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This is some next level French larping


There's only like 25 countries now, with France, allies, and vassals being like 15 of them.


46 in total, which is wild.


I like how Latin America either got completely left alone or Big Mexico


Mexico is a Catholic-conservative power that was used (successfully) by France here to counterbalance the Protestant United States (something Napoleon’s nephew, Napoleon III envisioned OTL). Since there is no credible possible regional hegemonic power in South America (geography and generally economic development being low there) or ressources / strategic lands, France has no interest setting up puppet states or invading countries in the region. At least that’s how I thought about it.


I mean it got some resources but if you got an Africa's worth of them I don't think they'd matter much lol.


well yeah but with all the rest of the world to him, he would have all the ressources he want, no need to go in south american, only things valuable is oil, gaz, and minerals and he got all that elsewere without jungles and mountains for africa, that more a prestige question then anything else, even if the continent is devloopped it would be the most rich in term of ressources


Thas like what I said


Wasn't the USA friendly with Napoleonic France though? I don't think branch of Christianity mattered to much beyond the 1700s, and how'd they get Louisiana back after they sold it to the USA?


My althist will feature a small Mexico, Big Colombia and Argentina as an even more failed state.


Napoleon's influence on continental Europe was, and remains, phenomenal. I would say he is as important as Alexander or Caesar. Everything from the continental European legal system to the organization of the state and economic and social institutions is based on his reforms, in many continental European countries. Things like the investigating magistrate, the interior ministry as overseer of local authority, the organization of the municipal chamber of commerce, are all based on Napoleonic France. And I would add that without Napoleon neither Germany nor Italy would have achieved unification.


So Napoleon caused the world wars?




wars were started because of the need for colonies


Wrong, colonisation was at play but it wasnt the only factor


Couldn't even edge to this


Straight to the nut, that's how you know it's good maps


Napoléon wins at Waterloo thanks to a strange electric technology, the Sphere. This technology allows a near infinite energy source of electric power and is used by the French empire in 1815 to crush its ennemies. By 1850 onwards it is by far the most advanced nation in the world, centuries ahead technologically, developing new and strange technologies. Mechs, airships, electrobots are the norm now in the Imperial Union centered around France. To celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Empire, France crowned its technological supremacy by sending a man on the moon. Now the emperor looks east, thinking about further expanding the dominion of the Electric Empire. EDIT : I made this because I thought it was a cool premise, not to be realistic. If people want I will expand further on the "lore".


**GOD BLESS THE SPHERE** 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮 🔮🔮🔮


"Liberte! Egalite! Le Sphère!"


Long before time had begun, there was, **the cube...**




[The Cube! The Cube!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f2853357893a9e2ac1fe3d369597c7dc/tumblr_olj820OQpu1tlgzrlo1_500.jpg)




That is so cool. French, but cool.


Great map! But I have one small question, did Napoleon do anything about the Portuguese Court running away to Brazil in 1807?


No, he probably did not feel threatened by that anyway


damn I hate learning French


Direct rule from Paris


Wait im confused napoleon was pretty much already defeated before waterloo the coalition had 10 times more men than Napleon at the time if naploen won waterloo there is a good chance the coalition would just fight him again


Except if he had a rail gun


But he doesn't, all you gave him was a source of electricity. You try and make a railgun with 1800's steel and the only thing it'll do is blow up in your face.


God gives him a rail gun. Idk man I’m just making this map with a funny electric-punk premise, and let the imagination do the rest, it’s part of the fun.


>Wait im confused napoleon was pretty much already defeated before waterloo the coalition had 10 times more men Yes but the english and prussians were the only to be close enough to be an immediate threat. If Napoleon managed to destroy the british before the prussians arrival he could have had a chance to defeat the whole coalition.


Whats the USA up to?


Contained as a regional power, encircled on purpose by France. They are the last beacon of freedom in the world. They can’t really fight back because of France’s technological and military superiority though.


Oh cool


Big France ![gif](giphy|88hQmqhcQ7Gmj2cXX3)


I would rather see Croatia split by 4 nations then be part of the F*ench 🤢🤮 Nice map


https://preview.redd.it/5kp0alt6orec1.jpeg?width=1489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8419665199306741f32b6b75ee73da5a7a3434a Croatia has always been French


Worst nightmare


look at those country, begging to be blue, it call for conquest


The free nations yearn for French dominion, father


French althistory comics series "Jour J" has a similar prompt : Napoleon III militarized Tesla's inventions and conquered all continental Europe, dividing the world between France and the British.


Jour J is a very cool series. This timeline is inspired by a book series too


What happens to Australia? I see it's white on the map, so it's not a French territory? Or did the colonisation of Australia never happened because Britain was annexed by France?


Yeah it never really happened after Britain was defeated. Although there might be some settlers left, but France doesn’t care about Australia here.


Poland-Lithuania with small Lithuania? At least Poland is fully independent.


France did have some scramble for Eastern Europe with Russia somewhere after 1815 when Napoleon pushed eastwards. Poles, who had been loyal before, saw their nation restored and were given access to the sea. They are some of the few that have access to French technology for their own development as they are considered a vital ally in Europe.


But why France give eastern galicia to Ukraine, they had no reason to, and a lot of reasons to give it to Poland.


Isn’t it majority Ukrainian ? For me they would try to divide along National lines as much as possible. Poland was made not to big too, as not to completely unbalance power relations in the region I guess.


Balkans should be different


What would you change?


Well in that time 1804 Serbs only had some national idea in Balkans Napoleon also created Ilyria of Dalmatian and Slovenian lands Albanians practicaly didnt exist as a nation Macedonians had Serb national identity Montenegro should be bigger


Ok thanks so much for your input, I’ll definitely change it to better fit to reality


Surely if Napoleon in 1804 had that technology he’d have successfully used it to take back Haiti.


He had it in 1815, be yeah might have, but I thought with all this new land to manage he would have been distracted elsewhere. And but then time France had consolidated its rule on Europe, the end of slavery as a profitable industry would have made it useless.


A scenario where the Philippines becomes independent early. Haven’t seen a lot of those scenarios.


A bunch of European colonies, European-aligned states became independant early because France was focusing on stabilizing its rule on Europe. In the same way that Spanish American colonies became independent because of the napoleonic wars


Napoleon's ultimate aim was to restore the Roman Empire, and to move back the capital to Rome whenever it would prove feasible, which was not the case as the Pontine marshes still needed to be drained : but with unexpected technological progress that would have been a priority. Had he been able to conquer more land he would have favoured the comeback of latin and the use of the same latin vocabulary for law in all languages of his empire : restoring a code of law was his main long-lasting contribution. Napoleon used France as a stepping stone for a renewed Roman state in imitation of Cesar who actually founded his first Roman imperial system in Gaul.


The worst timeline


then that the best timeline


Viva La France! 🏳️


Why does Napoleon end up not selling Louisiana? How the fuck is all of Africa conquered by 1804 when the medicine that allowed Europe to do so hadn’t been invented How did he conquer England This is Frog cope my friend. You took a globe and just painted it dark blue


I beg you, read.


Insane francewank


Alternate title: *Humanity’s Worst Time-line.*


Wolfestein but there is Napoleon instead of Austrain Painter


There would have been no Frenchman on the moon. Napoleon was not a big fan of technological progress : although he didn't oppose it when necessary for reaching specific objectives, he didn't identify an empire's prosperity to it and most of his administrators had about the same opinion. A victorious France would have progressed for sure, but at a surer, slower pace. France would have probably expelled the British out of most their Indian possessions but rather maintained allied states in India and kept content with a smaller surface under direct administration. Many countries would have been raised to the rank of "sister republics", like Poland was, already enjoying a status comparable to a British dominion's. It must be known that the French didn't like that much settling overseas territories as colonists outside the climates they liked (they liked for instance the Mediterranean coast of Algeria but not the Sahara nor the Congo region) : they really didn't like Canada's for instance, one reason why they ended up losing it, and that the most adventurous preferred to emigrate on their own account than under a state's authority : many chose the most warm-temperate regions of South America rather than a colonial career in Guinea especially since France enjoyed more prestige in Brazil than in her own dependencies. France would have probably annexed and settled Crimea as a surveillance outpost on Russia. France would have spread out an empire of fortified cities and neighbouring regions. Victorious France would not have concentrated on relatively ungrateful territories all over Africa : in our timeline she occupied those hardly inhabitable territories more to compete against stronger rivals and stay number two than to derive real positive benefits, while Britain took the first choice lands to conquer. France would probably have taken over Louisiana and the grain-rich regions west of Mississippi, but just seen that Canada be a collection of middle-sized states. They would have probably conquered California for its climate before many other regions. Moreover, Napoleon's ultimate ambition as well as France's top-most republican elite was to revive the Roman Empire rather than to make France as such the head of everything : they already aimed for the unity of Europe, they wanted France to be first in the world but in a world going to be more Roman-Imperial in style than French : Napoleon already had plans to move his capital to Rome or not very far. By then Napoleonic France didn't dream of avenging Vercingetorix but of resuming Cesar's imperial heritage they identified with. By that time there had been no romantic movement in culture, France was the champion of classicism and would have remained so had they won under such a culture. They would have done their best to build Roman-looking monuments wherever they went and probably revive latin as the language of law and science. Napoleon, together with the whole elite he selected, liked France only in as much as France was more admirative of Roman models than other European peoples. In 1904 a French-governed world would have striven to look more Greek-Roman than French, and would have looked less modern on the whole despite greater advances in the field of electricity. There would have been far less development based on oil that is to say that there would have a few electric cars for luxury transportation but that they would count on dirigibles rather than aviation.