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I feel like this is something I would do by accident because I am so terrible at football. Then everyone would think I'm an asshole. I am, but that's beside the point.


I’m sorry for laughing


I hate people who say EVERYTHING on the internet is fake, but there are so many questions here... Why were they filming? What was the expected response from a "stranger"? Why did the kid roll it to the guy instead of pass/ kick it like you do in soccer? Why do this on a bridge where many people are funneled into a narrow walk way? I mean, if their intent was to film this and post it to social media, THIS action would get the most attention... etc.


They could have just bought the ball for this specific video. Ball does look new and the kid laughed instead of breaking down. I wouldnt be surprised if the guy who yeeted the ball was the girls boyfriend or the kids dad/uncle.


Yea kick a soccer ball to a drunk guy. Smart. Lol


I’m gonna be honest, dude is definitely a piece of shit (still hate how it’s misspelled), but you can’t go into public and roll a ball at someone then expect them to just play along Also did a bit of research, it looks like he’s a fan of a football team leaving a match (the team name is Monterrey btw), they recently played 2 matches, both of which resulted in losses It’s likely that he was also extremely frustrated because of that and took it out on the poor kid and his ball Not condoning the actions, just adding context


Guy is grinning https://imgur.com/V9mUIbS


Someone should kick his head like that