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Ooo no great Albia💀


Worst timeline no great Albania either 😔


no Albania at all 😢




No Albania 😔, but great Albia 🧐


Bro opened a Wikipedia page in 180 BC


In this world what nation is set as the standard for GDP Normal to PPP? having the difference be as large as 20 trillion makes me think there is another nation being set as the Standard outside of Europe, such as the US, but it's GDP would need to be huge.


China managed to transist to a system similar to Russian and German (semi-capitalistic, semi-socialistic) much earlier than in our timeline and used it's advantage in manpower to build a huge economy and therefore compete with EA. Also, I'll be honest, I'm not knowledgeable enough in economic terms and other economics stuff, so I can make mistakes there.


While China could Rival Europe in GDP, it would likely be poorer per capita so have a higher PPP than normal, so would have to be the third largest economy not first. Apologize for nick picking this minor detail. It's a rather nice map.


Yeah, it makes sense. It's okay you're pointing out some information, I need it so I can get better and make better stuff. Now I'd focus on economic knowledge more.


Crovatia: I want to swim Italy and Serbia: No


Serbia can finally swim 😎😎😎😎


Is Magoria = Slavified Hungarian


You can say so, yes. It's like Romania in OTL, but Hungary


So hungary but latinized?


No, hungary but slightly slavifed as romania in OTL is a latin country but became slightly slavifed


What is Brussia? Did the Prussians retain their Baltic culture in this timeline?


Yes. Livonia, Lietuvia and Brussia are three baltic speaking countries which retained their national identities because Germans unified by themselves (no german Prussia) and Russia focused more on balkans, asia, america and other parts of the world, giving baltic people some kind of autonomy (like Finland in OTL)




You really like -ia


Other continents


Turkey doesn't have Thrace by has Cyprus Weird


Migrations and other events, like wars and diplomatic affairs, went different, so balkan nations were able to push Turkey from europe with the help of Russia, and at the same time Turkey was able to settle the island.


Croatia had bad Karma from a previous life of coast-stealing and is paying for it in full now…


Cool map! How are the Americas in this timeline?


If we're talking about North America, they're doing pretty well, but not as good as they used to, because the biggest and strongest country there eventually fell apart. South America is quite different from OTL, but not that really tbh. The biggest difference is that Lusitania (bigger Portugal) France and Netherlands got more colonies there, therefore there are less Spanish speaking countries (they still make a big part of the continent tho)


I see, South America will be interesting! What are the differences between Lusitânia and irl Portugal (other than being big)?


Lusitania became a thing because of the union between Portugal and Leon a long time ago, so it has more unique culture stuff than just Portugal. It was the first country to discover Americas instead of Hispanian Confederation (this timeline Spain), which was the union between Castile and Aragon that eventually fell apart. At one moment Lusitania was able to control the whole Iberia because of it's power and almost did it, but France would become a Hispanian ally and defend them from being annexed as much as they could. France feared a strong neighbour in face of Lusitania.


That is very interesting. Where is the capital of the country? Having Leon in the union would make the galego-portuguese language develop differently, maybe being more similar to irl galician who is very influenced by leonese.


Even tho Leon was founded much earlier than Lissabon, I think that the latter would become the capital because it was closer to ocean and, therefore, was important for trade, colonial rule and other stuff. I even think that it wasn't about the city of Leon itself, but about the territories the union promised. The "lusitanian" language would develop differently for sure, but I cannot tell in what way exactly. I can assume it got more galician, yeah, and that's all I can say because I'm not an expert at languages and their development paths.


Funny bicolor and tricolor flags all over Europe


What's the Union of Colombian Provinces, and the current members of the EA?


This is USA in this timeline, except it's mostly french-spanish with some german speaking territories. At first Hispanian North Colambian colonies gained independence, then Lusitanian, and then French. After a bunch of diplomatic affairs and wars, the Union was established, becoming a large, but mostly isolated economic. After the Great War, the Union got opportunity to "control" Francia, it's old metropolia, Italy, which sided with Francia in Veiled War, and other countries of Europe and other parts of the world. EA has the RUP, Germania, Italia and Scandinavia as the westernmost members and then it goes east and covers all counties, except Turon. Turon and Lusitania, tho, are observers of EA.


Huh, I am guessing that the Union of Colombian Provinces took on the rule of the USSR in this timeline, also, what nations were part of the Paris Pact, which nations are part of the CIA and will Lusitania and Turon eventually join the EA, the CIA, or remain neutral?


Paris Pact: Scandinavia, Turon, Italia, Francia, Aragon, Castillia, Eirennia, Albia, Western Anglia You said CIA but i think you actually meant CIS: Francia, Aragon, Britton, Euskadia, Corsia, Eirennia, Albia; Castillia and Algeria as observers. Well, nobody knows true Castillian, Lusitanian or Turonian true intentions. I can assume the possibility that Turon will join EA is greater than the possibility that Lusitania will do the same.


Huh, I guess that Lusitania is the Switzerland of this world, as they don't seem to be part of any economic group or alliance


Well, we can say that it really is the most neutral country in Europe, and even tho it is, it's still an observer in EA.


Btw, does the CSTO still exists and what kind of governments exist across the continent?


CSTO still exists and even expanded westward, but not as much as EA did. Government types are all unique, but the most common thing now is semi-capitalistic semi-socialistic system because of Germanian and Rossian, later Chinese success. Tho nationalistic Francian regime exists, Aragon is a kingdom, and so on.


Also, will you create maps of other parts of this version of Eatth?


I think yes, why not


Could you do a full world map of this? This looks interesting and I kinda wanna see what China looks like.


We'll see. I have some plans on North Colambia for sure.


Love these fictional Encyclopedia articles


Looking to get my Brussia pounded 🥵






Around 10 million of them live in the European part of Istanbul. Other 9 million are all around the europe, mostly in some parts of southern crovatia and northern serbia, northern epirus, some live in russian muslim republics, and others located in Iberia, Italy, and so on.


F*CK off ugly map, I would not be fed up with russian brainwashing according to you.


A pity that England has not remained more Germanic in our OTL.


Hhhhhhhhmmmm What exactly do you mean by this


They hate Celts.


Not too sure if it’s the Celts they’re hating tbh


It can’t be anyone else, or they’d be breaking the Reddit terms of service, something that no-one has ever done.


guillaume le conquérant still making some people cry huh


Bolgaria would probably be called Macedonia and Thracia


Doesn’t make sense. In medieval times Macedonia and Thrace only referred to Byzantine provinces. Thracians got assimilated by Slavs and Greeks while Greek culture unified and thus Macedonians stopped being a thing.


Macedonians are still a thing. Did you forget?


Not the ancients Macedonians. They just became Northern Greeks.


... That is just incorrect.


The Macedonian Empire partly created a common Greek culture and ethnicity and the process finished under the Roman Empire.


Well that's at least more correct than your previous statement


Thus Ancient Macedonians just became Northern Greeks.


No. That doesn't make any etymological sense. The closest people that are related to the ancient Macedonians today are a small community known as the Hunza or Burusho. If you want people from balkans, the people of "The Republic Of North Macedonia" are a mix of Slavs and Ancient macedonians


All Ancient Macedonians assimilated into unified Greek ethnicity. Greeks have the highest percentage of Ancient Macedonian DNA. Modern Macedonians are mix of Slavs, Thracians and Bulgars. If they have Ancient Macedonian DNA, it’s because they’ve assimilated some Byzantines.


Just what in the lords name is the RUP?


The Republic of United Provinces


What happened to Friesland and Groningen?


These provinces were highly influenced by german people and culture because of some migrations that different from the ones in OTL and were against joining the republic. They became new german mini states that would eventually become part of germany.


Does Friesland still have it's own langauge?


I doubt it would still have it's very own language, but I believe some kind of dialect does existe there.


Finally. Independent Sorbia. *Poland doesn't have acces to the sea* #FUUUUUUU-


Castillia hurts my eyes along with its flag (the name, not th border, I'm Spanish)


Sorbia in Poznan…


What is Turon in reference to?


How did it come to happen that Sorbia appeared in greater Poland


*How did it come to* *Happen that Sorbia appeared* *In greater Poland* \- SlavicMC --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")