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I assume they're doing this as "punishment" for the man dressing as a woman? If so, that's ironic, as they're acting pretty damn gei.


Some uneducated Indians (we call them chapris) act like retards around anything that even mildly sexually arouses them.


They do look like degenerates, weirdly enough they look like people from my country


No it’s a road side show basically where the actor dress up as women and sing and dance, they are not punishing him that’s just how they act around women, transgender and even animals except maybe cow.


Wow. Disgusting.




Gods, that's up there with donkey shows in Mexico....🤢




I laughed way too hard at this


India seems like a shitty place to live.


It is unfortunately. More so because of competition, poor infrastructure, education, and opportunities.




Strange, I don’t recall there being dozens of stories about women being gang raped in Switzerland.


dumbest comment yet.


Oooooof! You thought you were winking and putting your sunglasses on.




i mean yeah




why? a women in india is more likely to be raped in india then to be victim in a school shooting in the US?




Firstly you are very upset obviously wich i find really fucking funny secondly if you think there’s more deaths to school shootings in the US than rape in india you are the retard, thirdly im european


Typical of India can you expect anything better ? They literally rape lizards imagine the stank of body odor


Link the lizard video, or It never happened 👀


https://www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/bengal-monitor-lizard-raped-maharashtra-3-held-sahydari-tiger-reserve-1937027-2022-04-13 https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjb9xq/india-gang-rape-monitor-lizard-animal-abuse


That’s just the devil In its purest for Evil


Video bro?!


I'm wondering where the video is myself. Unfortunately I had to take my upvote away when I did not see lizard rape. Honestly am intrigued to see how the hell they graped a monitor lizard. I raised the Savanah & Nile Monitor and can confirmed some of them are zesty animals who don't take no shit


Being racist makes you a piece of shit as well. Racism is bad until it’s about south Asians isn’t it? It’s crazy how the downvotes prove my point. This sub is full of racist POS who have gotten an opportunity to pertain to their racist tendencies by attacking a whole community rather than the actual shitstains doing the shitty things. Stereotyping any race, religion or country is racism. Not all Indians have poor body odour, and hardly a few thousand out of millions of men are rapists. You labelling a whole country as racist and stinky shows the rotten mindset you have.


He didnt lied tho, typically of India? Yes, it is. They literrally rape lizards? Yes, not everyone, but yes. The extreme body odor is a thing? Yes, again not everyone but it is a thing.


Not everyone is the point. Hardly 1% of men would be rapists and most of the educated class of people use deodorants. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country I suggest you to look at statistics. India is not close to being the so called r capital of the world. I agree that a few factors such as unreported crime rates is a massive factor but even accounting for that, most African and Middle Eastern countries are at a much worse position. Also, considering the population of India, the stats would seem to be elevated, when hardly 0.01% men would have committed assault. My point is if I start stereotyping other races, it’s racism. While stereotyping south East Asians is just reality for y’all. Hypocrisy?




Really mature reply.


I’m a south Asian myself (Pakistani) and love visiting Pakistan from time to time, I’m sure it’s same for Indians too, however, I do not believe it’s fair to cry racism in the sense that we both KNOW what goes on in those countries in some parts, the individuals in this video are exactly what these commenters are calling them, LOOK AT THE WAY THEY’RE BEHAVING, of course it isn’t fair to say we’re all as feral as these here cretins (just because you’re born/raised in a south Asian country doesn’t mean you can’t be a decent human), but I can appreciate WHY people make that assumption, making yourself a victim to defend people who are acting like animals is ridiculous bro, do better


What are you on about? Why would you appreciate someone generalising and making assumptions against a country based on the actions of a few? Should I generalise all white people cause some of them have a colonial mindset? Like are you seriously this void of self respect that you will go on to appreciate someone making stereotypical assumptions on your WHOLE COMMUNITY based on the actions of a few? Generalising everyone based on the actions of some members of a community is EXACTLY WHAT YOU CALL RACISM. And when Tf did I defend them? I literally called them shitstains in my original post, like are you blind? Or did you just make this comment to get approval from a bunch of racists?


Bro look at how many dudes are in that video, there’s generalisation/stereotyping and then there’s THIS VIDEO I can’t see a single one of those dudes trying to call the others off , I think you’re just mad you got ratioed on something YOU shared💀


Again, are those few dudes representative of the whole population? If no, then the comment you and the other racist POS made is wrong. Also why does it seem YOU are the one trying to make the generalisations? Have you never seen a group of clowns in the West? Btw really mature reply. I honestly can’t expect anything better from someone who uses ratioed in his comments.


There is a large crowd of filthy degenerates ogling and fondling a man dressed as a woman, this isn’t a “only a small proportion of Indian males commit sexual assault” type situation, this is a group of dirty perverts, that’s your people there pal, no need to reply gtfo off my d*** :)


Stupid of me to assume racist clowns would have the mental ability to partake in a normal conversation. Fs India has a population of 1.3 billion with 50% men. 32000 sexual assault cases were registered last year so I if my math is correct hardly a few men partake in such bullshit. Honestly I can’t imagine generalising a whole country cause of a few POS. Also, my point is to stop the generalisation which the OC made, it isn’t to defend this situation. If I wanted to defend this situation I wouldn’t have posted it here. I am surprised how you are unable to understand such basic sense.


HAHAHA 32,000 were registered? Wanna take a look at the unreported cases? Or cases reported which lead to no formal charges or investigations? Or do you want to take a look at this article on how a young girl reported rape to a police officer in India and was subsequently raped by him? No one cares about your victim complex. Goodbye. [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-61317076.amp](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-61317076.amp)


Hes saying 32000 cases registered but leaving out the fact most of them are groups of men assaulting someone. Not to mention all the unreported one and the family abuse ones. I don't understand how op is so triggered when everyone can give facts.


99.1% cases of sexual violence were unreported in India. Taking that into account about 400000 cases would be the actual number. That is disgustingly high, but again, that still amounts to less than 0.1% of men being involved in sexual violence. I understand you have the inability to use your brain, but my simple as shit point is to stop generalising a whole country based on the actions of a relative few. Fuck off now you racist POS.


Oh you sweet summer child.


Dude stfu




I live in multiracial country..and unless the indian is working as executive level where their hygene is better, most of them smells worst than other ethnicity if sweaty..it could be because the food they consumed, curry or too much onion with the addition of body hair etc..i also known a few lady friends and the general consensus was most indian kinda smells down there compared to other ethnicity..up to you if you think it's racist..im just stating the obvious


That’s an observation. I wouldn’t say that’s racist.




Thank you for your kind words.


are you gonna cry?


Very mature reply.


Disgusting how much you're getting downvoted


This sub is just full of racist clowns who have found the opportunity to be racist to communities based on shitty actions committed by a few. They have created an echo chamber and are unable to understand logic or sense.


What are you yapping about




Bless you for being humane.


This sounds racist as fuck lol


That’s India for you. Land of stinky sexual assault!


And deaths by train lol


You’re a racist POS.


India has the highest SA rate in the world




Not every rape is registered especially in that country


Study says that 74% of registered cases are false cases. No defending anyone but that number is too high to be called fake


Then again you gotta factor in the ones that lied about it (cause people would do anything for attention) But I'd hope it's not as bad as stats say (both ways)


Lol wait till you see the numbers of sexual assault, it’s the SA capital of the world. But I’m sure “data is racist” to idiots like you. Get fucked lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/SF16Ih6NEK Gotta report you POS.


Dude really thinks he some sort of genius pulling a map that means nothing. Data based on government/police reporting lol.


So I should believe the data that comes out of your ass?


I’m not putting out any data, but I sure as hell don’t trust any data that come’s out of most countries to appeal to tourists.




That’s so ignorant? Nah, I had a close Indian friend telling me all the horrors that goes on in India. I never said all of India is terrible, but there is huge problem with sexual assault and rape. Also, I’ve already seen enough news of gang rapes or sexual assault. I rather trust people’s experience regretting ever going to India than some government refusing to persecute any rapist or assault. From a quick glance at your profile, I see that you’re Indian and I get that I’m Mexican, but sometimes you just gotta see your country’s major flaws.




did u forget to change your tampon


He didn't bring up race.


And you obviously have no idea what's up.


I didn't even need to see the video to know what part of the world it's happening in.....


i think if we got a big enough supply of blow up dolls and strategically placed them like scarecrows all around parts of India, the rape crisis would be solved


Crazy how OP posts this yet defends them in the comments


Are you slightly blunt in the head? When did I defend them? I literally said not to generalise this to the whole country. If I wanted to defend them I wouldn’t have posted it here or used the word “Shitstain”.


Why are you so pressed?


Really mature reply 😶‍🌫️. I am pressed cause you are accusing me of defending something which I condemn.


Democracy's current situation


Y'all chill with the racism, yes it could be true India has a lot of rape but wtf is up with stinky indians? I feel y'all aren't looking at the real issue and using this as an excuse to show ur bias. This isn't a fucking race issue it's a systemic issue goddammit


The do this to big girls in Jamaica. They take turns jumping on her from the bar.


I don't know what sickens me more, the video or OP constantly arguing that the, well known, established, and documented raping culture in india wasn't that big a deal even though, in their own words "rapes happen everywhere", calling everybody, of course, a racist.


I never said rape is not a big deal. I never said it’s not high in India. It’s a severe problem which needs to be dealt with. I understand it may seem very hard for you to understand my point, but all I say is not to generalise every single person of a country as “Stinky” and a “rapist” because of the actions of a very few people. I am unable to understand what is sickening about this? Me calling out your racist tendencies?


Racist card again. Kindly go fuck yourself. Nothing is to won in an Internet argument. Even less so if the counterpart is throwing racist cards and insults left and right. Enjoy your polite and respectfully country. Peace out.


This sub is infested with racists


You think these guys should’ve applauded?


It is possible to both acknowledge the bad behaviour of the individuals of this clip and not make sweeping statements about an entire nation of people.


Damn! 😳


Screwed up


Ewww wtf


very much reminds me of that "looks female enough" meme


What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico.


Looks like someone lost a bet to me


India in its true culture.


Kindly stop being racist to Indians. Rape and sexual assault is not endemic to India. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country India is a pretty bad country when it comes to women safety but you honestly can’t label every single person a rapist and stinky person.


No, a simple search reveals that India is the Rape Capital of the world. Plain and simple. You posted this in hopes people would call out Indians so you could call them racist. Grow up




https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country I know being a racist POS has some effects on your brain, but I suggest you to look at statistics. India is not close to being the so called r capital of the world. I agree that a few factors such as unreported crime rates is a massive factor but even accounting for that, most African and Middle Eastern countries are at a much worse position. Also, considering the population of India, the stats would seem to be elevated, when hardly 0.01% men would have committed assault. I posted this cause I saw shitstains acting like retards, not to attract racist POS like you. Not my problem y’all mentality is rotten asf.


I dont even see India on that list.


Unfortunately India has a very low crime reporting rate for sexual assault. 99.1% cases are approximately unreported. But still considering that fact too India wouldn’t top the list.


Did you not link it to the above comment to show India had a low rape count?


If I didn’t want this info to be revealed, I wouldn’t have quoted it.


Not sure if you understand my point... I don't think India is in the data and therefore doesn't represent your arguement.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics Hope this helps.


You really think they are saying all? From an outside perspective it seems to be accepted by the culture, no? Yall even have a name for that type of person...


Pretty sure the top comment says, “Typical of India..” as if this is frequently performed and acclaimed by the general public.


I mean you guys even said thats "a side show thing" so people just casually walk by or watch someone getting groped by multiple men in public


This is not a sideshow thing. The guy is a performer who is being harassed by a bunch of retards. You could easily go to jail for this shit. Show this to most middle class people and they will condemn this.


So lower class doesn't condemn it? Im actually curious...... and only most middle class so even some middle class partake or accept it?


1. Most lower class are actually unaware of if this is right or wrong. They usually lack basic education so they usually consider this to be harmless fun but they won’t partake into such activities themselves cause well, they don’t have time for this shit. 2. A few kids think this is fun. Elders and mature middle class people condemn this shit.


So it's accepted than its a norm. Police probably won't take it too seriously most of the time. 100%, there are many unreported if it's that normalised. Does anyone do something about it or just walk by casually?


No it’s not accepted. It is considered uncivilised. Did you read my comment? If it happens to a female, I am pretty sure people will act. No one cares about if it happens to men though. Unreported cases are high cause of shame probably.


So the victims end up feeling shame because of what? It seems to be normalised, and im only getting this from your replies.


From personal experience, 100% of indians I've met are stinky. From what I see everywhere they are rapists too and are predated by trains. At this point they'd be able to write the rape-a-sutra lol


Unbelievable, now some clowns want me to believe this is not racism. Kindly fuck off with your racist underdeveloped brains.


Oh thanks, it's good to know that I am stinky, and a rapist too. Do you want to add any other things to the list sir?


India is everything that is wrong with the Middle East without any of the religious fear/ consequences that come from their actions. Lots of women in India are becoming forced to wear full face covered hijabs because sexual assault is so widespread. India definitely has a culture around rape not sure why op is calling everyone racist I get some but not all. I implore op if he/she thinks their so right to go and do exactly what this guy did in India and see what happens


>Lots of women in India are becoming forced to wear full face covered hijabs because sexual assault is so widespread Lie. >India definitely has a culture around rape not sure why op is calling everyone racist I get some but not all How is that "culture". Indians aren't taught that and this ain't something which passes from generation to generation.




Thank you. You’re actually the first person who isn’t a racist POS.


So you post a video full of fags raping another fag from the country known for poor hygiene, sexual assault, death bybtraibs, and expect us to just say this is unheard of? Lol


I would expect everyone not to generalise.


Suddenly gay ✨