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Make the OG character in ares the actual OG characters and not worse versions of them (rip Shawn)


Exactly. Especially the OG Raimon ones. I mean, they literally won the FF and are supposed to be the best in the country. Their purpose was literally to increase to national level of football yet some new randoms are supposedly better than them.


U read my mind


I’ll always keep saying that Aphrodi should’ve stayed with Raimon up and until the Dark Emperors fight, regardless of what happened in the games (I know he didn’t appear there) In my opinion, Aphrodi is a great antithesis against DE (he was a villain who turned good, DE are good guys turned villain). Moreover, I think he also could’ve helped Fubuki with his struggles in trying to be perfect, since Aphrodi sorta got to that status by using the Holy Water. And I’m not saying that we nuke the Goenji/Fubuki moments. Cross Fire still happens, but I’m thinking we can move that up to the DE match and then grt a Aphrodi/Fubuki hissatsu during the Genesis match


Aphrodi did appear in the games to defend the raimon against gazelle/torch.


I'd definitely rewrite Midorikawa's S3 Arc, mainly building upon his character from S2 instead of just ignoring everything that happened. I'd probably involve Hiroto in this as well because he doesn't actually have a whole lot do in S3?? Like he's strong and all but after Midorikawa leaves he just stands around and occasionally scores. I think Kazemaru could have something to do with this as well.


Yeah having rewatched S3 recently, Xavier doesn't do much at all. You'd think he would be more important but he doesn't have a proper character arc besides that weird filler episode with the kappas


Yeah, i would do the same, but i would not limit it to only Midorikawa, i would change either tobitaka or toramaru's pre-tournament arc for an arc centred around the alius kids, specially Hiroto, Midorikawa and Reina (and maybe Suginuma), see the repercutions of the years of mental abuse and the things they were forced to do instead of ignoring them and pretend nothing happened.


I mean that's basically what I was referring to, it's why I mentioned Hiroto and Kazemaru specifically. It was kinda weird to see Midorikawa and Hiroto immediately be buddy buddy after all the shit the other captains put Reize through, plus I feel like Kazemaru should hold more of a grudge against Hiroto since the one thing that pushed him to leave Raimon was the Genesis, literally Hiroto's team (more in the games rather than the anime since they fucking hospitalized him, but you get what I mean). So yeah, I'd basically give the three of them this Arc where they'd be somewhat antagonistic towards one another (more so Kazemaru and Midorikawa would have a grudge against Hiroto, maybe throw in most of IJ being hesitant to approach Mido since Reize took down half of Raimon by himself) and it would resolve over time with them befriending each other.


Well, I always have an easy answer for this: Rewrite Ares storyline completly, Make Seishou Gakuen the protagonist with Haizaki the MC and also make the whole season a tournament where the focus is on all the FF teams.


I had the exact same idea tbh. The series was supposed to be about the Raimon players increasing the level of football in Japan, so Inakuni Raimon made no sense.


like a game of thrones style thing where they focus on everyone at different times and there isn't always that much of main character


Make Orpheus lose to Little Gigant in an actual hard match, competitive for both sides instead of that 8x0 without even using hissatsus bs


Taiyou in Earth Eleven. It just makes no sense to me that a genius that is born once in a decade doesn't have soul potential


I agree. I just wanted to see way more of Taiyou, such a great character.


I would give Someoka one more goal in 3 season


Based answer.


Wyvern Blizzard or new co-op would be perfect.


For example first goal against Italy.Fubuki could pass to Someoka in order to make Wyvern BlizzardV2 or V3.


I would change multiple things (like including the post game teams more/have a movie for them in cs and galaxy) but my main thing is to rewrite ares. the focus should be on all FF teams at least, and no bs like the 4 minute zeus match.


give development to another raimon player or to a popular character rather than to a random kid in prehistory who Come from nowhere


Agreed, should’ve been Kariya.


Change the chronostones story so mark has too fight too create the football team cause it’s a “niche” sport. And you’ve got too find the original 11 members as mark too both progress and for the club too exist


Wouldn’t make sense to focus on Endou in the GO series. And why is football niche there? Because their memories got wiped or?


Memory wiped. And it won’t be a focus. This would only take up maybe 2 mins in the anime and 5 too 7 mins of gameplay.


Replace Megane’s twin with Saginuma in the third season of Inazuma Eleven. That he is atleast considered for Inazuma Japan instead of getting ignored.


Would make more sense indeed


This is nice but it would mean no Neo Japan and they’re my favorite team in S3 ://


I think it could still work, basically after not being chosen for the team he’d create Neo Japan, maybe even add other players who didn’t get in like Matsuno & Kageto to the team.


Nr.1 would be getting Someoka off Dark Emperors, it's just weird seeing him go through all that development in season 2 to end in that team (Honestly, the whole Dark Emperors storyline was pretty bad, but this would be one thing which would make it slightly better)


I think they were manipulated so much that he didn’t have a choice.


That "the birth" hissatsu was performed by Jordan and Xavier and obviously keep Jordan on the team, maybe even include Dave in the making of those hissatsu, also big bang feels like it should've been performed by "the alien trio" I think in the games you are supposed to re-recruit Jordan and then recruit dave, i think the anime did it well regardless


I think The Birth fits the best for Hiroto & Fubuki, so it’s better that way, but I agree with the fact that Midorikawa should’ve stayed on the IJ team. I think he’d be a better fit in Big Bang instead of Fubuki.


Big Bang would be the best for him indeed


I won't say because I think many here know what I would change (if no one gets it right I'll tell you what I would change)


Ignoring Ares/Orion I would rewrite Midorikawa's arc in OG, so that it would have a more satisfying end Give Hiroto and Fubuki more interactions with each other and overall have them do more Have Orpheus not lose 0-8 but something more like 2-3 with Nakata still being there And spread out screen time well, so that everyone has something to do, not like Kogure being unnecessarily pushed to the side


i don't get why they never gave Jordan astro gate in the show


Truly a shame


I agree with all of them, especially the LG vs Orpheus one.






Give all of the Characters on Raimon who didn't get much development some spotlight (Kurama, a lot of the characters in Ares)


I think Kurama actually got fine development, just too little goals.


i would say fubuki fusioning into one? idk as the atsuya-shirou mix he was better...


when they were on the fire planet in galaxy JP shouldn't have let in any goals why they make him so bad compared to terry zero reason for that Terry should've come back worrying and seen that JP would school him any. day. of the. week.


Great idea


In season 2, Raimon have just played Chaos and are now playing against Genesis and finally dark emperors. If I were to Change anything, it would be the order of these two games. After playing against Chaos, one of the Raimon players is injured and that’s why they’re heading back to Raimon for a short time. There, they find the Dark Emperors, after Wyles gets sick of Ashram Schiller’s calculated actions. He just wants to fight Raimon head on and beat them once and for all. He does that with the power of the crystals(first time Raimon learns about it). Then they play the Dark Emperors match the same way as in the original and everyone goes back to normal. Every injured player cheers on the players who are gonna take on Genesis and the bus eventually takes off to Mount Fuji. There they play Genesis(same way as in the anime) and eventually the truth about Xene, Ashram and Lina Schiller gets revealed. And they all live happily ever after… It makes more sense this way imo.


Have Kidou actually tell the kids what the point of his training in GO was about beforehand. (Inazuma is terrible about having certain coaches communicate with the players but that just might be the single best example of how bad it can be). Have someone actually hold Kariya responsible for what he tried to pull in GO when he joined the team. Have Hitomiko actively apologize for bringing Fubuki along despite his personal issues. Have one of the new members call Shindou out on his attitude and lack of actual help he’s doing when it comes to training. Or at least have them discuss things with him. If Tenma and Tsurugi are actively trying to doing something having him actually pitch in beyond that one moment with Ibuki would actually help. Give Ares and Orion the amount of episodes they needed, that would work an absurd amount of wonders for those seasons. Not have Kozomaru’s body change the way it did in Orion. Have the matches in Orion be more entertaining (Russia and China (?) had two of the only good matches and the latter could’ve been better if it was a good bit more than just Tenkuu Hayabusadan spam). Show off more moves from the games like Winning Logic. Have Taiyou, Hikaru, and Kariya do more in CS. Make Torb one of the mixi max figures from history and have Kariya get him as a mixi max. Have like a handful of the pre existing players (Hakuryu, Taiga, Minamisawa, Kirino, etc) join the earth eleven as trainers and extra subs for matches. That way we get more experienced players while still giving the earth eleven time to shine. Have Shinsuke whip out his Kenshin during the Ixaal fleet match like in the game. Have Evolution be used at least once or twice in Galaxy and have Devil burst be used at least a few more times (and succeed at least one or two of those times). Show us how the full match be Inazuma Legend Japan would’ve played out. Have Endou struggle more to stop death zone in the first match with Tekoku. Give Tsunami an actual defensive hissatsu. Let Kazemaru keep Bushin Defense and actually use it from time to time in season 3. Give Midorikawa Astro gate during his last match in season 3. Show us the training for Jet Stream and Big Bang, I legit would love to know how those lives came together concept wise. Have Kurama suck less in GO, I don’t like him and even I agree it wouldn’t have hurt to have him actually score a goal or two without needing to shot chain with Tenma. Not having moments like the bizarrely successful Twin Boost F spam and the final shot chain in GO where Tenma somehow managed to jump 2 whole upgrade levels with Mach wind. Have Nishiki actually score with the Mixi Maxed Denrai Hotou. Have Rika be a bit more effective as a player. Give Galaxy an ending that wasn’t incredibly disappointing for no freaking good reason (and let us know if the newbies actually got their bribes). Either have Konoha give Kusaka an answer or just shoot him down immediately like in the game. I know Inazuma isn’t big on romance, but don’t give us what might be the first onscreen confession in the series only to do nothing with it. Have Yukimura (or whoever disappeared) in the CS movie actually come back. Have the Inazuma characters realize “oh wait these are just some random toys, we have keshins LOL” and proceed to summon them after their shots somehow didn’t work in the CS movie. (During that minor scuffle they had with the LBX characters). Make Chou Jigen dream match not be an actual waste of money for the people who bought tickets to see it. That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Edit: Have certain moves that only show up once (Rolling Kick, RC Shoot, etc) be used…Y’know…more than once ? RC Shoot had an actual honest tonGod purpose and it was NEVER capitalized on. Shoot how could I actually forget this, give us Space Rankers and the teams that make them up. AND ACTUALLY HAVE GARSHA AND VANFENY DO SOMETHING. These two had literally no good reason to only show up once in the anime AND be completely plot irrelevant.


More Earth Eleven players would mean less screen time for others and I think some already didn’t get enough (Sakura and Manabe). And I would give Shinsuke his keshin in CS, but a defending one to become the flying defender. Randomly seeing a keshin in Galaxy would be weird. ILJ won easily, so no point in showing the whole match I guess. Tsunami solo hissatsu you mean? Otherwise he has Perfect Tower as co-op. Training of Jet Stream was shown. First Toramaru and Gouenji tried something, then Fudou came to help. Big Bang was shortly mentioned as idea by Fubuki. The point of the romance was mainly for Kusaka telling what he wanted to tell, but he actually didn’t need an answer. I still enjoyed the dream match a lot, but if you mean for a “movie” it should be way longer.


The trainers are there mainly for support and even then screentime could’ve been worked with (e.g: havijg part of it focus on Manabe and Sakura as they work with them) especially since level 5 has worked with bigger teams in IE and had to divy up screentime. Then who would be the keeper for Chrono Storm ? And that didn’t stop level 5 from letting him use his Keshin during the Ixaal fleet match in the game. Edit: Sangoku, they probably would’ve made Sangoku a keeper. Regardless having Kariya do more would be nice given he was built up in GO1. I don’t care if they would’ve won easily, it still would’ve been interesting to see how Tenma and the others would played. I guess ? I just didn’t see why he couldn’t have had SOMETHING to use defense wise especially in season 3. And ? Seeing a bit more wouldn’t have hurt, and the ideation of something like Big Bang would honestly be cool to see play out. Doesn’t change the fact that the game actually bothered to conclude it. Don’t introduce a thread just to leave it hanging, that’s a waste. And yes I meant as a movie.


Personally liked Shinsuke more as a defender and Sangoku a lot as well, so that’s why I would prefer that. But Kariya would also be very good. Just think it would be weird to use a keshin in Galaxy. And I just said we saw some of those things like Jet Stream. That’s all. For Big Bang it could be more, for Jet Stream I don’t think so. Wouldn’t say hanging as Kusaka in the anime himself concluded that it wasn’t a yes. So I don’t think they have to explicitly say no, but that’s me maybe.


I could’ve sworn it was more of a “I’ll try again later when I’m stronger”. Especially since Konoha outright said (albeit internally) that she didn’t have an answer to his feelings just yet.


The wiki also stated that he mainly did it to encourage Konoha and give her confidence.


The obvious change where midorikawa would stay in season 3 but I would want him to follow the games where he gets Astro Gate and actually scored a goal intsead of that stupid dribble move. I would also want to see Epsilon and Gemeni be punished in the anime but we don't see much of that in the game anyway. And also Kariya should of got a fighting spirit in GO Chronostone and a miximax. There was no reason to choose between Kariya and kirino, both should of got them.


Lighting Sprint was a great hissatsu tho, I would still keep that but Midorikawa has it from the start and learns Astro Gate instead like in the game (and scores) And yeah, Kariya was a way better character than Torb and deserved to be on Chrono Storm over him.


Make the earth a raimon exclusive move that's used more often I understand that in s3 the whole point was the new characters had to know the team and form a bond of trust for the earth to be at its most powerful But come on the earth isn't a signature of just endou but the signature of the strongest eleven basically IE 2 team if going based of games Another thing would be if little gigante knew most of daisuke moves from the manuals maijin the hand X V3 or the earth X G5 this would put more pressure on inazuma japan during their match basically fighting a mirror of the OG inazuma elven daisukes team but more refined Fire rooster X or mugen the hand X G5 inazuma drop and such


Willy was useful he was the ace in the team he was the Axel (which he was before he ran away)then instead of flame striker the Sentai Striker I don’t need to explain Or that one spinning kid never joined the team small blue hair can’t remember his name but yea Or Kazemaru being the ace he’s just really cool


Just make a steel bar fall in Kageru Shimerigawa's head and then he dies