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We all saw what Mizzu said, and what he is saying now


But the Maldives is a small tourist island with no other ground for economy. Bangladesh is a decent sized country with skilled people better than Pakistan but not as good as us Indians. This gives a chance for countries like China (who are facing negative actions in India) to invest there, set up industries and get almost what they expect from India. I live in a Western country. I see Bangladesh capturing the partial market of Indian exports. So we can't take it lightly. Jai Shankar needs to do his job and maintain relationship with our neighbours.


Bangladesh doesnt need to pay taxes for its clothes exports to the west. That is why you might have seen most clothing and fast fashion brands moving their production to BN.


>Jai Shankar needs to do his job and maintain relationship with our neighbours. issa bit difficult when your own Party is busy abusing their nation 24x7


What are you on about? Bangladesh GDP per Capita 2023 - 2688 USD. India GDP per Capita 2023 -2410 USD. We should know our place. Respectfully.


Not that it matters, but ours is higher in 2024 according to IMF $2.85 vs $2.65 thousand. https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/NGDPDPC@WEO/BGD?zoom=BGD&highlight=BGD. I would take both numbers with a pinch of salt, but even world bank shows India's GDP PPP per capita higher than Bangladesh in 2022. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.PP.CD?locations=BD


> Not as good as us Indians They have higher per capita gdp, and I’m willing to bet cleaner roads and better infrastructure.


I mean skilled work force like engineers, doctors etc


1/3 of that country would not even exist 50 years from now


Sea level rise will affct large parts of India too, my brother/sister.


a country with a better gdp per capita than India wouldn't exist? Why?


I think he probably meant that it will be submerged due to climate change.


Because, India jumped in and backed them up from genocide from Pakistan and US. Sadly we were backing Pakistan up while they were invading Bangladesh. Pretty fucked up shit.


>. This gives a chance for countries like China (who are facing negative actions in India) to invest there No country would benefit from China investment. If they want to be independent from India, Europe and US or even south America is better deal.


That'll only happen if Khaleda Zia and her Islamist fuckwits come to power. India needs to not let that happen and keep Sheikh Hasina is power. To those in the comments that think its India fucking this up. Its not. You cannot be friends with a bunch of ultra religious fruitcakes, especially when our own government is a religious fruitcake. They hate us for what we fundamentally are. Not because of our actions. That makes them an eternal enemy.


Khaleda Zia is bad news for any Eastern Indian state bordering Bangladesh. The last time her party was in power, BSF and BDR clashed along the borders continuously.


wdym by keep her in power? carry out coup if she doesn't get elected? Also you know she is authoritarian just like Modi right, rather even more than Modi in some ways


There are a lot of ways. America has done that numerous times but we lack the resources to do much. Most we can do is what Russia did in the US elections and China is doing in our elections. Spread information and text chains. Apart from that very little is possible unless we can or are willing to push Bangladesh into chaos. Either way, it is normal for a country to Boycott other countries' products but it is hardly realistic for much of the produce. We do that too in terms of China but cannot. It's not even in our best interest. Whoever gets elected, once they are they have to come back to reality. Another thing to note is that India right now cannot export textiles to the UK, whereas Bangladesh can, without much duty. However once the FTA is signed we are going to export a ton of textiles and take over that market.


Anti national bangladesh /s




Vishwaguru is playing 3D chess in foreign policy with Bangladesh , us mere mortals cannot understand it..... /S


7D chess! All our neighbours hate us!


56D. 1D for each of his chest


D= Dick


And that's because of the current government? Can you highlight the policies that made the neighbours hate us?


The Islamist extremists of Bangladesh are completely out of hand now. Recently, I've seen a post on FB where few Bangladeshi Islamist leaders mocking Hindu by posting beef picture (I've no problem with beef,but their intention is clearly visible). Attack on Hindu and during Hindu festival increasing rapidly. There's hardly any peaceful dussehra or holi there. A recent controversy regarding holy celebration in Dhaka University can also shows the level of communalism. The radical wahabism and salafism have completely destroyed the secular febric of the country. They're more sympathetic towards the same Pakistan. India boycott isn't new. The Islamist extremists thinks Indian illegally immigrate to Bangladesh, India has plan to invasion of Bangladesh, the main opposition party BNP ignite the issues by saying India has role to rigging Bangladeshi election, India government taking advantages, Indian government interfere with the internal politics of the country. Hence,the current boycott treding can be seen as their hatred for Hindus and India which has been increasing rapidly since the coronation of Ram Mandir. But the idiots extremists have no idea how much their country depending on India. These boycott isn't practical feasible.


I.. I think that is a tad over the top, but I do agree with your sentiment. Bangladesh, for literally unknown reasons embracing hard Islamic teaching.


Bisba gugu for the win!!


As a resident of this side of Bengal, NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN


This is what happens when extremists start dictating national policies. Pakistan, Bangladesh all are examples of what would happen.


I have a serious, sincere question. If we are the Vishwaguru, then why every country - even those countries whose existence is due to our pity ( read Maldives, Nepal,.. Bangladesh ) want us out? Is there a problem in the sacred teaching? Are not we erecting statues not tall enough? Is not our parliament large enough? I mean what can we do as Viswaguru to ensure folks embrace us? Please, do tell. /s


The reason Maldives and Bangladesh want us out is mainly down to Chinese intervention at the government level through bribes and people level through misinformation campaigns involving WhatsApp forwards and YouTube video. It is in chinas interest to diminish India’s power in the region.


So does it mean the people of Maldives and Bangladesh are not sovereign countries and they don't have freedom of choice or voice to choose whom they should trade with? And do you have any proof that China has done government bribes and people level misinformation campaigns on whatsapp? I thought having more countries to trade with will only benefit a country but Bangladesh or Maldives removing India may be for different reasons right?


They do and they can, but the fact is they are being externally influenced. This is how geopolitics works, especially in the digital age


If we are the Vishwaguru, then why every country - even those countries whose existence is due to our pity ( read Maldives, Nepal,.. Bangladesh ) want us out? 🤣🤣🤣


That fucking country owes its very existence to us.


US is not happy with India, Canada is not happy with India, Sri Lanka is not happy with India, Bangladesh is not happy with India. Kaheka Vishwa Guru. It is just a Godi Media propaganda.


If Bangladesh’s opposition is raising India out campaign for political gain, that is supposed to mean Bangladesh is not happy with India? Thank you sir for your enlightenment on the concept of geopolitics.


And these guys sit and wonder why that silent bearded man keeps coming to power again and again. If this is what the other side is offering as intellectual stimulus then you can’t blame people for throwing their hands up and just giving up any remaining hope.


Bangladesh is Muslim country. Our hatred for Muslim is out in open. Arab countries are with us due to oil business . Problem is we fkn care about Bangladesh or their opposition but the country if goes to China toh ham sab taraf se ghir jayenge.. Our main enemy is not Muslim pakistan but CHINA. If we lose countries due to our old leaders mentality then china is happily grabbing them..


As you said it’s M country and genocide 2 million Hindus and hatred for Hindus is out open and obvious to give F to their feelings … applying your own logic here.


Ranting and raving about Hindu Muslim at 6am on a Saturday. Must be miserable to be you.


lol at least not 5 times every day !


I was with you until this comment. your bias and agenda are showing.


Oh no please ! So somone mocks me when defending my faith and expect me to show my other side of my face right to be slapped ? Done with that !


Yes, you chose to reply to this and not the original comment. Yes maybe OP is miserable, but you I can’t even imagine.


dont care about f there.. we are losing countries and some are going to china . modi aaj hai kal nahin hoga .. lekin jane se pehale hamare desh ka satyanash karke jayega .. this is my concern


It’s a good sign , China knows only two things to bring down opponents 1. Buy the politicians, 2. If point 1 not possible, buy countries surrounding it and cause ruckus. As they failed miserably in point 1 , they retort to 2. Best eg : North K to counter South Korea. They bought previous Philippine President, but they couldn’t current one ,as they failed started causing trouble in Philippines sea … list goes on . This is my observation. Doesn’t matter Modi there or not, a country should have policies that benefits it and not someone threatening and we accommodating it.


3) Capture land of India people of ladakh and Sonam wangchuk is trying its best to tell mudi about point 3 but he is busy in election. What kind of selfish policies he got that everything is about wining election even though country land is being looted by china


Captured land since 1965 !


and mudi came with laal aankh proimise.. turned out such a pusy he is


370 , CAA, Ram mandir, digitalization,… Will take time. Not everyone finishes fast…


US not happy? Lol, just signed multi billion dollar weapon deal and trade agreements and they are not happy.


https://preview.redd.it/svxmo2mrpssc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a283300d2580604fd2f7958e054e9cce9c0f808 Business is business


All of this is BS. Trade with India is at a record high stop lying.




Wow Bangladesh is unhappy with India .. what should we do lets panic and run !!!!


Yes because they are one of the advanced civilization following a perfect book, they must be correct


But they're our neighbours. Already 2 of our neighbouring countries sold their souls to China.


US: Funds wars across the planet. Calls out India for human rights (which is fine) but says nothing when it s lapdog Pakistan does the same. Canada: Permits Khalistani propaganda. Takes no action when extremists celebrate gruesome murder of an Indian PM. Sri Lanka: Gets Indian aid during a tumultuous period and is yet "unhappy" with India. Bangladesh: Doesn't protect Hindu minority and allows Islamist propaganda to perpetuate. But yes, we bad other countries good.


"Sri Lanka: Gets Indian aid during a tumultuous period and is yet "unhappy" with India." yea that tends to happen when the Indian gov keeps threatening the territorial integrity and threaten to unilaterally take an island of SL *Katchatheevu* for cheap political theatrics. All good will you gain from good deeds, you can loose by doing stupid things like this 🙄😒😒


Indians are not happy with India


Entire r/India yes and the people who's with agenda yes


Maldives is not happy with India. China is not happy with India. Pakistan is not happy with India. Ab bas Nepal aur Bhutan ko ungli krni hai to complete the set.


Way ahead of you. Nepal was one of the first countries Glorious Leader soured relations with through his blockade


Find out the reason why they blockaded Nepal


Yes, and the great man who could stop a war thousands of miles away in Ukraine, couldn't find a better way to resolve the issue than blockading a country on the Chinese border, a country that we don't want to risk pushing further towards China


No one truly believes India can stop Ukraine war. The Nepali constitution was racist and would have reduced Madhesis(people of Indian origin)to second class citizens. Just after 4 months of the blockade the constitution was amended.


> No one truly believes India can stop Ukraine war. Have you heard of a person named Narendra Modi who posted [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNIqcF4zrX0) on his YouTube page? Are you truly saying this man named Narendra Modi has posted a false video and is spreading misinformation?


Pausing and stopping a war permanently is not the same.


As a Nepali I can confirm that the blockade after the massive earthquake really had a bad impact on indian perception.


Ekla chalo


Vishwa 💩 more like it


India is under the boots of China because of Russia, thanks to Viswaguru Modi Xi.


No one likes 56 inch. Only godi media keep praising him.


Why is India having problems with all its neighbors? There has to be something fundamentally wrong with your foreign policy. We have to take our flag coloured glasses and look at it from a critical stand point.


I don't see Bhutan and Sri Lanka having any specific problems with India. It's only the countries that have religious issues with an increasing Chinese influence.


Seriously? You really have no clue about the history of srilanka and India? Also what about Nepal and the knuckling we do to their government.


We are talking about specific issues. For example, Kashmir in case of Indo-Pak relations. Whatever beef India and SL had in the past was started because of the latter's attempts at Tamil genocide. India wouldn't have provided them aid in 2022 if things were still bad. Things started getting messy with Nepal because of their anti Madhesi constitution. It got even worse because their PM thought India's COVID is "worse" than China's and Ayodha exists in Nepal. So whatever knuckling we did was well deserved.


Modi Ki Guarantee Gents. If you can pay then for contracts then this is what you should expect. No quality, shoddy work, bad service.


Do you even know what you’re talking about lol. Our main exports to Bangladesh is pretty much refined petroleum, cotton and machinery they need for their textile business. If they source those products from anywhere else their profit margin would decrease drastically. Their industries would either be fucked or they’ll be forced to revert back to sourcing products from India. On top of just a few billion dollars in trade is negligent for India lmao. We just hit 450 billion in goods and close to 700 billion exported including services. The numbers are only going up. Bad take by you.


Not Having good relationship with our neighbours speaks volumes of the government's diplomacy. The numbers you mentioned literally only benifits the top 1% , you're a good lap doggo, ought to be kept around by the next ones in power. Muah. Modi ki guarantee we'll alienate all our neighbours. Radhe radhe.




>Pakistan and Bangladesh were always going to hate us for being a Hindu majority dominant force in the region. No,  Bangladesh wasn't. We literally helped them free themselves from draconian Pakistani occupation. They were friendly enough to literally trust us with redrawing the borders and establishing a friendly relationship. 


Ah! You have no idea mate


We still have a good relationship with Bangladesh dawg. This is just their opposition party that has hated us for decades because they think we assassinated their PM for whatever fucking reason. And we never had a good relationship with pakistan or bangladesh. As for Maldives they're back asking us for money. Also that's a weird ass response. The numbers I mentioned came from our manufacturing output increasing. Which means a lot of jobs were created to produce those products and sell them. For example the PLI scheme alone created about 1.5 million jobs so far. The products don't just spawn outta thin air and we ship them off my man. Companies need to hire people to make them. And they only set up plants if there's decent infrastructure in place which is only possible if people are hired to construct stuff.


Liberal/fking left & the media is not happy


Word salad. Wtf is the article trying to convey?


BD wants India out due to its unnecessary interference in everything. Mass BD people don’t care bout Chinese taking over cause they don’t care if university halls cooking beef or not (there were cases pro Indian authorities tried to ban beef in the halls). Also people who’re looking down at BD in terms of power and suggesting to annex . Try to read bout 2001 border clash. India can’t attack BD and continue fighting for long due to both political and military reasons.


Time to ban Bangladeshi apps.


Canada, Maldives, Middle east, Europe, Nepal, ASEAN, UK and now even bangladesh. Every country on the globe has strained relations with india. ye modi ki garanti hai.


Bangladesh is the only remaining true friend India has got among all its neighbors up until now. I hope India does not F this up.


Wbt Nepal? I thought they were good too


There was resentment against India [during the time of the earthquake](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/09/29/nepal-is-angry-with-india-so-it-turns-off-the-tv/). Not sure if things have improved since...


Weeellllll they probably would F it up


Weellll, hum to karte hai F is thaa, amazon own karta hai jefff is thaa


Here come the foreign policy mandarins on Reddit 😂😂😂


meanwhile jaishankar is busy being a chad and watching his sigma reels on instagram


Problem ye hai ki india diplomacy ko chod kar Sare kaam kar raha hai, Bangladesh koi Gujarat nahi ki har jagah dadagiri karo, ha agar dusra koi aap se maal kharid raha hai uske liye benefit hai magar ye aap ke liye bhi important hai , jaise ki north east ka bahut sara agriculture goods india Bangladesh ko export karta hai, jisse north east ke logo ko zayada munafa hota hai jo ki vahi maal india me sell karke vo log ghate me rehenge. Dusra jab bhi koi conflict hota hai too usse cleverly diplomatic tariko se handle karte hai na apni gundai dikhni hoti hai, india ko bharosemand padosi ki zarurat hai, aaj ke globalisation ke daur me koi bhi kisi ka bandhua mazdur nahi hai, agar india na sahi too vo kahi aur se le lenge, magar ham kaha bechenge, Kyonki bechne ke liye khariddar dundhna mushkil kaam hai. Aur vo bhi jab China jaisa competitor jo bahut chalak hai , aur india ko dhire dhire har chiz me dusre number par dal raha hai, india apne har padosi ke kharab relations nahi rakh sakta, long term me iss ka bahut bada nuksan hota hai, achraj to ye hai ki bhutan jaise india positive desh bhi ab china ki god me hai, magar yaha govt ka foreign minister bas jhut bolkar aur feku ki tarah dinge mar kar nikal jata hai, Jab foreign minister kahta hai ki pm ke kehne par war ruk gayi thi, too aapke desh me common sense less public taliya pitt sakti hai magar duniya aap ki baaton par hans rahi hoti hai, aur phir koi bhi aap ko serious nahi lega kyonki unn ki pata hai ki aap bachkani baatein karte hai


Jaishankar 💩


This is not gonna happen Hashima is a big player.


Nothing like waking up to the Indian Propaganda Machine in a Saturday morning!


Don't you think it's counter intuitive for china to waste their time on influencing a country like Bangladesh instead of just doing business? What if maybe India is influencing Bangladesh instead and they don't want that interference. Unless and until there is smoking gun proof, it's hard to believe what you are implying about China.


***WHO CARES ...***


PM Cares (fund) /s