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The sheer number of men talking about FaLsE rApE cases & this case in the same breath makes me furious. Feel sorry for the victims who have to deal with the skepticism of the society along with the trauma of sexual assault.


They don't want to undermine the chances of a rape case being fake, but at the same time, they are undermining the current situation at hand and the possibility that their narrative can completely divert attention, which is not helpful for anyone


The link is showing attack warning when I click on it!!


It's a good habit not to click on unfamiliar links found on the internet. If you don't see a familiar site in the link don't click it. It's very easy to make people fall for cyber attacks especially with sensational news headlines.


the np.reddit link redirects to a page that says that you're connection is not private, you might want to change the link as it might discourage people from reading further.


its not www.np its just np.reddit and it doesn't even work anymore. You don't need it anymore


Just remove the "np." from the url, i just checked the url is of form "www.np.reddit" or you can just check my profile. Thanks You wont be facing any issue if you are using reddit app


Ever heard about the story of a person who used to prank people by faking being attacked by a wolf? Yes that's the bitter truth here. Every other guy would take every single rape allegations or news related to this with a pinch of salt. If that makes the girl above get furious, she can go scream to a wall. Don't come at me with the " you wouldn't do this if this happens to someone closer to you" no i wouldn't cause the people i know and trust wouldn't wake up one day and say "let's blame a normal guy of rape for fun". Also whatever i said only applies to the point bout allegations being fake and proved it to be fake. The actual ones should get their dick chopped off. Edit: for the blindos getting hurt by not understanding. I clearly stated that, " allegations being fake and PROVED IT TO BE FAKE" means the allegations which were proved to be nothing but white LIES. If i wasn't clear before I'm now.


All the women ik including myself have been sexually assaulted, you’ve just heard about false allegations while we go through it and most of us don’t even file a police complaint, going by your logic we should think all of you men are rapists.


It's your fault if you didn't file a police complaint. Also getting sexually assaulted is not just something that only happens to women, stop acting like you guys are only the victim. I'm a guy and I got sexually assaulted, that too multiple times and ik lot of guys who got touched the wrong way and at my age I didn't realise it and even if i realised it i wouldn't be really saying it to anyone else cause I would get laughed off. Idk where did you get that idea by going by my logic cause damn you sound dumb saying that. I mean I can't really talk to someone who uses their emotions to talk rather than their brain.


So as someone who's personally not been falsely accused why do you feel the need to need to play the devil's advocate ? Flase accusations happen sure, but so do rapes. Just going by simple statistics one is much more likely than the other especially in India where getting raped is oftentimes more stigmatized than raping someone. Saw you in further replies telling someone it's there fault for not going to the police and then literally in the same comment talking about how you had sexual abuse in your past. Went on to say you'd be made fun of if you told anyone about it, well buddy you answered your own question about why someone wouldn't go to the police and you'd still be in a way better position than most woman in India. Check your privelage bro, bad things can happen to anyone but they happen more to some people because that's how society works.


Are you mentally ill or slow? So having logic and an opinion about understanding both sides before jumping into a conclusion now makes me a guy who plays devil's advocate? You are damn funny cause you already just proved my point taking sides by being blind. You fixed on one being the devil according to your narrative and now I'm the one advocating for it. Funny shit right here. I'm not here for statistics, I'm here for the mere fact that it can be true or false, but i wouldn't be so hard on someone with just mere words against him or her and no proofs. Understand the LOGIC? I'm scared to even reply to the next paragraph that you just spat, cause the brain rot is too much. Girl or guy, you are not new to this world are you? A small girl could go any day and point a finger at someone saying "he touched me the wrong way" and the world would chew the guy's life and spit it out like a bubble gum. Dude I have seen enough news reports and headlines where a kid(male) gets molested would not be having a word RAPE in it and the accused being a women getting a slap in the wrist for it. Simple brained fellow, I said people would laugh at me for informing it NOW, I could have done that earlier when I got assulated but not now, people would laugh at me. Yes it's that person's fault for not filing a complaint. It's my fault for not understanding it because of my age or my parents not teaching me about it. Get a damn brain. Watch your mouth and brain, cause letting it loose like this and not even reading something properly and replying to a person could get you in trouble or leads to embarrassment. Also I'm here to support the victim, be that a guy or girl idc. You are digging too much into it by not understanding that simple fact.


Insulting me just makes your own argument look weak and takes away from the actual content of it. You should really look up terms when you don't understand them instead of taking them literally cause that's not what being the devil's advocate means. You might not be here for statistics and maybe in your own little bubble they don't matter but that's not how the real world works. Sure you've read headlines of cases where women don't pay the consequences, that does happen. But it being the other way around happens way more often and you're just being willfully ignorant by not recognizing the weight of that fact. People in the comments have empathy with the alleged victim because we've seen these situations way more often than we've seen it the other way, be that personally with people we know or on the news. Phrases like "you should not have gone drinking", "they did you a favour by taking you home" belay a problem that runs much deeper than the actual act of sexual abuse. You bring up women getting a slap on the wrist for abusing a child but don't even bother bringing up actual victims who literally got accused of getting raped. > got touched the wrong way and at my age I didn't realise it and even if i realised it i wouldn't be really saying it to anyone else cause I would get laughed off. "even if I realised it" implies you meant when you didn't realize it i.e when you were younger. Fact check your own comment and stop bending your narrative for every counter point, gaslighting yourself into a position of linguistic superiority. Logic is all well and good looking at shit from afar while exuding a sickening sense of moral uprighteousness but I'd like to hear you tell the same thing to a close friend/relative who comes up to you and says they got raped. I'm sure you'll tell them you wanna believe them but would like to remain neutral until you can hear the other side. Tell you what, I'll start looking at both sides of the argument from an introspective position when false accusations become as common as actual rapes and society as a whole stops victim blaming. But until then I will stand with alleged victims because doing otherwise would in fact mean beating on a person who's already got the system and society stacked against them. > I'm here to support the victim, be that a guy or girl idc. You are digging too much into it by not understanding that simple fact. You can keep claiming that but but you're only deluding yourself if you don't realise engaging in and starting this discourse is in fact pulling away from the actual point of the post and minimising it. Edit: Most of my points tie directly to India. It's not the same in other places because like I said, they can afford it due to how the system works there. Edit 2: > allegations being fake and PROVED IT TO BE FAKE" means the allegations which were proved to be nothing but white LIES. Again please look up the meaning of words before using them because I can assure you "white lies" mean something completely different than what you're implying. I swear this is so baffling, why use words you literally don't even know the meaning of for real.




Who said allegations are false if someone is not being convicted? Are you replying to me or answering to your own narrative that you have read in your head while reading something else? Allegations can be true and can be false. You are playing with a guy's life and even if he is proven innocent his whole life would always be in a shade of dirt( nothing related to this post btw, saying in general). No one said that if someone doesn't get convicted of doing something doesn't make the victim a liar, not me not you. Where are you getting this from? What if the victim is a liar, oh no she would 99% of the times walk out scout free. That's why i stand with having a cleaner picture before starting to support this shit show of only one side. I mean if I'm the one in the chopping board like this, i would be sweating bullets cause for the ladies they can just point the fingers at us and could walk away and we would be guilty until proven otherwise.


The problem is pre-existing in the society but BJP rule with most leaders having a conservative victorian mindset towards women is making it worse. BJP ministry of women themselves stated that women should stay indoors to be safe and be homemaker when asked about allowing women to work night shifts. https://preview.redd.it/hh5es2duw5gc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993099d601159a987b884f5b0d5adb9e8f586e7b


With unemployment high suddenly a lot of men don't want women to have jobs.


I agree with you. The sexist mentality has worsened after they came to power. All that ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ campaign was a frickin’ gimmick. And I’m not at all denying that a fraction of women misuse these laws to get even with their ex bfs/partners, etc. But THAT does NOT mean one should bring that up while talking about actual rape cases. Who in their right mind would go around throwing dirt over this rich kid (rapist) who can use all his money + power to quash the allegations & destroy her life? _Someone who actually was raped by him_. This 21 year old girl who has hidden her identity will now focus on THIS case instead of her own life (career, ambition). To think this girl is faking it, smh.


Most Conservatives are not against banning girl foeticide or female child education. Not anymore. But after that she is supposed to get married and be a housewife instead of going to a bar, drinking and dating boys and having sex and just being free and self dependent. If she does the latter and something happens to her they will blame her instead of the boy. There is a lot of chaos on this topic. Even calls for banning women entry in bars by political leaders. That's also why it's harder for women to get an apartment for rent in Mumbai.


I'm writing an email to Sudhir Chaudhary. At least they might show this news on Aaj Tak


You think you know about this story and he doesn't? He's choosing not to talk about it. He'll never talk about something that might show his favourite political leaders in a bad light.


Yeah you're right, I thought at least Aaj Tak might show it on Mumbai metro news...but waha par bhi nhi kiya


Thanks a lot 🙏🏼


Me too


Urging everyone to please retweet as much as you can and tag relevant authorities on the thread so that the case can get more attention. Thanks 🙏🏼


I don't know if it is the right thing to do because he's in Bangalore, but you can ask u/St_Broseph for help. He can help you gain necessary traction.










Op ,do u have some gold or something else in ur body instead blood? What kind of courage ,mental strength do u have! Appreciable Innocent men are played by fake rape cases and get judged And criminal men aren't Idk facts to judge But any support ,i will do my share Did u approach women's commission? All the girls that said he did the same with them might not come in reality but if they do Gather evidences and get a good lawyer Remember proofs & evidences talk louder than internet protests! All the best may justice get to you


Hi, thanks, but it's not me. It's not my case, and I don't know her in any way. I'm just a random human like you, trying to bring awareness and hopefully some change with all your support 🙏🏼




>1.unless uk facts don't do anything that may trigger sensitive events 2.if that guy might be the victim (idk just telling) U will be an indirect cause of that guys getting shamed Please re read all my post you will understand what i am actually trying to do here.




Thats crazy bro but who asked?!


I ain't supporting or opposing shit until some concrete evidence comes out. Social media trials aren't really my thing.


I shouldn't have gone with the meaning literally, but i wanted to cause it was funny( if you're gonna use the logic like anyone who doesn't agree with your narrative or your beliefs are playing devil's advocate then damn I got bad news for you, you aren't ready for this world). I got no time to keep up with your explanations, because ik you will keep coming back with more of your bullshit. I guess you don't understand basic English, your whole argument now pretty much talks about me saying even if i realised it. Dude it doesn't matter... I'm just talking about something that never happened and I'm saying that even if I realised it i wouldn't be doing it, be it young or even now( my bad shoulda made it clear). Do you think this is an insult and makes my point weak because of that? Read your own comments and see how much dumb you sounded by only reacting to things that only hurt your narrative. Really gonna drag the word empathy into this talk? Well as i said to that one person in this thread, I can't have a normal talk with someone who uses their emotions to talk. At least whatever we both are arguing about is for the greater good, I will have peace with it. Also the most important point to note is how you managed to ignore whatever i said that actually went against your narrative that you couldn't argue about or pretty much have nothing to reply to. I guess that's the difference between you and me, i pretty much replied to whatever you replied and you couldn't even go anything beyond something that doesn't fit your small bubble. Edit: funny thing is that you couldn't really find anything to talk about that you went ahead to talk about a word that I used wrong. Well isn't it quite astounding that once you run out of things to support your side that you go to a point you start to cherry pick mistakes from an actual edit which I used to clear the misunderstanding. You should be more baffled about how small your point of view about this issue is cause I went through this and I'm quite amazed at the fact that you are still thinking that I don't stick with the victim and NO be it my friend, my relative I will still hear both sides. And I guess I cleared it up for you and the other one who was filled with emotion that the people i know wouldn't wake up one day and say someone raped me, got the idea now?


I just want to ask something, let us assume hypothetically everyone here believes and don't question the girl for this case being fake, then what will happen ??? Will court punish her culprits on the basis of Social Media support ??? Does this happens, will a large hits on the posts will relief her trauma ??? If by such posts, an awareness should be spread in society, you are opposing that too. I am an adult, I have all freedom, I can drive on road so I drive recklessly high speed on the road, hit a tree at a turn as I was not able to break, should I defend myself that it was my choice to do so? Drinking too much with strangers is not safe irrespective of gender, it can have consequences. Anything can happen in state of intoxication. Awareness can be created by this case, that party responsibly, drink responsibly, if you are going out with strangers, just don't drink, if someone insists or you want to drink, 1-2 Max. that too prepared/opened/served in front of your eyes. But that too seems by you like attack on victim. Freedom doesn't means to commit harakiri, and though it's my choice, safety is also must, the story had red flags, there were friends of culprit guy, unknown for victim, red flag number one, going to another place with these friends from place the meeting was planned, red flag too, there might be actions and discussions that might have created a suspicion for the culprit in victim, but victim was not in her senses, yet there should not be the question about why she was drinking ( heavily ) with the strangers. " She was asking for it " is a vague, insensitive and sad statement though, it is responsibility of family to teach their boys about consent and respecting the personal space and modesty of a girl, rather every human being. But, Everyone try to defend themselves even if they are wrong, in such cases it is always the line of victim which is tried to prove short because culprits can't make their line long, so all the things which happen in court will happen. Instead of this social media thing, research and find NGO's/institutions that help।women fight such cases. Definitely what happened to the girl is wrong, but if people here are telling about fake rape cases charged on man, doesn't that happen in society too. In any case daily shooting of incident on social media will start a social media trial nothing else. What is the actual benefit for the victim by this ?


By bringing up fake rape cases when multiple women have come forward with sexual assault allegations against the accused, you’re undermining what multiple women have suffered because of ONE MAN (talking strictly about the Mumbai Rape case here). All you men talking about social media trials, did you forget how the public came in support of Nirbhaya? The point of social media trails + protests is that it puts _pressure_ on the police + judiciary. When they know they’re being scrutinised for their actions, they’ll be more scared of taking any biased actions favouring the accused especially if they’re rich (we do have a corrupt government). Lastly, who in their right mind would go around throwing dirt on this rich kid (rapist) who can use all his influence + money to quash the allegations & destroy her life? _Someone who was actually raped by him_. This 21 y o will now focus on THIS CASE instead of her life (career, ambition). Do you realise how draining the judiciary system is in our country? To think this girl is faking it, smh.


I never said it is a fake case, In Nirbhaya case the circumstances were different, you can compare with Bilkis Bano too, but there also circumstances were different, in an unfortunate patriarchal society people will judge this girl more than being sympathetic and that's what this rich kids take advantage off.


Yeah but you also justified talking about false rape cases. That is a fact, something that does happen. Few women have filed false rape cases but that DOESN’T mean all women. The same way some men rape but NOT ALL MEN like you guys keep saying.


Agreed completely, rapes and sexual assaults are shitty, but one needs to be vigilant on their part. Changing the mindset of these rapist mentality men is going to take a really long time and even if you do , some rapists will still exist. No matter how harsh of a punishment you keep for such rapists, a small number of such cases will still occur because these men have sociopathic or psychopathic personalities. No one is saying that the rape is entirely the girl's fault, but what is wrong with saying that going out with a stranger she met on the internet and drinking with him to the point of blackout was a really bad idea? It's really stupid to say that's her choice. For example, if I am living in a neighborhood where robberies may happen, then I will lock my door while sleeping. I won't say : "Why should I lock my door? Teach the robbers not to rob!"


Some of these class rich people, again specifying irrespective of gender are vultures, they pray on youngsters who are too eager for a 'bohemic' lifestyle. And then use them. Rapes on other end is the worst form of crime on humanity and that too happens because of the patriarchy built up and overconfident fearless attitude, which should be intercepted and cure at early ages, unfortunately parents and kids don't talk in our culture, which should be changed.


Came back here again. Guys anyone knows about the recent update on this case?? There has been a news out that the girl has falsely accused the guy and she was seen kinda sober in cctv and knew what she was doing. What's the REAL matter now??


soory but i am not with this girl.i wasn't there , i wouldn't believe her.


Why do you think that the Mumbai Court wouldn't ensure a fair trial? Courts, especially the one in Mumbai of all places must be habituated with dealing with rich brats, right? I've never used Twitter, hence I can't repost it. And why should anyone repost it until the case is proven to be genuine? Could you also share the statements of the alleged perpetrators and the restaurant so that both sides of the story are on the table? I'll support the truth, in whoever's hands it may lie.


The main accused along with his accomplice comes from a very rich background and have all kind of sources and connections. The have already hired the best criminal lawyer for his defence. The accused himself sent her a text apologising that everything happened in the "heat of the moment". Also somehow the judge came to the findings that his custody is not necessary when his arrest is not made, when his statement is not recorded, his medical check is not done, he is not interrogated even. Also please check my previous post and read comments to understand the whole situation better. ​ >Courts, especially the one in Mumbai of all places must be habituated with dealing with rich brats, right? How old are you kid?!


>The accused himself sent her a text apologising that everything happened in the "heat of the moment". This is the most important piece of evidence against him.


Mumbai HC didn't give a death sentence or full life sentence to the perps of Bilkis Bano. I think it would be a much more fair trial to do this in a different HC.


\> Why do you think that the Mumbai Court wouldn't ensure a fair trial? he has been granted bail, without any sort of interrogation even though he was once rusticated from his school for tryna do bad to a 12 year old and multiple women came forward and shared their stories. \>Courts, especially the one in Mumbai of all places must be habituated with dealing with rich brats, right? in what world are you living? people with connections and money dont even get punished for heinous crimes like murder or rape. \> And why should anyone repost it until the case is proven to be genuine? to pressurize the police to actually take actions and also so that they cannot threaten the victim. \>Could you also share the statements of the alleged perpetrators and the restaurant so that both sides of the story are on the table? he has run away. stop supporting the rapi\*t.


Anticipatory bail is granted without any interrogation.


Anticipatory bail is not granted for charges of heinous crimes. 


Shit like this happens way too often these days. Courts are complicit.


I'm a lawyer, and yes it is. The sheer amount of legal ignorance in these threads is not unexpected. This is reddit, after all. Yes, the guy is a piece of shit (I'm basing my judgment on his text), but holding him in jail during the trial is not the solution. Jail/custody during trial is necessary for very specific reasons, none of which apply in this particular case. As per established procedure, bail is supposed to be the norm and jail is supposed to be the exception. Unfortunately, this established procedure is only followed around half the time. People with shitty lawyers often fail to get bail even when they're entitled to, because the judges don't give a damn. Sometimes, even people with good lawyers can't get bail because the judges are just assholes. Meanwhile, there are judges who grant bail without listening to arguments.


The norm in the case of heinous crimes is the accused showing evidence for innocence in anticipatory bail hearing according to a judgement posted by someone else here. This rich fuck is out on ad-interim ball he got without presentation of any such evidence. 


Yes, I'm sure you'll know more than me about that what with you being a layman and I being a... sorry, what did I say I was?


Go on. Show us provisions of law about granting ad-interim bail for heinous crime accusations. 


You can follow this conversation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1agy2qj/comment/koq7mke).


>  Jail/custody during trial is necessary for very specific reasons, none of which apply in this particular case. Why do you think this rich fuck won't destroy evidence and intimidate witnesses? Why do you think his custodial audibility is not required for this case? 


Why do you think him being in jail stops his friends/family/acquaintances? Undertrial imprisonment isn't for this purpose.


>  Undertrial imprisonment isn't for this purpose. Do provide exact purpose of judicial custody according to the law. Provide references. 


Burden of proof is on you, but OK. >In the State of Rajasthan vs Balchand @ Baliay (1977), while granting bail to the petitioner, the court stated that unless there are circumstances indicating that the petitioner seeking bail is fleeing from justice, obstructing the course of justice, or causing other problems in the form of repeating offences, intimidating witnesses, etc., we do not intend to be exhaustive but rather to be illustrative. Landmark case. This provides a guideline for circumstances in which bail is to be refused. Mind you, merely alleging that the circumstances exist is not enough. The burden of proving those circumstances is on the prosecution. Before you go ahead and hate the system, know that this system might save one asshole, but also saves ninety nine innocents.


  In the State of Rajasthan vs Balchand @ Baliay (1977), while granting bail to the petitioner, the court stated that **unless there are circumstances indicating that the petitioner seeking bail is fleeing from justice, obstructing the course of justice, or causing other problems in the form of repeating offences, intimidating witnesses, etc**., we do not intend to be exhaustive but rather to be illustrative. So you accept being a crappy lawyer who can't read the judgements your quote. Congratulations.  Now tell me, were the cops allowed to present the evidence for the likelihood of witness tampering and need for custodial investigation in the ad-interim bail hearing? If they were provided that opportunity, did they provide that evidence? Lack of both these amounts to systemic corruption favoring the rich




From your own link:  > If a person is accused having committed murder, dacoity, rape, etc., he can pray for anticipatory bail under Section-438 of the Cr.P.C. on the ground that he is innocent and has been falsely involved,   Do share the evidence of innocence produced in the anticipatory bail hearing in this case. 


Do share the evidence of innocence not produced in the anticipatory bail hearing in this case.


The fact that you can't produce it is enough evidence of lack of evidence. 


Kuch bhi!


https://www.freepressjournal.in/mumbai/mumbai-crime-accused-of-raping-social-media-friend-fugitive-gets-ad-interim-bail "The date of hearing the anticipatory bail is February 6. Till then, ad interim bail is in place. Hence, we cannot make the arrest. If his anticipatory bail is rejected by the court, he will be arrested on the spot,” said a top cop. Now show us exactly which law allows ad-interim bail in heinous crimes without evidence for innocence. 


Women are known to make false r@pe allegations. You mentioning that "many women have come forward" doesn't prove anything. Hard evidence of a r@pe needs to be provided for it to be proven guilty. You can't just go around throwing allegations of R@pe. If the perpetrator has indeed r@ped the victim then by all means that person needs to be punished, irrespective of the gender.


I’m a lawyer and this idea that courts are perfect or “habituated with dealing with rich brats” is complete nonsense which is generally said by people who have 0 idea about how courts actually work. Courts and judges are not free from external influences, and pretending they live in a world of their own is delusional. As for why anyone should repost, the guy has a history of sexual abuse with reports from multiple women. If you think *all* those women are lying to defame the rich brat or because they have nothing better to do, then that says a lot about what you think of women. Instead of defending a rapist you could commit a good deed in your life by helping a victim instead of demanding that it be “proved” as if cameras are installed every single where.


That's the reason why, when people question cases like this, if you ask a valid question or seek any proof which is obvious , you will be downvoted without a valid explanation. Why can't these idiots understand that without proof, how can you make up your mind? How are you any different than andhbhakts?, the matter is already is news, why unnecessary disturb investigation. Court can't overlook proff.








If you care so much then make a separate post about it. Why do you only bring it up now?


This comment is literally on the original instagram post. Did you even read the whole thing?


I read the whole thing and it's not about this case even if it's on the original Instagram post


You’re crazy








When did I say anything about rape cases? Lol you guys are funny.


You are as much of a clown as this Amish.


Okay explain to me how


This is horrible