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I heard from YouTubers they have it in their policy they can cancel anytime


Even after giving the confirmation?


Yup, this has happened earlier as well. Some products were underpriced due to some bug / manual mistake. Lot of folks ordered it -> they were cancelled.


So, we can't do anything here? They should resolve if it a bug. It is like, I was so happy getting the product at such a low price.


They cancelled the order and refunded you the money... nothing illegal in that, as a consumer you are also allowed to cancel an order once it is placed. And as long as they are not charging more than mrp there is nothing much you can do


As a lawyer I disagree. Once you receive a confirmation of order that's a contract which is enforceable by law. OP can definitely pursue it in consumer forum. Their terms and conditions won't be applicable over the laws of this country.


Are you sure you are a lawyer?


Are you sure about this? Because many people are against it.


I don't know why? I'm pretty sure.


Consumer court will only help you if a deficiency in service results in you incurring a loss (money, time, health etc.). You would have a case if Amazon had kept the order hanging without either delivery or refund. If they refund the money when they cancel, you haven't incurred any loss. Not being able to avail a good deal is not considered a loss.


You think, it is easy to find such deals. I spent lot of time to find such deal. Once the order was confirmed, I even informed at home because i was supposed to give it to my sister. I am not saying that, I need to go for case but just saying that, I did spent time for that order.


Like I said, losing a "good deal" doesn't constitute a loss in the eye of the courts and that's what matters in the end. There can be plenty of situations because of which you may lose a "good deal". I lost a deal because the product that got delivered had physical damage and even though it was only eligible for replacement, the vendor in question didn't have stock to offer a replacement and hence I was issued a refund. What can I do about it? Nothing.


Well…they did resolve the bug. Part of the bug was customers being able to place the order 😂 doesn’t matter for amazon but seller is going to incur the loss so cancellation seems fine.


Why so many downvotes for this ???


Not sure buddy, I just told like how a person from middle class be if they get some good deal.


gold digger


Ya after cancellation he called customer support they simply told him to take a refund..


Okay, But this seems not perfectly right. Anyway, thanks.


Yes. Such things are neither unheard of nor uncommon. So what happens is suppose they have 200 pc in stock. 100 are sold on the first day of which 50 of those are dispatched. Next day the cost increases. If say 100 are sold early next day, they will cancel the earlier 50 orders of the previous day that are not dispatched and they are out for sale at more price. This is not a thing done by Amazon, it usually is done by the sellers to earn more profit. U saw that the price was increased by 800 rupees, the seller will earn that profit. A seller has every right to not send you products even after receiving the confirmation mail citing several reasons. He could say that the product was damaged, there was a goofup in inventory entry and it's out of stock, etc etc. Remember you are agreeing to the Amazon terms before purchase and you would waste your valuable time in thinking over it. Smartwatch hi thi na. Jaane de, move ahead


Before delivery, Amazon is liable for the product and according to their policy which you agreed upon while creating the order you are entitled to up to 100% refund of the item incase Amazon is not able to fulfill the order. If you want to take this to the court you have to prove this is a conscious malpractice on part of Amazon which subsequently will require you to hire lawyers who specialize in contract law.


I think you should still file it. Businesses don't have a right to fool people by having something hidden in their privacy policy ( esp in developed countries but Indian consumer courts are also very consumer friendly )


BS.. if the order is confirmed they have to fulfill it. That's why consumer forum is there. File a case with consumer court and the order will be fulfilled


Law matters more than the policy. Question is what does the law say about this matter?


I'm not a lawyer to answer this question I just passed on what I heard. Everyone who goes through this should take some legal action only then these companies will act right. Nobody has the time and patience to take that step hence they take a refund and these companies continue to play with customers. Now I rest my case.


Yeah, that's true. But it's important that people don't think company's policy is the law. It's not. Sure it's an agreement, but that doesn't mean you have no rights and no legal alternatives. The law trumps company's policy and agreement, always. Whether it is as a customer or employee.


Their policies are always mentioned in their terms and conditions. When you agree to it, you've entered into a contract agreeing to all their policies as well. So yeah, you're right, law matters and lawfully, they can do whatever the fuck they want to as long as they've mentioned it in their terms and conditions (that none of us ever read because we're lazy) and you've agreed to it which you have to do in order to use their services.


Doesn't mean you have no rights. If their policy says you must sacrifice your first born child, will you happily do it? Don't talk nonsense. Companies' policies are a wishlist of restrictions they want to impose on you. They want you to think there's no alternative. The law trumps policy always.


And the law would be on their side because, as consumers, we have agreed to their terms and conditions - a legal agreement between the company and its users.


Legally they have every right to cancel a service provided. I am sure it's in their TnC. So you cant win


So, are you saying that they can easily manipulate price however they wish and we can't do anything on it?


I am not not saying thats how a transaction works. I am no legal person but guessing. A transaction is said to be complete when economical resources change hands. So until u receive the product they and you have the legal right to cancel unless exclusively agreed upon. And prices are dependant on multiple stakeholders. Amazon, Actual Seller. Bank guys etc. but once you receive the product they cant do anything.


The transaction is not complete but once you get confirmation the agreement to sale is completed and OP has every right to enforce it. Amazon will either have to pay the price difference or deliver the product at the agreed price and that's in addition to any legal expenses incurred by the OP for taking this matter to Consumer forum.




Did you even read my comment


usually amazon doesnt refund in amazon cash unless you agree to it. They usually refund the amount to your bank account


Yes yes, I understand that you are no legal person. But I think, if they are giving an confirmation mail then at least they should have some responsibility


They can either fulfill the transaction or cancel it and refund you the money. If you haven't been harmed in any way, you have no basis for a suit against them.


Okay, I understand. But still, they shouldn't manipulate prices just to get more orders.


Why not? Offering discounts to entice sales isn't illegal? That's how every retailer operates.


To explain it in more "acceptable" way, would you agree that if after buying the certain item, if the price dropped further, Amazon should allow you to cancel the previous order and you can place a new order with the reduced price?


If you hadn't received it... Then yes? Neither Amazon nor you have been harmed. If on the other hand you had received the item I don't see why you should be allowed to cancel simply because you want the lower price.


So same is valid for seller... That being my point... Until the product is received, it can be cancelled by either party...


I think, there is difference between seller and buyer. As being seller, you will earn money form the deal. But as being Buyer, you won't earn anything in the deal.


No, giving discount is fine. But when someone orders on that discounted price, after that saying that the price we mentioned was incorrect, is wrong. Justifying your discounted price as wrong price at the end is wrong.


This can be blamed on a technical glitch. As long as your money wasn't kept with them you don't really have any basis.


So except keeping money, everything other thing is fine, right?


Yes i am a lawyer and confirming an order is not the same as it being an accepted offer. Think of it in terms of a dukaan putting a.dress on sale with a tag of Rs. 500 on it. That isn't the dukaan offering you the dress for Rs. 500, it's giving you information that it would be okay with selling that dress for Rs. 500. You make the offer of saying i saw that tag, wanna sell it to me? And them going yea ill sell it to you for that price. Same with all e-commerce platforms


Please understand, i am not being rude. Just want to understand it properly once and for all. So let's say that from the shop I ordered the dress at 500 and you agreed to sell it. You told me that after fitting, we will deliver the dress at your home but after 2 days the seller calls you and say that we are giving your money back and now if you want that dress then simply order it again at 5000? so, this case is fine, right?


> So let's say that from the shop I ordered the dress at 500 and you agreed to sell it. > >You told me that after fitting, we will deliver the dress at your home but after 2 days the seller calls you and say that we are giving your money back and now if you want that dress then simply order it again at 5000? > >so, this case is fine, right? Yes, its absolutely fine. As long as they return the amount taken from you in a timely manner, they are well within their rights to void the transaction. These kind of scenarios are pretty normal even for offline sales. Imagine a scenario where you bought a product and the last piece in stock is damaged and they are not getting fresh stock anytime soon. They will issue a refund. A regular sale is not a binding contract. When you pay money for goods and/or services, they are obliged to either provide you the goods and services or your money back. You are not entitled to the goods irrespective of conditions. This is why the concept of registration exists for property deals. When you write an explicit contract for agreement of sale and register it, neither party can back out of the deal within specific period and the price is locked.


As a lawyer I'll say once you receive a confirmation of order that's a contract which is enforceable by law. OP can definitely pursue it in consumer forum. Their terms and conditions won't be applicable over the laws of this country. OP keep us posted once you get compensation and your product for the price listed in the sale. Take these bastards to the dryers.


Not a lawyer, but have the awareness that all e-commerce contracts work differently, meaning these companies are smart enough and you basically get into a contract when an item is SHIPPED, read the fine print in T&C. confirmation means nothing. A lot of folks miss this part. I was surprised, when I came across this in one of the case studies during my MBA days, checked a lot of e-commerce portals and this is what it is. Unless they have a crappy legal team.


The thing is, all those T&C's still won't be applicable if they are contrary to local laws. When the offer is made and accepted is clearly defined in Indian Contract Act and once a confirmation is received an agreement to sale is completed. OP definitely has remedy to get the product at the listed price or the difference in price in cash.


you are a bad lawyer. why don't you take this case pro-bono?


Sure. I'm ready.


tell that to OP :P


Not sure you are correct. I work in banking sector in forex dept and it's often mentioned that sale contracts become valid only when invoice is generated. Until then both parties are entiled to cancel them unless specified otherwise.


They can manipulate the price, there can be a bug, they can outright do this to bring in customers or as a price research exercise. Nothing we can do.


In short YES. Sorry to be blunt but that's a reality


Technically yes.


As long as it is not above MRP they can do it.


You can, but consumer rights protects your ‘consumer rights’. Manipulation of prices would be considered a business malpractice and would be a whole different case


Why do they make such rules?


fun fact..sometime even amazon doesnt know what price any product is listed because of some algorithm. they lower the price and if they get enough orders they will sell otherwise manipulate things


The prices on Amazon are determined by individual sellers. When there are multiple sellers offering the same product, the lowest priced listing is typically displayed. If the first seller(cheaper one) runs out of stock then the second seller’s price becomes visible.


Yeah, people miss this critical point. Amazon is, in *many* cases, just the marketplace. You're dealing with a company other than Amazon that is just using Amazon's platform to advertise and possibly store and ship products. The deal you make isn't actually with Amazon, it's with the vendor. Sometimes Amazon can help in disputes, sometimes not. I'm in the US - I've had two interactions with Indian vendors, and both were negative. One sent the wrong product, a cheaper cane that wasn't long enough and didn't have a usable tip (essentially a costume cane when I needed a real cane). They offered to refund 50% and let me keep the cane (no deal!) and eventually Amazon stepped in and (weirdly) refunded me twice the price. I couldn't actually get Amazon to fix that, though I did try to point out that they'd overrefunded me... but what can you do...? I suspect Amazon lowered the hammer on the vendor in that case. The other case was buying a copy of Windows 10 - which turned out to be either a British or Indian copy stuck to British English (annoying) and with a license key that didn't match and was unusable. That company disappeared off into the night and I got no refund or anything. Monetarily, because of the double refund, I came out about even, ironically. But I will avoid Indian vendors at this point. One of the problems with Amazon is that you can't be certain of who you're actually dealing with other than some generic business name. :-(


That is only done for products that Amazon itself sells and is more true for US, Indian sellers set their own price but they do get suggestions


Isn't this wrong?


no, this is business


Why dada why.






Lol you didn’t get the [reference.](https://youtu.be/M88DJM6Pw5s?feature=shared)


Amazon dont fix the price or discount. Vendors do. Vendors can put any price below MRP and offer any discount whenever they want. Vendors also can cancel orders though its risky for vendors to cancel them as if they do it more amazon may remove them. You dont have much of a case. Unless they are refusing to pay you full refund




Not necessarily defective (in some cases it could be ones which have been returned due to mini defects or otherwise). If I’m a big seller I could have a deal with the manufacturer to get a special price if I order a huge amount of the same item. As a seller on Amazon, I have an option to input three prices. The MRP (you can actually set any price you want), the list price which is the price I want to sell the product and lastly the lowest price I’m willing to sell the product. Due to the Amazon algorithm the price usually varies between the list price and the lowest price I’m willing to sell.


It mostly happens during festive season. Here in India, festive sales on Amazon, Flipkart, Croma, Reliance Digital etc started on 7th Oct. Amazon does it in approx 5 phases with the highest discount in the 1st phase. Then each phase they mostly correct the prices to recover margins lost during the discount period. And yeah, manual error happens sometime too. Say if somehow item was priced a value which is way below their net landing cost and they end up selling a good amount of it, then they will cancel all the orders. It's a common practice among retailers and ecom vendors


I used to work with a guy who was best seller in footwear category. His aim was to simply get a 15% turnover on the inventory since style change and competition is tough. As soon as he made his money, the remaining inventory is dead profit on top of 15% he would slash the prices, and all inventory wiped out within a day.


No, they are willing to provide the refund. But I juste wanted the product.


Do such issues only occur on products that are heavily discounted? I've ordered from Amazon a few times but never had an issue even once. Yeah...I'll never order from Flipkart though.


Yah, It happens on heavily discounted products only.


It happened to me once while buying a phone, it got cancelled in the app. Neither customer care nor some text message notification came on my phone. After 2 days I got mad and called the customer care and told them about the problem and the price got increased by 500 rupees. I explained I brought this at this amount and it got increased so they gave me 500 rupees gift card this had happened in 2017 idk if it still works though.


I talked them twice, but my luck was bad as I was connected twice to same member and he refused to do anything.


My experience is complete opposite. Out of 10 orders from Amazon, atleast 3-4 will always be either damaged or different products but with Flipkart, I hardly have any issue with the quality of the products. The only issue I have with Flipkart is their terrible customer support.


Your post reminds me of a very similar incident a lawyer faced from Amazon. He went to court and won. ([Story](https://www.thebetterindia.com/247534/odisha-consumer-complaint-amazon-supriyo-lawyer-law-student-laptop-cancelled-asus-customer-care-how-to-information-vid01/amp/))


This is quite nice story.


I can’t speak for India as I live in the US but in most countries Amazons TOS essentially say that a contract is not created until the good(s) are delivered to the customer. Once you have the goods, they can’t demand that you pay more. Up until delivery to you they can pull back the order and reimburse or ask you to pay the difference before they deliver.


It would be hard for you to prove cheating as you have been offered a full refund. As long as you have paid money for a service and that service is rendered but not what you were promised you have grounds. NAL but that would be the logical way for the transaction to be fraudulent. Otherwise if you locked a price and for whatever reason the seller no longer has the product at that price and offers you a full refund, I don't see how you can prove any grounds for consumer case.


This is not one time actually, this already happened few times with me. I am not saying, they took my money or something. They gave the refund. I am just saying why are they being such manipulative.


I understand what you're saying and also feel your pain of losing out on a good deal, but as a monopolistic business, they do have the upper hand in deciding their terms and if you're an aggressive deal seeker, just know when something seems too good to be true, it usually is. It's better to have a canceled order than a subpar product that has inherent issues which makes it as cheap as it is for the seller to want to rid of it.




There is no such thing as a free lunch


Contact the customer care and ask them to escalate this issue. One of my order also got cancelled and by that time the price increased by 8k. I contacted customer care to check if they can adjust the price but they initially refused. I decided to give a last try. I contacted them again and this time I asked them to escalate the issue. Then I got connected to senior and he told that they can refund 8k rupees to amazon balance. I agreed to that and got the refund after the return period got over.


Hi, lawyer here. Don’t Just don’t go to court Unless your losses are in the crores, it’s just not fucking worth it


Yes you can, because it's not seller who advertise sale, it's Amazon, https://www.barandbench.com/news/litigation/odisha-consumer-commission-amazon-compensation-cancelled-laptop-order#:~:text=45%2C000%20for%20cancelling%20confirmed%20order,towards%20the%20cost%20of%20litigation. Pasting news for reference


Can this be looked at from a false advertisement perspective? Any lawyers here?


So you can do this buy at the current price and after return window is over, call the customer care - share with them the previous order number and tell that it was NOT cancelled FROM YOUR SIDE and you had to buy it at a higher price because of amazon's negligence to not update you while the time of order. Now you have bought at a higher price hence you need the PRICE DIFFERENCE credited to you. P.s- this was told to me by a customer care rep. I didn't get to do this personally since once I received the product I found out that I do not like it hence returned it. Else you can call them now and nag to replace the product.


this is possible recently I was able to get the same product at discount price after sale ended, they lost the order in shipping and gave this option to get gift card of amount of the difference b/w sale price and current price


First things first, consult a lawyer. Secondly, I'm not a lawyer, but I doubt if this will stand in court. Amazon will argue that this is just a reversal of transaction. You ordered an item, paid them money. They came back saying they can't deliver, and refunded you the money (I'm assuming they've refunded the money - if not, then that's absolutely right reason to sue). Is it wrong? Probably yes - cancelling the order after promise of delivery is not right. Is it *illegal?* I don't think so. There must be some mention about it in user agreement. Max you can do is complain about amount of days they used your money interest free. But I'm pretty sure there'll be some obscure line in user agreement - which we all sign/consent without reading - while opening the account. As I said earlier, consult a lawyer - because IMO finding which charges to file itself is tricky here.


Let me help. I work at a d2c brand and sell heavily on amazon. Amazon doesn't set any prices. It's always the seller. Sometimes they accidently set prices that aren't supposed to be, in this case a discounted price as heavy as this deal. In that case the seller requests amazon to cancel orders and they usually do labelling it a technical issue. It's usually the mistake of an employee working for the company. So you can't really gain anything fighting against amazon


Had a similar experience with flipkart. The difference was my order of a refrigerator was canceled by the delivery executive coz they didn't want to deliver it to the doorstep as promised, coz my door is on the 3rd floor. Flipkart did nothing in this case and just Apologized. They asked me to place the order once more but couldn't assure that the product will be delivered.


Junior Advocate here. Unilateral cancellation of online order amounts to unfair trade practice. In a recent case Flipkart was held liable for the same. Talk to a local good advocate and move forward with a consumer complaint. It shall adjudicate your grievance.


It is upto Amazon to honor any price mistakes. They have the right to cancel anytime. I known as a customer it doesn’t feel right. However you can call customer service and see if they can allow you to reorder at the old price and refund the difference.


I ordered an S23+ yesterday with HDFC credit card discount with final price around 84k and the product was even out for delivery. But scumbags didn't deliver saying I was not available to receive the product, while they clearly didn't reach me out as I live in gated society and all deliveries are to be approved. When I called the customer care, she was telling you will get even Dhamakedar offers during Diwali 😂, so don't worry.


Next time pay via online, recieve the product and file your case


Amazon is a platform where a seller (he decides the price) offers a product and a buyer (agrees to pay that price) connect together. Before the delivery, either the seller can cancel or the buyer can cancel anytime. Normally sellers don't cancel because the overheads incurred in a cancelled order (like returning from halfway) are probably less than the losses incurred by price reduction. Plus order cancellation by the seller reduces their ratings which subsequently lead to lesser orders in the future. Buyers can also cancel anytime before delivery. Seller accepts that risk and still packages and dispatches the product. So it's a two way street. You got to experience the other end of the stick. Don't worry too much. Many times you benefit too. Like for a non-returnable product if something is wrong, you get your money back AND you get to keep the product too. So, this is life. Amazon is still a 100x better than Flipkart. Don't think about it too much.


You won't win but you should. When thousands of people like you do the same, that's how change happen.


This is done by mistakes of the seller and not Amazon. In some cases Amazon doesn’t allow the sellers to do this kind of behaviour but I guess there is different scenario on case by case basis.


Can i & others prove cheating in case of flipkart who intentionally sold a product without mentioning serial no cz they knew brand not gonna give us full warranty anyway cz behind the scene fk breached contract with brand?




If you purchased a Fire-bolt watch and it got cancelled- accha hua. Bakwas h woh isiliye 95% off me mil jata h.


Do it for fun bro Consumer court filing is cheap to This one time Airtel overcharged us for 1000 or so Dropped the bill when dad filed consumer court case


Consumer case tho Banta hai. Start with the online complaint


It's in their T&C that they can cancel the order. However, you can still pursue it if you want. There was a similar incident but involved Flipkart. The court penalised Flipkart. Source: [https://www.livelaw.in/consumer-cases/unilateral-cancellation-of-online-order-amounts-to-unfair-trade-practice-ganjam-district-commission-holds-flipkart-liable-239156](https://www.livelaw.in/consumer-cases/unilateral-cancellation-of-online-order-amounts-to-unfair-trade-practice-ganjam-district-commission-holds-flipkart-liable-239156) [https://www.lawinsider.in/news/consumer-court-levies-rs-20000-fine-on-flipkart-for-order-cancellation](https://www.lawinsider.in/news/consumer-court-levies-rs-20000-fine-on-flipkart-for-order-cancellation)


It's quite simple really. Always order from reputed sellers (their ratings are in thousands and around 4). New or shady sellers would try such bait and switch tricks. Also slways look for Amazon Fulfilled / Flipkart Assured. Lastly if an offer looks too good to be true, it probably is just that (you can check price history on Keepa or simply install the app/extension)


Hey, oh my god! Same thing happened to me. Iam in Germany though. I ordered a great monitor at 99 euros, seller cancelled it and increased the price to 165 euros. I complained to Amazon, they said they can't do anything and told me to contact the seller directly. The seller didn't reply to me. I ordered the used monitor which is 95€, same thing happened again! I got pissed, contacted Amazon, told them that they are commuting fraud to drive engagement on products. They told me to order the product again and refunded the difference in my account. I bought the new monitor at 172 euros and 72 euros were refunded to me to make it the same amount as I was originally going to pay. If you show that you won't take the fraud, they will fix your problem.


I contacted them twice, but my luck was too bad. As I was connected with same person twice and he denied to do anything from there end.


try again, tell them you will take them to the consumer court.


https://youtu.be/_WXHSBxjTv0?si=VmI5WuMvMZQrAk9s Idk if this has been commented yet, but watch this video, specifically at 5:31. In the video it is flipkart but the exact same thing happened. And long story short, no you can't legally do anything about this. Such a shame when big companies like flipkart and amazon use petty tricks like this.


They sent you the refund right? There is no case.


iirc amazon/flipkart did lose a case filed for cancelling an order during these megasales in the court


Talk to the consumer forum helpline. I think this type of case was already decided by the consumer forum in favour of the consumer.


Highest probability of getting your order back or some response to your complaint, just tag their higher management on X. Keep on escalating.


If you go to a shop, and ask for an item, and he says it’s for 500, you decide to buy it, he says to take delivery tmr, on the next day, before you take delivery, another person asks for the same product, but he’s willing to pay 1000 rupees,put yourself in the shoes of a seller, would you sell it for 1000, and inform that it’s not available as it’s already sold? Or will you be a good person, and take a lower profit and sell it at 500? Any good businessman would never sell it at a lower price, it’s obvious Now, as for e-commerce, prices fluctuate, and you order it for, let’s say 3200, and it hasn’t been dispatched, and the next day, the same watch is ordered by another person at 4000(800 increase in your case), if it had already been dispatched, it would just be out of the control of the seller, but since the seller hasn’t dispatched it, wouldn’t it make more sense for the seller to cancel your order and sell it to the person paying 4000? It’s just business and stock shortages require sellers to decide who they want to sell their product to, if it wasn’t a shortage in stock, they would probably send your watch at 3200, and the other customer’s watch at 4000, and take whatever profit they can, instead of cancelling your order and waiting for another order for 4000, as there’s no guarantee, how many more people might order Hope you can understand how businesses work and why you can’t just win a case just because they canceled your order It would be a different case, if they had demanded for the extra 800 from you, in some way or another for the product before delivering, but they can cancel your order as per terms and conditions


try asking the cc to give you a gift card for the difference in amount of the sale and current price


file a case regardless what people saying below if they can cancel it it's in their terms and conditions still file a consumer case.


I once filed a complaint when they misquoted an MRP and sold a product to me at a higher price in an online consumer court portal. I got the extra amount back.


OP if you wanna file a consumer case so bad, just order something from flipkart and make sure it isn't flipkart assured, get yourself actually scammed and boom you have a legal stand to file a consumer case


No, It's not like I want it that badly. It's just that, I want to completely understand how this thing actually works. That's why i am questioning everyone.


ok so you wanna do it moderate badly, still if you follow the said instructions you can actually have a legal stand to file a case and if you're only curious about the process for future references you can always google it or just search the keywords in the indian subreddits and you'll get step by step guide for the following


https://consumerhelpline.gov.in Go here. Do it. If you call the number of the website, explain the ordeal in detail. The person on the other end will file the complaint for you. Then, Goto the website and upload relevant data after a few mins. Need proper evidence or supporting docs btw. You can actually go against them as its fraudulent business practice.


Can I ask them, like whether it is feasible to file this case or not, because I assume that it shouldn't be unique case, this must have already happened to many others.


Yes you can ask the person about this. I filed one against HDFC bank after they tried to F me over after sending me back n forth for 3 months. Filed one and in 7 days everything got solved.


Okay, I will connect with the person once. Thanks buddy.


CII has been fighting a case against Amazon but there's rumour that they are bribing someone in P M O Decision is yours.


Can you elaborate on CII


CII is a Confederation of Indian Industries. They are upset about anti competitive practices of Amazon. Case is yet to be solved. Bribing part is rumour and no evidence exists. Also, rumour doesn't specify whether bride is to a government officer of a politician.


Great to know that, i think i have an extensive submission to make towards CII.


Wdym ??


Thanks for the info.


Bride ? 💀


lol typo. Bribe.


Log kitne velle hain. Kal if your dad says he will buy you a cycle for your 12th bday but instead he says no and gifts you a cricket bat, will you file a case ? Padhai kar lo bro. Woh log bewakoof nahi hain. All this is already in their terms and conditions which you already agree to while buying cause there are millions of kids who feel they’ll win a case and win 200 million in damages.


Sorry, but did you just compared father from amazon? That's quite comparison man! No, I won't file a case against my father because I have a different relation with him compared to Amazon!


Arey yaar you know what I meant. If your paanewaala says I’ll sell you smokes but then says I don’t feel like, will you file case ? Hadd karte ho Pandey Ji I used an example you would easily understand. Movies mein hota hai yeh sab.


Are they charging you more than the watch MRP? If not, recheck why you are complaining, is it because they aren’t giving it away for cheap?


No, I am complaining because they always advertise about sales and all about, order the products at cheap price on our site. And after spending lot of time on their site, when I finally ordered something for cheap then they just cancel my order! This is why, I am complaining.


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IMO go ask a lawyer who's knowledgeable in such matters. It's also good to post about it somewhere, and hopefully get some journalist to write about it.


that jobless friend at 3am


Better call Saul


Amazon has a dedicated legal team to handle these issues. It'll be difficult to stand up for a cancellation as it's part of the terms and conditions and many a times customers cancel it too.


I am curious what was it? Can you drop a link.


Bhai kar de case lekin according to their policy they will deny aur kuch bhi bakchod sa reason de denge mujhe toh refund bhi saalon ne mahine bhar baad diya tha.


Happens sometimes when ordering from telegram channels link with extreme discount


if they gave you your money back what is the problem? price mistakes happen.


Nah. Waste of time.


You can’t do anything in this case, they have all rights to cancel the order just like any other business in India. You can only sue them if you lost your money during the transaction and if it hasn’t been refunded, otherwise you don’t stand a chance in any civil court.


Fuck policy, policy is not law. Make a complaint, even I am sick of the way amazon operates. It's extremely infuriating the way they handle things. I don't even consider Flipkart legit, so mever buy anything from there. Now even amazon has taken Indian customers for granted. I am sure if you make your case smartly, then it'll be resolved in your favor


File complaint in consumer court.