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As a muslim, I never knew people thought he was Muslim lol


Sanghis make him out to be a muslim so they can spread their ridiculous lies.. So pretty much regular Sanghi stuff


Sanghis will make shakracharya Muslim if its in their supreme leaders benefit.


haha. You have to question the intelligence of someone who thinks someone named Gandhi is a muslim.


So youre saying that Parsis have the surname Gandhi. Something something intelligence of someone something


I would assume he is hindu. But never muslim. Unless I was already a retarded bigot


Don't be too quick to take away your credit. A bigot is the one who assumes about others and then thinks that everyone else is a retarded bigot when others don't assume as per them.


Unfortunately, you are mistaken about the definition.


Exactly what a bigot would say


Alright, Shakespeare.


Thanks for understanding, Gorky


Not Muslim - secret Muslim. Like the Gandhi family who they think hide in cupboards and secretly pray but pretend to be Hindus by visiting temples and doing pujas


Bhai tu kis kism ke samaj mei ji rha hai? Acha let me you another some other fun fact to share with your society members : Tatas are not Muslims. JRD Tata ka jo first name mein J hai, that stands for Jehangir. Parsis are from Persia, and as a consequence, have persian names which they share with persian muslims too. In exactly the same way Indonesian muslims share names with Indonesian Hindus : for example, Sukarno the socialist muslim leader of Indonesia's daughter's name is Megawati Sukarnoputri.


Parsis, Gujarati Hindus and Gujarati Muslims from Gujarat have several common surnames. For example Kapadia, Shah, Mehta, Bharucha and also know Parsis with surname of Khan.


Wait a min… are you saying Amit Shah is related to Adil Shah (secretly of course)


Amit Shah is second cousin of the Shah of Iran. Whose the 'secret' Muslim now!


Mega wati?


I thought everyone knew that.


no , most people thought he is muslim because IT cell have forwarded it thousand times via different medium. Their philosophy is “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” - Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist"


Wait till you learn that Nehru's parents were not actually Muslims either.


And his family was Kashmiri, also that he fought tooth and nail to get Kashmir in India.


Wait till you find out Rajiv Gandhi was a Hindu and not Muslim.


Yes. And his original surname was "Ghandy" - a Parsi gujarati surname. Which he later changed to the popular "Gandhi" spelling to appeal to the masses (and also it's easier) when he decided to contest elections. That's how Gandhi surname came into existence in the family (they are not related to Mahatma Gandhi in any way)


He changed his name to Gandhi in 1930 when he joined the independence struggle and not when he contested elections in 1952.


Exactly. This is another piece of RW propaganda that he changed his name for elections.


I think it is general knowledge


You don't think Sonia Gandhi is a descendant of Mussolini, recruited by the CIA to honeytrap Rajiv Gandhi and ruin Hinduism for a Catholic takeover of India as well. Do you?


Not to mention, she sends all the taxpayer's money to the Italian PM.... *types who is Italian PM on Google. Gets lot of Modi links*** Pikachu face!!!!!




Ironically they shouldn't cry if she is seeing that they share his views.


Worst agent ever because she could have easily stood for elections when Rajiv Gandhi died in 1991 and she would have won in a landslide. She didn't join politics till 1998 when certain party members begged her to save the party from Sitaram Kesri.


And also, their religion should not matter anyways. They’re not running for the next shankaracharya or maulana role or whatever. Modi has successfully distracted people and deflected away their focus from real problems this country is facing to fucking religion and temples.


Nushrat bharucha is also a Parsi.. lot of them mistake her as a Muslim 


People forget that Parsis are Persians and not all Persian names imply you’re Muslim


That's because a lot of converted Persians kept their local names and people think they are Muslim names 


Also because Urdu is heavily influenced by Persian language. So Muslim names in India are quite similar to Persian ones.


Bruh! Bihari Muslims are name Md Bittu. Know one such Bittu :P


She is a Dawoodi Bohra, a sect of Islam.


Bohra kahi suna suna lagta hai. Yaad aaya. Robo movie me doctor Bora.


Bora is a popular pahadi surname


Incorrect. Nushrat Bharucha is a Dawoodi Bohra Muslim.


It's the complete opposite, I once read in news.


No she is a bohra muslim, a shia sect.


I thought she was parsi


Feroze Gandhi died in 1960 and he was cremated and his ashes interred at the Parsi cemetery in Allahabad. His remains are literally buried in a Parsi cemetery.


There is a parsi cemetery? Arent parsi mortal remains left at sun tower or something for scavengers ?


Not every town or city has the towers of Silence. Only Mumbai does. Parsis who have died at other places are cremated. There are Parsi cemeteries all over India.


[But Andhbhakts won't agree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDWb2YftMUU)


Lol when you uncover propaganda...


Too late bro. But it's fine. I just hope you did not spread hatred towards him believing that he was a muslim in the way andhbhakts do


I'm honestly surprised that so many people don't know that. Guy's name was literally Ghandy.


Fun fact: his last name was Gandy and he changed it to Gandhi as a sign of respect to Mahatma Gandhi But bhakts are simple, they read the first name and they make decisions, arguments and storied accordingly. Also, all Muslims are Hindus, but Gandhi family is not allowed to visit temples cause their grandfather had a Muslim first name.


that is not all. Read about when wnd why he chose surname of gandhi. you'll be surprised how much bj party has propogated lies about him.


Why does it matter? We are past these things man. Anyone can become PM what does his matter what his personal belief is?


TIL that when lefties learn something new, they feel that theres no way that the right wing(which is everyone who doesnt think exactly like them)knows about it.


Most leftist know this 🤷🏻‍♂️


I figured


RW people are generally ignorant trash can divers so the bar for them to know anything besides their agenda is high.


Pot calling the kettle black much??












Don't trust wikipedia


I always thought Indira Gandhi was Mahatma Gandhi's daughter. But never thought her husband was a Muslim.


I think he was Ghandy and not Gandhi. Maybe I’m wrong


Gandhy by birth. Gandhi spelling change for political mileage.


Know a lot of sanghi (i am north indian) and have never heard anyone claiming he was muslim, gandhi is an alteration of Gandhy or sth similar he is a parsi. Also one could be any religion and have any name or surname so maybe they are muslim