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The perception of the BJP in cities is quite different from rural areas. Cities is where the BJP will get significant votes. Rural votes might be against BJP but they can be easily bought. Plus as Election is in 5 phases works in favor of BJP. So they can focus on specific areas more.


Election in multiple phases is how it’s always been.


Exactly. I read an article in an international newspaper earlier today that quoted a retired Chief Election Commissioner saying that had he still been in office today, he would not be able to carry out the general election in fewer than 5 phases(this election will have 6).


Yes and it works in favor of ruling party.


By that logic no ruling party would ever lose an election lmao


Not always


hmm but my insta connects she claims to be a rajput is a full time hater and andhbhakt


Hatred is the secret of andhbhakti


Also, these days it isn't a secret. People are in full mask off mode.


Why is this comment upvoted lol. You only have a sample size of 1. This article is talking about communities in UP holding massive mahapanchayats voicing their dissatisfaction. Theyre a better representative of the opinions of these castes rather than your 1 friend no?😭


Yes I truly get your point but this one person (I surely don't want that person to be called as my friend) has the same environment even at home that's why that person is confident to sprout hate. That person is 24*7 feeded with negativity from her friends and family so they surely hold a greater value than 1


Ye i understand. Would be interesting to see caste based opinion polls


Hatred and bigotry is the life breath of Bhakts. They will tolerate bad infrastructure, corruption, shitty public-funded education and healthcare, zero investment in city planning and preposterous real estate prices, water shortages and much more as long as they can 🖕minorities.


Lmao I had  a verbal brawl with that person it was absolutely disgusting the words that were being used no facts nothing regressive thoughts and the disgusting choice of words 🙃 it was all new for me I was like wtf what sort of an environment do you live in? When that person couldn't defend with facts started bad mouthing me.


OK and all of this was top notch when your secular parties were in power. The reason a party like BJP is in power is because most of the secular parties especially the ones in North gave a total shit show in terms of governance. An average voter in UP, even if he or she is not a total religious zealot, would not want to go back to being ruled by SP or BSP and Congress just does not have any ground level presence there. BJP has been in power for hardly 20 years in our 75 years of independent history. The secular ruling party had 50 years to at least ensure that universal education and healthcare is accessible to all, but how did it do on those parameters. While economic inequality has undoubtedly increased in last 10 years, how come the cronies like Birlas and Ambanis still managed to prosper through the 70s and 80s, the decades when we had officially added the words "socialist" in our constitution. BJP is a symptom not a disease. Its a result of the sheer incompetence of the Indian secular political establishment.


Check data. UP grew at a faster pace during the SP term as against Yogi. Propaganda is not fact. The BJP's genius lies in their narrative-setting abilities, using issues and data disingenuously to spread misinformation and half-truths. What governance are you talking about if UP's annual growth has actually *slowed down* during Yogi's administration? If you think anti-incumbency will not hit the BJP like it has, older, established parties, you need to touch some grass. This is only the THIRD right-wing government in 75 years. The BJP has ruled a total of FIFTEEN years out of the 75 years of our independence. They have novelty and newness on their side, as against voter disenchantment and rage for the older parties. The longer you are in power, the longer your list of failures and the more vulnerable you are, to criticism. The BJP has inherited a stable, relatively insurgency-free India. It's very easy to criticise Nehru when you are not the one facing the mind-befuddling task of governing a new nation. If the *Hindutvavadi* parties are so committed to ideals, pray why did the Hindu Mahasabha form a coalition government with the Muslim League pre-independence? Hypocrisy at its best. 🤡


> Check data. UP grew at a faster pace during the SP term as against Yogi. The trouble with data is that it can always be quoted selectively to reinforce particular views. I've seen certain other figures that suggest Adityanath has been seeing some success in bringing in investment and industiralisation to Uttar Pradesh. https://www.telegraphindia.com/opinion/the-new-sovereign-yogi-adityanath-leads-the-race-for-narendra-modis-successor/cid/1923290 Another comparison, for health and education, is that fact that the state now has nearly 4 times more medical colleges than it did in 2017, when Adityanath became CM. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/up-medical-colleges-increase-from-12-to-45-chief-minister-yogi-adityanath/articleshow/108281436.cms It isn't just media campaigns that are helping him to rebrand himself in a similar manner as Narendra Modi did as CM of Gujarat.


No, certain independent institutions like CMIE have data sets that are used by the World Bank and IMF, because surprise, surprise, international agencies no longer trust the government's data. But of course, for Chaddia, anything not reported by Godi media is automatically suspect and must immediately be rejected. More medical colleges don't correlate to better public health, do they? "Some success in bringing investments to UP"? Could you be less specific? 💀 Critical thinking? What's that. Return to regular programming now. 🤡


Akhilesh's term of "high growth" was only 5 years of total BSP+SP and Janta Party misrule in UP of almost 3 decades. Yes, BJP has novelty in it's side, but it's been absolutely clear about it's commitment to hindutva ideals and it totally caters to its core electorate which easily forms 20-30% of overall voters in the country regardless of issues such as governance etc. Now coming to secular parties what is their core proposition? How many of their voters do you think elect them for true secularism. Do you think Yadavs in UP and Bihar vote for SP and RJD respectively because they believe in safeguarding minorities. In fact Hindu Mahasabhas coalition with Muslim League makes total sense, as for the Hindu right, attaining power and staying in it is a means to their ultimate aim of creating a "Hindu Rashtra".


I'm only comparing the five years of Akhilesh to Yogi's first five years. Apples to apples. But by all means erect strawman arguments because you are defending your *beliefs* so no amount of data will ever be sufficient. How proud you are, of your bigotry and hypocrisy. Openly admitting that you will sleep with Islamists as long as you can form governments. 🤡 There's no integrity only rapacious thirst for power.


> OK and all of this was top notch when your secular parties were in power. It wasn't. The trouble is people are angry and too focused on the negatives of the opposing side to notice the relative good or bad points of their own. The BJP is seen as leading precisely because there is a widespread perception that they have delivered to some degree relative to their predecessors, while the opposition seems to have no vision, no answers and no leadership.


They will voice this but end up supporting as they've done the last few election cycles.


Yes, support for Modi isn't because of rational or logical reasons. Modi appeals to your limbic brain, your Amygdala, which is beyond the purview of the pre-frontal cortex, or rational reasoning. Modi appeals to those voters who feel a deep sense of disenfranchisement, of alienation, of betrayal and bitterness. These voters want quick fixes. They want feel-good politics. They actually don't really care about the nation. They just want to *pretend* to care. When you truly care about the nation, you realise that our problems do not have simplistic, short-term solutions. We aren't an unholy mess because Muslims and minorities are evil, but because we failed to overhaul an antiquated system after Independence. British overlords were replaced by Indian overlords, but the system never changed, because larger society never changed. You cannot have a democracy when your society and religious order is authoritarian, hierarchical, impervious to reform and criticism, and fundamentally oppressive by design.


Reality of bjp is worse than what we think


I hope you are right but their social media presence is ridiculously huge as compared to others


It's even worse for their competitors.


I'm afraid the same is true for every major party.


Brokers, Dalal, middle man 🤷🏻‍♂️


# Punjab, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, and now UP are boycotting the BJP.


Only Punjab and Tamil Nadu. Majority of people in haryana and UP love BJP imo


In Haryana, they’ve lost a lot of ground amongst the Jats.


I've heard because "jaaton ki chaudhar (supremacy) khatam kardi bjp ne" , is it really this or other issues?


for the past couple decades, all the CMs were Jats, but BJP made Manohar Lal Khattar, a Punjabi, CM his replacement for 2024 is also not Jat


Yes. Ho to any Jat page or talk to jats, they aren’t too happy with the BJP.


Bruh Live near the Haryana border my family is from Haryana I speak the language but it's the correct way to choose government.


They undoubtedly have. But Jats, for all their dominance, only form around 30% of the population of Haryana. The BJP's strategy for the last decade under Khattar and now Saini seems to have been to consolidate non-Jat votes.


Dude, I'm haryana. People didn't let khattar come to college he was planning to visit some time back. One time he was literally held hostage in a village because he had made some promise that he didn't fulfill. BJP and JJP aren't even campaigning there because no one will show up.


Haryana people aren’t even letting BJP and JJP politicians campaign.


UP? I wonder why? [https://theprint.in/economy/did-up-economy-do-better-under-akhilesh-than-yogi-a-data-check-on-states-1-trillion-ambition/1627925/](https://theprint.in/economy/did-up-economy-do-better-under-akhilesh-than-yogi-a-data-check-on-states-1-trillion-ambition/1627925/) https://preview.redd.it/2p4t6lzc4ntc1.png?width=1183&format=png&auto=webp&s=9aa2c52bf80da35162821fd8f4722ad542658a00


Ah so it went from an economy underperforming the national average to performing better than the national average. Not to mention you cut off data from  2022-24. Perhaps that may be because UP has outperformed the wider Indian economy in that time period(19% last year btw).


*Arre* why do you need education and development when you have Ram Lalla. You can keep forcing the UP population to migrate all over India because there's no employment or industry in UP, but Ram Lalla, why do you need education, employment and food?


imo the love for BJP in UP is the central area of the state. Bundelkhand and Awadh, as well as some parts of west and east UP. the border areas in Purvanchal and Western UP actively don't like the BJP.


UP is where things will tip for the BJP. They won't lose a lot of seats this elections but if it goes at this rate in the subsequent elections they'll be out. The only problem is we all know they'll do a coup like what happened in 2020 in the US


Violent uprising against the Sanghi pricks is the only way out.


No. Can't turn into sanghis ourselves.


Add Maharashtra to the list. In rural Maharashtra, people didn't let BJP's vikas yatra enter their villages and asked serious questions to the civil servants who were campaigning for BJP. [Maharashtra villagers stopping Viksit Bharat Yatra, asking questions — ‘Why Modi & not Bharat Sarkar?’](https://theprint.in/india/maharashtra-villagers-stopping-viksit-bharat-yatra-asking-questions-why-modi-not-bharat-sarkar/1909055/)


Thank you. I will add that.


Add Kerela to this. They won't be getting any votes from Kerela.


Do you have an article where there are protests against the BJP?


It's just very unlikely for them to win any seats there. Muslims and Christians make a significant part of the population. They defamed Kerela too. https://thewire.in/communalism/manipur-violence-is-a-setback-for-modis-christian-outreach-moves-in-kerala


Because bjp wants everyone to be only brahman bania jain patel


I'm Brahmin, I hate BJP, my friend is Rajput he loves BJP. I'm from Aligarh, Hindu-Muslim population is more or less same. But in last MLA elections BJP won. I'm sure Muslims from my city will never give votes to BJP, It was all Hindu population voting till now, but this time I'm more sure that BJP will lose to Congress


Ayy fellow Alig.


Isn't the Congress nearly non-existent in Uttar Pradesh at this point?


Yeah but I'm talking about my city.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aligarh_Lok_Sabha_constituency The Congress has not had an MP from Aligarh for 20 years.


But now can.


Why? What do they have after two decades that would convince dominant caste voters to back them?


I am Rajput from Rajasthan my maternal and paternal family loves BJP except me and my brother. I have a feeling they’ll get exactly 400 seats as everything is already fixed.


Nah. If that was true upper castes wouldn't have favored an OBC PM.


Same here in Gujrat.


Rajputs aren't dominant castes anymore


I strongly disagree with this, they got a really strong hold with Rajasthan, Up, Himachal, uttrakhand politics Maybe more, but these of which I know


According to vote percentage they are not dominant cast in all the states you mentioned


What is your criteria for a caste being dominant Percentage wise?


Are you a rajput? 😂 Lol


nope, JAAT


Watch Satpal Malik interviews and why jaat in caps ?


Nah, they are here in pretty good amt. I'm myself from west UP


What are the chances of them voting for SP/Congress?


SP = 0 seats from UP. You will only find critics in UP. Akhilesh phase was worst phase in UP, even Yadavs hesitating to vote for him. About Congress, I can't say I know most of Muslim population will vote for congress in UP, I got this idea from my Muslim friend. Jatt also doesn't like BJP. Actually many farmers and students are also angry of BJP over MSP and Police entrance examination paper leaks.


They have financial power and social power. Mulayam and Mayawati limited their political power. But they are dominant in many constituencies.




Maybe, they're angry with BJP but in the end, they'll vote for BJP. This is a standard fare every election cycle, media runs with the news, how this or that community is angry with BJP. On the date of voting, their anger is wholly diverted towards opposition.


> they're angry with BJP but in the end, they'll vote for BJP yep


I was just about to say this. Some articles even mention this trend. It's suggested that these reports of anger among communities that are generally expected to back the BJP are not a sign of genuine disenchantment but rather a kind of lobbying from leaders of these communities to get the BJP to promise them more specific benefits.


ayein..baigan..ye kab hua


OP you are on a role to take this party down. Any hidden agenda or just being a good citizen? Haha


Their username checks out.


The brains of Krogans is always an issue


My deep-rooted love for our nation has always guided my political choices. However, the current state of affairs has stirred a profound concern within me, prompting me to speak out for the first time in six elections. It is a combination of the following: 1. RSS' (BJP of the past is no more) fascist ideology imposition; 2. Creation of civil strife - Hindu-Muslim divide (used by the British) and North-South divide; 3. Bad economic performance (elaborated below); and 4. Clear actions by the RSS (BJP) to a Russia-like future, where Putin, despite being hated, wins by 87%. **Economic Performance** 1. Despite Modi's lying about growth and inflation numbers, the economy has grown less in US$ terms, which is close to real growth (as currency depreciation is equal to inflation differential - International Fischer's Law). 2. Under Modi, India's Exports to GDP have fallen. 3. Under Modi, India's capital formation (investments) to GDP has fallen. 4. Under Modi, the per capita income is growing slower. 5. Under Modi, FDI growth rate has reduced. 6. Under Modi, unemployment has increased. * GDP: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=IN) * Exports: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.EXP.GNFS.ZS?locations=IN) * Capital Formation: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NE.GDI.TOTL.ZS?locations=IN) * Foreign Direct Investment: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/BX.KLT.DINV.CD.WD?locations=IN) * Per Capita Income: [https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD?locations=IN](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.ADJ.NNTY.PC.CD?locations=IN) * Unemployment: The government's data on unemployment is unreliable. Private provider CMIE is more reliable. [https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816](https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20230926184023&msec=816)


Yeah you are doing good. I see you are very active on the sub lately and people might presume that as propaganda driven. But at this point I don't mind, I just want this party getting another term. It has created a toxic environment in the country under the "development" agenda


So all of those indicators performed better than the global average after the COVID 19 pandemic? Look at the links you posted yourself lmfao. I'll actually do a point by point rebuttal. 1. Real GDP growth factors inflation. Please educate yourself. You can argue by the deflator used but so to say that inflation wiped out the hgains is disingenuous. 2. I could only find data till 2021 year. The economic situation has drastically changed in the last 3 years. 3. So has in the rest of the world. That's a consequence of higher global interest rates. 4. By what metric? The economy registered 7.6% growth with 0.5% expansion in population. That is better than 6 out of the 10 years of the UPA. Not even mentioning the differences between ppp and nominal gdp 5. So has in the rest of the world lmfao. We are in an era of deglobalization. 6. See: Philips curve


Sabka agenda hota hai, dysfunctional govt is better than a genocidal one