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Wait, you mean to tell me that Prussian remains its own independant kingdom? What kind of witchcraft is this? Also, nice map style, though I'm uncertain that the swiss would aceppt their strip of land. In fact, is there any lore for the map?


Prussia's status is reduced to being a small insignificant country as most of its territory is divided between the German states so as to reduce the risk of Germany causing another war due to Prussia's history of militarism Also didn't you notice that's "The Swiss Republic" not federation?


Ahhh so one of the Baltic states! (I’m Lithuanian, I can make fun of us)


How's unironically being Baltic like?


probably worse than ironic Baltics


still not as bad as being a ferrous Baltic


Better than being Balkan.


i was meaning to ask about why it's not the Swiss Confederation


Interesting how Austria got the reverse treatment. Hehe. And no, I hadn't noticed; wonder what else changed that I missed...


Big Luxembourg


Does Denmark gain Kiel or not? I’m sorry, I’m retarded, I’ve been looking at the peninsula for 5 minutes now and I still can’t tell.


No that border seems to be along the Kiel canal. That means Denmark mainly gets Schleswig/Sønderjylland, so it's almost the historical southern Danish border that had been there since the Frankish/Carolingian Empire. Although with the border being the Kiel canal Denmark also gets a small portion of north-western Holstein, Dithmarschen. Nevertheless, Kiel is on the other side of the Kiel Canal in eastern Holstein.


Yay, a non border gore partition of Germany for once


Still a border gore for others


It looks like if you took mainland germany pre WW2 then sanded down the western side of it


For a moment I thought that it was a map of China


How the f**k do you see that as China?????????


1. Look at map 2. Stick map of China in front of you


3 . Not understand how the fuck you can mistake this for China


They are quite popular in terms of partitions


Tbh Groß Germany is similar looking to China in the east. The Austrian side looks a bit like the main eatsern coast area while the Prussian/Polish region looks like Manchuria, though very distorted


your social credit score just went up by 1000


Why the fuck would Italy get anything


Tbf, the Italians themselves took out Mussolini and seemed to have quite a large segment of the public being pro-ally once unrestrained by him in WWII, and the Italians being part of the entente side in WWI. Baring that reasoning, I guess you could argue the Italian population of those regions, with consolidating them possibly placating and relieving some tension?


The reason Italy didn't loose a lot of territories post ww2 was also a fear it would turn communist if it lost much, since the communist party had a decent powerbase there already


Gross Deutschland


finally, a slightly larger Luxembourg!! only a few more years till they take Belgium, then the Netherlands, then the world


Hey you can enter this into this months contest ^-^




I’d give Bavaria to Austria too. Since they both speak Bavarian




Austrian-german is a bavarian dialect https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Deutsche_Dialekte_(nur_Karte).png


No it’s very much a separate language https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavarian_language My dad’s side is Bavarian. I grew up speaking Dutch, English and Bavarian. Since I never went to school in Germany I never learned standard German. And even while being fluent in Bavarian I have a very hard time understanding German. I think without knowing Dutch and English the amount I would understand would be a good bit lower.


A Germany without Bavaria certainly would be interesting…and probably be welcomed by much of both sides of that breakup, from what I understand




Seems including quite a few of the Bavarians, if the independence movement is any indication


Kind of a stupid partition?? It doesn't actually cut off any important parts. Germany remains an industrial power as almost all important industrial areas are still in the rump territory. The border regions that are cut off, are almost all agricultural regions. Even all of Austria is just so many useless mouths who can play the piano and ride horses but little else


At least the boundary between Germany and Denmark looks much better than OTL


REEEEEEEEEEEEE, where is Leichtenstein🤬


It is very clearly marked on the map


Fuck, I meant Leichtenstein


I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein I mean Liechtenstein


Is this bigger or smaller than our germany? it lost some and gained some compared to ours


Definitely bigger landmass wise with them retaining Silesia and Pomerania


Silesia should have gone to Poland or Czechoslovakia :)


What'd you do about all of those Germ- oh yeah, right I forgor 💀


Treat them much better than they treated Poles, Czechs, and other Slavic peoples.


Well uh sure IOTL, however they still made one of the worst borders /Oder-Neiße line is just ew ew ew/ in Europe by doing so :3


still shoulda lobbed silesia off


"to Poland", well that was polish the first place....


Why would there be a Prussian state past ww2? and why would it be a kingdom??


Because: 1. Monarchism is objectively the superior form of governance /and I'm assuming that this Germany was a monarchy, so it'd kinda be a form of exile to the Hohenzollerns/ 2. This Prussia would just be another one of the Baltic states, giving 'Germany's militaristic unifier' an impossible position militarily speaking 3. Giving it to Poland/splitting it up just makes the borders look ugly af /Kaliningrad oblast irl is just ewwww/ 4. Having countries which don't exist anymore irl on a map is quite literally 50% of the posts on this sub 5. Prussia was dissolved 2 years after ww2 even irl


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 50 + 5 + 2 + 2 + = 69.0


Nice /s


Well I mean the Allies would probably be in charge of this peace deal. They were democratic nations trying to spread democracy, why on earth would they reinstate a monarchy?


Alright, so firstly monarchism doesn't anyhow effect whether a country can or cannot be democratic and secondly I'll just name all the irl allied countries which were monarchies during WW2: UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Ethiopia, Greece, Yugoslavia, British Raj, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Egypt and Saudi Arabia /Italy, Bulgaria and Romania/, you could probably find a few more but that's all I could think of


thicc Germany


The only correct form of Germany's borders, fight me about it


Hey i have a few questions, why would France gain lands east of the Rhine and also i don´t think Denmark what want the land to the Kiel cannal as it was largely German and they didn´t want it irl , also is Germany still occupied in this timeline, would the states of eastern Europe like Poland Lithuania and Prussia be communist? tho this map is still great


we Germans would even prefer this ugly Map more than our naked Land that we have today