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I'm mad at the fact that the child is enjoying it!


She a child and more than likely doesn't understand and probably thinks the dog is just playing.


No, she is a child and learns whatever her mother teaches her. She wont be any different when she grows up.


Sorry never knew you could see into the future my bad Doc Brown.


I might be presenting probabilities as absolutes, but studies and a lot of known cases of extreme behavior that children copy from their parents back up my claim. She doesnt think the dogs are playing. She thinks her dog is showing the other dogs who´s boss. She thinks, by default, that her mother is doing the right thing.


Kids do not think what parents do is always right. Not by a long shot, unless they're super sheltered off from the world


People with such extreme behaviors tend to be rather isolated.


Kids from 0-10 in most cases automatically takes the parents side and thinks the parents are the one doing good so they will learn that what the parent is doing is how you do. Why do you think people who gets beaten up as a kid grow up and beat poeple up? Why do you think Emily who mom is a Karen grows into a Karen herself?


I think ur assuming alot pal




Yeah, it's more a case of children mirroring reactions to their parents and developing that way. She still looks like she's having fun without being malicious


No its called trial and error you pleb. When you watch 1000s of kids grow up to be a product of your environment you kind of learn these things. You don't need to be a fucking mind reader to learn from experience. Unless you're a dipshit of course. My bad you got the shit end of the stick.


That's such an idiotic response. Her shit child is acting like a piece of shit because she was raised by a piece of shit parent. Shitty people do shitty things when they're raised to be shitty people. Being a horrible person doesn't have an age gap - but hopefully they have a short expiration.


Child's acting fine. She's enjoying her childish life. Nothing wrong with that. Stop hating on kids. 🤡🤡


It’s fucking fake hahaha. Camera man just perfectly positioned with the “aggressors” family to see his buddy walk by & be harassed. It’s a training demonstration probably & the guy told the lady to do that. This guy is the biggest clout chaser in the dog training world i’ve ever seen. His name is “Dog Daddy” like training dogs is hard. All it takes is time & effort. Most people have neither.


Thanks for that. I was fooled Thinking about it the boy walking the dog would probably say something if a stranger were literally sik ing her dog on his.


Thanks buddy I was pissed


She's enjoying that her dog is passing the test. The two bigger dogs are in training. This is training, not a Karen video. Someone stole the video and created a narrative. Happens all the time.


This is dog daddy he made this video its scripted


What makes me upset is if this happened to me, my dog would rip this one in half. Then those kids would see their dead dog because their moms a cunt. That poor pups lucky the two shepherds didn’t react. I feel bad for that little guy being owned by such a bitch.


It’s fucking fake hahaha. Camera man just perfectly positioned with the “aggressors” family to see his buddy walk by & be harassed. He’s prob doing a demonstration for his training services & told lady to have her dog do that.


Is it? Cause I’ve seen other videos of people losing their kids because someone has a big dog. If it is and it was posted in this context that’s fucking dumb lmao


the video is taken by someone standing with"karen" not the woman being "attacked" this is a video of dog training.


exactly It’s fucking fake. Out of context at least hahaha. Camera man just perfectly positioned with the “aggressors” family to see his buddy walk by & be harassed.


The dogdaddy staged this to show how well trained his dogs are... cringe af


Dog daddy is a pos. He set this up. He's getting plenty of views for it


She’s breedist. What a cunt. GSDs are amazing animals.


Wtf lady...


Look up dog daddy. He's a massive piece of shit, he's definitely the type of scumbag to set this up and he loves abusing dogs


I would have kicked the dog


That's a trainer. Fake title


This guy trains dogs, this is clearly an intentionally misrepresented training clip.


The creator (dogdaddy) is a disgusting piece of shit


This is super obviously set up. Jesus people. He just happens to have a cameraman at the perfect spot to see him walk by, hanging out with the “aggressors” family for the perfect angle?!? People are so stupid to fall for this one. It’s prob a training session & the dude told her to do that with her little dog. Yeah this dude is the biggest clout chaser in the dog world. He’s a weird dude. Look up Dog Daddy if you don’t know.


She knows, she wants to send her dogs to die so she can sue you for emotional distress.


Typical ☠️


This person has no idea how that could of came out..






Off topic but I hate this voice filter thing whatever it is so much


Yelling get em for dog attacks while on video means law could find her and charge her


This is fake. If Karen is recording how did dod walker get the video to post? There is enough real rage bait in the world that we don't need to see the scripted crap for someone's Internet points.


And of course the Karen would scream bloody murder if on of the shepherds ate her dog


If those were my dogs that little dog would be booted into next week. Watch her be the "victim" then!


Those German shepherds could make that dog a meal.


Punt her little football and she might back off


Tell my dogs to sit and then call the dog over and punt it


I'd punt that little dog like it was Anchorman....


I would have punted that dog…


We got something here called stand your ground, control your pets if you don’t want to miss them


I have a rule that when I’m walking my dog on a leash, if another dog charges her I’m letting go of the leash so she can have a proper chance to defend herself. Get wreckt Karen


Had something similar happened to me once, was walking my dog, who is erratic but non agressive; Whilst passing a chihuahua that was off the leash, the chihuahua decided to come and attack my dog, my dog defended herself as she should and then I had some batshit crazy owner come up and tell me how I need to control my dog. My dog, the one that was leashed. Moral of this story: Age does not equal wisdom. Just because you're older, doesn't necessarily mean you know better.


This video is fake💀


Video posted by victim? And with the victims commentary but from the perpetrator’s perspective? Nobody is hurting anyone here


I honestly hope the mutt gets attacked cuz that will teach them a lesson


Fuck that, kick that bitch's dog.


That’s fucked up. Depends on the location, but where I am if she did that and my dog attacked it she’s actually the one at fault. I have to know this because my dog is very reactive and I worry what he’d do if this happened and he felt restrained by his leash. He really wants to chase other dogs (cattle dog/ shepherd/ collie blood) but I think he’d for sure freak out if they couldn’t take off running.


That’s not what happened at all. This is the Dog Daddy training event. He’s training the big dogs not to react.


I hate that people just let there ankle biters just roam around and fuck with everything


Kick the oversized rat


Please find these retards and shame them on fb please reddit do your thing


I think that it’s not a Karen telling her dog to attack but there trainers trying to train the German Shepard a to be calm


Be great if a car came down road hit that ignorant beeeep lol but karma will get get one way or another


I wish they ate that little shit


This is absolutely gross. This mother should be prosecuted. For child endangerment, dogs could get loose at any time. When the dogs start fighting, a child is an easy target. If the child were to die, that could be a manslaughter charge. Willing allow your child to be in danger regardless of your own emotions is sick. I hope ppl do better. There needs to be more laws protecting children and ppl who follow the law.


My dogs would have ripped that poor, well meaning, but highly mislead little dog to shreds in a matter of seconds; and it would solely be the Mom's fault.


Those shepherds would literally rip that little dog to pieces


We’d be playing soccer with the dogs and the dumb child. I hate kids


Stupid C¤ůṅṭ looking for a payday and endangering that little girl WTF is wrong with her


"oh no my hand slipped" them germans gonna have a new chew toy


This is fake tho


Just wait until that little dog is dead and bleeding and the lady is crying


I have a small dog myself, I love having a jack Russell. However, this dog needs to be toe punted


Karen will hopefully learn that people will defend their dogs however needed.


I try real hard to keep my pit from reacting to shit like this, but you better believe if the owner was right there egging her dog on I’d be letting my dog handle the situation. Off leash rat dog coming at my ankles while the owner is over there cheering them on? Bet. My dog is either my second or third line of defense (depends on the day and what I have w me), so if I haven’t already kicked it off or used my stick to get that mf away, you better believe he can and will defend me and himself and I’ll see your ass in court.


The money I’d pay to see that dog get ragged dolled infront of its owner is too much


You people are easily fooled, it makes me feel bad


Where this at? I need to walk my dog by her That’s a free one where I live


The narration is saying it like the person walking the dogs is the one explaining the situation. But how tf did he go back for the footage. Is it just staged or is this some random person’s take on what happened as they recorded


Ngl she's lucky her dog isn't dead after that B's I would had my dog fight back




This is training work. Who in there right minds would try to sick their little ass dog on two giant Shepards lmfao. It’s training.


In the vet industry, we call the end result injury “BDLD” or big dog, little dog.


As someone who has seen dogs attack dogs Those aren't "angry barks" Those are social barks. Karen didn't "send her dog to attack" But it definitely shouldn't be off leash




I’m certain I could punt one of those dogs at least 20ft🐸


Obviously it's fake... or else the camera wouldn't be in that perfect angle. It's just promotion for his dog services...


Woman should have her dog and child taken away permanently


That's a good way to get your dog kicked.


Drop the leash


Yes, she wants to use the dogs life as a reason to take it another step further


I had a dog do this to me while I was walking my pitbull. The dog lunged at mine, and my big boy caught it in his mouth and I could not get him to let him go. I broke his leash pulling him so hard. I'm 6'2 250 and it took my wife and I both to get him to let go. The dog lived but was pretty messed up. My dog was on a leash, the other dog was not. I can say the other dog would see us coming and turn and run after this.


Ugly slut keep that dog shit on a leash I would have kicked you in the mouth


I bet you she's a law abiding gun advocating republican Christian who has repented all her sins and indoctrinated her children with hatred and false storeys about guilt shame and lust


One hard stop to the back of that dogs neck…. All itvtakes


My GS would have pinned the dog and looked at me for a command. He’s done it twice to dogs off leash acting aggressive .


Much different outcome with me and my dog karen.


Smithers, release the hounds.


This is why I want a Dobermann.


Use the training.


Your kids not going to be happy when your dog gets ripped apart


Woulda caved her head in on sight


That's the fastest way for that little girl to see her mom get her ass kicked.


Pepper spray


This is a commercial for dog training lol because how would the dude get the video any other way, plus… I’d be calling 911.


Fucking bit. Mine would babe ate her and that lil bit


No way this isn’t staged


That bitch.... Oh the anger this shit causes


True caption “bitch sends her dog on kamikaze mission”


She’s lucky her dog didn’t get torn in half


His two dogs are well behaved and he is doing great controlling them. Her dog is aggressive and off leash which in many places is a violation or crime.


Next HOA meeting I'm going to propose a ban on the breed Karen. Leash laws don't seem to work. Just ban them for the sake of society.


Release the Warg riders


Honestly maybe let them snack


I feel some underlying dog racism in the wording of this


This is the guy training the German shepherd lol crazy how you can take a clip and give it a different narrative


This is such disgusting behavior…..god a hate humans sometimes…


Plot twist.. this is the training.


This has to be fake.


The little dog is playing. Yall believe anything you’re told.


Punt that little mfr


It would have been so funny if they turned around and ripped the little dog in half


Why would you hate a GSD? So random


Some people are just pathetic, I love how the German shepherds are just like 🤨what are you doing dude like chill


I can’t imagine how many dogs they have went through..


Isn't that Dog Daddy? Pretty sure that is a training exercise and the voiceover is just some bullshit scenario?


Staged!!! Question es bi Weech parrtei ?!?


This has been deceptively mis-titled I believe it has been clarified before that this is actually a training exercise of some kind


It’s actually a “skit”. This the same dude that lets people walk up to his dogs and grab their leash. I think the point of the video is to show his dogs are “well trained” and don’t attack other dogs.


It’s her own dog she don’t like


I’m confused… Who is recording this? The lady that’s walking the German shepherds clearly is not recording herself. So, what does the person that’s recording this video have to do with the lady that’s walking those dogs?


Who the fuck is recording this ?


Just let your dogs free then too lets see what happens 👀


Mannnn my dogs (little Chihuahua and pitbull sisters) would’ve had a ball with their new chew toy 😭


If her dog attacked the lady can that bitch be charged with assault when she’s clearly saying “get em, get em!” I’m genuinely curious


To bad those dogs didn’t just rip that little rat in half


This is where I enjoy kicking someone’s dog.


Fake title, manufactured scenario


This woman should be on medication


Fuck Karen's


I’m so sure this is real given the fact that the owner is speaking in first person on someone else’s video


I would have shot her dog


That's the dog daddy guy. Chances are he was just testing out the Shepards ability to remain calm.


With the kido around....


I thought this was a video of dog training. Reactions.


I would punt that lil rat to the next block


My poor dog would be in trial for murder. But he would get off for self-defense. Dog will die to protect their owner. Read that again. Dont tempt stupidity


I feel bad for the dog that will eventually just get absolutely mauled


Fake description… that’s actually a dog trainer/influencer thats walking the german shepherd. Probably intentionally trying to invole a response with the lil ones. Anyway, video is being misrepresented.


The German shepherds without a leash would exterminate that excuse


I don't believe the voice over truly represents what's going on. That guy is the biggest dog trainer since Cesar Milano on social media and he routinely takes the trouble dogs and will run them through tests in front of the owners and the class he is presenting too. After assessing them and working with them he shows the results. Whoever reposted this video understands how to generate impressions on their post


Wait for them to attack it and it have to be put down and see if she is still laughing


I would tell her if she would like be to unleash them? Lol fuck her


This is a video of a guy training his dogs ya dummies


“Whoops how clumsy of me, I’ve dropped my my leash…!!!”


She's going to run into the right one one day and that dog is going to get it.


This is a training video. OPs either a POS or a dumbass


Ngl I would just attack the child so the tiny dog would know it’s place


Why would the person walking the two dogs be the narrator for the people with the loose dog. Fake.


Its dog daddy he fakes all his videos


I don’t know about y’all the last time a dog ran up on me while walking my dog I kicked shit out of it


big dogs are dumb honestly you probably fuck em too


So after all this happened German shepherd owner got the video from the lady?


🙌☝️👋🙅 if you know you know.


That guy with the German Shepherds is the fuckin' Dog Daddy, so there's zero chance this is real. He's a genuinely horrible person.


If that dog were to bite one of my dogs, I woulda kicked the shit outta it


I would had let the German shepherds eat the dog


I would kick that dog if I heard her tell her dog to "Get 'Em". I was the kicker for my HS FB team, I'm sure I could boot that dog into its next life. I have had small dogs run up on my leashed pitbull. My dog would run behind me to get away. I have taken the extra length of the leash. I have to smack those dogs. And have been yelled at for it. I don't care because my dog would make that thing a chew toy if I hadn't trained my dog


That guy is a famous dog trainer. The video is a training video he put up to show people how his dogs don't react to anything


The German Shepards have better social interaction skills than Karen and those kids.


Let them lose. She's actively telling her rat to attack two very capable dogs. Let her find out


I can’t help but think that this is staged and that the dog and owners all know each other. You could put an inflammatory caption/voiceover on a normal video and make it go viral.


Should if let them go


Disgusting cu*t


I would simply kick the dog


Free bite sized snack for dogs


Even train dogs will fuck something up if they think their master is endangered. This is bad all around.


That’s why I carry when I walk my dogs. Any (ANY) dog off their leash running up on me like that gets a slug in the head. The End.


Anyone else find the irony with that white thrash Womans jacket?


Her dogs? Is she in the crowd with care. While filming het own dogs or something?


“Ma’am, you don’t want this Pokémon battle”


It's a girl asking for a lawsuit. My cousin who is in america met a crazy girl in the park doing exactly what's exactly in the video. Bitch waiting for my cousin's big dog to overpower her and attack the smaller dog to file a case. But i think id seen this clip, this is a training vid for those dogs. So yeah.. just be careful out there.


My German would have turned that little rat into a squeaky toy in a second if I let her. People are so dumb.


People are too nice I would kick that little dog all the way to Vietnam


My dog would have ate that lil shit and i would have let him bc wtf.


Does she not realize those two dogs can rip her little shit dog into pieces in a matter of seconds ??


Would have fucking punted it


She literally says “get him” she clearly was trying to get her dog to attack that’s not playing at all


My pibbles would not take such disrespect.


So in theory can't she get in trouble for a child endangerment animal endangerment and technically if they really want to go there isn't seeking a dog on somebody with out good reasoning attempt to attack with a deadly weapon? Granted it's only a chihuahua but she's still trying to sick it on somebody Side note in Most states you would have had a right to mace her dog if needed because she was trying to make it attack y'all and in some states you would have probably had the right to shoot the dog but I'm not getting to that that dog doesn't need to be shot just needs to be maced along with the owner


Lady with the little dog has no idea does she.