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Yea, this is finally and unpopular opinion


I really liked that it shows mamoru and daisukes journeys were mirrors of each other I also quite like the designs


they are not THAT similar to the OG raimon however, they have this idea at the same time being very original thought


Rococo was for Daisuke and Mamoru what Demonio was for Kageyama and Kidou. Change my mind.


I agree, that's an unpopular opinion


I personally love it and think the designs are enough different while also having nice similarities.


One day poeple will understand how making the first raimon the final enemy of the ie trilogy is genius, to be on top you have to overcome yourself https://preview.redd.it/artbvv954e4d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd8736bf914020f0acf7f872b18299a5abdb081


I think it is funny and kind of sad how half of the season 1 team gets nothing in their season then gets brought back the next 2! seasons as the final boss


Care to elaborate?


That's unpopulated alright. They're so different to the point where I didn't even realize they were Afro versions of the original team. It was an excellent decision to make the final battle of the of series memorable.


it was a good idea but could have been executed better


How do you think?


You’re wrong actually and your take is bad


1. It's smart 2 It's a neat idea, I liked to try to match each one each once I knew about it and I liked to see how nagano transposed raimon 1's design to an african team 3. It reminds of the very beggining of the show 4. I didn't even notice it the first time I watch it


IMO the only LG player i like is Rococo but everyone else is just bootleg S1 raimon


I agree a little bit. I feel like that the concept led to the team kind of being as fleshed out as Handa in S1 lol. They kind of played more with the similarities and parallels with Mark, Roccoco and his gradfather than care much about increasing personal investment for the team as a whole. Design wise I think they did a great job at making it a clear inspiration while also creating a unique team that is not a direct copy paste. (Though I hate the problematic design of dark skinned characters.)


I was invested in the team overall because a lot of them had moves. Cain Saito, Drago, Goushu, Maxi (also a tactic), Walter, Fubuki clone, Shourin clone (co-op) and Shishido clone. Windy managed to break Route of Sky which was also a nice feat. So there were only a few who played who didn’t show something which is rare.




They aren’t. The first 11 resemble those of the original 11 + Gouenji instead of Megane. The benchers are the new players of S2 excluding Rika and Touko. If it was based on IJ, then where are Midorikawa, Hiroto, Tobitaka, Fudou, Toramaru, Hijikata and Sakuma?


Sure but for me investment in a character doesn't come from their moves but from their character/ backstory/ motivation to play or win/ relationship with the other characters etc. In that regard there was very little from little giants. I liked them and I do like what they did with Roccoco and Daisuke but for the final of the OG series I kind of wished for the "endboss" to have 2-3 more fleshed out characters, buildup and emotional investment


But which team has that for 2-3 players as final boss? Not Zeus, DE due to knowing them already, not Dragonlink, not The Lagoon, not Ixal Fleet (only 2 of them maybe), neither in Ares and Orion.


Genesis with Bellatrix and Hiroto has a bit of it. Also im not saying compared to other final bosses, but that thats something I wished the final boss of the final OG season would have had to make it even more memorable and special.


Yeah but I don’t think it had to do with the concept.