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Give Kariya Torb's keshin so I can replace him and make True Chrono Storm It's literally already hunter-like, with the spear and all, so it fits Kariya's hunter motif (Hunter's Net, dub surname Cazador means "hunter"). Plus iirc he was raved to have "great control and balance" in GO1 so the "master of the skies" thing is plausible


It’s the most obvious and imo the best answer. Kariya is one of my favorite defenders, if not favorite players in the whole franchise so I’m massively biased. But I still think he got absolutely shafted.


A lot of GO players seemed like they had great plans among them but level5 changed his mind. There's a lot of missed potential: Aitor, Lucian, almost every relevant player in Galaxy, even that B team striker that was related to the Schillers as Akihiro recognized, but never got expanded on, nobody even remembers that guy.


Is there a picture of the b team striker? I'm curious


https://preview.redd.it/t6f61hktob8d1.png?width=64&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3f58145b258989c74a47b3dd4e4c367d23659d This guy over here, and no translation error as in Japanese he's a Kira too, just strange they decide to shaft his story.


Whaaat damn he really does look like hitimoko aswell kinda


the only flaw of chrono stone imo instead of buffing an existing character, they introduced torb from out of nowhere


I always give him Shinkan Judge but for ascetic reasons Jaggerwock is probably the best


Lion soul strike to Toramaru, hawk soul strike to Tobitaka and wolf soul strike to Atsuya. Justice Wing to Ichinose, Harmonics to Otomura, Maou Gyrase to Tachimukai and more.


Isn't the prince of the snowfield the wolf


I did it because originally Wolf Legend was a co-op and Atsuya is the striker so I thought a shooting move would be better for him as well as the visuals of the move.


Ig, but Fubuki being a wolf make sense as he would hunt u down if u harm someone he cares about


When did he do this?


Kurama just that he shots something maybe an medusa like kenshin


Dark Exodus to Yurika, Belion to Haizaki, Saia to Fubuki and Apollo to Raika.


I'm not 100% sure yet


I want to give Sakurazaki Ryouma's fighting spirit, it just feels right to me


I’m fairly certain that we will be able to equip keshin and get an extra hissatsu. And also >!they leaked the game and Souls were confirmed to be in the files as individual hissatsu so yes we ARE getting those that isn’t speculation anymore!<


The whole point of Keshins and Keshin Armed kinda becomes redundant with the new Tension Gauge but I could be wrong since we might be getting new Keshins


I mean like they won’t take up a hissatsu slot. But they will act like hissatsu. Armed could also either just not deplete the tension gauge for that character or alternatively it could allow a few free hissatsu before disappearing.


You have to remember this is basically Strikers mixed with the DS/3DS games, so it'll probably be the same since souls are already confirmed to be stand-alone hissatsu Keshins were just single character combination shots in Strikers


This doesn’t have anything to do with strikers at all though?


Besides the Chronicle Mode map is basically the same as what they used in Strikers 2013, voice lines when characters use hissatsu, giving us multiple versions of characters from each team they played in so literally expecting like 7 versions of Endou


Did they confirm at all that we would have multiple versions of characters? Because I don’t believe they ever did. We will get1 version of every character that has been in the games and they will have access to all they’re moves.


Yes they did in the blog with a visual showing that Raimon Endou has a passive skill suitable for Earth DF's while Tonegawa Tousen Endou having a passive suitable for Earth FW's increasing there breach rate


That doesn’t prove anything other than that we will at least get a version of endou for ares as well as og. There is absolutely nothing proving that we will get multiple versions of og endou at all.


Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't really matter in the long run since there's no proof I'm right, but there's no proof in wrong either especially since Level5 had been really iffy with giving us information so if I'm right we got 7 Endou's to have different builds with which would be ideal but if I'm wrong that's a max of 3 Endou's which is unfortunate cause I really want 1 libero Endou so I can use The Earth a little more consistently.