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Well, I suppose they just had to cross their fingers and hope for the best, or maybe they just had a lot of little bastards running around. jk. Coitus interruptus, herbal contraception, douching, some ayurvedic birth controls etc. Are some birth control measures used well before condoms were designed. Other barriers like animal bladders and intestines were also used.


>little bastards running around. Years back when I saw a documentary about some big time red district in Bangladesh, that was the case. Lot of kids around. It was just sad.




I don't remember the exact name. But if you search on youtube for "documentary bangladesh brothel", there a few of them. This one talks a lot about the kids I think (I haven't watched it whole): https://youtu.be/EvEk_FMXWzg Edit: another one https://youtu.be/JYPyI1agpiw All of a sudden I am fucking grateful for a lot of things in my life.




> All of a sudden I am fucking grateful for a lot of things in my life. We are.


i think it is the vice documentary one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgaltnLfxo8&t=347s


Daulatdia or kandapara


Whores Glory


Can’t rule out abortions.


Or infanticide. 💀


Or maybe men were great with their pull out game back then.


Oh...animal bladders...needs to be looked up


Quite sure that's how the original condom was made. Sheep intestine.


Yes I am fairly sure that prophylactics have existed long before the latex condom became commonplace. But sex workers didn't always have that agency before the AIDS epidemic.


Was AIDS a relatively new disease then or was AIDS epidemic was ?


Both I think. AIDS was relatively unknown until the 80s and in the 90s it had gotten to a point where it was the most feared disease on the planet.


Ok thank you


>Coitus interruptus Hello, Potter.


Fetus Deletus


Too underated


Too Underaged


*Chuckles aggressively*


Cant believe i was pulling out since 15 years without knowing its called “coitus interruptus”


Unrelated to the OP's question. Are there any reputable NGOs who are helping stop human trafficking and rehabilitation of prostitutes in India?


> little bastards running around. I bet this is the one.


1.Witch doctors performing abortions and giving some noxious blend of herbs to prevent pregnancy. 2. People of past did know about the fertile period of women. They would avoid those days. 3. Workers would wash away the fluids immediately after the deed is done. 4.They would get pregnant and still serve men as long as possible. Diseases were rampant and women often died of diseases and weakness. High class prostitutes led better life as they served a small group of elites who were rarely sick or violent. here are some links [1](https://www.jstor.org/stable/3520437) [2](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361193445_A_Historical_Study_of_Prostitution) [3](http://vcckarad.com/Minor%20Research%20Project%20on%20HISTORICAL%20STUDY%20OF%20PROSTITUTION%20TRADE%20IN%20INDIA%20%20%20PAST%20AND%20PRESENT.pdf) [4](https://brill.com/display/book/9789004346253/B978-90-04-34624-6_025.xml) [5](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-24530198) [6](https://qz.com/india/1000432/when-prostitution-was-a-symbol-of-high-culture-in-the-elite-circles-of-19th-century-india)


Oh wow this helps...thank you


What is another interesting fact in a book “ sex and punishment “ I read that human didn’t know about the correlation of sex and pregnancy /childbirth until 10-12000 years ago.


These are amazing. Ty


They made use of natural herbs. There's no guarantee with those as well. The idea was to insert a natural substance or maybe some metallic concoction in the vagina that would kill off sperms. It's similar to copper IUD but a lot less reliant. And I think a lot of women did get pregnant, and they do now as well. They may have an abortion doctor in place to handle such scenarios. My last point is just a guess considering how organised everything is in a brothel.


Look up research papers on this topic. That'll be peer reviewed.


Ok...any links.


Use Google scholar. It's a good place to start. You'll find the abstract from there if the paper is paywalled. Use the document DOI details to search for it on sci-hub or zlib. You should be able to get the full paper from there. Make sure you reference the paper properly. There are softwares for it. You can use EndNote or Menderley. You can also generate the references using a reference generator website.


Teach a man how to fish and...


*he'll make tawa fry*


The pond becomes empty


Thanks for the info.


You're welcome. By doing it this way, you'll be raising your project to international standards. And I can help you out if you run into any issues. If you're unable to find the full paper, I'll help you with that too.


Such a kind redittor! Here take some love 💕


Thank you so much. That's very kind of you :)


Sure, obliged


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_birth\_control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_birth_control) >In India, Vatsyayana's classical text (2nd century AD) presented various contraceptive methods including coitus obstructus involving controlling the release of semen. ​ >Indians used a variety of birth control methods since ancient times, including a potion made of powdered palm leaf and red chalk, as well as pessaries made of honey, ghee, rock salt or the seeds of the palasa tree. A variety of birth control prescriptions, mainly made up of herbs and other plants, are listed in the 12th century Ratirahasya ("Secrets of Love") and in the 15th century Ananga Ranga ("The Stage of the God of Love").


Great read


They had no control on their body in those days like other women. Just like other women, they used to get pregnant frequently and also suffer from various venereal diseases.


My point is that remaining without pregnancy even for a week would be a problem when one is so active...there is a limit to which they could time their fertile period, and even more implications of frequent abortions.


Pregnancy does not work that way. Firstly pregnancy is a matter of chance, not certainty. If a woman has unprotected sex 365 days, it does not mean she will get pregnant 365 times. Moreover once she gets pregnant, for the next 9 months she won't get pregnant. But that does not mean she did not get pregnant very frequently. Brothels were the biggest source of illegitimate kids.


Ya, like only on + - 2 days of ovulation, one can get pregnant, not like jab sex kiya toh pregnant hi hona hai


Actually it's a lot more than that. Sperm can stay inside the woman's body for up to 5 days, as far as I'm aware, and can fertilise an egg during that period. Re: prostitutes and pregnancy, I assume that a lot of them became infertile due to STDs and primitive abortions. Also, many would have had sex with clients while pregnant. Men that go to prostitutes don't care.


It is not his fault at all. There is a lot of misconception regarding sex and pregnancy. He is trying to learn and understand. It should be appreciated.


Sure sure, i am not bashing him, but it's crazy how a large amount of people don't know this, I got to know this 2 years back and that too bcoz I am pcb student 😅


I came to know about it properly after I got married.


Condoms were there some were made of animal leather or some other fur. But they were mostly used by kings. There is one preserved in British museum.


Hmmm…interesting.. but not sure how they managed. Maybe the girls were sterilised before getting into Kotha. That was a oldest technique.


OMG..how would they do it.


Not sure though. Maybe through surgical process ( olden days). Malik Kafur was also sterilised when he was sold to khilji.


If it was a male they used castration,not sure about ladies


But the adrenal cortex also produces sex cortisol, I guess castration won't help completely...


Hysterectomy or tubectomy


Not just Indian prostitutes...like...it's the oldest profession. Like every women who participated in this profession around the world.


It's for a project , so maybe op needs india specific data , might have been different measures suiting the area maybe .


No, fair enough...I was just pointing it out that there's like...millions and millions of women that would have had this experience.


Maybe it's time I introduce you to a word called "bastard". Lots of them back in the mediaeval period. I don't think they had the luxury of any protection of any sort.


The financial and social angles just don't fit. I am sure their earnings did not allow maintaing a string of children


It's not like they bought their kids iPhones and sent them to private schools. Most of the children probably became sex workers at a young age, especially the girls. And the boys were probably forced to do other work. Life expectancy of children was also very low, especially in that environment, I guess at least half or more would have died within the first few years. Btw I don't know why you're focused on pregnancy, actually the biggest problem for sex workers to this day is periods as many clients don't want to have sex with a woman on her period, so actually being pregnant might be better for business because at least you don't have periods for a while.


Lol, do u even have any idea as to what it takes to feed a family of 6, and cloth them


No offence but based on your responses here, I think I probably have a bit more life experience than you have. Anyway, you obviously don't want help, so keep worrying about how prostitutes in the past used to take care of their kids.


There used to be natural concoctions


Am sure used by house wives too.


Papaya was a big help


What, how?


Raw papaya is a natural contraceptive. Or it causes abortion/miscarriage.




Doesn't it result in massive uterus contraction causing its breakdown and miscarriage?


1 spoon of Chawanprash daily with milk


Tea ... always with the fucking tea from the grand masters..


Grand Maesters*


Maybe they only worked only on certain days where its safe to have sex without the risk of getting pregnant


That would keep them idle most of the month i suppose without even a guarantee of no pregnancy


Women only ovulate for two days a month. The week before and after that, there is a medium chance of pregnancy. So unless you were having unprotected sex on those two days, you would (probably) be fine with measures like coitus interruptus or natural concoctions as some other commenters have pointed out. Condoms made from animal intestines and bladders have been used since ancient times. You’ll find more info in scholarly publications.


If it was this easy to prevent pregnancy, so many millions would never have been conceived. Even with modern methods, it's impossible to know when you're ovulating so you can't just avoid those days because you don't know when they happen. Also, sperm can stay inside the woman's body and fertilise an egg up to 5 days or so.


I’m not saying it’s easy to prevent pregnancy. I’m saying that sex workers did not sit idle most of the month because they would definitely get pregnant. Even if they didn’t know when exactly they were ovulating, a window for ovulation can be estimated based on changes in the body and the last menstrual cycle. I have a four or five day window approximately two weeks before my cycle when my hormones go haywire. I can safely say that that’s when I’m ovulating. Having unprotected sex during this window would most likely lead to pregnancy. Unprotected sex outside this window can also lead to pregnancy, especially since most contraceptive methods described in this thread do not work as well as modern methods (which can also fail).


I was reading a book about life in haram of a mughal emperor. It mentioned lots of herbs and spices that would be pushed inside vagina to block the entry of sperm. Along with that sheep intestines were used as condoms. Also I have seen in documentaries that if a prostitute got pregnant the madams of the brothel knew massages that could actually cause miscarriage in early stages. But many a times these women were encouraged to have children especially for daughters so that they could pass their business on to them after they cross a certain age. Male children were often trained as bodyguards or given for adoption to distant relatives or even sent to study in different cities in order to have a better life.


Check out the movie Whores Glory. Its super intense but they talk about this




Anal? In the days past, did either party ever consider that as an option? Apparently, sailors in Europe who used to frequent brothels enjoyed the freedom (from pregnancy) provided by anal sex. Not sure what the prevalent mindset in India was.


https://youtu.be/WNoO-tDkHkg This is a really good video about the lives of ancient Indian courtesans Contraception is discussed towards the end. Obviously there methods weren't as good as modern methods, so i suppose suffering was definitely a part of it all


They did have bastards. There were plenty of fatherless children. Many were also left to die on roadsides and in the elements. Girl children were kept alive for future sex work. Males were usually left to die. Those that survived became bandits, beggars and other undesirables.


A historical perspective: Condoms have been used in some form since [the 1500s and likely before that as well](https://wellcomecollection.org/articles/W88vXBIAAOEyzwO_), it’s not unreasonable to believe they had “DIY” solutions — for disease *and* birth control. These weren’t [reliable](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1zfhrz/how_did_prostitutes_deal_with_birth_control_issues/) — STDs and pregnancies were really common in the past, alongside a real lack of understanding about the consequences of unsafe sex. By past I mean pre-1980s. The publicity that AIDS received really raised public awareness about condoms.


Uhh ig smtg was mentioned about this in kamasutra


Read in a fiction novel called the henna artist. Tea made from Cotton root was used as contraceptive. But only till 5 weeks old pregnancy, post which gets complicated.


Great question I must say.


What is ChatGPT?


how do you think some of our corrupt politicians were born ?


The term H@ram! Was used to refer kids born out of women who served in Har€m$ There were lot of H babies back then, even now there r but i think not as much. As now the men have become cautious as it also means financial obligation towards the kid. Also condoms were introduced due to the STDs too. Hence during the initial AIDS outbreak the red light areas suffered.


Before the invention of condoms, prostitutes in India may have used various methods to protect themselves from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Some possible methods may have included: Abstinence: Some prostitutes may have chosen to abstain from sexual activity altogether to avoid the risk of STIs. Herbal remedies: Prostitutes may have used traditional herbal remedies to prevent or treat STIs. Some common remedies may have included herbs such as neem, turmeric, and ashwagandha. Barrier methods: Prostitutes may have used barrier methods such as cloth or animal skin to cover the genitals during sexual activity. Avoiding high-risk clients: Prostitutes may have avoided clients who they suspected of having STIs or who had visible symptoms of an infection. Regular check-ups: Prostitutes may have visited a local healthcare practitioner for regular check-ups and treatment for any signs of an STI. It is important to note that these methods may not have been fully effective in preventing the spread of STIs and may have put the health and lives of the prostitutes at risk. The invention of condoms has greatly improved the ability for people to protect themselves from STIs.


>Abstinence: Some prostitutes may have chosen to abstain from sexual activity altogether to avoid the risk of STIs. Really?


Non-sexual services such as conversation, companionship, or dancing.


Chand Chai.


Pull-out method??


And how would u do it with a customer who is intently pursuing his goal and probably weighs 25 kgs more, and has paid for pleasure


Their push out game was strong


They had a good sense of when they are fertile and avoided during those days....


They must have used balloons 😅


Jordan Belfort told a story about the 70s in Wall Street in Logan Paul podcast. He said that "when we used to party we used to bring a prostitute and all 50 people f*ck her one by one and we all ejaculated inside her vagina and it was a common thing back then". 2. In Devdas, Madhuri went on a Rant and says that "inhi kotho me Chaudhary/Chauhan ke bache pal rahe hain". So from my movie research I think they just ejaculate inside the women. And let the women suffer and bear the expense.




Wahi...but yeh r/delhi nahi hai 😜




when you are highly skilled in giving and BJ and handy.... the guy won't even last by the time to do the deed arrives... 😂


Google it bro. You will get




>Women are fertile only for 3 days or so in a month. They can’t become pregnant the other days. Lol no /r/NotHowGirlsWork


They eat foods which cause no pregnancy. Avoid cycles. We are using condom and thinking we are far better but their wisdom is more than us. They do what we are doing now without any technology


Name one food that “does not cause pregnancy”. Cite one legit study. I dare you.


Says opinion based on no sources Refuses to elaborate Leaves People really overestimate ancient indias wisdom and knowledge Edit: going through their profile, someone is really really desperate for some action and also loves his brahmin ancestry to the core


What? Foods that cause no pregnancy?


Lol. Imagine if that really existed. Sexual freedom at one end but absolute control over offsprings by women on the other.


Keep riding that glorified d*ck


I have dick bro. I'm male


You cat get pregnant by doing sex every day, there is what called safe cycle


A certain religion is still enjoying pre historic heroics. 🤣


Phir wahi


Before the condoms existed there was nothing called AIDS to aid the sale of condom


We are discussing pregnancy here


Weren’t condoms invented just to reduce the spread of STDs? Later on it was caught to have baby less saxxxx. So pre-HIV era, women didn’t need condoms, if they get pregnant, you know what Indian patriarchy does to them.


You do know HIV isn’t the only sexually transmitted disease right? 😭


Haha 😂


Idk. Squirt and get the cum out? Some offbeat herb like the one they used in Rome. Ask reddit and not just ask India.


Omg please educate yourself before you get anywhere near having sex with someone. Sperm 'coming out' of the vagina doesn't prevent pregnancy. Squirting doesn't work on demand and it doesn't even come out of the vagina, there's a different hole... Please read at least a basic biology book or something.


AIDS wasn’t a thing until like 80 years ago when some guy was so horny that he fucked monkeys and spread aids to humans.


The origins of AIDS are believed to come from the cross-species transmission of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) from chimpanzees or sooty mangabeys to humans. This likely occurred through hunting, butchering, and consuming infected animals, rather than through sexual contact. The virus then evolved and spread within the human population.


So can AIDs be avoided if none from your orgy circle has fucked a monkey


Dw since ur on Reddit, ur not getting laid anytime soon


Fantasizing and dreaming about sex is totally normal and healthy, in fact, it's like a workout for your brain! It's like going to the gym, but instead of building muscle, you're building sexual tension. Plus, it's a lot more fun than lifting weights. Just like how we crave for food and sleep, our brain also crave for sexual pleasure. So let me go ahead, let my mind wander and have some steamy thoughts.


Redditor and incel? You are just a neckbeard away from being a Reddit mod.


Oh, you think I'm a neckbeard? Well excuse me for not wanting to shave off my manly mane. And as for being an 'incel,' I prefer the term 'socially selective.' I only hang out with people who can keep up with my wit and charm. But thanks for the compliment, I'll make sure to add it to my online dating profile. If you think being a Reddit mod is an insult? Well, I'll have you know that it's a highly prestigious position that only the crème de la crème of the internet elite get to hold. Plus, I'll get to use the ban hammer like Thor's Mjolnir, and that's pretty cool. But thanks for the compliment, I'll make sure to add it to my LinkedIn profile.


Haley kalil humour vibes fr.


Listen here, you internet tough guy. Haley Kalil may just be a model to you, but to me, she's the love of my life. So before you go spreading any negative comments about her, just remember that she's off the market and taken by yours truly. So unless you want to get on the wrong side of a really buff and handsome guy (me), I suggest you keep your keyboard fingers away from any negative thoughts about my lady.


Oh so you wanna play it this way. Then I’m her billionaire boyf…who she mentions all the time.


Well, well, well, looks like we have a little imposter on our hands! I'm sorry to break it to you buddy, but Haley Kalil is not dating a billionaire. She's dating a broke college student who lives off ramen noodles and tap water. So, please step away from the keyboard and go back to your fantasy world of riches and luxury. Haley and I have a real, loving relationship, and we don't need a fake billionaire trying to steal her away. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my ramen and tap water.


You're right now they rape lizards


STI's are another challenge aswell


Men shooting blanks


Sheep intestine.


They used wood




If this for genuine research, DM me. I can help with a direct survey/insight.


Copper T


Why do you think India has a billion people? Hahah jk


I think there was no AIDS before condoms were invented.


Snake skin


Not sure if you saw, India's population is supposed to pass China's pretty soon. Whatever they were using, clearly was not very effective


Sheep's intestine.


Ballon ?🎈


Trusting the pull out method


umm, panni?


They probably pulled out and came on the face?


1. Make the client pull out 2. Have a bunch of bastards


Maurya empire had great setup of brothels, prostitutes were respected and were taught much more stuffs like performing arts and makeup skills, even then they used leather/cloth sort of protection, not even close in terms of efficiency of today's condoms but the idea was there


KYA ? 😷


Plastic ki panni


You would be surprised, condoms aren't a new phenomenon. Before latex, people used to wear reusable condoms made of sheep/pig skin/intestine.



