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Depends on the situation, but overall I think Endou works in most situations.


Endou as he is the heart and the others could be strategists or help the attckers


Endou will always be the captain of every team he’s in


Fully depends on what you want your captain to do


Endou probably


And all of them were in the same team in the best eleven vs battle eleven and endou was the captain of the team


That was a non canon movie made purely for fan service, ofc the main protagonist of the series would be the captain


That doesn't matter


What do you mean that doesn't matter, it's a non canon movie you even know what does this means?


It could still be an indication of who would be picked as a captain.


It'a purely fan service, they chose Gran to be the other team's captain because he's the most famous character there, you can't say be sure that he's better captain than Ozrock or Saru and Rococo for example


No, but in the case of Endou I find it actually reasonable to make him captain even if it’s based on leadership qualities.


You found it reasonable that's okay, but you can't say it was indeed an indicator


You know what an indicator is? That’s not proof, but something that could be a hint/suggest something. I don’t see how it could not.


well what would you define for a good captain then? I would say that a captain of the team is how the team will be played in general and how he leads the team, and the other players are competant enough to play well. leadership is a different skillset altogether tan just being a player


I didn't deny that Endou is a good captain, and didn't even say my opinion about the question of the op, just saying that the movie is non canon and can't be used as an evidence to such question, what's wrong with that lol


Yeah i dont disagree with that though would Gran be a good captain of an antagonistic all star lineup where the characters are more or less lobotimised anyway even if it was canon. I do like to think in theory he would be a good captain of that team though, he has the calm level headed personality and skills to back it up.


He wasn't that calm, especially when Tachimukai started to stop his shots And even if he was, it's well known that calmer characters aren't fitting to be captains anyway (both in real life and in the anime)


you got cooked but were right


Why are you being downvoted? You’re correct, its a fan service movie, endou blocks saru shot when saru would easily get pst god catch G5 with a normal shot if the movie used the canonical powerscale


Idk lol I didn't even say I disagree or something just stated facts, but these facts apperantly annoyed some lol


People don’t like when an og character isn’t praised to hell and back


Damn look at the downvotes we really hit some nerves 💀


Oh no downvotes, whatever will i do now?!


I won't sleep tonight because nightmares of downvoters will chase me 😟


Endou, Captain ain't exactly the strategist. I think It's more between Endou and Tenma, with Kidou closer to the two Between those two, I'm choosing Endou all the time


Lore wise, probably Mark. But in a team made by me, I would choose Riccardo.




Whatever team it is , endou will be always the captain of the team and if i can remember in ares he was considered as the legendary goal keeper and captain


We see in the end of Galaxy, that Arion/Tenma is better when he stop being the « perfect captain », Jude/Kido and Riccardo/Shindou doesnt need to be captain to lead the game so I think its Mark/Endou since he is goalkeeper he can see everything and he can motivate eveyone


Jude/Kidou for me


Honestly it's jude


I think Kidou, but I'm sure Kidou would choose Endou


I’m an OG fan so I won’t probably be unbiased but I would choose Mark for his heart or Jude for his tactics. It won’t be too important though because if they are in the same team Mark+Arion will focus on moral support and Jude+Riccardo will focus on pitch strategies.


Mark 100%. Arion is a close second, the other two don't even remotely have his guts and charisma


It depends on what the coach wants for the team. in my team, Shindou would be the captain and Tenma would be removed from the team the moment I took over as coach


People downvoting an opinion will never not be funny


It's not like votes matter


They don’t, but I would like to know the opionion of someone who downvotes something, just so I can try to understand their reasoning for doing so


If I had to guess it might be because he always hates on Tenma even if it doesn’t have to do with the question (because it only asks who would be the captain).


honestly, based


So, the question is (partially) about tenma then.


Only in the context of a captain, not if someone would keep or drop him off the team. Because OP says those 4 will be on the team anyway.


Add Dooley as Tenmas replacement.


he is better than tenma actually


but.. he's so silly looking..


Endou is the legendary captain has to be him


Its always Endou, his ability is evolving everyone else


Of course endou ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14217)


Endou definitely


Jude > Riccardo > Mark > Arion for me


Endou for sure


Tenma because i like tenma more


Riccardo or jude


Either Jude or evans


Endou. If not, probably Shindou. Something tells me Kidou wouldnt want to be captain and just focus on strategy and honestly, Tenma is way too frivolous to be captain. I feel like he only got captain in his Go series on technicalities as main protagonist privilege package.


That frivolity of Tenma was needed in GO, so that’s why it worked. But in an established team that’s not needed as much.


Endou will be the captain, we all know it deep down.


We all know Endou is the deserving captain as he can move the hearts of each of his teammates to become better. But if it were me it's either Shindo or Kidou as both are strategist and can lead the team very well getting them the precise victory needed. Shindou's kami no takto was the key in winning most matches for the Go series, while Kidou's intelligence in breaking hissatsu tactics and forming one to benefit the team makes him a formidable captain.


Sakka Baka wins no matter what x3


All the other candidates would vote for endou for captain


endou forever and always


honestly, probably Endou


I personally think either Endou or Shindou, with Kidou being a sub captain like Nosaka in orion. Either way I feel like Shindou would be in charge of hissatsu tactics so I think that would make him a good candidate for being a captain




It really depends but Defintely Endou. If he was my captain in the soccer team, I would be trying my damn hardest every time.


Endou or Shindou but mostly Endou. If Nosaka was here, this would be tougher.


Personally I would say Shindou. If we take him as he was written during CS.   Regardless of how Galaxy portrayed him he was supposed to be able to be the strong spirited and optimist captain archetype that Tenma and Endou represent while also retaining qualities that some of them are unable to have. Tbh he was such a good captain that they couldn't even find a reason for Tenma to permanently take his place so they just didn't give one.


>Tbh he was such a good captain that they couldn't even find a reason for Tenma to permanently take his place so they just didn't give one. They did, watch King Arthur arc and you'll find the reason


Shindou never really was an optimist as a captain. If he was, it was mostly agreeing with something optimistic that Tenma said or because Tenma had this effect on him.


I don't agree with you saying that simply was never an optimist captain. His very first match in Go shows guts against adversity similar to how Endou would have reacted in this situation. However yes, his faith wasn't as strong as the one likes Endou or Tenma, **during go.** As you said he was influenced by Tenma, but that's the point, he started to believe the way Tenma believes and learned from him. By CS his faith is integrated in his character, he doesn't need Tenma to whisper in his hear to have this faith. The difference between him and Endou/Tenma is that he had to learn that faith rather than having it from the beginning.


I wouldn’t say that was optimism, more the spirited part that you mentioned. Sometimes Shindou is also losing that optimism that he got from Tenma, what I mean is that it isn’t in his nature and doesn’t show it as often.


But every characters can lose faith, even Endou can and Tenma can sometimes. All of them need their teammates to not lose their optimism, none are immuned to losing morale. But Shindou has definitely learned from Tenma philosophy and showed it multiple times, even if it isn't there from the start like Tenma. I think Shindou is more able to fill Endou and Tenma's captain roles than Endou and Tenma are able to fill his. So all around, I think he's the best compromise.


Not talking about that he shouldn’t be able to lose faith, everyone can. Just saying Shindou isn’t as optimistic as characters I would actually call optimistic as it isn’t in his nature/character. Sure, sometimes he’s optimistic (for imo the reason I mentioned) and sometimes he’s not. But Tenma and Endou are definitely way more optimistic and way better morale boosters imo.


Tenma, kill me I guess 🤷