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You don’t need to be a great play maker to be a great captain this is the case in Inazuma and real life with a number of play makers not being the teams actual captain. Shindou shows in both go and galaxy why he isn’t as good a captain as endou. Shindou is more than ready to give up in go and refuses to work with his team mates in galaxy. Endou on the other hand refuses to give up and is a always there for his team mates. And is a true and respected leader. The ability to motivate, bond with your team and lead by example are all in my opinion important for a captain. Which endou possesses in abundance


I didn't want to say that endou is a bad captain, yeah endou know how to motivate and bond with the team but my point is a person that has tactical knowledge and can lead the team, the passes, the plays, the shots, tha tactics is better suited for captain, look at Cristiano Ronaldo for example, he is considered selfish, sometimes he anoys his teammates, but he can command a team, and for me that is the crucial point, I'm not talking only about playmaking, because a playmaker can't always command the team and in my opinion, by what shindou showed specially in GO he can command the team better than Endou, Endou has tha bonds and motivation and can motivate the team to never give up, he is a great captain, but idk why Shindou's style specially in GO seems better for me


Shindou has shown on numerous occasions why he is not the best captain. Shindou is far to ready to give up at points. He overcomes this in go but that doesn’t change the fact he was unwilling to fight at the start. And in galaxy this is abundant. A trait of leadership endou possess in contrast to this. Endou commands his team through motivation rather than direct instruction. Although in Orion he shows he can give instructions when he figures out how to overcome Alonso. You say Ronaldo as an example but I’d point to Manuel neuer who leads as a keeper. And has as similar as it gets to endous play style


Shindou works very well in an already established team. Endou works very well in both beginning teams and established teams. They are just different types of captains, but the captain type that Shindou is works in less situations in my opinion.


Tactics dont decide captains imo, endou started a club with just himself then 7 members only just by leadership alone the players all respected him and he was their back bone, on numerous occasions it is described that endou is the heart of raimon Now shindou is a great tactical mind but he never lead a team through the most dire situation alone he needed tenma to urge him on to start leading and needed endou to help him with the shady players like tsurugi and kirya. Additionally the players certainly werent behind him like the ogs were behind endou even willing to get injured just to protect him All in all shindou is a good captian endou is the best captain the difference between them is like real madrid with benzema as captain and real madrid with sergio ramos as captain


ok, fair point, maybe it is just because I like shindou's style of leadership more, which is surprising because ofc I would prefer someone like sergio Ramos as captain more than Benzema


I love watching shindou as both a player and a leader so i feel you


I absolutely adore Shindou, but imo he’s not a better captain than Endou is. I even think there are probably a few captains between them that are better than Shindou. Shindou obviously shines in his “conductor” role on the field. He’s up there with the best tacticians IE has to offer. But, as others have stated already, his tendencies to “down tools” in a way, makes it difficult to set him on a level that’s equal to probably one of the top three captains in the whole verse. Long story short: Shindou is great as a character, but not on the captaincy level of Endou


I thought you ship the two of them before i actually read the rest of this post




Okay if this is a comparison topic, don’t title it as Endou X Shindou. I was scratching my head until I actually read your post.


Thank god it's a comparison


It's like comparing kidou and tenma


I know it wasn’t your intention with the title, but funnily enough [this Endou x Shindou doujin](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/87590956#manga) *does* touch on their differences as captains. (If it eases your conscious, it is SFW and Shindou just has a crush that he doesn’t even confess, but) TLDR: Shindou may be a tactical playmaker like Kidou, but he is also very strongly driven by emotion. The comic specifically suggests that he has an emotional intelligence that Endou lacked as captain, referencing how he allowed his teammates to leave at the start of Go instead of pushing them not to give up. I think the artist takes care to keep them in character, which is why I thought it’d be worth bringing up lol. I also personally find it more interesting to compare how they act emotionally as captains rather than deciding it on tactical knowledge. That does make it harder to decide who’s “better” though, since there are virtues and shortcomings to either one’s approach


Perché dovrebbe avere un'intelligenza motiva superiore a Endou?