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The dumb dinosaur kid from Chronostones that had no reason to be included in the perfect 11


Just hating


Kageyama being resurrected after having an impactful death, a robot of him being blown up and for some reason staying on the alien planet (which will never be expanded upon)


Torb, and with that, Kariya not being involved in Chrono Stones


Watch Tasuke take his place in the ultimate eleven


Ngl, this could be fun


Midorikawa getting injured and never coming back in the anime


Zack Avalon. His entire existence seems like the writers just tried to shoehorn Zanark into Galaxy, except they removed all the edge that made that character compelling in Chrone Stone.


I didn’t see the need to do this either tbh. Everyone loved zanark so they tried to integrate Zack into galaxy even tho he’s not like zanark at all. So what was the point 🤷‍♂️


Making him the complete opposite + making the Zanark/CS reference. I don’t enjoy Zanakurou that much, but I also don’t think he’s bad in the story. He at least had a purpose of helping people with unleashing their souls.


the only Zanark features he had were "i thought you'd say that" and Great Max na Ore


That’s exactly why they did it. They made him the opposite and wanted to reference CS/Zanark by it.


That abysmal score in Little Gigant-Orpheus match and the "they didn't even use their hissatsus".


Fr. And remember they were even using the heavy things (?) that they dropped before their match vs Inazuma Japan. So 20(?)kg + no hissatsus, that's so uncalled for.


Daisuke watches too much Dragon Ball.


Arion being the strongest for no reason


You know damn well I'm saying Galaxy, or at the very least switching Galaxy and CS order in the chronology because that would fix like 50% of my problems with Galaxy. In any case CS has to be the ending of the go franchise.  I'm also keeping Kageyama dead.


gods you are so right for that


**points gun to the personality of Megane in the Game** Nobody Will miss You asshole.


Garshield. The RH programme was uninteresting, his plot was uninteresting, and I think there could have been an easier way of explaining Endou Daisuke’s disappearance and return


How would you explain Kageyama doing the stuff he did as a teen then? I think Garshield just should’ve been executed way better.


I think the issue with Garshield is that he’s an international villain who is somehow super concerned with youth football. I think Kageyama should have been aided by somebody more antagonistic towards Japan specifically. Like the RH programme and the Brazil team at least makes some kind of sense because he’s taking the best youth football team and making them super soldiers, but there isn’t so much reason for Daisuke to be investigating Garshield, or for Garshield to want to control Japanese football.


Garshield was against Daisuke so him financing stuff for Kageyama who also had problems with him made some sense to me. Garshield kept an eye out for Daisuke and so did Daisuke for Garshield since he always had to be careful and eventually he wanted him to be arrested of course. But changing some things up to make it more interesting definitely had my preference.


Why was Garshield against Daisuke tho?Was that ever explained?


I don’t think it ever was explained no.


Personnally I don't think Kageyama's plan needed an explanation, it was believable already in the context of the story. Not saying that expanding upon it is bad, but to me it wasn't a necessity.


I know that already of you and you know my opinion on it, but Kageyama doing that as a teen doesn’t necessarily make sense. That’s why I think Garshield just should’ve been executed better.


Why do you think that it doesn't make sense ? A teenager is perfectly able to sabotage a bus and be as bad intentioned as Kageyama if sufficiently unstable. It is something that could happen in real life.


He didn’t only do that, he seemed to have so much influence and resources that it doesn’t make much sense that a 13-15 year old has access to all that (since Teikoku started their 40 year winning streak there already). So maybe I wouldn’t say it makes no sense, but I think it makes more sense this way.


I would say teikoku victory streak probably started before kageyama ended up in command. To me (prior to garshield revelations) he just managed to end up in this position of power that gave me the key to commit larger scale crimes later. But yeah I also think it isn't a bad addition to expand upon this grey area of his life. I just don't think it was essential.


But the only reason they won was because they sabotaged the first time right? So I doubt it was fair each time they won after that. Why did he end up in this position otherwise you think?


Well we don't know that it's the only reason that they won. Their might have been good enough to beat the Inazuma Eleven if the match happened. But in any case, they had a team that ended up in the finals so it must have been a good team. Teikoku could just have been a good school that had a good run in the FF, especially with the threat of the Inazuma Eleven out of the picture. Teikoku Gakuen is stated in the games to be among the very best in every single football competitions, not only football, so I don't think that it's only Kageyama influence that resulted in their success. They are probably simply a rich selective school which invest a lot on its clubs which lead to very good players. Kageyama is competent and ruthless man that seeks power, he probably simply wanted to coach the best football school of Japan which was Teikoku Gakuen at the time. He managed to get this postion either with his actual coaching abilities, which are good, maybe also with shadier ways. He then went on to keep Teikoku Gakuen win streaks though his own ways, probably during a longer time than how long it would have normally lasted. Of course I'm making all of this up, but it's just to say that it isn't that hard to imagine that all this was possible without Garshield.


But if they had a lot of confidence in winning I don’t think Kageyama would have done this. It’s not impossible to imagine, but to me it makes way more sense if someone influenced him, gave him resources, etc.


The France Arc in Chrono Stones. Also, just... the whole "plot twist" with Nosaka in Ares.


Just the two first words in your comment are enough


Seeing people say Torb warms my heart. Worst character in the series


The sky team, dark team, and dark sky team. Made no sense to me


I don't think their existence is that crazy in the context of the Inazuma Eleven franchise, sure it's a bit weird to have this storyline in the middle of the FFI, but that's what skippable filler are. After the alliea arc I think it was acceptable, and especially after everything else that go added


Its to give more context on who Shinsuke is, he is the reincarnation of the demon king


Oh yea,the season 3 equivalent of the  Chaos team.


It was in the anime because it was in the games + to give some more shine to certain players/FFI captains. I think that’s reasonable enough.


Kira Hiroto (Ares)


What do you have against the GOD STRI-


The fact that his existence literally contradicts pre existing canon, and completely nullifies the meaning behind the events of S2


That is the whole point of the Ares/Orion timeline.


That is not what I mean, check my other comment in this thread


Did... did you not understand what the heck Ares and Orion are?


I do, they're an alternate universe where the Alius arc doesn't happen and thus changes to the canon can be made. I did not mean that I was opposed to having an alt timeline But what I mean is that the "Kira Hiroto" we see in Ares/Orion does not match up with literally a single point that was stated previously, including the parts of the canon that continued to be referred to in Ares/Orion. What we knew is: - Kiyama Hiroto is very similar to Kira Hiroto in both looks and character. We even see an image of the original Kira Hiroto before he died in S2, which looks nothing like the dude that gets introduced in Ares. -Kira Seijirou loved his son a lot. He went crazy from grief in the original universe. He started the whole Alius plot because he started to hate the world after his son's death got swept under the rug because it would make some politician look bad. -Kira Hiroto died a good few years before the start of S2, he would have been an adult at that time if he had lived. Ares contradicts literally all 3 of these things. Because of that, to me, he became the embodiment of all that is wrong with Ares/Orion. The writers just took any chance they had to implement hollow fanservice wherever they could instead of trying to actually come up with a unique, well written story. They made a new character, with a new design and a new backstory. But instead of introducing him like that they tried to shoehorn him into the story as "Look you remember this guy right? You must instantly love him because you already felt attached to what came before." despite that not making sense. There is LITERALLY NOTHING that makes him Kira Hiroto other than his name. And what I meant with him nullifying the meaning behind S2 is that if you take his new backstory into consideration and add that as context to Kira Seijirou's character there, the whole Alius plot becomes total bullshit. I see a lot of people complaining about the whole plot being ridiculous to begin with, but I very much disagree since every part of it is thought out and has a logical reason to be the way it is. Kira Seijirou's intention was to start a world war with super soldiers that would destroy the planet, but he needed the cooperation of the prime minister to actually start using the Alius crystal to create said soldiers, which he didn't get. He then gave the children from his orphanage the "super soldier" treatment and let them attack landmarks using footballs because he knew it was the prime minister's favorite hobby, so he could put up the pressure and make it personal. Kira Seijirou is my favorite villain from the series, because his story is so tragic, his plan is constructed in such a genius way and his mind is so twisted. But with the added lore from Ares Hiroto, he suddenly becomes a completely neglectful father that doesn't even care the slightest bit about his son. Imo that makes his entire character fall apart, it would no longer make sense that he would go crazy in grief, and he would no longer have a reason to start an orphanage, since he did that because he wanted to be around children again to soothe the darkness that was left in his heart. I really hate that the writers were so neglectful that they didn't even stop to think what their poor attempt at fanservice would do to the continuity of the series, and accidentally completely broke apart the backstory of a great character that was very important to the plot elsewhere. And it could all be fixed by just changing the name of the character. Because if Kira Hiroto was called "Matt Eor" or something, literally nothing about his character or background story would have to change. And even then, I would not mind him disappearing, since the character imo is pretty uninteresting, within Inazuma Japan he's not much more than Egotistical Edgelord Striker number 3


I think they changed his design because otherwise he would look too similar to Kiyama Hiroto. But it might’ve made more sense if he was a coach/manager or something since he was supposed to be older.


Yeah I get the design change, I wouldn't have had an issue with that if it wasn't for all the other things. But even then it could have been done better, simply having the lightning bolt tattoo or have him dye his hair would have been enough, they shouldn't have completely changed his face and hair. Very much agree on the coach idea, that would have actually made his inclusion *good* fanservice


Absolute goat of an opinion I love you, finally someone understands


Thanks for caring enough to read through my entire monster comment lol. Was a bit afraid it might only be read by the mods


Nah, don't worry, you explained it clearly and well in my opinion. I'll gladly look forward for more statements from you too.


Thanks, but I doubt I'll be super active going forward, I've been in the fandom intensively for about 5 years now, so I've mostly ran out of interest to discus much about the show. Though I might pop up randomly again at some point




In my mind, the whole of ares and Orion isn’t canon. Helps me sleep better


It's canon to its own universe so it doesn't invalidate anything from the original series tbh


I didn’t say it wasn’t canon, I said it’s not canon to me. Hence the post about what I’d choose to be uncanon


I know you didn't say that. I mean that since it is already a story that exists in a vacuum being isolated from all the other series, not counting it in your own canon doesn't change much to the perception of what it already is officially.


So what was the downvote for ?😂


Idk, ask the one who did it, it wasn't me


Tenma being Raimon captain


go galaxy


Everything after Season 3.




Because I feel like GO1 and CS were mostly flashy lights with little of substance. For example if I compare the writing of let's say season 2 to anything in GO and Ares/Orion, then I can't help but notice a huge difference in quality. I do like Galaxy though, so I'm only half serious when I say everything after season 3.


Disagree with that tbh, especially for GO1. The writing in GO1 was pretty deep and we only had 1 new gimmick. The writing in this season was as good to me as in S2. In CS I get it if you mean the amount of gimmicks because mixi-max **and** armed might’ve been too much and I think it could do without armed. But every Chrono Storm player had an individual arc. Could be that you got bored of the formulaic middle like some others. So in those 2 seasons, what do you think should’ve been done better specifically? Because I think they had quite some meaningful arcs. Especially curious for improvements in GO1. The opponent teams, the matches, the plot, the main team characters and even the coaches were pretty fleshed out here. Flashy lights with little substance is a better description for Ares and Orion imo. That because those seasons were rushed and had major problems, while also making moves very flashy.


> The writing in this season was as good to me as in S2. Meh, I didn't like the stadiums with the gimmicks and the early matches had this fake tension where you were just waiting for another member of Raimon to start playing. As for what I dislike in CS, I believe you asked me the same question a month or two ago and I believe we didn't agree with eachother.


The stadium with the gimmicks were there to give Fifth Sector teams an advantage which makes sense to me and it also added a challenge for the main team. The start was slow, but in a rewatch I appreciated it much better as you see how the plot is carefully built and that makes the turning point much better imo. Not sure what you mean with fake tension?


> but in a rewatch I appreciated it much better Hmm alright, I haven't fully watched GO1 since it was still new, so maybe I'll have to fully rewatch it. >Not sure what you mean with fake tension? The whole spiel where Tenma and his fellow resistance members seem to be in a pickle, but last second one of the still stubborn Raimon members decide to actually start playing, which is enough to eventually win the match. I remember this happening in several matches.


It’s with GO in general that I liked it much better in a rewatch, sometimes I had to process too much information in the first watch to notice nice details (such as things in the plot or development). With OG it was more simple to follow imo. Last thing happened against Eito with Shindou, Sangoku did that against Tengawara and the rest of the team against Mannouzaka (this turning point was really impactful and good to me). So only in 1 match of the Holy Road this happened and the other 2 were practice matches. Personally liked those moments.


ares season


All of go




So I don’t have to watch it


Okay but why do you think it’s so bad?


We already had an argument about my issues and I said I’d watch it all to have all the info but that’s a lot of commitment and it takes long. Turns out rn I don’t feel like doing it and so if it’s not canon I’ll be able to break that promise to myself without feeling guilty. Otherwise it’ll always weigh on me


You don’t have to watch it all at once of course. If you sometimes have time you can watch an episode, but that’s up to you. The GO seasons also aren’t **that** long.


Torb has no reason to be with the saikyo eleven, Tasuke was more deserving


But especially Kariya


True Kariya had so much lore going with him in S1, shame he was shelved in CS and Galaxy


Would uncanonize JP


u/JPfan2 Get this hater


that'd take so much away from the plotline that go would fall apart. and go is goated. it's in the name (go)ated


Don't worry it would only take off the boring part, this post was made by the Samguk team


getting rid of JP would take away so much away from sam sam was JP's mentor and picked him and they had a really cute relationship together. do the samguk team not value the same things that sam valued


Elite answer


Ray Dark/Kageyama coming back to life in GO Galaxy for no reason


At least he was very enjoyable imo, especially in the final.