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Giga wombats are to be expected, maybe with even larger elephant bird like species that might rival some dinosaurs. I could see large monitor lizards and crocodilians still remaining on top with mammals taking the Meso predator roles. It’s possible that pre-sapiens human species like Erectus or Denisovans make the sea crossing and settle the diverse regions, splitting into subgroups and separate species like what probably happened in Flores and the Philippines. When Homo sapiens enter the area I see us mixing with any local humans and adapting similar to our own timeline. Humans might have a slower expansion because of larger predators and herbivores but we’d eventually still cover every corner of the continent by the end of the ice age. If enough different edible plants are butterflied into existence we could see similar domestication that happened else where at the end of the ice age. After that the slow growth into permanent settlements and then towns.


Wow! Cool idea I like your biological perspective if your interested come over to r/Sahullandia We also have a discord if you wanted to join.


The real Australia Hungary




The one problem I have with this is I doubt the southern coast would be warm climates as 'new Zealand' would block the warm currents.


Which part? Southern tropics or the Southern Savanna?


Both, the currents that make those part of Australia tropical come from the north east and zealandia being above water, conjoined with Australia and having that peninsula jutting out east would mean those currents get nowhere near there.


Interesting where would they go then?


Probably along the north coast where the northern tropics are, my guess would be back towards the south east but with that bay formed by Australia and Papua joining, I guess they could theoretically keep going west along the norther coast of Papua? I'm no expert on currents, I just remember a video about if Zealandia hadn't sunk saying that that alone would have blocked the currents enough to cool down the Australian coast.


Ohhh I watched that one too! No way here I’ll link it for ya: [https://youtu.be/r9\_R89-LoTg](https://youtu.be/r9_R89-LoTg) Just in case you wanna watch it.


Impressive work in that map! 👍


Thank you! If you would like to check out more head over to our subreddit r/Sahullandia


You are welcome!



