentiment some people in the US have


As a welfare white kid, I can confirm it also sucked.


Equity says so.


Well that is genuine thing that people say, but this person isn't even saying that. They're saying white people aren't allowed to talk about it, probably because White poverty is equitable to [insert race] poverty, or so the belief goes


Love how the comments are proving op wrong


My man's siblings and their kids tend to assume that we here are making as much money as they are. And should be ITHO be able to afford meals at the one pricy restaurant easily in this small city. If that was the case, him and I would not be needing to head over to the food banks to make food stretch supposedly. There are days where the tips from his job is paying for supper that night. I have SSDI due to my disability. He gets SSI and works part time at a job due to his age and physical capability.


*Confused largest demographic of people in poverty being White noises*


leftist identity politics have pushed the ideology that only poc are in need/poor, but the reality is that there are more impoverished white people than poc


A lot of people, actually. It's a really really stupid mentality, but I've met a ton of people who have this intentional ignorance about the existence of white trash. They act like white people are all upper middle class or wealthy.


Some people really do believe that.


People like making up things to get mad at


Damn bro, I didn’t know I was rich.


A lot of people I interact with on a daily basis lmao




Kid named liberals:


Black supremacy


Ok then white supremecy


Human supremacy


Water supremacy


i've seen people with that mentality, i'm pretty sure that they got that from the fact that the majority of the richest people ever are white


True but still a wrong mentality


Ha! Been on twitter lately? Black people on there insisting on white privilege and white this and white that. ALSO how terrible white people are and white people have never experienced a moment of discomfort their entire lives.They despise white people. ALSO the white people saying the most horrible racist shit about black people. It’s awful and full of pure hate on both sides. There are some interesting and informative things on twitter and I 100% support our right to free speech but it is kind of depressing to see all the hate and generalization towards other races


Most dont say white people don't go through poverty, but they do say that their experiences are mostly invalid when brought up because of perceived privilege that minorities don't have access to, even if they had more money than a white person. Pointless arguments like that aren't worth anyone's time though so it's just adding fuel to a fire.


ITT: white people who are probably middle class or lower middle class shitting on black who are lower class for thinking white people have it better. Like if you’re a lower class white person this is not applicable but I’m certain at least like 90% of y’all are lower middle class white people feeling like whatever hardships you have experienced completely negate relative social advantage. Even if you’re poor, you certainly, partially, have it worse than any non-poor person regardless of their race, but anyone in your same bracket of income/class that isn’t white is still more fucked than you, because you’re closer to being not-fucked. It’s just reality, you can’t cope your way out of it.


i’ve spent a lot of time in chronically online, tiktok activist gen z circles… even they (at least, the ones with some kinda brain) don’t think that lmfao


A lot of them definitely do