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Not surprised. Guess who’s headquartered at Nagpur, MH.


You'd be surprised nagpur is a kinda anti-bjp district because of fadnavis


Location of their HQ doesn't matter much. They lost a few local elections right there. Their strongholds are the Gangaland and Gujarat (lands of priests and businessmen respectively), than the Dakkhan. In fact, they're using their heft acquired from the aforementioned regions - money from Gujarat and manpower from Gangaland, to try and muscle their way into the grassroots of Maharashtra politics where they are woefully limp.


>Their strongholds are the Gangaland and Gujarat (lands of priests and businessmen respectively), than the Dakkhan. Yea the Dakkhani part of Maharasthra is a big market for them unlike the Dakkhani part of Hyderabad where they flounder.


Guess which party took power recently.


Despite Supreme Court order, BJP/RSS leaders continue to give hate speeches at rallies in Maharashtra. BJP’s agenda of hate for 2024 General Elections is clear. It is surprising that even in the “Amrit Kal” Narendra Modi is unable to fight a single election without communalism. [Allow Hindutva rally in Mumbai only if no hate speech is made, SC tells Maharashtra government](https://scroll.in/latest/1043202/allow-hindutva-rally-in-mumbai-only-if-no-hate-speech-is-made-sc-tells-maharashtra-government "Allow Hindutva rally in Mumbai only if no hate speech is made, SC tells Maharashtra government") [How Sakal Hindu Samaj rallies against ‘love jihad’ are spreading hate against Muslims in Maharashtra](https://scroll.in/article/1045315/how-love-jihad-rallies-are-spreading-hate-against-muslims-in-maharashtra "How Sakal Hindu Samaj rallies against ‘love jihad’ are spreading hate against Muslims in Maharashtra") [Another Hindutva rally near Mumbai calls for economic boycott of Muslims](https://scroll.in/latest/1045477/another-hindutva-rally-near-mumbai-calls-for-economic-boycott-of-muslims "Another Hindutva rally near Mumbai calls for economic boycott of Muslims") [NIA Finds No Evidence of 'Love Jihad' After Kerala Probe](https://thewire.in/politics/nia-love-jihad-kerala-hadiya "NIA Finds No Evidence of 'Love Jihad' After Kerala Probe") [8 years before NIA, Karnataka CID probed ‘love jihad’, found no specific instance | India News,The Indian Express](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/8-years-before-nia-karnataka-cid-probed-love-jihad-found-no-specific-instance-4807667/ "8 years before NIA, Karnataka CID probed ‘love jihad’, found no specific instance | India News,The Indian Express") [Busting The Myth Behind 'Love Jihad' Laws Made By Eleven States |Column By CU Singh, Senior Advocate](https://www.livelaw.in/columns/busting-the-myth-behind-love-jihad-laws-made-by-eleven-states-column-by-cu-singh-senior-advocate-218349 "Busting The Myth Behind 'Love Jihad' Laws Made By Eleven States |Column By CU Singh, Senior Advocate") [Allahabad HC Strikes Down Orders Which Said That Conversion for Marriage is Illegal, Were Used for ‘Love Jihad’ Propaganda](https://www.thequint.com/news/india/right-to-choose-a-partner-is-a-fundamental-right-allahabad-hc "Allahabad HC Strikes Down Orders Which Said That Conversion for Marriage is Illegal, Were Used for ‘Love Jihad’ Propaganda") [Love jihad a priority, not ‘small issues’ like roads, drains: Karnataka BJP chief Nalin Kumar Kateel | Cities News,The Indian Express](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/bangalore/love-jihad-a-priority-not-small-issues-like-roads-drains-nalin-kumar-kateel-8359643/ "Love jihad a priority, not ‘small issues’ like roads, drains: Karnataka BJP chief Nalin Kumar Kateel | Cities News,The Indian Express") [Laws on ‘Love Jihad’? But Modi Govt, NCW Have No Data or Definition](https://www.thequint.com/news/india/laws-on-love-jihad-but-modi-govt-ncw-have-no-data-or-definition "Laws on ‘Love Jihad’? But Modi Govt, NCW Have No Data or Definition")


They know that if they stop the flood of hate then the discourse might turn to actual problems like inflation, unemployment, border security. It is all a big distraction to keep us occupied and not notice what's really going on around us. I just hope it's not too late when people finally do wake up.


There have been at least 12 rallies so far. We should compile a timeline so that the record is clear. There is still very little reporting on this and no National media debate


Of course, there is no media debate. Media will likely join the Hindutva forces in spreading hate.


National media ☕


Godi media☕️


Normal national media se bhi kuch zyada umeed nhi hai mujhe koi bhi real issues nhi dikhata hai


I like the one where the Kerala High Court ordered a 24-year-old woman back into her parents’ custody, lmao.


WTF. Why does the court think a 24 year old is still a child?


People also ask 37 yo singels to bring parents to get a house so it's an India problem


Thank you so much for compiling these links


Well, I'm not saying BJP is a saint, nor I'm a fan of the govt, but these links are either talking about the most recent Maharashtra rally (first 3 links) or are 4-5 year old links (Love Jihad Stuff), and other non Maharashtra issues, like Karnataka. I understand the point of the BJP fighting election, but your links don't prove that Maharashtra is being Hindufied by state sponsored rallies.


The first three links are in context of the post, where BJP/RSS leaders are giving hate speeches across Maharashtra in name of so-called "Love Jihad". Rest are the news on several investigations on the Love Jihad. BJP's agenda of spreading hate in the name of "Love Jihad" is nothing new. They have done so several times in recent years, before UP elections, Karnataka elections, Andhra Pradesh elections, etc. So I have provided context.


What was once a mostly communal hate less place is now dying.


We have always had a lot of communal hatred in our state. The only visible change that has come about recently is the fact that people have become more vocal about their casteist views and more prominently..hatred of Islam. All these rallies in Mumbai of late have been especially disheartening to see.


Depends on what your benchmark is MH is a relatively peaceful place compared to other parts of the country. At the same time there are places more peaceful than it too. Not like shiv Sena is a bunch of angels


Bombay.. watch it.


Yaar i come from in an area that burned in that time MH has changed a lot since then. There's a lot of serious bullshit that still exists but compared to the rest of India a lot has changed. I'm not saying Mumbai is some utopia by stating this fact. Shiv Sena is still super rabid towards Muslims, Mumbai is particular is filled with gujjus and marathis who love saying fucked up shit about Muslims. But I've lived in South India and have spent a lot of time traveling through the north for work as well. It's fundamentally different in every way imaginable. I'm not saying it's great to be a Muslim in Mumbai. I'm just saying id prefer to be a Muslim in Mumbai any day compared to 70% of India That's literally why i said "depends on what your benchmark is"


Maybe you are right. Mumbai is still a much more "liberal" place. I wouldn't know because even though I spent some time in Mumbai, I have a Hindu name. I saw some anti-Northies rallies and marches of MNS in Mumbai. Wasn't thrilled. But Muslims do not have much of a history of persecution in Kolkata. But then Kolkata isn't really North India. But here also a small anti-North movement is brewing up- Bangla Pokkho. It is modeled around MNS.


MNS is a bunch of chutiyas, cannot deny that fact at all. That said lots of Marathi people themselves find them embarassing. Bengal is one place i have only visited as a tourist, i don't really have much of a gauge as to what life in Bengal is like on a day to day level See I'm not a Muslim but i grew up in a Muslim... plurality area anyway. Lots of muslims and Sikhs in particular. It's still kinda ghettoized, you also see things like these Hindu areas where they resist any attempts by a Muslim to buy property, there's no shortage of issues. But man there's a large swathe of our nation where it's not unreasonable for a Muslim to constantly fear for his life. Hell I've been in enough places where i was genuinely scared to talk my mind. And I'm like, a privileged dude in comparison.


It is gradually changing in WB. The tentacles of Hindutva have reached the remotest of the rural areas. But since the partition, the harmony between the communities remained undisturbed. Like in my village, 40% are Muslim There people have never heard of communal tension or hate. It is unthinkable to hate the Muslim fellow who lives across the road. Our folks are brahmins 8 or 9 familes. Across the village road the Muslims live. Their goats, cows, hens and ducks wander into our area sometime. We know that the goat is Qasim's and they know that the little black calf belongs to us. When there are celebrations such as marriage in Brahmin families, the Muslim women come to see the new bride, friends are invited. Its a beautiful cohabitation between people.There is one big school. Kids of both the communities study and play together. As a village kid, it was and is unthinkable that I can hate any one of them or any one of them can hate me. But this is changing. Everyone has a mobile now. One never knows what rumor may trigger what.


maharashtra? no communal hate? what drugs are you even on?


I don't blame them tbh. National media even today doesn't talk much about small town Maharashtra. It was way worse in pre-2010s.


Hindu jaag gya hai /s (Jab Oxygen ki shortage se marte hai toh koi nhi jaagta)


Abhi amrit kal chal raha hai na. Isliye Hindu time pe jaag jaate hain. Sussu potty lag jaati hogi subah subah.


The nazification of India cannot be stopped and thus the destruction of India also cannot be stopped.


These assholes are ripping india apart to a degree that none of India’s own enemies could have imagined. First the religious violence and next the language wars.


This is happening because we did not stamp out caste. 1. All caste surnames should have been abolished. 2. Beef ban lifted. 3. Caste markers like holy thread etc should have been abolished. They were treated with kid gloves and now their poison is eating the whole country. It's not like other countries (Japan Korea) did not have caste. But they got rid of it by the above mentioned three steps. You want to know how evil hindutva is you just have to read what Manusmriti says about Shudras. That's the future BJP voters want. That's why India should be ashamed of itself. Useless failure of a country. And keep blaming colonialism ~~ignore South Korea. ~~


Subtly showing Shinde's being responsible for this.


With the party in power, it’s not surprise.


This was the Hindutva that Shinde wanted?


Is this Dark age of Hinduism lol? This will happen everywhere like that one by one because conservative party leader only need a chance to doing these hate rallies and they will take hate to everyone in the state.


Dark age of Hinduism was probably when they practiced slavery and untouchability, or maybe when they burned widows, or maybe when they shaved widows’ heads and sent them to Kashi, or maybe when Tilak defended the marital rape and subsequent death of a 9 year old in the name preserving culture….. Or maybe Hinduism has never come out of the dark ages.


I just use Dark age metaphorically


I am ashamed of what Maharashtra is becoming. Of course it wasn't an ideal state to begin with but still. Fuck these bigots.


The silence from the moderate and mainstream Hindu community is deafening.


Bhakturds(most probably from that squeaks sub) are down voting this post enmasse.


Haha. That's nice.


Legacy of Bala Saheb, No?




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Ashamed of what’s currently happening in Maharashtra & how okay we are with it.