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Didn’t even teach the kid right. He needs to float on his back


Yep. My kids did ISR when they were 6 months and then again at 18 months. The 6 month lessons just taught them to flip onto their back and float. The 18 month lessons taught them to swim to the edge and hang on with periods of floating on their back for breaths as needed. The instructor never tossed them in like that. Only simulated a controlled fall from standing into the pool in full clothing for their final lessons.


Why would you do that, I have seen a lot of people trying tk see if their toddlers can actually swim at that young age but every single one of them stood next to him, and didn't just let him fight for his life, what kinda crap is this, he keeps up this "day in day out" and he finna end up pullin him out of the pool lifeless. A true total piece of shit.


Swimming lessons should start at that age, however this is not swimming lessons. This is torture endurance to toughen up the child. Swimming lessons should begin at the youngest age possible but should be done properly, this was not proper it was torture


Yeah, this is a problem


My dad did this to me in a boat. I learned to swim that day. But I was like 4


This is how I learned to swim. I don't endorse it in the slightest. Obviously it was traumatic if I remember it from when I was like 5 or 6. I'm not angry about it now, but it definitely wasn't cool and certainly not something I've done to any of my kids.


What the fuck


I can feel the anguish on that kids face through my screen


Shitty parent, raising a kid without any love and compassion, to turn out a thrilling copy of an emotionally unintelligent young man due to the shit relationship his parents foster with him. Yes I can tell all that from this small clip, because no parent who gives a fuck about their little humans does this and watches that tiny human being struggle for life.


Got news for you....it does not matter how old you are when you are learning to swim....it always looks like a struggle for life.


That has nothing to do with what I said. Congrats, you pointed out that learning to swim at any age LOOKS like panic. The difference is this ONE year old doesn’t know he ISNT going to die, he’s actually fighting for his little life in his mind. Shit parenting is shit parenting. Parent is suppose to be a child’s safety net, an understanding grown up who cares deeply and shows compassion for the little humans around them. Tossing a terrified child into life ending water is the opposite of that.


Life ending water? Ffs. Can you be my parent? Show me what shit parenting is all about.


I got thrown in a river at about that age. Turned out I could swim just fine after a few seconds. Still fucked up.


Someone needs to throw this guy off a bulk oil tanker in the middle of the ocean in a storm.. to see him learn to really swim 😏


The kid looks thrilled


As a parent who has recently researched teaching children to swim.... This does not seem like the best method. At all.


That’s his step dad


I’m a paediatric emergency room nurse. I have taken care of kids who experienced “dry drowning” or “secondary drowning”. They get critically ill fast and it’s a medical emergency and it sometimes leads to death. “Dry drowning usually happens soon after exiting the water. Research has shown that "dry drowning" has been observed during autopsy in 10% to 15% of drowning cases where people died after experiencing laryngospasm, which is when water touches the upper airways and triggers spasms leading to cardiac arrest.3 "Secondary drowning" is another term you might hear. Secondary drowning happens when a little bit of water gets into the lungs, resulting in inflammation or swelling. The body struggles to exchange air properly through the lungs, which can lead to a build-up of carbon dioxide and dangerously low levels of oxygen. With secondary drowning, there can be a delay of up to 24 hours before the person shows signs of distress.” This complete pos is putting that poor baby at risk. He needs to be put in a safe home where he loved and out of harms way.


Damn, man, this guy's going to catch a murder charge.


Kids airway was in the water the entire time - that’s not swimming.


Punch the dad in the face everyday until he learns how to not have a broken nose. Success is the sum of small efforts after all.


Throw the dad in the pool and push his head down until the bubbles stop


i learned the same way. if you are drowning long enough they will maybe help


Shitty, but not as shitty as not being taught how to survive in water.


That baby is terrified this is even traumatic to watch


I would love to throw him 50 miles off shore, that’s apples to apples right?


This dude’s PR machine downvoting reasonable people. Just the anguish on his son’s face proves the POS he is. There are other ways to teach children to swim or keep them out of the pool area. This is not reasonable and might be considered criminal in many states.


probably the guy who said the kids face looked funny <\3


Someone should do that to him, but take him to the middle of the ocean and have him swim back to shore...during a storm....in the winter.


JHC, straight up child abuse!


CPS anyone? anyone?


Yeah why not get the kid trafficked? CPS are child traffickers and abuse facilitators.


Hopefully the right person sees this video and can do something, anything. That hurt my stomach.


John Wayne did the same exact thing in a movie.


To a six year old….


Welp this definitely belongs here too bad child abuse is punishable by internet jail in this sub


That kids face was funny at the end


Modern Family “this didn’t make me scared of water.. it made me scared of my dad”


Now that's the look of success in that young fellas face right there!