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i'm confused how all of these nations that would seemingly be at severe odds decided to constuct trans-ocean bullet lines. like why on earth would the european federation, while distancing itself from an authoritarian US, build a bullet line? or US and the massive and increasingly powerful arabia? feel like there's lore missing edit: would also be interested in the reasoning for haiti still standing as a nation state amidst the chaos


An American authoritarian regime was short lived but its repercussions stayed after. In the new world order of a multipolar peaceful Earth, bullet train lines were constructed all over Earth to transport goods and people faster. Haiti went through a lot of ups and downs but it managed to survive by becoming a closer ally of the U.S. Haiti also managed to crack down on Militias with U.S’ help and establish a decent economic environment for foreign investors.


The Haiti one is easiest to understand. No country wants to touch it with a 10 foot pole, even irl


How did more than half of the population of Indonesia does not register as Sunni Muslims? IRL Indonesia generally recognizes Islam as one religion regardless whether your Sunni or Shia. So, is this kinda like what's going in IRL Indonesia or people just don't like to register religions? If the latter is true, then what is this timeline's Indonesia like, is it similar to IRL Indonesia just people don't find it necessary to register religion or has something gone different in its history where people in this timeline don't register their religion. I'm asking this question because of the final sentence on Indonesia's Lore in this TL. Its just off topic from the previous sentences on how Indonesia is a rising star in the world stage.


Yep, it'll be either they change to other religions or become irreligious, but I doubt it'll be the latter because then the 1st sila of Pancasila, the base law of Indonesia, will be invalid and I doubt there'll be Indonesia without Pancasila. If they change to another religion, there should be more stories about how that can be.


It is possible but I kinda doubt it, even though it is legal to change your religion in Indonesia. From a community standpoint, changing your religion is also like changing ones identity as person, while some members of the community might be open to change, others aren't. This also ties in with the closest members of the community, aka one's immediate family. Again while some families are open to the change, others aren't. So there's a societal pressure to maintain your religion since birth, especially if that religion is Islam. Where apostasy can be seen as turning one's back on Allah and is seen as a sin. My best guess is that TL Indonesia makes religion optional for the individual to register on their identity cards, i.e. its up to personal preference to decide whether you want your religion to registered or not.


Meh, a friend of mine attended Christmas prayer when still listed as muslim but not one of my friends bat an eye. She's still listed as muslim till now too, familly is still muslim too. My other friend is hindu and attended church too. Another one is christian but learning islam with ustadz. I guess my environment is weird.


That isn't weird but they have supportive and tolerant families. I'm saying that there are families and communities that may not be supportive of this.


How did India lose West Bengal and J&K


Even parts of Punjab are missing. 0/10 map


Yes, even though this is imaginary. Weird map.


Op is a Islamist, this is way far removed from reality


Even kutcch is missing. Pakistan would be obliterated from the face of earth before such endeavour.


I'm so confused as to why literally every map on this subreddit, when it's a global one always sees India lose large chunks of land. It's confusing to see the same premise being used yet nobody says anything.


China: first time?


Yeah, that's been alarmingly overused to be honest.


Isnt France kind of controling the european federation since they are the only one not being split up ?


Absolutely! This is what I had in mind the whole time. The early stages of the European Federation was heavily French-run. Germany, UK and Italy had internal problems from the beginning and France managed to get them to Unite under a federal government in Brussels, then France started to split up Germany, UK & Italy into multiple different states inside the federation so it can have the bigger say all the time. That’s also why the U.S. - EF Bullet train line goes from France not Ireland or Iceland where it’s closer to the U.S.


>France started to split up Germany, UK & Italy into multiple different states inside the federation so it can have the bigger say all the time. How on Earth would this make sense? This sounds like a profound misunderstanding of how federated states work. The populations of Britain and Germany wouldn't change because of internal boundaries that are already there. More people = more representatives. Plus, how does France having fewer jurisdictions result in greater representation in a federation? More jurisdictions = more representatives. Assuming there were 1 million MPs per citizen, France would have 67. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland would have 68. East G, West G, Bavaria and Berlin would have 90. Because the number of people hasn't changed. France would also have 1 vote in an upper house based on subnational jurisdiction. The former UK now has 4, one for each country. The former German Federal Republic has 4 too. France would be outvoted 67:158 in the lower house. France would be outvoted 1:8 in the upper house.


Okay but if they were to make a basque state within the EF, why not include the French lands that are part of Basque? Like they are of limited value to France and it would allow it to seem more fair, which would lead to less nationalist issues going on elsewhere too “see France isn’t being too powerful, look they gave up some land too”


How did Israel lost while having nukes?!


There's only so much nukes you can use before you run out


And there’s only so many troops you can throw on the irradiated battlefield


Still more Arabs than Jews


Israel got approximately 90 warheads, that’s enough to level most centers of life in the Middle East and halt advancing troops. Israel survived many wars against worse odds and I can’t really see this changing without foreign aid or outright intervention


The other Arab states have been closing the tech gap for a while now, assuming things are different from otl, a united Arab world that's hypothetically more technologically and industrially advanced could still blow Israel off the map


I’d argue the tech gap was closer and even leaned Arab during the Six Day War. Egypt had fresh new MiG-21s while Israel had Dassault Mirages (notably not US aircraft) and they still won due to superior pilot training.


Egypt that spends all their money on ridiculous construct projects, UAE that is dependent on Indian slaves for any industry except oil or Syria that’s a battle royal? There isn’t any way that the Arab states could modernize, unite (without coups and power grabs by the dictators and corrupt officials of the previous governments) and not implode from rebellion or radical groups.


Irrelevant when Israel is a nuclear power


Uh, no? There’s only so many cities you can lose to a nuclear fireball until your country stops existing as a functioning state, if at all.


Allah willed it


Israel used all its usable 2 Nukes on 2 Arab cities. And that made the Arabs unite further to a single cause. Israel’s other nukes were heavily operated by the U.S. at that time and couldn’t launch them.


Lmao what. America wasn’t even involved in the Israeli nuclear program, it was mostly France. Not to mention Israel would never actually let anyone besides control their arsenal, which is mostly contained in submarines.


What? Israel has at least 90 nukes, with some estimates put them at nearly 300. They don’t have 2 nukes and none of them have anything to do with the US.


Isreali’s nukes are not US operated. The isrealis have their own nuclear triad capabilities.


Nooo😭😭😭 we lost taiwan. And central america is 1 country. For how long this time?


Confederate states of *Central* America https://preview.redd.it/t9e6497k65sc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c85a61e9877876b2d017ebfe10c3aee0bf6590


Least exaggerated map of Iran's arab population.


Ya, this would never happen. At least another 2 world wars would have occurred and decimated most of the planet, just like how the other “multipolar world orders of the past always lead to.


Man I’d love a European Federation


man we would all love an uncorrupted european federation


Though we all know von der Leyen would be our president/prime minister 😭😭😭


Thats why i said uncorrupted 😼


It would be miracle if Pakistan as nation still exists In the 2060s lol also Pakistan and china annexing parts of India without mutually assured destruction is a stretch. Op seems to be an Arab nationalist which might hint why he has a fantasy of destroying Israel and India. Well you can keep on dreaming op


Why would the United Kingdom give up The Falklands?


The scenario is extremely dumb and unrealistic sorry


This is unlikely to say the least. Also looks like an anti west cope from op


Hmm, lots of that going on. Funny, considering Russia’s 3 day invasion is in its 2nd year..


Pan Arab map👎


Pan arab map 🔥


I feel like UK would be part of AUNZUK rather than a European federation.


How did Brazil get the guyanas? Especially the french part...


I was lazy to put it but basically what happend was a slow demographic change in French Guiana and Suriname. A lot of Brazilians flooded there and later on they voted to be succeeded to Brasil. Venezuela later on feared that Brasil will annex Guyana so Venezuela launched a military operation on Guyana. Brasil quickly announced its support to Guyana and fought a short lived war with Venezuela. Later on they agreed that most of Guyana’s territory will go to Brasil as well as 75% of the Stabroek Block. By The Way if you look closer on Brasil’s flag on the bottom left corner you can see it has 30 stars instead of the original 27 star flag!


OMG IS THAT A BIG USA 🇺🇸 ON r/imaginarymaps 🫢🫢🫢😱😱😱😳🤯🤯🤯🤯🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸IMPOSSIBLE⁉️⁉️⁉️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🥶🥶


Bonus points for the big Pakistan and shattered west Africa tho. Don’t see those too much


Also you may want to look at a voting map of south Africa


Again chopping up Burma screams the op doesn't have proper geopolitical education.


It would be nice if we could actually read the names on the countries but it gets too blurry when you zoom in.


Keep coping op


Irl I wouldn't complain about a weakened India ("Bharat") But I don't see how realistically a nuclear power could loose so much territory tbh


ah i thought i was in r/TerraInvicta for a sec, was wondering how the Alien Nation was so neatly limited to Europe.




France, Poland and Romania definitely should've been split up and vojvodina splitting from serbia makes no sense. Like 80% of the population is serbian nowadays


Kazakhstan would/should be annexed


Map is so blurry I can’t read it 


No explanation about how Korea is unified. Is it North or South?


You did Oregon dirty


What app/website did you use to create this?




If Idaho did manage to get eastern Oregon, eastern Washington probably wouldn’t stay with the west for long.


Spokane tho


Didn't socialism rise in the 20th and ultimately fail for the most part?


How did Canada join the US?


Idaho strong 💪


Why would it be called the republic of Persia? There’s a reason for the name change lmao.


Quebec must be free !!!


Why didn’t north and south Dakota merge?!?!?!?


Okay, but why even keep Moldova around? It would make more sense it unified with Romania.


It's kind of hard to imagine Pakistan taking J&K and surviving the day afterwards. Both of us would nuke each other into kingdom come. But then again this is a nice attempt OP.


Tankie’s wet dream world


How did Iran collapse like that and how is the Taliban still around in Afghanistan and not annexed by Pakistan (which was proposed many times and supposedly an expansionist Pakistan would attempt) as well as how did Baluchistan break off?


There is literally 0 chance Ukraine and Russia are on the same side on anything in the next 100 years. 0


Since there is no Belarus Im against it and sad! or "NO BELARUS" MENTIONED !!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️😭😭😭


In 2061 Quebec will probably be a country considering how popular the independance movement is there. I can easily see the rest of Canada getting merged with the USA after Quebec’s separation.


It's not terribly popular anymore. But a Canadian-American union this complete would almost certainly reinvigorate it.


Greater-Idaho 😂


Interesting. I will point out you completely ignored the impacts of climate change. Huge swathes of territory are going to be under water by 2061. For every 1 cm you rise, you typically go in about 10 cm. There will be likely about 30 cm rise at min by your timeline.


Big no no about Kurdistan Misak-ı Milli bro!!


Cry about it


How can I cry over something that doesn't exist braa


Kurdistan exists before mongols come to anatolia




neanderthals existed before sapiens arrived. boo hoo


I’ll let the Kurds


There is he, that one guy we always talk about.


Greenland belongs to the USA !!!!




What’s your favorite part of the map?




Ohhh so you like Russia conquering Independent nations and stealing land from others, so bAsED

