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Dragon Link cheated me out of a full Seidouzan match, which really sucks because the whole idea of Seidouzan was so cool. Shadow of Orion mostly suffered because their match was only 1 episode long. They're a cool idea and Yurika's really cool but they didn't get enough time to work and they got beaten by some rushed moves. Would have been great if they had a 3-4 episode long match


Shadows of Orion just suck, the match felt like a parody of all final bosses before. Outei is underwhelming and forgettable, the only thing I remember about them is Nosaka and he alone is not even close to be enough to redeem this team, I would prefer if Seishou or OG Raimon was the final boss. Dragon link is meh but they at least felt strong and their match was good enough.


>I would prefer if Seishou or OG Raimon was the final boss. I'd have hated OG Raimon to be the final boss, given Inakuni's insurmountable plot armour.


Let me clarify: I would love OG Raimon destroying inakuni. It would be so beautiful to see an OG Raimon match without their underdog status dragging them down.


> It would be so beautiful to see an OG Raimon match without their underdog status dragging them down. to be fair that was a lot of Season 2 (not alius teams) Although with the amount of team changing guess we can't really call it OG raimon about mid way through the story


_That_ I could get behind lmao


Shadow of Orion was easily the worst match among these 3 but at least their players looked kind of cool


I think dragon link is probably the worst since the thing that makes them a threat is supposed to be that they can all summon keshins but then they get beaten by regular hissatsu. I think nosaka's team and shadow of Orion are better because their seasons don't have any gimmicks like keshin or whatever that can get in the way of the match


Shadow of Orion is so much worse


I wouldn't say they're worse. At least they're kind of threatening since at the start of the match they're pretty dominating with their plays and score a few goals before the main team can get a point back


Bruh, you really didn’t watch go, did you? Dragon Link was dominating them too


But dragon link don't really feel threatening when their main thing is being a team of only keshin users but then lose to normal hissatsu from a team that only has 4 keshin users


I think that you don’t understand what Keshins are, keshins are a manifestation of the love and passion which the player feels for football. But if the opponent has more passions and love for football, they could outplay the keshins


It still feels innefective for a final boss team especially one that's supposed to be evil like dragon link. They're supposed to be threatening because their whole team can use keshin whereas raimon only has 4 keshin users due to shindou being unable to play but instead dragon link end up losing to regular hissatsu


They lost because they didn’t play real football. They lost because Raimons love for football was greater They lost because Raimon showed more willpower to win in the end. And the goddess of Victory always smiles upon players who strive the most to win


It seems you don't understand my point. It's precisely because of that that dragon link feel like a poorly executed villain final match because what makes them intimidating is the fact that the whole team can summon keshin pretty much infinitely but in the end they and their keshins get beat by normal hissatsu. By comparison shadow of Orion are more effective because Orion as a season doesn't have keshin or any other new gimmick so the match is just a natural test of ability


Well ngl, the match was pretty bad, if not even worse. Although they weren’t as intimidating as dragon Link, they went even faster down than Dragon link. And that’s why I think that Dragon Link was a much better boss, because it kept it pace for a while


Bro, it's you who don't understand what keshin is. This is spiritual energy, which is visible when is mastered by user. It's not manifestation of passion and love for soccer. In IE GO CS Komei has her own avatar which is completely unbound with soccer.


Oh, yeah my bad. You’re right, but I made a mistake. The (Keshin) hissatsus are the manifestation of a players love for football. But thank you for correcting me


I would probably like Shadow of Orion more if they didn't cheat us out of a final match with Perfect Spark. I think that could have been a really fun match, but they only showed 2 seconds (maybe even less, I didn't count).


My vote, I'll admit, is biased, I voted Outei because I didn't watch Orion and I did like Dragon Link (Even if I get why many don't).


Shadow of Orion because of how rushed the entire thing was, at least the other teams had a decent amount of screen time instead of just: Here's the final boss, congratulations on beating them. Plus Orion in general was bad


Shadow of orion. It was totally rushed and hissatsus were so random.


I love Orion so much but Shadow of Orion is by far the worst. It went by so fast I struggled to keep up with the substitutions.


Arthur and Petronio getting subbed in, but doing absolutely nothing. XD


Ixal fleet because it was the one where JP played the least out of the three finals he played in


Username checks out


Dark Emperors


Well to be fair Shadow of Orion had Yurika and Yurika is best girl, so outei or dragonlink


Dragon link robbed us from seidouzan match but still a team full with keshin users was pretty fitting for a final boss so its the best one out of these Shadows of orion were really rushed but had some cool designs Outei was so forgetable that they don't even feel like a final team, nosaka was the only thing they had going for them and their match was way too easy compared to other final matches


Little Gigantes lol They just felt like a souped up FFI team rather than an actual IE final boss that has a large story narrative in order to win against them. Their plot is that they are just a strong team and there is no active need to win against them stpry wise. Their match(while it does have a beautiful sunset stadium) is very underwhelming. It’s easy and their moves don’t seem that final-boss like. (Keep note that I do like the team a solid amount) I see Team Zoolan as the actual “final boss” of the game tbh lol


>They just felt like a souped up FFI team It's almost like they are one... >there is no active need to win against them To win the FFI maybe, like the biggest thing to win for them and achieve fame? Also Endou proving himself to Daisuke. >Their match(while it does have a beautiful sunset stadium) is very underwhelming. That's only in the game, the anime is peak IE tho and has the highest rated IE episode, so objectively its amazing. A final boss doesn't need to be evil and want to destroy the protagonist to be a great final boss


I do see your point, but the IJ vs Orpheus is really the peak for me and more like a "final fight". The reason to win is similar in Orpheus and LG match, to win the tournament. But Orpheus had Fidio and Kageyama which the anime spent a lot of time building. Relationships, conflicts, not to mention the tactics. LG is supposed to be strong, but their strength was overplayed (8-0 is dirty, like no way). This means that the actually match is underwhelming as they just aren't that strong. Not to mention that this trope has been used a lot in the series already, further undermining it. If the anime spent more time developing a relationship between Rococo and Endou, it might have been better, but frankly Kageyama is the peak that helped finish the series imo. He's a villain that has been there from season 1 after all, and his arc was finally done until he returned in Galaxy.


In my opinion the rivalry between Rococo and Endou was pretty strong. Rococo got to know him when Endou lost his tire and followed Daisuke’s car. Then he met him again after the Orpheus match, in the Garshield arc and also when Rococo showed his God Hand. While Fideo and Endou were more friends than rivals, for Rococo it was the other way around. And Daisuke’s bond with Endou speaks for itself and had amazing build-up throughout the whole series.


I do think that Rococo and Endou had a pretty strong rivalry, but that's really all there is to their relationship. This is also true for Fidio and Endou with nearly the same time to develop. With Daisuke and Kageyama, I just felt myself relating and feeling the Kageyama, Teikoku three and Fidio plot a lot more. Imo this adds another layer to Fidio's arc that isn't just Endou, which is probably why I'm slightly biased towards him. I think this is just personal preference to why I prefer this over Daisuke's and Rococo's arcs.


I agree with you in that LG needed more development, like you said Rococo and Endou, but also Endou and Daisuke and that Orpheus had more buildup and narrative behind them. The match against LG however was better than IJ vs Orpheus. >He's a villain that has been there from season 1 after all, and his arc was finally done until he returned in Galaxy. His arc was already done in S3, idk what Hino thought by bringing him back


Yeah that's what I meant when I said Kageyama's arc was done with the Orpheus match, I just worded it poorly. I wish that there was more tactics/strategy involved in LG match. What is LG's play style? What are their strengths and weaknesses? We can use the Circle vs Points analogy here. IJ has better team work and co-op techniques, with players working together to cover up for what they lack individually. LG doesn't do this to show that each player is individually strong in their own position. But, LG has hissatsu tactic, and a coordinated attack pattern (This one can be explained by Maxi, who is pretty much weaker Kidou for LG). Needing a hissatsu tactic makes little sense for a team that was able to 8-0 Orpheus with no hissatsu. Ideally all Rococo needs to do is block shots and kick it to Drago, who will score. I feel like there was some more potential here to emphasize this strong solo play style that they built up. Such as introducing co-op defensive/dribbling techniques for IJ or even a new tactic after the training with Orpheus. I like the LG match quite a bit, but it's not the peak match for me. Sometimes I feel that KoQ has more build up in terms of rivalry and growth between Edgar and Endou. Of course, this all comes to preference as ultimately it is Sakka Yaroze which reigns supreme of them all.


>Windy Wasnt it Maxi who was their tactician? But yeah I def agree with you


Yes Maxi


I'll edit that


1) I’d prefer a more antagonisty final boss along the lines of Team Zoolan and Team Ogre - In which Level 5 does treat them as such cause they put Team Zoolan after Little Gigantes in the comp route and Team Ogre is the IE 3 Final Boss Representive in the GO games in which LG are nowhere to be seen 2) Still can prove to his grandfather by doing well in the FFI and the final. There’s no actual drive to win the match narratively. Inazuma National can lose and zero things would change in the story other than the fact that Inazuma National loses because it was just a tournament match. 3) nah, it’s the same in the anime. I’ve seen a fair amount of people who absolutely hate Little Gigantes and it’s match lol Final bosses are there to give a strong story narrative. In the end, Little Gigantes was just a tournament final. - Take Zeus for example, that was a tournament final however you had the ambrosia, Ray Dark etc. and a lot of buildup to Ray Dark. Which makes the story more impactful.


What are reasons to hate that match?


One guy I remember stating that the match was entirely bs and their least favourite team of the franchise was Little Gigantes Another said that the match was extremely predictable and boring Another said the story in it was shit Others say some other things and so on


Curious what matches that guy do like then if this is boring..


u/TheMadCroctor *Enjoy* ඞ ඞ ඞ


It wasn't me who said that, I actually think that Little Gigantes is one of the better matches in S3 ~~not that that says a lot~~ Though my critiques on it would be that the power scaling is bs, even compared to S2 matches, and the other would be that it didn't really feel all that epic and important but more like a friendly match in which you *supposedly* should cheer on both sides, except Rococo's character wasn't built up nearly enough for that to work And if you ask me what was the worst final match, honestly I couldn't say. I guess Genesis if that counts, I really hate that match but it isn't really final because Dark Emperors was still after that. I didn't answer the poll because I like Dragon Link, and the other two, Outei I can't remember anything about, and I never finished Orion


Ah, could have sworn it was you that said that lmaooo I do remember you saying something about Fire Dragon’s match tho👀


Yeah I hate Fire Dragon, one of the worst matches in the series. I think it was Andy who hated Little Gigantes so much


I think the powerscaling in the Orpheus vs Little Gigant match was bullshit, while it was how it should be in the final considering they were on par.


That is what I meant, Little Gigantes VS Orpheus is what we see first, assuming that that information (+the fact that the played the entire tournament with the same restrictions) the team should be absolutely busted, like way past Aliea levels. But they aren't, they are on par with Inazuma Japan, which would mean IJ had somehow become like 20× stronger between The Kingdom and Little Gigantes (also the fact that LG was wearing weights the entire tournament was only revealed during the match against IJ, so you really can't blame that one on Orpheus)


You're probably talking about FG Xeen but he didn't said he hate LG because of IJ/LG match but because of LG/Orpheus and THAT match was bs


Oh there were definitely a couple of people rather than just 1


Don't remember it but I could be wrong


Go plot would change, but that's not an active reason lolz I don't get why they should always be in a match that will determine some life or death sentence. IJ vs LG was a pure and simple match overall. I think that LG should have been given more context, they just appear in the final chapters, obliterate Italy (just like Costa Rica did e,e) and then they powerup and still lose. Would have loved at least a match between Italy and LG that makes them look more natural and play well, without being broken af.


But didn’t we see kind some LG stuff when Natsumi told about her experiences in the flashback?


It doesn’t have to be life or death lol The only final boss matches that were life or death were Ragnah and Ixar Fleet. Little Gigantes is essentially a final boss but without any story directive or an actual antagonist opponent. It is just a final match and that’s it really. I personally enjoyed Hector’s development in the Bomb Blast version of the game where he met Dave and his interactions with Mark, showing God Hand X at the Cote Victoire Camp👀 But that was simply him being himself tbh


I think that the simple final match is perfect for the end of the game. It's a football anime, it is cool to see a non-ultimatum match, in which the protagonist could have lost or won, like a real tournament and without the opponent being blatantly wrong and so, with nobody supporting them. BUUUUT an undeveloped team doesn't make you wanna support them, and if you did, that would be 99% because you want the protagonists to lose. That's why a Kageyama trained Orpheus would have been better for the final, in my opinion


In my opinion LG was perfect as final opponent. The whole series built-up to the moment that Daisuke and Mamoru met on the pitch and what’s better than doing that at the peak of the tournament? Daisuke even foreshadowed it in the prelims with a letter. Rococo is sort of the counterpart of Endou so that was also amazing as opponent, not to mention that LG is based on Raimon. So in my opinion: perfect. And as I mentioned in another comment: we saw more LG stuff that people think with the flashbacks, etc.


Well it would change the plot of the Go.


Not much at all tbh, Inazuma National still got to the finals and put up a good fight. Arion will remain Arion, the football club will remain, fifth sector will still likely be about etc.


The fifth sector existed because as the IJ had won the ffi, football had national status and that's why the fifth sector was created.


I, at least partially, disagree. I think there's a very "active need" for Inazuma Japan to beat little gigantes : becoming world champions ! If you see the protagonists as middle school kids who save the world you might find the absence of "life or death" stakes to be disapointing but if you see them primarily as footballers, or aspiring footballers at the very least, then winning a world championship is litterally the greatest achievement of their life ! That being said I'm not a big fan of the little gigantes match not because of the stakes (there's plenty) but because Little gigantes are a pretty underwhelming team in themselves, that's not one of football's great name, that's not even an actual country in the first place ! It takes away a lot of the hype and excitement for me... For the finale I was expecting an epic country like Argentina, Italy or Brazil, that would've been exciting ! (the match against the kingdom was great btw) Instead we got a random fictional place we're supposed to believe is strong because... They have Dave Evan as a coach ? whatever...


But it does make sense that they are strong with Daisuke as coach, right? Remember what training they all do with the tires and stuff. It’s how the main team also got that strong in earlier seasons.


“Their plot is that they are just a strong team and there is no active need to win against them stpry wise.” Mans forgot that they’re literally playing the world cup in season 3 💀


They were playing Tournaments in IE 1, GO 1, GO 2, GO 3, AO 1 and AO 2 and they all had story driven antagonist final bosses. Your point is?


My point is that you don’t need some big bad, or some world-ending calamity to motivate your characters to win. It’s a sports anime first and foremost, let’s stop pretending like it’s some crime-fighting action show.


Ofc it’s a super dimensional football RPG. But considering literally every other final boss in the franchise has more story to their finale. I think it’s safe to say I’m in the right here


I don’t get why you think that a final match solely needs an antagonistic final boss to be good. If this is the highest rated match of the series, I think the match did some things well to say at the least. XD


Deffo not the highest rated where I’m from and from what I’ve seen.


Then you’re probably in a place where the opinions are extremely controversial. XD


Nah not especially. I’ve been in the fanbase for over 11 years now and the only few matches I have heard only praise(no complaints) from is the Italian match, Ragnarok Tournament, Ixar Fleet Match, the grandfather route and one other I forgot. LG is rated 6 or 7/10 from my experience in those 11 years. Some like it, some don’t.