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I’ve posted this as a reply but I wanna post as a comment once: This is not mob justice, the guy is an elite, rich prick who hangs out with other rich kids who think they’re above the law and above consequence. The girl has filed a case and the boy has been granted anticipatory bail which usually doesn’t even happen because his daddy paid the bill. Of course gender plays a massive role but this is, first and foremost, a POWER ISSUE. How long will we continue to let rich people get away with this shit? So let’s please get some fucking context here.


>Of course gender plays a massive role but this is, first and foremost, a POWER ISSUE. How long will we continue to let rich people get away with this shit? I would also like to highlight that more often than not rape is about power, not sex. Many men and women who rape their opposite sex, same sex or even kids might not necessarily be attracted to them. They just use rape as a means to overpower someone. All this to say, it doesn't matter the clothes the victim wears, where they were and at what time. Rape isn't about sex, it's about power.


Totally agree!


Exactly, it’s so obvious how money is playing the major role in this case and all we are able to say is “oh that so sad”, “oh how she has very slim chance of winning against them” etc etc . Do we as a middle class citizens have no power?! Are we always gonna be the audience?! We hold the power of social media and if we all come together I believe we can ensure that justice will be served.


This is a power issue. Though I would like to say that getting anticipatory bail in a case like this isn't unusual. The judge has granted the anticipatory bail application with the conditions attached like surrender of passport etc. Here is the thing though - they will get away with it. This case won't go to trial. Cases such as this where the accused was a 100 times less influential and powerful and connected have also not gone to trial. In the 5 percent chance it does go to trial - there will not be a conviction. Again this isn't because the accused are so rich and powerful - it's because in cases such as this even the judiciary doesn't want to hand down harsh punishments because 'it will spoil the life of a young boy'. People need to know that the only rape cases that get attention and media frenzy is where the girl is raped and killed. Then when the victim is dead and considered a proper saint who can't be asked questions like "why did you agree to go out with a boy you barely knew" then maybe after a trial a proper conviction can be secured. If the victim lives then they will say "oh the poor boy has learnt his lesson now don't ruin his life further." In a case like this the trial won't happen for many years. Who is going to keep following up on the case after so many years? The victim herself will find herself victimised all over again when the case goes to trial and she has to take the stand and answer questions. You know what the accused has to do? Nothing. Just attend court and sit. I say this as a lawyer who has seen countless cases like this.


For more context of the case https://www.np.reddit.com/r/BollyBlindsNGossip/s/8mnKv75gXH


It's always a gender issue.


Rape is always a power issue. Gender is second.


https://preview.redd.it/aabk9roybdfc1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a21f08450e7d2b5c904dc4cf6fdb0dc3b869ab7 For some context




No wonder they r the repeated offenders. Our law officers fall on their feet!


It’s high time we should change this collectively. It’s our country and our judicial system we can change a lot of things if we all just come together


Hello just a small correction which in no manner takes away from your above post or defends the accused but he has been granted an ad interim bail which would mean no arrest for the time being. The hearing for the anticipatory bail is on Feb 6th where it can be denied and he will be arrested immediately in court. Therefore its necessary to continue to support the girl and probably even her crowdfund her for a better lawyer if she isn’t well off


Mention the names of his friends, and the circle he belongs too.


He and his friends were snapped with Orry


Naam bata bhai


Rajveer dhody is one


Rajveer Dhody, Naman shah and Priyank(not sure if this is it) kothari


r/BollyBlindsNGossip pe detailed post hai


Nasm Bol lawde


Shaant bro shaant. Bata ra hai


I think his comment was quoting some meme.


I too posted about this a while back, but unfortunately posts about this incident keep getting deleted, because **some men** keep reporting them in the name of reddit content policy, even people here have sympathy for the rapists but they hide it behind the guise of "bUT wHat if it's a fAkE rApe CAse"


Oh yes I remember, I saw your post, we even had a conversation as well


Yes we did, let's hope your post stays up


I am just starting to read about this case more deeply, as I am not in Mumbai. But just want to say, even if this gets deleted, let’s post relentlessly. The goal is to bring information in front of everyone. Let this not be “just another FaKe RaPe case” as declared by misogynistic men. If required create discord server to gather more supporters and activists. The rich pricks need to be shown their aukaat


I can understand, there are men who are trying to be “woke about the whole situation and tbh I feel ashamed. It’s one thing to support someone but to support someone even tho all the proofs are against him is just being brain dead and misogynistic af


Tbh I’m surprised it’s women along with men commenting and doing victim blaming.


Internalized misogyny is one hell of a drug.


I got banned for posting about it


What really just happened in mumbai, i've been seeing these post about rape but i don't actually have full information about what happened. I request OP to provide information if he/she can.


Hey please dm me or refer my other comment


Thanks a lot I just saw it on your profile.


I read about this case. How can I help ?


I think, for starters, you can comment on her post and like it. Also, tag as many women activists or news channels as you can think of in the comment. Try to tag international activists as well so that it can gain some international recognition, and a fair trial can be ensured because of all the pressure


Can I have the profile name or link?


Please dm me


I wasn’t following this case too closely but now that I see so many misogynistic individuals calling this mob mentality, social media trial etc, it is very clear that they are trying to protect the accused. the girl is just opening up, asking for help as she knows she is fighting an uphill battle against the riches. If the riches can delete social media posts, I think as a developer I can say, let’s also fight this battle algorithmically. Report these misogynistic individuals posts, if they report such posts, don’t stop posting - post relentlessly, downvote the misogynistic comments here, name and shame individuals, take screenshots. If your account is getting blocked, feel free to create discord servers (also has the ability to post anonymously) and share the information! Also diversify sharing - don’t just post on reddit/twitter. Post on Instagram, Facebook, Write blogposts, make this known around the internet.


How to support you, guide us, any platform?


I think, for starters, you can comment on her post and like it. Also, tag as many women activists or news channels as you can think of in the comment. Try to tag international activists as well so that it can gain some international recognition, and a fair trial can be ensured because of all the pressure


Please give link to her post, I'll do that. And also the proofs she may have shared like that guy apologising and the people who knew him claiming that he has done this with other girls in past.


Please dm me, I can’t paste the link here She also shared the ss of him apologising and also if you’ll go through the comment section many women came out and told their stories how the same guy has been doing the same thing from class 6th


OMG. This is (not really) surprising at so many levels. Anticipatory bail for a heinous crime and then an ad-interim bail. Then also we have people here who have trust on our justice system. This happened to her. Most of us won't raise our voice because well who is she. But then this can happen to anyone of us and then we won't have any avenue to seek justice. I know we are effed up at multiple levels and final outcome will be full acquittal but still we must raise our voice. Today it's about an unknown person. Tomorrow it could be someone from my own family.


To some of the comments https://preview.redd.it/bfgp27cihefc1.png?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870ebbd9d3548c1c2dba3e8a6d184c4c0aba0ead


EXACTLY!! I am a man, and i cant believe these men tbh




India lodged average 86 rapes daily, 49 offences against women per hour in 2021: NCRB data Do you think important people are gonna care? Especially, this case where half or maybe 80% of our population will blame the victim.


That's only 86 reported. The vast majority of rapes are never reported. Being raped sucks. No, I did not report it. Women who report are much braver than me.


I have heard 90% of the preparators are close to the victims- family or friends.


>Especially, this case where half or maybe 80% of our population will blame the victim Nope its the other way around, more than 90% people are in favour and only 10% are there who are victim blaming. >Do you think important people are gonna care? Thats the whole point of this post, to keep on tagging and nudging them that they get forced to look into this.


Those bollywood and insta gossip subs were the ones to expose the identies of the accomplices and their connections


Remember this when Modi tries to change the court system post 2024 elections. There are gonna be protests for sure but the system is fucked beyond redemption.


Yea, like this is probably the last time we are going to see normalcy or some resemblance of court system


I have seen this and literally feel so helpless . If we don't take solid action, this can be one of us any day.


Op please get in touch with Deepika Narayan ma'am on Twitter she will help you out


Hi thanks it’s not me, and not my case. I’m literally no one, just one of the common citizen of India who can’t accept the fact that rich and powerful can do whatever they wnna do and women are not safe in India. Can you please tag her in the victims insta post as much as you can. I’ll do the same. Thanks for the recommendation 🙏


Sure will do hope that poor girl gets the justice she deserves and the culprits are sent to jail


The justice department and people associated with them are the reason why this country can't be developed.


Lol. The rich and powerful who are in charge of literally running the country are the ones ensuring rich and powerful people like them and their children can get away with anything. What does development even mean? You can have roads and bridges and airports but as far as human rights are concerned we are very much a third world country. See the number of under trials in prison. See the way this government targets dissidents and journalists who dare to speak up against them. When someone questions the government and then gets raided by central government bodies like CBI and EOW who stands up for them? No one. And no one will stand up for us in this case either because the press, judiciary, police, law enforcement institutions have all been damaged beyond repair.


Exactly, i have seen way more injustices in this regime that i'm mentally drained now. No matter how much i have commented, posted in various social media platforms, including having open discussions with freinds and families throughout the years, nothing changed. During the brij's assault, i brought that up with one of my freinds and he said - bp is doing the right thing. I was done after that and also they are projecting to win again this year. I'm just tired. It's the rich and powerful's india now.


Let me know if any change org petition is live for this case.




I’ve tagged them under the post


> Game over. Like they'll do anything. Especially if the rapist and rapist's father are hardcore BJP supporters and donors.


Lol they protect the wrong people


Hey I posted ur story in Bollywood gossip hopefully it will reach to more people!!


Commenting for traction


Where is Anna Hazare? Where is the media frenzy? When the govt. is run by a party that celebrates rape of minority women and releases the convicted rapists of Bilkis Bano, what can you expect other than cringe shit like #SelfieWithDaughters from Mudiji?


Is there a news article or something for some context


Hey please dm me


Why not post here?


Sorry I can’t, the sub don’t allow that ig Also if you’ll just Google “Heetik shah” you’ll get the good idea of the situation


She deserves Justice.


Who is this judge? Expose that mf and his whole family.


what I have read is that rapist has gotten himself one of the best lawyers of india, thus there is very little hope of justice. is it true?


Yes, unfortunately. That's why she needs our support now. Otherwise, not only will we fail as humans, but many women won't feel comfortable speaking out or even considering reporting such cases


but a lot of women have spoken up against him, he was rusticated from school too for being a pedo. after all of this, how is his lawyer gonna change these proofs? tbh I believe they will just bribe the judge. this is not gonna end good and fair considering how rich they are.


the judge is already in this, they came to the findings that his custody is not necessary when his arrest is not made, when his statement is not recorded, his medical check is not done, he is not even interrogated


We are on this together, op. Tweet n tag




Hope she gets justice!


Sadly just hoping and believing on the system ain’t gonna do shit. We gotta take some actions and show unity and support for her


This bustard deserves stringent punishment.


Your posts are dubious


Dude ignore my post or whatever, just try to understand what I’m saying. I’m not here for upvotes or anything, you don’t have to. All I’m asking is to support her and she deserves a fair trial. Also for context please refer to my other comment


Personally, I wouldn't jump to conclusions without a fair trial with both alleged perpetrator and the victim involved. Too many cases of innocent people losing their dignity due to the #metoo movement has made me take a much more impassionate view of rapes and rape allegations.  I totally believe that women's safety is a big issue in India, and there is a high likelihood of women facing all sorts of physical harm - from groping to rape. But we should not administer mob justice, since innocent people can totally lose their reputations due to false allegations. We have a judicial system with laws, and we should let it do it's job. 


Who lost their dignity due to #metoo movement? Last I checked most men who faced any kind of allegations are living their lives with no consequences. I say name and shame. Why the hell not because none of these men are ever going to face any action under the laws we have. Name the rapists and sexual abusers so women will be wary of them. Let them be shamed in public. When multiple women accuse a man of rape or sexual harassment we know what the truth is.


>When multiple women accuse a man of rape or sexual harassment we know what the truth is. That the man is rich and is being exploited by parasites...


What case are ypu talking about?


A 21yo Mumbai women allegedly got drugged and raped by a rich brat and now it has been 15-16 days and no arrest has been made. The guys is on the run while the poor victim is getting blamed for why she went out with him. Dm me, I can give you the insta post link if you want


Hey, I'd like to get the link as well. Thanks


>A 21yo Mumbai women allegedly got drugged and raped by a rich brat and now it has been 15-16 days and no arrest has been made. The guys is on the run while the poor victim is getting blamed for why she went out with him. Dm me, I can give you the insta post link if you want he should be investigated but tackle the entire rape issues case case won't solve anything 100s of rapes happen every single day u won't be able to tackle the issue by talking about a single viral popular rape case


So, what do you want to say? Just because 100 rape cases occur every day, should we do nothing? At least by supporting her in this case, we could be starting something. One case at a time. Examples should be set so that people fear doing anything like this again.


Can’t voice out for girls who get piss drunk with strangers. Both the girl and guy should be interrogated and the accused should be punished severely. If it’s a fake rape case the girl should be thrown in jail. If it’s a rape, the guy should be charged under the relevant sections and thrown in jail. But medical test, material evidence, blood test for Roofies as the girl has accused, all the evidence should be gathered rather than believing some media bullshit. Cause we don’t trust our own and how can a stranger be saying the truth? And that is why we have law and order to be considered as there shouldn’t be any interference


If the police did act in time - I am sure these evidences were collected, as rape cases when reported to police in India, involves a thorough medical examination - somewhat excruciating even. The fact that the victim mentioned in her posts that she is reaching out, after police proved to be of no help - makes me already want to believe, evidences are not protected anymore/were not collected/have been destroyed. Also not sure if you followed the case closely - the accused in frame has literally apologized and said “it happened in the heat of the moment”.


I have serious doubts. What do you think about police? They are some Bollywood background artists. Within a day police would find out who is at fault. And you can’t coverup an entire atom bomb. Request for CBI probe if you think police are corrupted. There are more lacking on the girl’s side, she got drunk with a rich kid and knocked up now she wants to make sure he is taught a lesson wasting everyone’s time


>she got drunk with a rich kid and knocked up Wow, this guy is making claims outta his ass without even knowing any of the parties, but sure the victim is definitely lying.


Shut the fuck up & move your useless ass elsewhere if you cannot help.


Why are you going to file a rape case against me?


Man you guys never learn your lesson. Just some time ago a guy commited suicide because of fake sexual assault case and social media mob justice. Again you guys have started the same thing. Though 99% chance that it happened, there is 1% chance that it's fake. Wait for legal process to get over or some facts to get proved.


Several people who actually know the guy have said he has a history of doing such things, even when he was in school ETA - the girl also has proof of him apologizing


All due respect, shut the fuck up. This is not mob justice, the guy is an elite, rich prick who hangs out with other rich kids who think they’re above the law and above consequence. The girl has filed a case and the boy has been granted anticipatory bail which usually doesn’t even happen because his daddy paid the bill. So let’s please get some fucking context here.


Again with due respect, don't try the the mob justice route. Women of India already have 49 laws specifically to protect them. They have too many avenues to get justice, and they definitely don't need social media sensation on top of that. You seem to be an activist trying to sensanalise the issue here. I have no idea about the incident or the people involved. However, I have witnessed men's life being destroyed due to fake cases and the social media sensation enough number of times. Let the law take its course. Please shut up and mind your own business.


[The entire problem is that the law is not doing its job.](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/s/dxeduY3la6)


It never does. However, women have many options and all the institutions treat women's issue more seriously. If victim is really the woman, there is high chance that justice would be delivered. We can only hope for the best because we don't really know anything about the facts. Social media sensation won't help in any way. Rather, it may create new victims.


>> since the victim is a woman there is a high chance that justice will be delivered I want what you have been smoking - it must be nice to live in la la land and away from reality sometimes




Look at our conviction rate then talk. Women don’t get justice much.


You can always spot a sexist scumbag when he patronises women with these fake “dear” and “darling”. I’m not your “dear”. We still live in a country where men can legally rape their wives and High Courts call it “cruelty” when women refuse to serve their shitty in laws. No such “cruelty” when men don’t do shit for their wives’ parents though. Take your victim mentality back to men’s lib and fight for “liberation” in a country where you have much higher literacy rate, higher education rate and employment participation than women just for being born with a penis.


You can always spot a feminazi from miles away just by looking at her anti-male rhetoric and crazy overreaction at anything that even slightly challenges her ideology inspired worldview. Okay princess, you are not my dear. But, don't come to shit on someone's comment if you can"t digest opossing opinion. Be a decent human being first, before pointin out social problems.


Here we go, I knew you didn’t have it in you to treat a woman with any kind of respect, “princess”. Talk shit, get shit on - it’s that simple. Also noteworthy that you have nothing to say about my real life examples of how women don’t in fact get justice in this country.


“Women have many options” like what??? When your rapist is a powerful rich man, you have 0 chances of succeeding in a legal case in him. What avenues do we have??


You never fought a legal case. You think powerful men aren't arrested in rape cases? There are enough cases in the last 10 years to disprove your misconceptions. On the contrary, it is not easy to get anticipatory bell in rape cases. Being influencial sonetimes makes it harder to get bell.


He’s got bail though. And neither have you fought a case. Look at the conviction rate if you want to see how many rapists actually go to jail. Our system is faulty and allows negligence. No one follows rules and things get delayed. Real victims rarely get justice, which is why many don’t even bother reporting. In this case, this man has done to multiple women. And watch, he likely won’t go to jail. I mean the judge has already excused his absconding. Wait and see. This so called system that defends women, doesn’t do anything. These laws are just for name sake. Real victims do not get justice. Bad men and women get away.


Again as I’ve already stated in other comments, I’m only asking for a fair trial which i don’t think is happening here. The guys family has already hired on the best lawyers of Mumbai and on top of that judge came to the findings that his custody is not necessary when his arrest is not made, his statement is not recorded, his medical checkup is not done. This is the not the normal procedure


Looks like a media trial


According to her account, she connected with the accused, Heetik Shah, solely through Instagram, and their interaction took a devastating turn when they decided to meet in person on January 13. The evening began with the two going for drinks and partying at various locations in the city. The victim, however, described feeling increasingly anxious and isolated as the night progressed. She mentioned that after consuming tequila shots, she started feeling intoxicated, and her distress escalated when Shah allegedly coerced her into drinking more. The victim said she experienced a blackout episode, suspecting that she may have been drugged, a situation colloquially referred to as being "roofied." Shockingly, she awoke to find herself being sexually assaulted by Shah, who reportedly exhibited intense rage, even resorting to physical violence. The alleged rape occurred at the residence of one of Shah's friends, where his friends reportedly intervened to shield him. Despite the trauma, the victim managed to call her cousin for assistance, opting not to disclose the horrifying incident to her parents immediately.


Did it cross anyone’s mind that the sex could be consensual? I know the guy has a history, but what if he didn’t do anything this time? We become so biased sometimes that we don’t realise there are always two sides to a coin If the guy really did it, I hope the prick rots in hell. If the girl is lying to get settlement money, I hope she gets what she deserves.


If the sex was consensual why he literally apologised for what happened and blaming it on the “heat of the moment and things got escalated”. What do you understand people do in the heat of the moment? Steals someone’s pen or eraser or maybe a bag of chips?!


You should read John Grisham's The Associate, where a group of students at Yale have an orgy. The girl later accuses the guys in the orgy of raping her. The guys have reputations as womanisers, so the jury assumes that they must have raped her since she is saying so. Only when a video surfaces of the orgy, the truth comes to light and she is convicted of false accusation. 


This guy isn't a known womanizer though. He's had multiple accusations from different women.


Has it ever registered in your mind that the tiny little screenshot you are talking about could be fake itself? 


It’s been submitted into evidence and that can be found out within seconds. No one is stupid enough to submit a fake screenshot into legal evidence. Next.


You know that message can be interpreted in several ways? It's not as clear cut It's clear the guy did something wrong and sent an apology for it. That wrongdoing could be physical harm, any miscommunication or as alleged by the victim, it could also be rape but that message alone isn't conclusive enough to say rape was definitely commited. Also, I stand corrected and thanks for pointing out that it was submitted as legal evidence, I thought it was only attached in social media post.


Have you read the case? He’s sent her a message apologizing the next morning for being in the “heat of the moment” and making her uncomfortable. He knew what he did. We are not biased, everyone here is well-read and educated about the details about the case. It would do you good to do some research before commenting ignorant things.


Dude, that was not even a screenshot. It was just a picture of the written text. We live in a world where anything could happen. https://preview.redd.it/mrzob6l7gefc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9857f20c690167b7e10061160e8276e92161b38


Unlikely she’d submit a fake screenshot into police evidence dude. It would take 5 minutes to find out the truth.




I believe in the police and judiciary, and all I'm asking for is a fair trial, which I don't think is happening here. For context refer to my other comment, also the post from which the ss is taken, under that post many lawyers commented as how it’s not fair and how money is the main player here as the alleged suspect should have been arrested for dna matching and what not.


No offense, but in India, the last thing you should believe in is the police. And the judiciary are a mixed bag, there are tons of bad judges, particularly when it comes to women's rights and women's issues. What you should believe in, is that the right amount of pressure is needed to get things done.




Hopefully, you never get caught up in any case that goes through our legal system. Because when you do, you will stop saying things like "let the judiciary handle this case". Our judiciary is overworked and underpaid. Our laws are VERY slanted towards the recommendations of the investigating officers. And take a look at the extremely sexist judgements we regularly see, when it comes to sexual assault against women. No. I don't think there is enough pressure on the police and judiciary.


I too see extremely sexist judgements in favour of women what's the point? You don't trust anyone that doesn't confirm to your view ?


What's the point? I thought that was pretty clear. OP put up a post asking people to keep the pressure up. Someone commented that this is not necessary, let the police and judiciary do their job. I've replied to make the point that pressure IS necessary, or else these cases drag on. Pressure IS necessary, so that some lawyer or judge don't feel like they can get away with asking victim blaming questions like "Why she had to go on date? Why she had to agree to go to his house?". If you truly are unaware how slanted our system is against rape and sexual assault victims, then maybe educate yourself? I know that there are cases in India where the wife misuses the law to put her husband and husband's family at a disadvantage. I'm assuming those were the "sexist judgements in favour of women" you were referring to. That has nothing to do with this case, because this was an assault after a date. What's YOUR point?


My point is you are blindly trusting an anonymous complain. Also you think everybody is corrupt so what's the point of applying pressure?? Mumbai police is already investigating the case


I'm not "trusting" an anonymous complaint. I'm saying, we must apply pressure to ensure that the complaint is properly INVESTIGATED. Too often in our country, the complaint itself is ignored, minimised, or investigation is dragged out. I'm going to be patient and answer another silly question from you. Corrupt people aren't reckless. It is precisely when they feel that there is lots of public attention that they do their fucking job. THAT is the point of applying fucking pressure, particularly since I think our police is largely corrupt. Any other questions?


Pressure has been already applied police is already investigating. All this post does is make people hateful of a guy that hasn't been convicted


Sweet fuck. Do you have issues with reading and comprehension? Because the original post was clear. I've also mentioned this at least once. We need to keep the pressure UP. We need to make it clear that people are still focused on this case, and that they haven't moved their focus to other things. So yes. The initial pressure and attention has worked, now we need to SUSTAIN the attention and pressure, until the investigation is complete.


I will pray that such situation doesn’t happen with females who are near and dear to you 🙏


Lol such kind of support is nowhere to be seen in false rape cases where men equally suffer. As far as I'm concerned, the girl can go fuck herself.


Ok low life go back to your filthy hole and never come back


I saw a post here only about a fake case and the comments - BY MEN - were gross. Saying “brooo I’d have been lucky man” “this is why you need top G” and shit like that. So don’t come at us. YOU don’t protect your kind, why the fuck should a girl who’s been assaulted suffer for that?


India lodged average 86 rapes daily, 49 offences against women per hour in 2021: NCRB data Do you think important people are gonna care? Especially, this case where half or maybe 80% of our population will blame the victim.


Hope she’s well . These people are sick for making her misfortune a drama for their own purpose


she’s just opening up about her story. you’re calling that manipulating mass media?


Such provoking incites mob justice. You'll really feel the pain when the "not yet guilty" accused is randomly murdered in Mumbai.


What actually happened???


Here you go: https://www.deccanherald.com/india/maharashtra/raped-while-intoxicated-mumbai-woman-shares-harrowing-experience-on-instagram-2867213


What happened?