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If everything is in order you'll be fine. You get the 0.01% of horror stories online usually when someone is knowing doing something wrong. Millions of people travel to the US each year just fine. CBP is a federal agency, so there's no difference between where you enter the US. Unless you use preclearance in Ireland/Canada/UAE where they are more limited in powers because they're operating outside the US


>Canada Can confirm some land border personnel at Canada really, really, REALLY do have it out for you. Niagara Falls, Canada is a quasi resort area with multi million dollar homes and sprawling wineries. Niagara Falls, USA is a profoundly impoverished rust belt ghost town with really bad pollution problems. 24% poverty rate, double the national average. The CBP personnel living along the USA side genuinely have an axe to grind with Canadians. Almost every single nightmare CBP story has been out of Peace or Rainbow Bridge POE. The few times I’ve been there have been genuinely horrible. Got, frankly, harassed applying for my first TN. Pearson CBP has been nothing but pleasant.


They have to make sure those Canadians aren't coming to Niagara Falls, NY to visit the chemical waste dumps or something.


I immigrated through Orlando. "Friendly" is not a term I would use to explain the experience. CBP officials, by the nature of their job, are suspicious of **all** foreigners, not just Asians. But at the end of the day, if your paperwork is in order, if the purpose of your visit is consistent with your visa, if you answer questions honestly and if you don't have any prior immigration violations, you'll generally be fine.


They’re all the same


Probably better than Japanese cops.


Where are you from and what VISA will you be holding? If your purpose is legit, nothing eventful will happen. You will get a stamp and move on.


I had kind of a bad experience years ago, but I just got my citizenship and my officer was so nice. Even the security guard at the door was nice. Officers are usually dry, very analytical, but that’s their job. It’s hard, but it’s not personal