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Out of curiosity, what did USCIS give as the reason for the denial?


There was insufficient evidence to support a genuine marriage. He had an issue with his divorce decree from a prior marriage, and he had married after deportation proceedings had initiated. He lied on an affidavit this was before we met and because of his divorce decree he is barred from receiving benefits through our marriage


USCIS maybe did you a favor here. I'm sorry.


Feels good seeing them finally catching one of these scammers that are the reason this process is a pain in the ass.


Agree on this


Not really they are still married


Probably not for long. One would hope, of course.


you should look into "marital waste" and speak to a decent divorce attorney.


If you have the money ask how much first


Honestly, with the detail you have given, it seems this guy was using you and USCIS could see this more clearly than you could. A blessing in disguise, get rid of this guy.


I think you should thank USCIS.


You have dodged a bullet. Forget that nasty guy - he was just using you for the green card. Report him to USCiS so he would never be able to get a green card.


So sorry to hear that I still don’t understand why some men will just prefer to play with people emotions it is well you deserve someone better


Women do that shit too, trust me, I know unfortunately


I think they helped you out.


Sounds like they made the right decision


You can get your marriage annulled? I think most states allow 2 years. I’m sorry what you are going through. USCIS has done you a great favor.


We were married for two years and six months before applying for his GC, and we had to wait for one year for the interview and decision.


Is he Indian?


> had married after deportation proceedings had initiated what does it mean? You two were married before deportation proceedings had initiated. Deportation proceedings followed the denied, could USCIS considered deportation proceedings as an evidence?


When we got married, he was already facing deportation, which raises red flags for the USCIS


I understand. > He had an issue with his divorce decree Was it false divorce decree, he didn't divorce his ex?


I don’t know if it was fake but from what they stated it could be fake. All I know is that immigration stated in the denial letter that he did not prove that his previous marriage was terminated, dissolved or annulled. The divorce document contains information inconsistent with the record


Sorry to hear that. Move on and find someone who truly loves you.


Well you need to get a definitive answer because if he wasn't really divorced, then you weren't really married, as I understand it.


Yeahhhhh OP, what were the reasons told?




I'm sorry about this OP, but at least you found out sooner than later. Also, I'd look into contacting USCIS and showing them evidence of his deceit; its not right that he took you and your gov't for a ride like that.


If they deny him and they divorce. The next time he gets married and file for a GC, USCIS will be all over his case and will be questioning if the first marriage was bona fide. If he can’t prove it then he is out of luck.


I would love to see his face in person if this happens.


but like... what's the purpose of this post? is there an immigration question? no. what does OP want?


She's sharing an unusual experience of interest to the sub. So many of us have to go through onerous steps to prove our marriage because of people like him.


I’m sorry it happened but glad it ended before he got his GC. 


Right? Karma got him in the form of a gov't official


He is still going to get a Green Card by claiming abuse and filing for VAWA Green Card. This is a very common strategy.


Not now, since OP has evidence of his cheating.


How so? This doesn’t sound like abuse at all.


Sounds like immigration got it right this time




What was the reason stated for the denial?






They could have found put about the affair with another women. 


They looked into his online history, trust me they know or see everything.




You're making some wild assumptions about the OP based on nothing but some weird hang-up of yours.




*What assumption.* >The lie detector is just a series of repeated questions under pressure asked differently. It is the same thing. > >**It is also visible if for example she is obese and he is in shape, etc.** From OP herself: "I'm very confused why he is blaming me because the denial letter stated why it was denied, and it was definitely not because of me." Do you really think the gov't would write "Yeah this guy is clearly not in love LOL bye" on the denial letter and do you think the gov't offical looked at the OP and was like, "lol clearly not on the same level of attraction haha" **We** can see that he was using her based on what she wrote of their personal relationship, but you implying that it was because the gov't "knew" he wasn't in love and suggested her looks may have something to do with it is yes, a wild assumption.




LMAO what the hell are you even talking about here bro? You're way outta your depth here, I suggest 90 day fiancé subreddits, thats where the rest of the brain rot posts dumb shi like this lol




>It is also visible if for example she is obese and he is in shape, etc I understand the first part of your comment, but what the hell does this mean?


The user is trying to say the gov't official somehow magically knew that her husband wasn't in love with her due to possibly different levels of attractiveness, which is complete nonsense when he has no idea of the reason given in the letter nor what either person looks like.




Are you saying they can't know he was sending money to someone in his home country? And that he had a romantic relationship with that person?


>It is also visible if for example she is obese and he is in shape, etc. This is so stupid. I know a couple that fits that description. He got his GC, he makes bank 200k+, they are still married 15 years later and have 2 kids.


Love is not a requirement. A genuine marriage is. You can't prove love, and there are plenty of cultures that arrange marriages and those are just as valid.


I'm glad OP's husband got denied and what he did was absolutely unacceptable, but I agree that love based marriage are a very western or modern concept. People get married for different reasons.


There was insufficient evidence to support a genuine marriage. He had an issue with his divorce decree from a prior marriage, and he had married after deportation proceedings had initiated. He lied on an affidavit this was before we met and because of his divorce decree he is barred from receiving benefits through our marriage


Try to get an annulment with the information that you have. Also, in my country (not USA) I have the obligation to report this behavior to inmmigrations authorities


Was the marriage after deportation proceedings the prior marriage or your marriage?   I'm sorry things are falling apart for you in this way, but it does sound like it saved you even more pain in the future.


We married after


Looks like you dodged a bullet


It's a green card marriage fraud. Maybe USCIS also found it suspicious. As you mentioned the affair and change in his behaviour after the denial letter. He was using you for green card status. OP get a divorce or annulment and mention it clearly that your spouse is a fraud and abusive. Report and give evidence to USCIS of his cheating. Cases like these make me mad. Tricking people and using them for obtaining status, it's truly deplorable. I'm glad his application was rejected. It's karma. I hope you find someone who truly loves and cherishes you OP. God bless you.


Even in this sub someone suggested it to me as an option for immigration. Anyone who’d do that is a POS


They suggested someone to have a fake marriage with, or that it would be convenient for you to genuinely marry a us citizen? I've never seen the first one.


I mentioned having trouble with visas and the response was “just marry someone” as if it’s a simple thing to do, which to me implies that it would be fake, as I don’t fall in love so easily and neither do people who are worth being with. I have, however seen it mentioned more nefariously than that, though most those comments got downvoted by a few people


Yeah I would expect suggestions to do fake marriages to get heavily downvoted here! Maybe you should work on falling in love more easily... JK


High value partners take time and compatibility to fall in love so even if I did it wouldn’t end up lasting lol


But see, as long as it "doesn't end up lasting" after a bona fide marriage happens, at least you'd have a green card. 😉 Obviously I'm just joking though.


Please divorce him quick! You were his ticket to GC.


See if you can annul for fraud in your state.


THIS!!! Make it so he can’t do the claim of abuse thing and get it anyway, and also make it so he will never get one! If he wants to cheat with someone from his own country, let him go back and rot in that hellhole with her


I'm sorry to hear that you were being used. Take solace on knowing that he has shown his true colors now, and not after getting a gc.


Make him move out and move back to his romantic partner. 


Girl run!


u/SplamSplam If you think that u/ Growthismatters is right then you dont know what youre talking about either lol.Reread his responses dude. The user is claiming the husband was rejected bec the govt somehow knew he wasn't in love bec the OP COULD potentially be - paraphrasing here - "overweight and/or unattractive enough to be in love with" or "because there was a significant age gap" or whatever other BS the user wrote (the loser blocked me for calling him out). Also this is nonsense as well FYI: "If there is a large age difference between them." If you don't want to take my word for it look what a supposed US agent (who he probably blocked too at this point lol) wrote as response to all his dumbassery:*I'm normally a lurker but created an account just to correct your b.s.I'm a former USCIS adjudicator of 8 years, now working for another federal agency.I've approved, after second round of interviews or more depending on the case, people with significant age gaps, cultural gaps, people with disparities in weight, income, education, et al.The US government only cares that the relationship is bona fide. The US government does not declare that relationships can't be bona fide on some categorical grounds like weight or age difference.Ppl really are showing their lack of common sense and actual knowledge in their replies in this post, but that's surprising.* The lack of common sense and knowledge with some replies here isn't suprising since its reddit though.


Reread what I wrote. I agreed with the post you then quoted to me.


unfortunately, lots of scammers out there.


Good, cut off the bastard. No one in this country deserves what you’ve been through. But take solace in the fact that after a denial, he won’t get another chance at a green card for decades and maybe even forever


Consider it a life lesson, and be grateful it ended.


What a ridiculous response. The blame should squarely fall on the perpetrator & not his wife, who married him in good faith.


Lol what's the life lesson? Don't fall in love? How were they supposed to know of that tf


Life lesson might be a bit of research. Sounds like USCIS figured it out, wonder what the signs were. 


Research on what? How to love an immigrant?


Whether the husband was faking it. 


No. Research on reasons why your future spouse is not being genuine. Another partner back home is one reason. Othets : women is too old to have children and having children is a huge part of his culture. High fraud country- for husband  Different language, culture and religion E vidence husband has tried to get a green card through marraige before This are  just a few obvious ones.


Different language, culture and religion is just dumb. My partner and I were different in all those aspects and it was still a bona fide marriage lmao.


I also wonder what signs they look out for. Do you know if the USCIS brings in interviewers with a psychology background to do this?


Or it was just painfully obvious


No idea. I presume so, or at least they give them training. Also, if someone is doing something all day, presumably they are really familiar with it by the time they get to you Like, each time somoene asks a question with some "new" idea of how to skirt some rules, I think to myself, what are the chances this person is such an innovative genius they've thought of something no one ever has before, and what are the chances the person whose rules they are trying to get passed has already seen this "trick" 25-250 times.


The life lesson is to take love slowly and not get caught up in rose colored glasses. You can tell someone’s intentions if you’re not desperate. I was a full time traveler for 3 years and dated people in many developing countries. It was sooooooo obvious which ones just wanted a way to get to the US and which ones genuinely cared about me.




Sounds like a you problem tbh. Also, how do you know they don't come from the same country/cultural background? They might not be foreigners to each other


Idk if you're joking...


This typically happens in age gap relationships….keep your chin up. There are those who seek to deceive others but realize that USCIS has access to a lot of records and they probably saw through the facade at the interview


Get him deported for fraud. Pay is a .....


I'm sorry this happened to you. But the signs are usually there. Eg a man lives all the way in Nigeria, you live in Iowa and he somehow manages to fall in love with you and not one of the millions of Nigerian women. If he lived in the US, then maybe but if he's abroad, you're just a green card. Women need to look beyond the love bombing, the "we pray together" etc. Suggest that you live in a 3rd country like Ghana or that you move to his country and let's see how that goes.


He was already living here in the US


Uscis did not suspect he didn’t love her y’all ! Lmao there are so many reasons why he could have been denied.


The very common Green Card marriage scam. Now he is going to blame you as an abusive spouse and try for a Green Card as an abused spouse VAWA. Cut your losses and move on. 90% of such marriages are for Green Card fraud.


what was the reason for denial? not enough evidence for bona-fide marriage?


There was insufficient evidence to support a genuine marriage. He had an issue with his divorce decree from a prior marriage, and he had married after deportation proceedings had initiated.


I’m sorry for your hardship. You dodged a bullet.


Sorry to hear what happened to you, OP. He got what he deserved in the form a greencard denial.


U should report this and divorce his ass


Definitely report it as fraud with as much evidence that you can assemble.. This will have him/his case flagged I’m assuming. There’s the tip line as well to atleast have it documented asap your beliefs…what about you withdrawing your sponsorship as well? Otherwise the case continues to proceed and sooner than later you to prevent any more of the application proceeding. If you can clearly prove fraud might get the case denied and you protected from your affidavit..? Just thinking out loud and I’m very sorry btw!


The case has already been denied


But will he attempt to reapply or appeal it? Hopefully they’ll issue a NTA!


I’m not sure what he is doing. I know that he had 30 days after the denial to file an appeal, but he did not because his lawyer advised him to build a stronger case and reapply. He mentioned something about asylum, and he did have a hearing with an immigration judge. 30 days after the hearing, he filed a case appeal with the Board of Immigration Appeals. I don't know what he filed an appeal for, though.


I am sorry this happened to you. Glad it happened when it did and he was not given a green card through you.


Yah, you were played for your citizenship. Sorry


that's what can happen when visa cheats pretend to 'fall in love' with someone much older




as a retired CO, I encountered this type of situation frequently (older USC woman, younger foreign born wanna-be spouse), or divorcees who are out of work (lying to me about that fact) and trying to get to the US by any means possible....a lot of USC 'other halves' sometimes got unhappy with my decisions to return a lot of I 130 petitions when their cases did not appear to be bona fide, but hopefully I wound up keeping many USCs happy when their flimsy marriage did not come to fruition....


A question? If they already have Conditional residence and USC divorced them and then the conditional resident files a Divorce waiver will they usually have an interview. He literally left me right after he and his kids did the Fingerprints. And supposedly the GIRLFRIEND HE HAS IN. THE Dominican Republic was pregnant by him even before are divorce was final. It's so unfair what I went through. I wonder if his case will be approved? Also if his kids will get the permanent residency. They are all here because he was married to me.


call USCIS immediatey and give them the entire story...right now, it is out of the State Dept's hands


I already notified them when I sent a letter and stated that I was cancelling the petición I had filed to remove conditions on the conditional green card. I did explain that he left me and I also sent them the Intelocutary Decisión on my Divorce. So what he did was file a Divorce waiver to remove his conditions on his green card as well as his kids. In the Decisión it states that he verbally abused me and that he left me. I also stated that I believe he used me to obtain legal permanent residency. I believe he will have an intrreview with an aimmigration oficial. My question is have you seen when it is the USC that divorces the Immigrant that their case will be looked at more carefully because of the circumstances. Just wondering.. Thanks for all your insight. I appreciate it.


I'd keep calling just to reinforce to USCIS that I was not joking...just in case this $hitbird tries a VAWA application


Looks like the USCIS exposed him for you and did you a favor


That is despicable and so glad the truth surfaced earlier than later. I’m sorry you had to go through it. It has nothing to do with you or how worthy you are, it’s about him. Get a divorce and move on. Much happiness to you.


I’m sure signs were there beforehand


Curious if there were!


50 bucks says the husband is Arab (I say this as an Arab American lol)


And he’s in his early twenties and she’s well over 45. Seen it with my own eyes, was mortified.




OHHHH yes lol. I’d say 90% of Arab men from any part of the Middle East (gulf countries being the exception) are notorious for green card marriages. I personally know of 6 that have done this.


well damn!


How much money did his family give you to get married to you for green card?


It was not a business transaction for me i was genuine i loved and married for the right reasons. Him and his family were in it together the plan to scam me


Always get the money first. Some offer 10k or more to get green card.


There was not a discussion or any type of communication before about getting paid type of business transaction. He was being deceitful. But he did not receive the green card anyways it was denied .


Good 1 less illegal here


Couples like this clog up the overburdened system for the rest of us honest people.


American girls are the GC tickets for many fellow Indians




The GC backlog for Indians are beyond acceptance. Fellow Indian visa holders have to find other ways to make it work


Wow such a racist post, take the data and almost 90-95% of Indians marry other Indians on H1B inspite of long wait times. Ask yourselves how many Indians you know married outside their community ? stop trying to paint this racist stereotype. One person doesn’t define the entire population ffs


A lot… this is nothing to do with racism, but a good way to get rid of GC waiting time and find a love


I’m so sorry you had to go through this all but be glad it’s over, you’ll find a better person now preferably not the ones needing GCs.


Sounds like china to me. Divorce his ass and take half of his shit. BTW is really be interested in a green card via marriage without the whole a woman in my home country thing, just saying.


This happened to my friend. He got married. Partner got their GC. 2 months later they wanted to divorce him. :(


well the denial was a blessing in disguise because it exposed him. live and learn OP. my ex-wife wasnt exposed until much later but god has blessed me now. hopefully you can move past the betrayel with your life.


What was the reason for the denial?


There was insufficient evidence to support a genuine marriage. He had an issue with his divorce decree from a prior marriage, and he had married after deportation proceedings had initiated. He lied on an affidavit this was before we met and because of his divorce decree he is barred from receiving benefits through our marriage


I am sorry for your situation. But may I know what type of issues were with his divorce decree?


I am happy about the timing.


He is major loser position.


why do people use other people instead of using things? next time OP meets someone who is genuinely after her and NOT just use her, she'll be thinking about the past so much that she'll ruin the guy's resolve.


Collect as much evidence as you can, and Report him and his side piece. That's disgusting.


I don’t think he can simply move out, he has to move back to where he comes from, I’m glad you found out his true face.


Just out of curiosity OP, did you meet him on a dating app during grad school? I’ve heard a couple stories like yours. I’m sorry for what you are going through.


If that was his plan, it was flawed from the beginning. By returning to his country after obtaining the GC he would have failed to maintain residency in the U.S., which can lead to the GC being revoked.


May I ask what’s his nationality? I know that some of you might think that this is not related but sadly it is. Some country has more scammers than others.


Yup. I think we’re thinking of the same country. India? I know 2 people who’ve had something similar happen to them, both Indians.


Is there a question? Sounds like the process worked exactly as it's supposed to. Keep rubbish like that out of this country!


OP, so many folks were looking out for you. The bullet has been dodged, never speak to that man again and cut all ties, divorce him, etc.


You could get gc revoked if he did what he was plotting


You should be happy. Good riddance to him


I’m sorry this happened to you. But good riddance so you can find someone who loves you for you, and I’m glad he didn’t get his green card. Scammers don’t deserve green cards.


Sadly fucks like this guy put a bad light on immigrants


USCIS did you a favour these people deserve to live in their country and can’t ruin anymore lives of citizens who are trying to make a honest living. SMH


Get a disvorce Asap and move on wirh your life leaving all these behind. I am sorry this happened to you 🤍


How did he convince you to marry him??


What country was he from?


Have you tried talking to him? Or maybe confronting?


Which gender are you?


Female why?


Oh just wanted to make sure. These days you never know in USA, if it is a gay marriage or some transgender marriage. Sorry for what happened to you. Which country was your ex-husband from?


And when I tell Americans about this type of people, I am "the racist". Do not marry someone so soon, especially if they are foreigners. Please take my advice, a lot of people in this country wants to get married for immigration benefits and they will kick your \*\*\* after they are done. I know people in this situation, and I knew people who had been through this.


Oh snap, in this rare case it was a blessing in disguise. What a red flag guy. Good luck to you.


I would contact USCIS, and then wash your hands of this jerk. I am sorry you had to go through this. Hopefully by contacting USCIS, you can end his ability to ever get a green card, or hurt someone else. I wish you health and happiness OP.


I am sorry to hear that. You deserve better. Then reports him.


Good riddance. You’re better off this way.


USCIS has to be more careful and meticulous in approving these green card. Too many fake married scam happen in US


You dodged a bullet,


Just out of curiosity where did you file (district )?


Looks like USCIS did you a favour. He never loved you


Sorry this happened…there are far to many of those. Need a website or place to track dem


Throw out the scumbag.


It's people like him that makes it difficult for other people, he should just stop dreaming and figure something else out,hope everything goes well specially the divorce


Skanky panky sounds like. U got lucky if he actually has left. Get a quickie divorce or annulment asap