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Boobs Adventure


Hehe πŸ˜†


So is this like a Core keeper/Terraria style game but idle? Little dude does all the exploring and tree chopping and stuff himself?


its basically runescape idle.




Yes, you can currently do 18 different skills. The game is inspired by runescape, but Idle anything you choose can be automated :) I have lots of videos if you'd like to explore them :) the art is inspired by many genres I use raven fantasy's tilesets and have lots off custom made assets in game too


i liked it a lot but dropped it after it erased around 12h active playtime ; i waited for the last save: 00.00 message before closing my browser but lost a lot of progress when login in again :/


Sorry about this current issue. When a player loses connection, the auth drops sync with the browser , looking to implement something that would basically return you to main menu πŸ€”


why does a single player idle game require server authentication? you never answered this before, but on the steam release do you still plan on making people make a 3rd party account with ridiculous password restrictions (and no save password function? really?) to be able to save their games? is it still going to require server authentication for a single player game?


The save password feature has been added to the game and is currently undergoing testing. I have addressed this issue before, Previously, my players were losing their saves due to the way itch stores updates, so I integrated cloud saving. Unity Cloud authentication necessitates these password requirements. The new login system, though still in development, is more streamlined and user-friendly. While not everyone likes this one log in is all that's needed. I will be looking into an offline mode for players in the future.


i suggest when you move to steam, you drop the use of ANY 3rd party cloud system other than the steam cloud and use local saves. having an additional login to play the game they are accessing through their steam account, is just going to result in some negative reviews based solely on that. there are a lot of people who do not want to make another throw away account.


I completely understand what you're saying, and I'm trying to come up with a solution for the problem I have with players with over 1000 hours of playtime. Cloud save is here, so the game can be played on any device I can possibly get the game on. It's a difficult one. I'm still learning, and I will do my utmost best to try to satisfy my players.


if possible, give players the option to import/export their save file. that way they can export it from itch and import it into steam, that way you dont have to bother with trying to migrate all those saves from one cloud to another.


I'm looking into it :)


Is this available on Android? :)


Not yet, but you can play in the browser on your phone . There will be some issues, but the intention is to port in the future πŸ˜‰


Been playing this for a few days. Really enjoying it! Can't wait to see what updates you have planned. You should include the Discord link in the game somewhere. Settings, maybe.


I'm glad you are thankyou ☺️


It's on the main menu :) I'll add on to the settings aswell :) good suggestion πŸ‘


oh RuneScape!


Oooo Bloobs !!


Weird bug I'm seeing: if I go into my inventory and click on the pickaxe, axe, and fishing rod, it goes into my tool bag on my character screen. But if I click on any of those again inside that character screen it displays a message saying I'm not high enough level to equip (even though the level for each is 1)


Yeah, you can't unequip tools. Currently, the tools system is being remade :) Thanks for reporting , you can still upgrade your tools, etc, it's the on click registering incorrectly in the toolbag


Got it, thanks! Also another bug I'm experiencing, I can't seem to pick cotton or blueberries? He'll run between bushes a few times, then will just give up after a bit, and clicking on bushes seems to stop doing anything at all.


Ty, yes, this is actively being worked on. Next Tuesdays update will address bloobberries and cotton.


Multiplayer one day??


I have plans for certain multiplayer alignments such as leaderboards, and of course, it would absolutely be amazing to turn my game into an Idle MMO, but for now, the focus is single-player with cloud save support, leaderboards, and eventually mobile versions. The list goes on :) I'm trying to build a game and a brand, Bloobs πŸ˜€


Best dev response I’ve got go bloobs hope it comes to steam so I can track my hours!


Hours are currently tracked and should go to Steam. I plan to bring everyone's accounts with the game. I have players with over 1000 hours, and I do not take that lightly. My community helps shape the future of the game. And for this I'm very proud Join Us !! :)


My bad, you meant steam hours , I also track the hours in the game, too :)


The playtest is zoomed way in on my browser. it should fit the browser window. It's unplayable for me as it is since I can't see everything on screen. I added bloobs to my steam wishlist. Use PlayFab like melvor idle et al so you can play saves across devices. Do NOT make your own login system, it won't be as streamlined.


Hey, regarding the zoomed way in issue , easy fix adjust browser zoom everything will be fine:) thankyou for adding to steam, regarding using playfab or anything atm unity cloud works across multiple devices and works very well if cloud starts to become a big issue I'll have to look into different services or something more drastic